public void testGetUserAccount() { USER_INFO_1 userInfo = new USER_INFO_1(); userInfo.usri1_name = "JNANetapi32TestUser"; userInfo.usri1_password = "******"; userInfo.usri1_priv = LMAccess.USER_PRIV_USER; // ignore test if not able to add user (need to be administrator to do this). if (LMErr.NERR_Success != Netapi32.INSTANCE.NetUserAdd(null, 1, userInfo, null)) { return; } try { HANDLEByReference phUser = new HANDLEByReference(); try { assertTrue( Advapi32.INSTANCE.LogonUser( userInfo.usri1_name.toString(), null, userInfo.usri1_password.toString(), WinBase.LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK, WinBase.LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, phUser)); Advapi32Util.Account account = Advapi32Util.getTokenAccount(phUser.getValue()); assertTrue( > 0); assertEquals(userInfo.usri1_name.toString(),; } finally { if (phUser.getValue() != WinBase.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Kernel32.INSTANCE.CloseHandle(phUser.getValue()); } } } finally { assertEquals( LMErr.NERR_Success, Netapi32.INSTANCE.NetUserDel(null, userInfo.usri1_name.toString())); } }
public void testSetFileSecurityDescriptor() throws Exception { File file = createTempFile(); SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE sdr = Advapi32Util.getFileSecurityDescriptor(file, false); Advapi32Util.setFileSecurityDescriptor(file, sdr, false, true, true, false, true, false); sdr = Advapi32Util.getFileSecurityDescriptor(file, false); assertTrue(Advapi32.INSTANCE.IsValidSecurityDescriptor(sdr.getPointer())); file.delete(); }
private static void registrySetEmptyValue( HKEY root, String keyPath, String name, final int valueType) { HKEYByReference phkKey = new HKEYByReference(); int rc = Advapi32.INSTANCE.RegOpenKeyEx(root, keyPath, 0, WinNT.KEY_READ | WinNT.KEY_WRITE, phkKey); if (rc != W32Errors.ERROR_SUCCESS) { throw new Win32Exception(rc); } try { char[] data = new char[0]; rc = Advapi32.INSTANCE.RegSetValueEx(phkKey.getValue(), name, 0, valueType, data, 0); if (rc != W32Errors.ERROR_SUCCESS) { throw new Win32Exception(rc); } } finally { rc = Advapi32.INSTANCE.RegCloseKey(phkKey.getValue()); if (rc != W32Errors.ERROR_SUCCESS) { throw new Win32Exception(rc); } } }