public final void verifyAccess(TitanVertex... vertices) { verifyOpen(); for (TitanVertex v : vertices) { Preconditions.checkArgument(v instanceof InternalVertex, "Invalid vertex: %s", v); if (!(v instanceof SystemType) && this != ((InternalVertex) v).tx()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The vertex or type is not associated with this transaction [" + v + "]"); if (v.isRemoved()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The vertex or type has been removed [" + v + "]"); } }
@Override public Iterator<TitanElement> getNew(final StandardElementQuery query) { Preconditions.checkArgument( query.getType() == StandardElementQuery.Type.VERTEX || query.getType() == StandardElementQuery.Type.EDGE); if (query.getType() == StandardElementQuery.Type.VERTEX && hasModifications()) { // Collect all keys from the query - ASSUMPTION: query is an AND of KeyAtom final Set<TitanKey> keys = Sets.newHashSet(); KeyAtom<TitanKey> standardIndexKey = null; for (KeyCondition<TitanKey> cond : query.getCondition().getChildren()) { KeyAtom<TitanKey> atom = (KeyAtom<TitanKey>) cond; if (atom.getRelation() == Cmp.EQUAL && isVertexIndexProperty(atom.getKey())) standardIndexKey = atom; keys.add(atom.getKey()); } Iterator<TitanVertex> vertices; if (standardIndexKey == null) { Set<TitanVertex> vertexSet = Sets.newHashSet(); for (TitanRelation r : addedRelations.getView( new Predicate<InternalRelation>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable InternalRelation relation) { return keys.contains(relation.getType()); } })) { vertexSet.add(((TitanProperty) r).getVertex()); } for (TitanRelation r : deletedRelations.values()) { if (keys.contains(r.getType())) { TitanVertex v = ((TitanProperty) r).getVertex(); if (!v.isRemoved()) vertexSet.add(v); } } vertices = vertexSet.iterator(); } else { vertices = Iterators.transform( newVertexIndexEntries .get(standardIndexKey.getCondition(), standardIndexKey.getKey()) .iterator(), new Function<TitanProperty, TitanVertex>() { @Nullable @Override public TitanVertex apply(@Nullable TitanProperty o) { return o.getVertex(); } }); } return (Iterator) Iterators.filter( vertices, new Predicate<TitanVertex>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable TitanVertex vertex) { return query.matches(vertex); } }); } else if (query.getType() == StandardElementQuery.Type.EDGE && !addedRelations.isEmpty()) { return (Iterator) addedRelations .getView( new Predicate<InternalRelation>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable InternalRelation relation) { return (relation instanceof TitanEdge) && !relation.isHidden() && query.matches(relation); } }) .iterator(); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected type: " + query.getType()); }