コード例 #1
  private void step3ValidateSignatureForV() throws Exception {
    ECCParameters secp160r1 = ECCTestHelper.getSecp160r1(injector);

    MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
    String H = ByteArrayHelper.toHex(md.digest());

    // Convert H to a bit string
    String bitStringE = ECCTestHelper.toBitStringFromHexString(H);

    // Convert the bit string to a hex string
    String hexStringE = ECCTestHelper.toHexStringFromBitString(bitStringE);

    BigInteger e = new BigInteger(hexStringE, 16);

    // Compute u1
    BigInteger u1 =
        e.multiply(s.modPow(BigInteger.ONE.negate(), secp160r1.getN())).mod(secp160r1.getN());

    // Does u1 match our expectation?
    BigInteger expectedU1 = new BigInteger("126492345237556041805390442445971246551226394866", 10);

    if (!u1.equals(expectedU1)) {
      // No, throw an exception
      throw new Exception("Failed at 2.1.4 4.  u1 didn't match.");

    // Compute u2
    BigInteger u2 =
        r.multiply(s.modPow(BigInteger.ONE.negate(), secp160r1.getN())).mod(secp160r1.getN());

    // Does u2 match our expectation?
    BigInteger expectedU2 = new BigInteger("642136937233451268764953375477669732399252982122", 10);

    if (!u2.equals(expectedU2)) {
      // No, throw an exception
      throw new Exception("Failed at 2.1.4 4.  u2 didn't match.");

    // Compute R = (xR, yR) = u1G + u2Qu
    ECCPoint u1G = secp160r1.getG().multiply(u1);
    ECCPoint u2Qu = Qu.multiply(u2);

    ECCPoint R = u1G.add(u2Qu);

    // Validate that R is what we expect
    BigInteger expectedXr = new BigInteger("1176954224688105769566774212902092897866168635793", 10);
    BigInteger expectedYr = new BigInteger("1130322298812061698910820170565981471918861336822", 10);

    // Are the points equal?
    if (!R.getX().toBigInteger().equals(expectedXr)) {
      // No, throw an exception
      throw new Exception("Failed at 2.1.4 5.3.  xR didn't match.");

    if (!R.getY().toBigInteger().equals(expectedYr)) {
      // No, throw an exception
      throw new Exception("Failed at 2.1.4 5.3.  yR didn't match.");

    // v = xR mod n
    BigInteger v = R.getX().toBigInteger().mod(secp160r1.getN());

    // Validate that v is what we expect
    BigInteger expectedV = new BigInteger("1176954224688105769566774212902092897866168635793", 10);

    if (!v.equals(expectedV)) {
      // No, throw an exception
      throw new Exception("Failed at 2.1.4 7.  v didn't match");

    // Validate that v == r, are they equal?
    if (!v.equals(R.getX().toBigInteger())) {
      // No, throw an exception
      throw new Exception("Failed at 2.1.4 8.  v != r");

    // The message is valid
コード例 #2
  private void step2SigningOperationForU() throws Exception {
    ECCParameters secp160r1 = ECCTestHelper.getSecp160r1(injector);

    // Selected k value
    BigInteger k = new BigInteger("702232148019446860144825009548118511996283736794", 10);

    // Compute R = (xR, yR) = k * G
    R = secp160r1.getG().multiply(k);

    // Validate R
    BigInteger xR = new BigInteger("1176954224688105769566774212902092897866168635793", 10);
    BigInteger yR = new BigInteger("1130322298812061698910820170565981471918861336822", 10);

    // Does xR match?
    BigInteger RX = R.getX().toBigInteger();

    if (!RX.equals(xR)) {
      // No, throw an exception
      throw new Exception(
          "Failed at 2.1.3 1.2, R doesn't match xR.  Expected "
              + xR.toString(16)
              + ", got "
              + RX.toString(16));

    // Does yR match?
    BigInteger RY = R.getY().toBigInteger();

    if (!RY.equals(yR)) {
      // No, throw an exception
      throw new Exception(
          "Failed at 2.1.3 1.2, R doesn't match yR.  Expected "
              + yR.toString(16)
              + ", got "
              + RY.toString(16));

