private LanguageNode handleAndFunction(FunctionCall fc) { // and functions take incomplete simple parts and turn them into complete parts, if so desired ArrayList<Part> incompletes = new ArrayList<Part>(); ArrayList<ExpressionNode> ok = new ArrayList<ExpressionNode>(); ArrayList<Part> subparts = new ArrayList<Part>(); for (ExpressionNode en : fc.getParameters()) { Part p = state.get(en); if (p == null || p.isComplete()) { ok.add(en); if (p != null) subparts.add(p); continue; } incompletes.add(p); } if (incompletes.isEmpty()) return fc; // now we have the problem of a mishmash of incompletes. some may be complex, some may be // simple // some may be collections. we need to handle cases like the following: // (a = 1) and (b = 2) {a,b} (1 key) // (a = 1) and (b = 2 or b = 3) {a,b} (2 keys) // (a = 1 or a = 2) and (b = 3) {a,b} (2 keys) // (a = 1 or a = 2) and (b = 3 or b = 4) {a,b} (4 keys here) // all of the above, where the result is still not complete due to missing tenant column MultiMap<Part, ColumnKey> needed = new MultiMap<Part, ColumnKey>(); MultiMap<ColumnKey, Part> classified = new MultiMap<ColumnKey, Part>(); for (Part p : incompletes) { ListSet<ColumnKey> has = new ListSet<ColumnKey>(); has.addAll(p.getColumns()); needed.putAll(p, parent.getNeeded(has)); for (ColumnKey ck : has) { classified.put(ck, p); } } // so let's say we have a part that is (a = 1 and b = 2), needs c and tenant, and we have a // part // that is c in (1,2,3). The needed for (a = 1 and b = 2) is {c,tenant}. we'll pull (c in // (1,2,3)) // so we'll get at least (a = 1 and b = 2 and c = 3) or (a = 1 and b =2 and c = 3) ... // these we can then individually try to complete. while (!needed.isEmpty()) { combineParts(needed, classified, ok, subparts); } for (Part p : subparts) state.put(p.getParent(), p); if (ok.size() == 1) return ok.get(0); else { // what's left is a mix of unrelated and complete or incomplete subexprs. unrelated nodes // would come in from above, as would previously complete. return new FunctionCall(FunctionName.makeAnd(), ok); } }
protected ListSet<Part> getCompletedParts() { if (stopped) return null; ListSet<Part> cols = new ListSet<Part>(); for (Part p : completedParts) { if (p instanceof OredParts) cols.add(p); } completedParts.removeAll(cols); for (Part p : cols) { for (Part sp : p.getParts()) { completedParts.remove(sp); } } completedParts.addAll(cols); return completedParts; }
private Part buildNewComplexPart(Part lp, Part rp) { ListSet<Part> allParts = new ListSet<Part>(); allParts.addAll(lp.getParts()); allParts.addAll(rp.getParts()); FunctionCall andCall = new FunctionCall( FunctionName.makeAnd(), Functional.apply(allParts, Part.castToExpression)); AndedParts cp = parent.buildAndedParts(andCall, allParts); if (parent.isComplete(cp)) { setComplete(cp); } else if (!parent.isComplete(cp)) { AndedParts ncp = parent.maybeMakeComplete(cp); if (ncp != null) { setComplete(ncp); return ncp; } } return cp; }
private Part choosePartForAndCombo(ListSet<Part> in) { Part out = null; for (Part p : in) { if (p instanceof OredParts) { out = p; break; } } if (out == null) out = in.get(0); return out; }
