コード例 #1
ファイル: Test1b.java プロジェクト: FauxFaux/jdk9-langtools
  void run(String... args) throws Exception {
    File testSrcDir = new File(System.getProperty("test.src"));
    File tmpClassDir = new File(".");
    List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (String a : args) {
      if (a.endsWith(".java")) l.add(new File(testSrcDir, a).getPath());
      else l.add(a);

    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    int rc = com.sun.tools.javac.Main.compile(l.toArray(new String[l.size()]), new PrintWriter(sw));

    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([A-Z]+).*");
    for (String name : tmpClassDir.list()) {
      if (name.endsWith(".class")) {
        Matcher m = p.matcher(name);
        if (m.matches()) {
          found(m.group(1), name);

    // for all classes that might have been compiled, check that
    // all the classes in the source file get generated, or none do.
    check("A", 3);
    check("B", 3);
    check("C", 3);
    check("D", 3);

    if (errors > 0) throw new Exception(errors + " errors");
コード例 #2
 String javac(String... args) throws Exception {
   StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
   PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
   int rc = com.sun.tools.javac.Main.compile(args, pw);
   if (rc != 0) throw new Exception("javac failed, rc=" + rc);
   return sw.toString();
コード例 #3
ファイル: Test.java プロジェクト: bttelle/error-prone-javac
  void run() throws Exception {
    File classesDir = new File("classes");
    writeFile(baseFile, baseText);
    String[] javacArgs = {"-d", classesDir.getPath(), baseFile.getPath()};

    writeFile(srcFile, srcText);
    String[] args = {
      "-d", "api", "-classpath", classesDir.getPath(), "-package", "p", srcFile.getPath()

    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos);
    PrintStream prev = System.err;
    try {
      int rc = com.sun.tools.javadoc.Main.execute(args);
    } finally {
    String out = baos.toString();

    String errorMessage = "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: <clinit>";
    if (out.contains(errorMessage)) throw new Exception("error message found: " + errorMessage);
コード例 #4
ファイル: NativeHeaderTest.java プロジェクト: gupadhyaya/panc
   * The worker method for each test case. Compile the files and verify that exactly the expected
   * set of header files is generated.
  void test(RunKind rk, GenKind gk, List<File> files, Set<String> expect) throws Exception {
    List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();
    if (gk == GenKind.FULL) args.add("-XDjavah:full");

    switch (rk) {
      case CMD:
        for (File f : files) args.add(f.getPath());
        int rc = com.sun.tools.javac.Main.compile(args.toArray(new String[args.size()]));
        if (rc != 0) throw new Exception("compilation failed, rc=" + rc);

      case API:
        fm.setLocation(StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH, Arrays.asList(srcDir));
        fm.setLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT, Arrays.asList(classesDir));
        fm.setLocation(StandardLocation.NATIVE_HEADER_OUTPUT, Arrays.asList(headersDir));
        JavacTask task =
            javac.getTask(null, fm, null, args, null, fm.getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles(files));
        if (!task.call()) throw new Exception("compilation failed");

    Set<String> found = createSet(headersDir.list());
    checkEqual("header files", expect, found);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Javac.java プロジェクト: colinbenner/alvis
   * Final preparations for the system's compiler, if it could be fetched. If not, compiling is down
   * by the compiler from com.sun.tools.javac.Main
   * @param srcFiles
   * @return null if success; or compilation errors
  public String compile(String srcFiles[]) {
    Logger.getInstance().log("de.~.vm.Javac.compile(String)", Logger.DEBUG, "Begin of function");

    StringWriter err = new StringWriter();
    PrintWriter errPrinter = new PrintWriter(err);

    String args[] = buildJavacArgs(srcFiles);

    // Fetch the systems JavaCompiler. Fails, if Eclipse is startet
    // with the VM from JRE. Works with JDK.
    compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();

    if (compiler != null) {
      String algorithmAsSourceCode = readfile(args[args.length - 1]);

      // extract the name of the algorithm. The name is always at the last position of this array
      String algorithmName =
          args[args.length - 1].split("/")[args[args.length - 1].split("/").length - 1];

      String error = null;