    // Derive an integer r from xR (mod n)
    r =
        new BigInteger("1176954224688105769566774212902092897866168635793", 10)

    // Is r zero?
    if (r.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
      // Yes, r cannot be zero
      throw new Exception("Failed at 2.1.3 3.2.  r cannot be zero.");

    // Validate r as an octet string
    String rOctetString = "ce2873e5be449563391feb47ddcba2dc16379191";
    String rString = r.toString(16);

    // Is it correct?
    if (!ECCTestHelper.compare(rString, rOctetString)) {
      // No, throw an exception
      throw new Exception("Failed at 2.1.3 3.3.  Expected " + rOctetString + ", got " + rString);

    // Hash the message with SHA-1
    MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
    String H = ByteArrayHelper.toHex(md.digest());

    // Validate the message hash
    String expectedMessageHash = "a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d";

    // Is the hash what we expected?
    if (!ECCTestHelper.compare(H, expectedMessageHash)) {
      // No, throw an exception
      throw new Exception("Failed at 2.1.3 4.  Expected " + expectedMessageHash + ", got " + H);

    // Derive e from H

    // Convert H to a bit string
    String bitStringH = ECCTestHelper.toBitStringFromHexString(H);

    // Validate the bit string
    String expectedBitString =
        "10101001 10011001 00111110 00110110 01000111 00000110 10000001 01101010 10111010 00111110 00100101 01110001 01111000 01010000 11000010 01101100 10011100 11010000 11011000 10011101";

    // Are they equal?
    if (!ECCTestHelper.compare(bitStringH, expectedBitString)) {
      // No, throw an exception
      throw new Exception(
          "Failed at 2.1.3 5.1.  Expected " + expectedBitString + ", got " + bitStringH);

    int lengthCheckValue = bitStringH.length() % 8;

    // TODO - Validate that this is what we should be checking.  The notation is a bit unclear to me
    // in the docs.
    if (lengthCheckValue != 0) {
      // No, throw an exception
      throw new Exception("Failed at 2.1.3 5.2.  Length of bit string for H must be 0 (mod 8).");

    // Set E string to H string since length H mod 8 equals 0
    String bitStringE = new String(bitStringH);

    // Convert from the bit string to a hex string
    String hexStringE = ECCTestHelper.toHexStringFromBitString(bitStringE);

    // Validate the hex string
    String expectedHexString = "A9993E364706816ABA3E25717850C26C9CD0D89D";

    // Are they equal?
    if (!ECCTestHelper.compare(hexStringE, expectedHexString)) {
      // No, throw an exception
      throw new Exception(
          "Failed at 2.1.3 5.3.  Expected " + expectedHexString + ", got " + hexStringE);

    BigInteger E = new BigInteger(hexStringE, 16);

    // Validate that E is the correct value
    BigInteger expectedE = new BigInteger("968236873715988614170569073515315707566766479517", 10);

    // Are they equal?
    if (!expectedE.equals(E)) {
      // No, throw an exception
      throw new Exception("Failed at 2.1.3 5.4.  Expected " + expectedE + ", got " + E);

    // Step 6: Compute the integer s.

    // s = k^-1(e + dU * r) (mod n)
    s =
        k.modPow(BigInteger.ONE.negate(), secp160r1.getN())

    // Validate that s is not zero (mod n)

    // Is it zero (mod n)?
    if (s.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
      // Yes, throw an exception
      throw new Exception("s cannot be zero (mod n)");

    // Validate that s is the value we expect
    BigInteger expectedS = new BigInteger("299742580584132926933316745664091704165278518100", 10);

    // Is it equal to the value we expect?
    if (!s.equals(expectedS)) {
      // No, throw an exception
      throw new Exception("Failed at 2.1.3 6.1.  Expected " + expectedS + ", got " + s);

    // Validate the octet string representation of the signature
    String expectedSOctetString = "3480EC371A091A464B31CE47DF0CB8AA2D98B54";

    // Are they equal?
    if (ECCTestHelper.compare(s.toString(16), expectedSOctetString)) {
      // No, throw an exception
      throw new Exception("Failed at 2.1.3 6.3.  Expected " + expectedSOctetString + ", got " + s);