/* * Waits for specified text to appear on the specified target * */ public static void waitForText(String target, String text, DefaultSelenium sClient) throws Exception { byte count = 0; while (!sClient.getText(target).matches(text)) { Thread.sleep(1000); count++; if (count > 30) throw new Exception("Text not found"); } }
@Test public void testOpenHomePage() throws Exception { String welcomeMsg = defaultSelenium.getText("//div[@class='header']/p"); String twitterImg = "//img[@alt='Twitter.com']"; Assert.assertEquals("hello R2D2", welcomeMsg); defaultSelenium.click("//div[@class='content']/div/p/a"); Assert.assertNotNull(twitterImg); // defaultSelenium.wait(20000); // defaultSelenium.click("//input[@id='username_or_email']"); defaultSelenium.type("Username or Email:", "testmona1234"); }
/* * Insert and model a Single Device on the specified class * @author Alvaro Rivera * @param name Name or IP of the device to add * @param dClass Class where to add the device * @param snmpComm SNMP Community of the device * @param Selenium client connection * @return Boolean true if the device was successfully added or false in other way * @throws Generic Exception */ public static boolean addDevice( String name, String dClass, String snmpComm, DefaultSelenium sClient) throws Exception { sClient.click("link=Infrastructure"); sClient.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); Thread.sleep(8000); sClient.click("//table[@id='adddevice-button']/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/em"); Thread.sleep(1500); sClient.click("//a[@id='addsingledevice-item']"); Thread.sleep(7000); sClient.type("//input[@id='add-device-name']", name); sClient.click("//input[@id='add-device_class']"); Thread.sleep(5000); sClient.click("//div//div[31]"); sClient.getText("//div//div[text() = '" + dClass + "']"); sClient.click("link=More..."); Thread.sleep(2000); sClient.type("ext-comp-1156", snmpComm); sClient.click("//table[@id='addsingledevice-submit']/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]"); Thread.sleep(5000); sClient.click("//*[contains(text(), 'View Job Log')]"); sClient.waitForPageToLoad("120000"); waitForElement("Job completed at", sClient); boolean result = true; if (sClient.isTextPresent("Traceback")) { result = false; throw new Exception("There is tracebacks presents on the Model's process log"); } else if (sClient.isTextPresent("Error")) { result = false; throw new Exception("There is Error presents on the Model's process log"); } return result; }