      // Create a new AlvisFileObject containing the source code and let the compiler compile it
      try {

        error = compile(new AlvisFileObject(algorithmName, algorithmAsSourceCode));

      } catch (URISyntaxException e) {

              "Compile with ToolsProvider compiler was successful");

          .log("de.~.vm.Javac.compile(String)", Logger.DEBUG, "Error? " + err.toString());

      return error;
    } else {
              "ToolsProvider did not provide a compiler, using fallback");
      // Grabbing the standard compiler did not work, compiling "by hand"
      // FIXME: 1. Find a way, so that
      // ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler() cannot return null
      // 2. Delete the call to com.sun.tools.javac.Main
      int resultCode = com.sun.tools.javac.Main.compile(args, errPrinter);
      return (resultCode == 0) ? null : err.toString();
コード例 #6
  public static void createClass(String className) {
    String fileName = className + ".java";

    try {
      // Creates DynamicTestClass.java file
      FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(pathOfNewClasses + fileName, false);
      fileWriter.write("package bgu.sim.actions.darkComet; \n\n");
          "import bgu.sim.core.stat.StatisticCollector;\n"
              + "import bgu.sim.data.NetDevice;\n"
              + "import bgu.sim.data.SystemEvent;\n"
              + "import bgu.sim.ruleEngine.action.AbsDeviceAction;\n"
              + "import bgu.sim.ruleEngine.action.IndicativeFeature;\n"
              + "import bgu.sim.actions.darkComet.Tools.*;\n"
              + "import java.util.List;\n\n");

      fileWriter.write("public class " + className + " extends AbsDeviceAction {\n\n");

      fileWriter.write("    private List<SystemEvent> events; \n\n");

          "    public List<SystemEvent> getEvents() {\n" + "\treturn events;\n" + "    }\n\n");

      fileWriter.write("    public " + className + "() {\n");

      fileWriter.write("\tsuper(\"" + className + "\", new IndicativeFeature[]{});\n");
      fileWriter.write("\treadCSV rc = new readCSV();\n");
      fileWriter.write("\tevents = rc.readCSV(\"DM_" + className + ".CSV\");\n");
      fileWriter.write("    }\n\n");

          "    @Override\n"
              + "    public Integer execute(NetDevice input) {\n"
              + "\tinput.getInfo().addEvents(events);\n"
              + "\tStatisticCollector.increaseValue(this.getName(), 1);\n"
              + "\treturn 1;\n"
              + "    }\n");



      String[] source = {new String(fileName)};
      // javac -> compile method in Main class ..presents in tools.jar
      // Compile the DynamicTestClass.java ,created on the fly


    } catch (Exception e) {
コード例 #7
ファイル: ProxyGen.java プロジェクト: redtroy/product
   * generate the proxy class;
   * @param name
   * @param dir
  private void compileProxy(String name, String dir) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug("complile proxy:" + name + " using classpath:" + this.cp);
    CharArrayWriter caw = new CharArrayWriter();
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(caw);

    String[] params = new String[3];
    params[0] = "-classpath";
    params[1] = this.cp;
    params[2] = dir + name + ".java";
    Main.compile(params, pw);
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
コード例 #8
  void doTest(File testJar, String... additionalArgs) {
    List<String> options = new ArrayList<>();
        System.getProperty("test.classes") + File.pathSeparator + testJar.getAbsolutePath());
    options.add(System.getProperty("test.src") + File.separator + "T8076104.java");

    int res = Main.compile(options.toArray(new String[0]));

    if (res != 0) {
      throw new AssertionError("Unexpected error code: " + res);
コード例 #9
  private AsmCodeGenerator initCodeGenerator(
      final String formFileName, final String className, final String testDataPath)
      throws Exception {
    String tmpPath = FileUtil.getTempDirectory();
    String formPath = testDataPath + formFileName;
    String javaPath = testDataPath + className + ".java";
    final int rc = Main.compile(new String[] {"-d", tmpPath, javaPath});

    assertEquals(0, rc);

    final String classPath = tmpPath + "/" + className + ".class";
    final File classFile = new File(classPath);


