/** * Method declaration * * @param con * @param statsType * @param conf * @throws SQLException * @see */ static void purgeTablesCumul(Connection con, StatType statsType, StatisticsConfig conf) throws SQLException { StringBuilder deleteStatementBuf = new StringBuilder("DELETE FROM " + conf.getTableName(statsType) + "Cumul WHERE dateStat<"); PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; // compute the last date to delete from Calendar dateOfTheDay = Calendar.getInstance(); dateOfTheDay.add(Calendar.MONTH, -(conf.getPurge(statsType))); deleteStatementBuf.append( getRequestDate(dateOfTheDay.get(Calendar.YEAR), dateOfTheDay.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1)); String deleteStatement = deleteStatementBuf.toString(); SilverTrace.info( "silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManagerDAO.purgeTablesCumul", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "deleteStatement=" + deleteStatement); try { prepStmt = con.prepareStatement(deleteStatement); prepStmt.executeUpdate(); } finally { DBUtil.close(prepStmt); } }
/** * Method declaration * * @param con * @param statsType * @param conf * @throws SQLException * @see */ static void deleteTablesOfTheDay(Connection con, StatType statsType, StatisticsConfig conf) throws SQLException { String deleteStatement = "DELETE FROM " + conf.getTableName(statsType); PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; try { SilverTrace.info( "silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManagerDAO.deleteTablesOfTheDay", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "deleteStatement=" + deleteStatement); prepStmt = con.prepareStatement(deleteStatement); prepStmt.executeUpdate(); } finally { DBUtil.close(prepStmt); } }
/** * Method declaration * * @param con * @param statsType * @param valueKeys * @param conf * @throws SQLException * @see */ static void insertDataStatsCumul( Connection con, StatType statsType, List<String> valueKeys, StatisticsConfig conf) throws SQLException { StringBuilder insertStatementBuf = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO "); insertStatementBuf.append(conf.getTableName(statsType)).append("Cumul" + "("); String insertStatement; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; int i = 0; Collection<String> theKeys = conf.getAllKeys(statsType); insertStatementBuf.append(StringUtil.join(theKeys, ',')); insertStatementBuf.append(") "); insertStatementBuf.append("VALUES(?"); for (int j = 0; j < conf.getNumberOfKeys(statsType) - 1; j++) { insertStatementBuf.append(",?"); } insertStatementBuf.append(")"); insertStatement = insertStatementBuf.toString(); try { SilverTrace.info( "silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManagerDAO.insertDataStatsCumul", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "insertStatement=" + insertStatement); prepStmt = con.prepareStatement(insertStatement); for (String currentKey : theKeys) { i++; String currentType = conf.getKeyType(statsType, currentKey); if ("DECIMAL".equals(currentType)) { long tmpLong; try { String tmpString = valueKeys.get(i - 1); if (!StringUtil.isDefined(tmpString)) { if (!conf.isCumulKey(statsType, currentKey)) { prepStmt.setNull(i, java.sql.Types.DECIMAL); } else { prepStmt.setLong(i, 0); } } else { tmpLong = new Long(tmpString); prepStmt.setLong(i, tmpLong); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { prepStmt.setLong(i, 0); } } if ("INTEGER".equals(currentType)) { int tmpInt; try { String tmpString = valueKeys.get(i - 1); if (!StringUtil.isDefined(tmpString)) { if (!conf.isCumulKey(statsType, currentKey)) { prepStmt.setNull(i, java.sql.Types.INTEGER); } else { prepStmt.setInt(i, 0); } } else { tmpInt = Integer.valueOf(tmpString); prepStmt.setInt(i, tmpInt); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { prepStmt.setInt(i, 0); } } if ("VARCHAR".equals(currentType)) { if ("dateStat".equals(currentKey)) { String dateFirstDayOfMonth = valueKeys.get(i - 1).substring(0, 8); dateFirstDayOfMonth = dateFirstDayOfMonth + "01"; prepStmt.setString(i, dateFirstDayOfMonth); } else { String tmpString = valueKeys.get(i - 1); if (!StringUtil.isDefined(tmpString)) { prepStmt.setNull(i, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } else { prepStmt.setString(i, valueKeys.get(i - 1)); } } } } prepStmt.executeUpdate(); } finally { DBUtil.close(prepStmt); } }
/** * Method declaration * * @param con * @param statsType * @param conf * @throws SQLException * @see */ public static void makeStatCumul(Connection con, StatType statsType, StatisticsConfig conf) throws SQLException { StringBuilder selectStatementBuf = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM ").append(conf.getTableName(statsType)); String selectStatement; String keyNameCurrent; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; selectStatement = selectStatementBuf.toString(); SilverTrace.info( "silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManagerDAO.makeStatCumul", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "selectStatement=" + selectStatement); try { stmt = con.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(selectStatement); Collection<String> theKeys = conf.getAllKeys(statsType); String addToValueKeys = ""; while (rs.next()) { List<String> valueKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String theKey : theKeys) { keyNameCurrent = theKey; StatDataType currentType = StatDataType.valueOf(conf.getKeyType(statsType, keyNameCurrent)); switch (currentType) { case INTEGER: int tmpInt = rs.getInt(keyNameCurrent); if (rs.wasNull()) { addToValueKeys = ""; } else { addToValueKeys = String.valueOf(tmpInt); } break; case DECIMAL: long longValue = rs.getLong(keyNameCurrent); if (rs.wasNull()) { addToValueKeys = ""; } else { addToValueKeys = String.valueOf(longValue); } break; case VARCHAR: addToValueKeys = rs.getString(keyNameCurrent); if (addToValueKeys == null) { addToValueKeys = ""; } break; } valueKeys.add(addToValueKeys); } putDataStatsCumul(con, statsType, valueKeys, conf); } } catch (SQLException e) { SilverTrace.error( "silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManagerDAO.makeStatCumul", "silverstatistics.MSG_ALIMENTATION_BD", e); throw e; } finally { DBUtil.close(rs, stmt); } }
