public void handle(XInteractionRequest xInteractionRequest) { log.println("### _XCompletedExecution.InteractionHandlerImpl: handle called."); handlerWasUsed = true; Object o = xInteractionRequest.getRequest(); ParametersRequest req = (ParametersRequest) o; XIndexAccess params = req.Parameters; int count = params.getCount(); try { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { params.getByIndex(i); log.println( "### _XCompletedExecution.InteractionHandlerImpl: Parameter " + i + ": " + params.getByIndex(i)); XPropertySet xProp = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, params.getByIndex(i)); log.println( "### _XCompletedExecution.InteractionHandlerImpl: Parameter Name: '" + xProp.getPropertyValue("Name") + "' is set to Value '1'"); xProp.setPropertyValue("Value", new Integer(1)); handlerWasUsed = true; } } catch (Exception eI) { log.println("### _XCompletedExecution.InteractionHandlerImpl: Exception!"); eI.printStackTrace(log); } }
public void handle(XInteractionRequest xInteractionRequest) { log.println("### _XCompletedExecution.InteractionHandlerImpl: handle called."); boolean abort = false; Object o = xInteractionRequest.getRequest(); if (o instanceof ParametersRequest) { } else if (o instanceof AuthenticationRequest) { log.println("### The request in XCompletedExecution is of type 'AuthenticationRequest'"); log.println("### This is not implemented in ORowSet.InteractionHandlerImpl test -> abort."); abort = true; } else { log.println("### Unknown request:" + o.toString()); log.println("### This is not implemented in ORowSet.InteractionHandlerImpl test -> abort."); abort = true; } XInteractionContinuation[] xCont = xInteractionRequest.getContinuations(); XInteractionSupplyParameters xParamCallback = null; for (int i = 0; i < xCont.length; i++) { if (abort) { XInteractionAbort xAbort = null; xAbort = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XInteractionAbort.class, xCont[i]); if (xAbort != null); return; } else { xParamCallback = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XInteractionSupplyParameters.class, xCont[i]); if (xParamCallback != null) break; } } if (xParamCallback != null) { log.println("### _XCompletedExecution.InteractionHandlerImpl: supplying parameters."); handlerWasUsed = true; PropertyValue[] prop = new PropertyValue[1]; prop[0] = new PropertyValue(); prop[0].Name = "param1"; prop[0].Value = "Hi."; xParamCallback.setParameters(prop);; } else { // we should never reach this: abort has to be true first. log.println( "### _XCompletedExecution.InteractionHandlerImpl: Got no " + "'XInteractionSupplyParameters' and no 'XInteractionAbort'."); } }