    final LwRootContainer rootContainer = loadFormData(formPath);
    final AsmCodeGenerator codeGenerator =
        new AsmCodeGenerator(
            new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES));
    final FileInputStream classStream = new FileInputStream(classFile);
    try {
    } finally {
      final File[] inners =
          new File(tmpPath)
                  new FilenameFilter() {
                    public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                      return name.startsWith(className + "$") && name.endsWith(".class");
      if (inners != null) {
        for (File file : inners) FileUtil.delete(file);
    return codeGenerator;
コード例 #10
  public static boolean compile(String classPath, String bin, String src, String warn) {
    //		setStaticSrc(src)
    //		setStaticWarn(warn);
    // Debug.println("Debug: ClassPath=" + classPath);
    //		System.out.println("((((((compile(String classPath, String bin, String src, String warn)");
    //		System.out.println("classPath : " + classPath + ";bin : " + bin + ";src : " + src);
    //		System.out.println("))))))))))))))))))");
    String[] args = {"-cp", classPath, "-Xstdout", warn, "-d", bin, src};

    //		Log.println("Debug: -cp " + classPath + " -Xstdout " + warn + " -d " + bin + " " + src);
    // for(String s: args){
    //	Debug.println(s);
    // }

    File f = new File(bin);
    if (!f.exists()) {
      try {
        System.out.println("************ !f.exists");
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        return false;

    // for(int i=0;i<args.length;i++){
    //	Debug.println(args[i]);
    // }

    // 编译

    // 查看编译结果
    //		System.out.println("~~~~~~~~~~~~JavaCompiler :File warn path : " + warn);
    File result = new File(warn);
    if (result.length() > 0) {
      return false;
    } else return true;
コード例 #11
  public static File compileTestFile(File f, String testClass) {
    int rc =
            new String[] {
    if (rc != 0) {
      throw new Error("compilation failed. rc=" + rc);
    String path;
    if (f.getParent() != null) {
      path = f.getParent();
    } else {
      path = "";

    return new File(path + testClass + ".class");
コード例 #12
ファイル: RunInfo.java プロジェクト: ronaldploeger/faban
    private String createDefinition(Object runConfigNode) throws Exception {
      Element benchDefNode =
          (Element) xp.evaluate("fd:benchmarkDefinition", runConfigNode, XPathConstants.NODE);

      if (benchDefNode == null) {
        return null;

      String definingClassName = xp.evaluate("fd:driverConfig/@name", runConfigNode);

      // Get the cycleTime annotation
      Element driverConfigNode =
          (Element) xp.evaluate("fd:driverConfig", runConfigNode, XPathConstants.NODE);
      String requestLagTime = getRequestLagTime(driverConfigNode);

       * Load the template from file Template file is small, but is there a better way to read this?
      String line = null;
      BufferedReader br = null;
      InputStream is = null;

      try {
        ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
        is = cl.getResourceAsStream("driver_template");
        br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        // what to do?
        throw new ConfigurationException(ex);

      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

      while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
        if (!line.equals("\n")) {

      String template = sb.toString();


      // Obtain the provider.
      TransportProvider provider = TransportProvider.getProvider();

       * Get the operation token out of the template. Use this to create multiple
       * operations/functions that will replace the token in the java file
      String opTemplate =
          template.substring((template.indexOf("#operation") + 10), template.indexOf("operation#"));
      StringBuilder operations = new StringBuilder();

      Element operationNode = null;
      int i = 1;

      while ((operationNode =
                      ("fd:driverConfig/fd:operation[" + i + "]"),
          != null) {

         * There are many different options here. First, the operation
         * is either POST or GET. In either case, the subst element
         * indicates whether or not random strings are present in the
         * payload data (for backward compatibility, it is assumed
         * that random data is present).
         * For POST, we can read the data from a file, and we can
         * encode the data as form-encoded or binary (octet-stream)
        boolean isPost = false;
        boolean isBinary = false;
        boolean isFile = false;
        boolean doSubst = true;