/** * Method declaration * * @param con * @param statsType * @param valueKeys * @param conf * @throws SQLException * @throws IOException * @see */ public static void putDataStatsCumul( Connection con, StatType statsType, List<String> valueKeys, StatisticsConfig conf) throws SQLException { StringBuilder selectStatementBuf = new StringBuilder("SELECT "); StringBuilder updateStatementBuf = new StringBuilder("UPDATE "); String tableName = conf.getTableName(statsType); Statement stmt = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean rowExist = false; boolean firstKeyInWhere = true; int k = 0; int intToAdd; updateStatementBuf.append(tableName).append("Cumul"); updateStatementBuf.append(" SET "); Collection<String> theKeys = conf.getAllKeys(statsType); Iterator<String> iteratorKeys = theKeys.iterator(); while (iteratorKeys.hasNext()) { String keyNameCurrent = iteratorKeys.next(); selectStatementBuf.append(keyNameCurrent); if (iteratorKeys.hasNext()) { selectStatementBuf.append(","); } if (conf.isCumulKey(statsType, keyNameCurrent)) { updateStatementBuf.append(keyNameCurrent); updateStatementBuf.append("=? ,"); } } updateStatementBuf.deleteCharAt(updateStatementBuf.length() - 1); selectStatementBuf.append(" FROM ").append(tableName).append("Cumul" + " WHERE "); updateStatementBuf.append(" WHERE "); iteratorKeys = theKeys.iterator(); while (iteratorKeys.hasNext()) { String keyNameCurrent = iteratorKeys.next(); if (!conf.isCumulKey(statsType, keyNameCurrent)) { if (!firstKeyInWhere) { selectStatementBuf.append(" AND "); updateStatementBuf.append(" AND "); } selectStatementBuf.append(keyNameCurrent); updateStatementBuf.append(keyNameCurrent); StatDataType currentType = StatDataType.valueOf(conf.getKeyType(statsType, keyNameCurrent)); switch (currentType) { case DECIMAL: case INTEGER: if (!StringUtil.isDefined(valueKeys.get(k))) { selectStatementBuf.append("=NULL"); updateStatementBuf.append("=NULL"); } else { selectStatementBuf.append("=").append(valueKeys.get(k)); updateStatementBuf.append("=").append(valueKeys.get(k)); } break; case VARCHAR: if (keyNameCurrent.equals("dateStat")) { String dateFirstDayOfMonth = valueKeys.get(k).substring(0, 8); dateFirstDayOfMonth = dateFirstDayOfMonth + "01"; selectStatementBuf.append("='").append(dateFirstDayOfMonth).append("'"); updateStatementBuf.append("='").append(dateFirstDayOfMonth).append("'"); } else { if (!StringUtil.isDefined(valueKeys.get(k))) { selectStatementBuf.append("=NULL"); updateStatementBuf.append("=NULL"); } else { selectStatementBuf.append("='").append(valueKeys.get(k)).append("'"); updateStatementBuf.append("='").append(valueKeys.get(k)).append("'"); } } break; } firstKeyInWhere = false; } k++; } try { stmt = con.createStatement(); String selectStatement = selectStatementBuf.toString(); SilverTrace.info( "silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManagerDAO.putDataStatsCumul", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "selectStatement=" + selectStatement); rs = stmt.executeQuery(selectStatement); String updateStatement = updateStatementBuf.toString(); SilverTrace.info( "silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManagerDAO.putDataStatsCumul", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "updateStatement=" + updateStatement); pstmt = con.prepareStatement(updateStatement); while (rs.next()) { rowExist = true; int countCumulKey = 0; iteratorKeys = theKeys.iterator(); while (iteratorKeys.hasNext()) { String keyNameCurrent = iteratorKeys.next(); if (conf.isCumulKey(statsType, keyNameCurrent)) { countCumulKey++; StatDataType currentType = StatDataType.valueOf(conf.getKeyType(statsType, keyNameCurrent)); if (StatDataType.INTEGER == currentType) { intToAdd = Integer.valueOf(valueKeys.get(conf.indexOfKey(statsType, keyNameCurrent))); if (conf.getModeCumul(statsType) == StatisticMode.Add) { pstmt.setInt(countCumulKey, rs.getInt(keyNameCurrent) + intToAdd); } if (conf.getModeCumul(statsType) == StatisticMode.Replace) { pstmt.setInt(countCumulKey, intToAdd); } } if (StatDataType.DECIMAL == currentType) { Long myLong = Long.valueOf(valueKeys.get(conf.indexOfKey(statsType, keyNameCurrent))); if (conf.getModeCumul(statsType) == StatisticMode.Add) { pstmt.setLong(countCumulKey, (rs.getLong(keyNameCurrent) + myLong)); } if (conf.getModeCumul(statsType) == StatisticMode.Replace) { pstmt.setLong(countCumulKey, myLong); } } } } pstmt.executeUpdate(); } } catch (SQLException e) { SilverTrace.error( "silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManagerDAO.putDataStatsCumul", "silverstatistics.MSG_ALIMENTATION_BD", e); throw e; } finally { DBUtil.close(rs, stmt); DBUtil.close(pstmt); if (!rowExist) { insertDataStatsCumul(con, statsType, valueKeys, conf); } } }