public static SelectStatement filterEntryProjection(SelectStatement in, PartitionEntry jre) throws PEException { PartitionEntry actual = jre.getActualEntry(); SelectStatement expecting = null; if (actual instanceof OriginalPartitionEntry) expecting = ((OriginalPartitionEntry) actual).getChildCopy(); else expecting = actual.getJoinQuery(null); ListSet<ColumnKey> ec = new ListSet<ColumnKey>(); for (ExpressionNode en : expecting.getProjection()) { ExpressionNode targ = ExpressionUtils.getTarget(en); if (targ instanceof ColumnInstance) { ColumnKey was = ((ColumnInstance) targ).getColumnKey(); ColumnKey isnow = in.getMapper().copyColumnKeyForward(was); if (isnow == null) { throw new SchemaException(Pass.PLANNER, "Lost column during lookup table join"); } ec.add(isnow); } else if (targ instanceof FunctionCall) { ExpressionNode exn = targ; RewriteKey rk = in.getMapper().mapExpressionToColumn(exn); while (rk == null && (exn.getParent() instanceof ExpressionNode)) { exn = (ExpressionNode) exn.getParent(); rk = in.getMapper().mapExpressionToColumn(exn); } if (rk != null) { ec.add((ColumnKey) rk); } } } for (Iterator<ExpressionNode> iter = in.getProjectionEdge().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ExpressionNode en = ExpressionUtils.getTarget(; if (en instanceof ColumnInstance) { ColumnKey ck = ((ColumnInstance) en).getColumnKey(); if (!ec.contains(ck)) iter.remove(); } } return in; }
@Override public void plan(SchemaContext sc, ExecutionSequence es, BehaviorConfiguration config) throws PEException { MultiMap<PEDatabase, PETable> plain = new MultiMap<PEDatabase, PETable>(); MultiMap<PEDatabase, PETable> fks = new MultiMap<PEDatabase, PETable>(); MultiMap<PEDatabase, PEViewTable> views = new MultiMap<PEDatabase, PEViewTable>(); AddStorageSiteStatement.sortTablesOnGroup(sc, onGroup, plain, fks, views); ListSet<PEDatabase> dbs = new ListSet<PEDatabase>(); dbs.addAll(views.keySet()); dbs.addAll(plain.keySet()); dbs.addAll(fks.keySet()); Pair<List<PEAbstractTable<?>>, Boolean> tableDeclOrder = AddStorageSiteStatement.buildTableDeclOrder(sc, plain, fks); MultiMap<RangeDistribution, PETable> tablesByRange = new MultiMap<RangeDistribution, PETable>(); for (PEAbstractTable<?> abst : tableDeclOrder.getFirst()) { if (abst.isView()) continue; PETable pet = abst.asTable(); if (pet.getDistributionVector(sc).isRange()) { RangeDistributionVector rdv = (RangeDistributionVector) pet.getDistributionVector(sc); tablesByRange.put(rdv.getRangeDistribution().getDistribution(sc), pet); } } List<AddStorageGenRangeInfo> rangeInfo = buildRangeInfo(sc, tablesByRange); /* for(AddStorageGenRangeInfo info : rangeInfo) { info.display(System.out); } */ es.append( new ComplexDDLExecutionStep( null, onGroup, null, Action.ALTER, new RebalanceCallback(onGroup, rangeInfo, tableDeclOrder.getSecond()))); }
// we have the temp table on the temp group for the constrained side // we need to build the bcast temp table on the pers group public static RedistFeatureStep buildLookupTableRedist( PlannerContext pc, PartitionEntry srcEntry, RedistFeatureStep constrainedOnTempGroup, JoinEntry rje, PEStorageGroup targetGroup, boolean indexJoinColumns) throws PEException { ProjectingFeatureStep selectDistinct = constrainedOnTempGroup.buildNewProjectingStep( pc, rje.getFeaturePlanner(), null, DMLExplainReason.LOOKUP_JOIN_LOOKUP_TABLE.makeRecord()); SelectStatement ss = (SelectStatement) selectDistinct.getPlannedStatement(); DistributionVector distVect = constrainedOnTempGroup.getTargetTempTable().getDistributionVector(pc.getContext()); ListSet<ColumnKey> mappedColumnsInJoin = null; if (rje.getJoin().getJoin() != null) { ListSet<ColumnKey> columnsInJoin = ColumnInstanceCollector.getColumnKeys( ColumnInstanceCollector.getColumnInstances(rje.getJoin().getJoin().getJoinOn())); // build the set of columns in the src entry projection ListSet<ColumnKey> srcColumns = new ListSet<ColumnKey>(); for (BufferEntry be : srcEntry.getBufferEntries()) { ExpressionNode targ = ExpressionUtils.getTarget(be.getTarget()); if (targ instanceof ColumnInstance) { ColumnInstance ci = (ColumnInstance) targ; srcColumns.add(ci.getColumnKey()); } } columnsInJoin.retainAll(srcColumns); mappedColumnsInJoin = new ListSet<ColumnKey>(); for (ColumnKey ck : columnsInJoin) { mappedColumnsInJoin.add(ss.getMapper().copyColumnKeyForward(ck)); } } for (Iterator<ExpressionNode> iter = ss.getProjectionEdge().