        String requestLagTimeOverride = getRequestLagTime(operationNode);
        String operationName = xp.evaluate("fd:name", operationNode);
        String url = xp.evaluate("fd:url", operationNode);
        String max90th = xp.evaluate("fd:max90th", operationNode);
        String kbps = xp.evaluate("fd:kbps", operationNode);
        String accept = xp.evaluate("fd:accept", operationNode);

        String requestString = "";

        Element requestNode = (Element) xp.evaluate("fd:get", operationNode, XPathConstants.NODE);

        if (requestNode == null) {
          // Can't have both post & get either, but if both are there,
          // will assume you meant GET.

          requestNode = (Element) xp.evaluate("fd:post", operationNode, XPathConstants.NODE);

          if (requestNode != null) {
            isPost = true;
            if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(requestNode.getAttributeNS(null, "file"))) {
              isFile = true;
            if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(requestNode.getAttributeNS(null, "binary"))) {
              isBinary = true;
          } else {
            throw new ConfigurationException("<operation> " + "must have a either a get/post");
          // Can't have both post & get either, but if there,
          // will assume you meant GET.
        if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(requestNode.getAttributeNS(null, "subst"))) {
          doSubst = false;
        if (isBinary && doSubst) {
          throw new ConfigurationException(
              "<operation> " + "cannot be both binary and perform substitution");
        requestString = requestNode.getNodeValue();
        if (requestString == null) {
          CDATASection cDataNode = (CDATASection) requestNode.getFirstChild();
          if (cDataNode != null) {
            requestString = cDataNode.getNodeValue();
        if (requestString == null) {
          requestString = "";

        if (requestLagTimeOverride == null) {
          requestLagTimeOverride = "";
        if (operationName == null) {
          throw new ConfigurationException("<operation> must have a <name> ");
        if (url == null) {
          throw new ConfigurationException("<operation> must have a <url>");

        RunInfoDefinition rid;
        if (isPost) {
          if (isFile) {
            rid = new RunInfoPostFileDefinition();
          } else {
            rid = new RunInfoPostDataDefinition();
        } else {
          rid = new RunInfoGetDefinition();
        rid.init(doSubst, isBinary, url, requestString, kbps, accept);

        // Create the benchmark Operation annotation
        StringBuilder bmop =
            new StringBuilder("@BenchmarkOperation(name = \"").append(operationName);
        bmop.append("\", percentileLimits={ ")
            .append(", ")
            .append(", ")
            .append("}, ");
        if (provider == TransportProvider.SUN && url.startsWith("https"))
          bmop.append("timing = com.sun.faban.driver.Timing.MANUAL");
        else bmop.append("timing = com.sun.faban.driver.Timing.AUTO");

        String opTemplateClone = new String(opTemplate);
        // replace tokens with actual content
        opTemplateClone = opTemplateClone.replaceAll("@RequestLagTime@", requestLagTimeOverride);
        opTemplateClone = opTemplateClone.replaceAll("@Operations@", bmop.toString());
        opTemplateClone = opTemplateClone.replaceAll("@operationName@", operationName);
        opTemplateClone = opTemplateClone.replaceAll("@url@", rid.getURL(i));
        opTemplateClone = opTemplateClone.replaceAll("@postRequest@", rid.getPostRequest(i));
        opTemplateClone = opTemplateClone.replaceAll("@Statics@", rid.getStatics(i));
        opTemplateClone = opTemplateClone.replaceAll("@doKbps@", rid.getKbps(i));
        opTemplateClone = opTemplateClone.replaceAll("@doHeaders@", rid.getHeaders(i));
        opTemplateClone = opTemplateClone.replaceAll("@doTiming@", rid.doTiming(i, provider));



      String benchmarkDef = getBenchmarkDefinition(benchDefNode);

      // replace tokens in template
      template = template.replaceFirst("#operation(.*\\n*)*operation#", operations.toString());
      template = template.replaceFirst("@RequestLagTime@", requestLagTime);
      template = template.replaceFirst("@BenchmarkDefinition@", benchmarkDef);
      template = template.replaceAll("@DriverClassName@", definingClassName);
      template = template.replaceFirst("@ProviderClass@", provider.providerClass);
      template = template.replaceFirst("@BenchmarkDriverName@", definingClassName);

      String tmpDir = System.getProperty("faban.tmpdir");

      if (tmpDir == null) {
        tmpDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");

      if (!tmpDir.endsWith(File.separator)) {
        tmpDir = tmpDir + File.separator;

      String className =
          new StringBuilder(tmpDir).append(definingClassName).append(".java").toString();

      try {
        // convert class name to filename?
        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(className)));
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new ConfigurationException(ex);

      String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");

      String arg[] = new String[] {"-classpath", classpath, className};
      int errorCode = com.sun.tools.javac.Main.compile(arg);

      if (errorCode != 0) {
        throw new ConfigurationException(
            "unable to compile generated driver file. " + "check output for errors");

      return definingClassName;
コード例 #13
ファイル: Utils.java プロジェクト: OzkanCiftci/jdk7u-jdk
 static void compiler(String... javacCmds) {
   if (com.sun.tools.javac.Main.compile(javacCmds) != 0) {
     throw new RuntimeException("compilation failed");
コード例 #14
ファイル: Main.java プロジェクト: Quetzaloid/DPJ
   * Programmatic interface for main function.
   * @param args The command line parameters.
  public int compile(String[] args, AnnotationProcessorFactory factory) {
    int returnCode = 0;
    providedFactory = factory;

    Context context = new Context();
    options = Options.instance(context);
    Bark bark;

     * Process the command line options to create the intial
     * options data.  This processing is at least partially reused
     * by any recursive apt calls.

    // For testing: assume all arguments in forcedOpts are
    // prefixed to command line arguments.

     * A run of apt only gets passed the most recently generated
     * files; the initial run of apt gets passed the files from
     * the command line.

    java.util.List<String> origFilenames;
    try {
      // assign args the result of parse to capture results of
      // '@file' expansion
      origFilenames = processArgs((args = CommandLine.parse(args)));
      if (origFilenames == null) {
        return EXIT_CMDERR;
      } else if (origFilenames.size() == 0) {
        // it is allowed to compile nothing if just asking for help
        if (options.get("-help") != null || options.get("-X") != null) return EXIT_OK;
    } catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e) {
          out, ownName + ": " + getLocalizedString("err.file.not.found", e.getMessage()));
      return EXIT_SYSERR;
    } catch (IOException ex) {
      return EXIT_SYSERR;
    } catch (OutOfMemoryError ex) {
      return EXIT_SYSERR;
    } catch (StackOverflowError ex) {
      return EXIT_SYSERR;
    } catch (FatalError ex) {
      return EXIT_SYSERR;
    } catch (sun.misc.ServiceConfigurationError sce) {
      return EXIT_ABNORMAL;
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
      return EXIT_ABNORMAL;

    boolean firstRound = true;
    boolean needSourcePath = false;
    boolean needClassPath = false;
    boolean classesAsDecls = options.get("-XclassesAsDecls") != null;

     * Create augumented classpath and sourcepath values.
     * If any of the prior apt rounds generated any new source
     * files, the n'th apt round (and any javac invocation) has the
     * source destination path ("-s path") as the last element of
     * the "-sourcepath" to the n'th call.
     * If any of the prior apt rounds generated any new class files,
     * the n'th apt round (and any javac invocation) has the class
     * destination path ("-d path") as the last element of the
     * "-classpath" to the n'th call.
    String augmentedSourcePath = "";
    String augmentedClassPath = "";
    String baseClassPath = "";

    try {
       * Record original options for future annotation processor
       * invocations.
      origOptions = new HashMap<String, String>(options.size());
      for (String s : options.keySet()) {
        String value;
        if (s.equals(value = options.get(s))) origOptions.put(s, (String) null);
        else origOptions.put(s, value);
      origOptions = Collections.unmodifiableMap(origOptions);

        // Note: it might be necessary to check for an empty
        // component ("") of the source path or class path
        Paths paths = Paths.instance(context);

        String sourceDest = options.get("-s");
        if (paths.sourcePath() != null) {
          for (File f : paths.sourcePath()) augmentedSourcePath += (f + File.pathSeparator);
          augmentedSourcePath += (sourceDest == null) ? "." : sourceDest;
        } else {
          augmentedSourcePath = ".";

          if (sourceDest != null) augmentedSourcePath += (File.pathSeparator + sourceDest);