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ExpressionNode en =; if (en instanceof ColumnInstance) { ColumnInstance ci = (ColumnInstance) en; PEColumn pec = ci.getPEColumn(); if (!distVect.contains(srcEntry.getSchemaContext(), pec) && (mappedColumnsInJoin == null || !mappedColumnsInJoin.contains(ci.getColumnKey()))) iter.remove(); } } ss.setSetQuantifier(SetQuantifier.DISTINCT); ss.normalize(srcEntry.getSchemaContext()); // now that we have the select distinct set up // redistribute it bcast back onto the pers group RedistFeatureStep out = selectDistinct.redist( pc, rje.getFeaturePlanner(), new TempTableCreateOptions(Model.BROADCAST, targetGroup), null, DMLExplainReason.LOOKUP_JOIN_LOOKUP_TABLE.makeRecord()); if (indexJoinColumns) out.getTargetTempTable() .noteJoinedColumns(pc.getContext(), out.getTargetTempTable().getColumns(pc.getContext())); return out; }
@Override public ListSet<Part> getParts() { ListSet<Part> me = new ListSet<Part>(); me.add(this); return me; }
public OredParts(LanguageNode parent, TableKey tk, Collection<Part> p) { super(parent, tk); parts = new ListSet<Part>(); parts.addAll(p); ((ExpressionNode) parent).setGrouped(); }
private void combineParts( MultiMap<Part, ColumnKey> needed, MultiMap<ColumnKey, Part> classified, List<ExpressionNode> andexprs, List<Part> andparts) { Part p = needed.keySet().iterator().next(); Collection<ColumnKey> missing = needed.get(p); if (missing == null || missing.isEmpty()) { andexprs.add((ExpressionNode) p.getParent()); needed.remove(p); andparts.add(p); return; } ListSet<Part> containingMissing = new ListSet<Part>(); boolean first = true; for (ColumnKey ck : missing) { Collection<Part> matching = classified.get(ck); if (matching == null || matching.isEmpty()) continue; if (first) containingMissing.addAll(matching); else { containingMissing.retainAll(matching); } } if (containingMissing.isEmpty()) { andexprs.add((ExpressionNode) p.getParent()); andparts.add(p); needed.remove(p); } else { ListSet<Part> toCombine = new ListSet<Part>(); toCombine.add(p); toCombine.addAll(containingMissing); ListSet<Part> toRemove = new ListSet<Part>(); toRemove.addAll(toCombine); Part clhs = choosePartForAndCombo(toCombine); toCombine.remove(clhs); while (!toCombine.isEmpty()) { Part crhs = choosePartForAndCombo(toCombine); toCombine.remove(crhs); clhs = combineParts(clhs, crhs); } for (Part rp : toRemove) { needed.remove(rp); ArrayList<ColumnKey> classKeys = new ArrayList<ColumnKey>(classified.keySet()); for (ColumnKey ck : classKeys) { Collection<Part> sub = classified.get(ck); if (sub == null || sub.isEmpty()) continue; if (sub.contains(rp)) classified.remove(ck, rp); } } andexprs.add((ExpressionNode) clhs.getParent()); andparts.add(clhs); } }
private void setComplete(Part p) { p.setComplete(); completedParts.add(p); }
protected ListSet<ColumnKey> buildKeyColumns(TableKey tk, Collection<PEColumn> cols) { ListSet<ColumnKey> out = new ListSet<ColumnKey>(); for (PEColumn c : cols) out.add(new ColumnKey(tk, c)); return out; }