        String classDest = options.get("-d");
        if (paths.userClassPath() != null) {
          for (File f : paths.userClassPath()) baseClassPath += (f + File.pathSeparator);
          // put baseClassPath into map to handle any
          // value needed for the classloader
          options.put("-classpath", baseClassPath);

          augmentedClassPath = baseClassPath + ((classDest == null) ? "." : classDest);
        } else {
          baseClassPath = ".";
          if (classDest != null)
            augmentedClassPath = baseClassPath + (File.pathSeparator + classDest);
        assert options.get("-classpath") != null;

       * Create base and augmented class loaders
      ClassLoader augmentedAptCL = null;
         * Use a url class loader to look for classes on the
         * user-specified class path. Prepend computed bootclass
         * path, which includes extdirs, to the URLClassLoader apt
         * uses.
        String aptclasspath = "";
        Paths paths = Paths.instance(context);
        String bcp = "";
        Collection<File> bootclasspath = paths.bootClassPath();

        if (bootclasspath != null) {
          for (File f : bootclasspath) bcp += (f + File.pathSeparator);

        // If the factory path is set, use that path
        if (providedFactory == null) aptclasspath = options.get("-factorypath");
        if (aptclasspath == null) aptclasspath = options.get("-classpath");

        assert aptclasspath != null;
        aptclasspath = (bcp + aptclasspath);
        aptCL = new URLClassLoader(pathToURLs(aptclasspath));

        if (providedFactory == null
            && options.get("-factorypath") != null) // same CL even if new class files written
        augmentedAptCL = aptCL;
        else {
          // Create class loader in case new class files are
          // written
          augmentedAptCL =
              new URLClassLoader(
                  pathToURLs(augmentedClassPath.substring(baseClassPath.length())), aptCL);

      int round = 0; // For -XPrintAptRounds
      do {

        Context newContext = new Context();
        Options newOptions = Options.instance(newContext); // creates a new context

        // populate with old options... don't bother reparsing command line, etc.

        // if genSource files, must add destination to source path
        if (genSourceFileNames.size() > 0 && !firstRound) {
          newOptions.put("-sourcepath", augmentedSourcePath);
          needSourcePath = true;

        // Don't really need to track this; just have to add -d
        // "foo" to class path if any class files are generated
        if (genClassFileNames.size() > 0) {
          newOptions.put("-classpath", augmentedClassPath);
          aptCL = augmentedAptCL;
          needClassPath = true;

        options = newOptions;

        if (options.get("-XPrintAptRounds") != null) {
          out.println("apt Round : " + round);
          out.println("filenames: " + sourceFileNames);
          if (classesAsDecls) out.println("classnames: " + classFileNames);
          out.println("options: " + options);

        returnCode = compile(args, newContext);
        firstRound = false;

        // Check for reported errors before continuing
        bark = Bark.instance(newContext);
      } while (((genSourceFileNames.size() != 0)
              || (classesAsDecls && genClassFileNames.size() != 0))
          && bark.nerrors == 0);
    } catch (UsageMessageNeededException umne) {
      return EXIT_CMDERR; // will cause usage message to be printed

     * Do not compile if a processor has reported an error or if
     * there are no source files to process.  A more sophisticated
     * test would also fail for syntax errors caught by javac.
    if (options.get("-nocompile") == null
        && options.get("-print") == null
        && bark.nerrors == 0
        && (origFilenames.size() > 0 || aggregateGenSourceFileNames.size() > 0)) {
       * Need to create new argument string for calling javac:
       * 1. apt specific arguments (e.g. -factory) must be stripped out
       * 2. proper settings for sourcepath and classpath must be used
       * 3. generated class names must be added
       * 4. class file names as declarations must be removed

      int newArgsLength =
              + (needSourcePath ? 1 : 0)
              + (needClassPath ? 1 : 0)
              + aggregateGenSourceFileNames.size();

      // Null out apt-specific options and don't copy over into
      // newArgs. This loop should be a lot faster; the options
      // array should be replaced with a better data structure
      // which includes a map from strings to options.
      // If treating classes as declarations, must strip out
      // class names from the javac argument list
      for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        int matchPosition = -1;

        // "-A" by itself is recognized by apt but not javac
        if (args[i] != null && args[i].equals("-A")) {
          args[i] = null;
          continue argLoop;
        } else {
          for (int j = 0; j < recognizedOptions.length; j++) {
            if (args[i] != null && recognizedOptions[j].matches(args[i])) {
              matchPosition = j;
              break optionLoop;

          if (matchPosition != -1) {
            Option op = recognizedOptions[matchPosition];
            if (op.aptOnly) {
              args[i] = null;
              if (op.hasArg()) {
                args[i + 1] = null;
            } else {
              if (op.hasArg()) { // skip over next string
                continue argLoop;

              if ((options.get("-XclassesAsDecls") != null)
                  && (matchPosition == (recognizedOptions.length - 1))) {
                // Remove class file names from
                // consideration by javac.
                if (!args[i].endsWith(".java")) {
                  args[i] = null;

      String newArgs[] = new String[newArgsLength];

      int j = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        if (args[i] != null) newArgs[j++] = args[i];

      if (needClassPath) newArgs[j++] = "-XD-classpath=" + augmentedClassPath;

      if (needSourcePath) {
        newArgs[j++] = "-XD-sourcepath=" + augmentedSourcePath;

        for (String s : aggregateGenSourceFileNames) newArgs[j++] = s;

      returnCode = com.sun.tools.javac.Main.compile(newArgs);

    return returnCode;
コード例 #15
 File compileTestFile(File f) {
   int rc = com.sun.tools.javac.Main.compile(new String[] {"-source", "1.7", "-g", f.getPath()});
   if (rc != 0) throw new Error("compilation failed. rc=" + rc);
   String path = f.getPath();
   return new File(path.substring(0, path.length() - 5) + ".class");
コード例 #16
  public void run() throws Exception {
    // Selection of files to be compiled
    File absJar = createJar(new File("abs.jar").getAbsoluteFile(), "j.A");
    File relJar = createJar(new File("rel.jar"), "j.R");
    File absDir = createDir(new File("abs.dir").getAbsoluteFile(), "d.A");
    File relDir = createDir(new File("rel.dir"), "d.R");
    File absTestFile =
        writeFile(new File("AbsTest.java").getAbsoluteFile(), "class AbsTest { class Inner { } }");
    File relTestFile = writeFile(new File("RelTest.java"), "class RelTest { class Inner { } }");
    File relTest2File =
        writeFile(new File("p/RelTest2.java"), "package p; class RelTest2 { class Inner { } }");
    // This next class references other classes that will be found on the source path
    // and which will therefore need to be compiled as well.
    File mainFile =
        writeFile(new File("Main.java"), "class Main { j.A ja; j.R jr; d.A da; d.R dr; }" + "");

    String sourcePath = createPath(absJar, relJar, absDir, relDir);
    File outDir = new File("classes");

    String[] args = {
    System.err.println("compile: " + Arrays.asList(args));
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
    int rc = com.sun.tools.javac.Main.compile(args, pw);
    if (rc != 0) {
      throw new Exception("unexpected exit from javac: " + rc);

    Set<File> expect =

    Set<File> found = findFiles(outDir);

    if (!found.equals(expect)) {
      if (found.containsAll(expect))
        throw new Exception("unexpected files found: " + diff(found, expect));
      else if (expect.containsAll(found))
        throw new Exception("expected files not found: " + diff(expect, found));

    for (File f : found) verifySourceFileAttribute(f);

    if (errors > 0) throw new Exception(errors + " errors occurred");
コード例 #17
ファイル: CreateSymbols.java プロジェクト: GavinHwa/Douyu
 // used for debugging
 public static void main(String... args) {
   String rt_jar = args[0];
   String dest = args[1];
   args =
       new String[] {
         "-Xbootclasspath:" + rt_jar,
         "-Acom.sun.tools.javac.sym.Jar=" + rt_jar,
         "-Acom.sun.tools.javac.sym.Dest=" + dest,
         // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed">
         // </editor-fold>