private void search() { try { String firstname = firstNameItem.getValueAsString(); String lastname = lastNameItem.getValueAsString(); String phone = phoneItem.getValueAsString(); String street_id_str = streetItem.getValueAsString(); String city_id_str = citiesItem.getValueAsString(); String city_region_id_str = regionItem.getValueAsString(); if ((firstname == null || firstname.trim().equals("")) && (lastname == null || lastname.trim().equals("")) && (phone == null || phone.trim().equals("")) && (street_id_str == null || street_id_str.trim().equals(""))) { SC.say(CallCenter.constants.warning(), CallCenter.constants.enterAbonentSearchParam()); return; } Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); if (firstname != null && !firstname.trim().equals("")) { criteria.setAttribute("firstname_param", firstname); } if (lastname != null && !lastname.trim().equals("")) { criteria.setAttribute("lastname_param", lastname); } if (phone != null && !phone.trim().equals("")) { criteria.setAttribute("phone_param", phone); } if (street_id_str != null && !street_id_str.trim().equals("")) { String tmp = street_id_str.trim(); String arrStr[] = tmp.split(" "); int i = 1; for (String string : arrStr) { String item = string.trim(); criteria.setAttribute("street_name_geo_param" + i, item); i++; } } if (city_id_str != null && !city_id_str.trim().equals("")) { criteria.setAttribute("city_id", new Integer(city_id_str)); } if (city_region_id_str != null && !city_region_id_str.trim().equals("")) { criteria.setAttribute("city_region_id", new Integer(city_region_id_str)); } DSRequest dsRequest = new DSRequest(); dsRequest.setAttribute("operationId", "customSearchForCC"); listGrid.invalidateCache(); listGrid.fetchData( criteria, new DSCallback() { @Override public void execute(DSResponse response, Object rawData, DSRequest request) {} }, dsRequest); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); SC.say(e.toString()); } }
public LayerModelDto getLayerModel() { layerModel.setActive(active.getValueAsBoolean()); layerModel.setDefaultVisible(visible.getValueAsBoolean()); layerModel.setName(name.getValueAsString()); layerModel.setPublic(publicLayer.getValueAsBoolean()); return layerModel; }
public DynamicLayerConfiguration getData() { layerConfig.getClientLayerInfo().setLabel(name.getValueAsString()); layerConfig.getClientLayerInfo().setVisible(visible.getValueAsBoolean()); extraLayerInfo.setPublic(publicLayer.getValueAsBoolean()); extraLayerInfo.setActive(active.getValueAsBoolean()); return layerConfig; }
private void search() { try { String calendar_state_id = calendarStateItem.getValueAsString(); Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); if (calendar_state_id != null && !calendar_state_id.trim().equals("")) { criteria.setAttribute("calendar_state_id", new Integer(calendar_state_id)); } String calendar_event_id = secCalendarTypeItem.getValueAsString(); if (calendar_event_id != null && !calendar_event_id.trim().equals("")) { criteria.setAttribute("calendar_event_id", new Integer(calendar_event_id)); } boolean checkedDate = byCalendarDayItem.getValueAsBoolean(); if (checkedDate) { Date calendar_day = calendarDayItem.getValueAsDate(); if (calendar_day != null) { criteria.setAttribute("calendar_day", calendar_day); } } String calendar_description = descriptionItem.getValueAsString(); if (calendar_description != null && !calendar_description.trim().equals("")) { criteria.setAttribute("calendar_description", calendar_description); } String calendar_comment = commentItem.getValueAsString(); if (calendar_comment != null && !calendar_comment.trim().equals("")) { criteria.setAttribute("calendar_comment", calendar_comment); } DSRequest dsRequest = new DSRequest(); dsRequest.setAttribute("operationId", "searchAllSecularCalendars"); listGrid.invalidateCache(); listGrid.filterData( criteria, new DSCallback() { @Override public void execute(DSResponse response, Object rawData, DSRequest request) {} }, dsRequest); } catch (Exception e) { SC.say(e.toString()); } }
private void search() { try { Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); String billing_company_name = billingCompNameItem.getValueAsString(); criteria.setAttribute("billing_company_name", billing_company_name); String phoneIndex = phoneIndexItem.getValueAsString(); if (phoneIndex != null && !phoneIndex.equals("")) { try { new Long(phoneIndex); } catch (Exception e) { SC.say(CallCenterBK.constants.invalidPhone()); return; } criteria.setAttribute("phoneIndex", new Integer(phoneIndex)); } String has_calculation_str = hasCalcItem.getValueAsString(); if (has_calculation_str != null && !has_calculation_str.equals("-1")) { criteria.setAttribute("has_calculation", Integer.parseInt(has_calculation_str)); } Integer operator_src = Integer.parseInt(operatorItem.getValueAsString()); criteria.setAttribute("operator_src", operator_src); DSRequest dsRequest = new DSRequest(); dsRequest.setAttribute("operationId", "searchAllBillingComps"); billingCompsGrid.invalidateCache(); billingCompsGrid.filterData( criteria, new DSCallback() { @Override public void execute(DSResponse response, Object rawData, DSRequest request) {} }, dsRequest); } catch (Exception e) { SC.say(e.toString()); } }
/** * A valid search text would be different than the previous search text. * * @return */ public boolean isValidSearchText() { String currentText = i_searchTextItem.getValueAsString(); currentText = currentText == null ? "" : currentText; boolean isValid = !i_previousText.equals(currentText); if (isValid) { i_previousText = currentText; } return isValid; }
/** * Update the rows retrieved label based on the search results. * * @param dc */ private void updateRowsRetrieved(DataClass[] dc) { if (dc.length >= 1) { String numEntries = dc[0].getAttribute("numEntries"); String complete = dc[0].getAttribute("complete"); if (complete != null && !complete.equals("COMPLETE")) { i_rowsRetrievedLabel.setContents(ROWS_RETRIEVED_TITLE + "<b> " + numEntries + "</b>+"); } else { i_rowsRetrievedLabel.setContents(ROWS_RETRIEVED_TITLE + " <b>" + numEntries + "</b>"); } String searchText = i_searchTextItem.getValueAsString(); if (searchText == null || searchText.length() == 0) { i_rowsRetrievedLabel.setContents(""); } } else { i_rowsRetrievedLabel.setContents(ROWS_RETRIEVED_TITLE + " <b>0</b>"); } }
private String getAgentInstallPath() { return agentInstallPath.getValueAsString(); }
/** @return */ public String getSimulationName() { return simulationNameItem.getValueAsString().trim(); }
private void saveCountry() { try { String cityNameGeo = cityNameGeoItem.getValueAsString(); if (cityNameGeo == null || cityNameGeo.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { SC.say("შეიყვანეთ ქართული დასახელება !"); return; } String town_code = cityCodeItem.getValueAsString(); // if (town_code == null || town_code.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { // SC.say("შეიყვანეთ ქალაქის კოდი !"); // return; // } String town_code_new = cityNewCodeItem.getValueAsString(); ListGridRecord country_record = countryItem.getSelectedRecord(); if (country_record == null || country_record.getAttributeAsInt("country_id") == null) { SC.say("გთხოვთ აირჩიოთ ქვეყანა !"); return; } Integer country_id = country_record.getAttributeAsInt("country_id"); if (cityNameGeo.length() > 1005) { SC.say("ქართული დასახელება შედგება მაქსიმუმ 155 სიმბოლოსაგან !"); return; } // if (town_code.length() > 180) { // SC.say("ქალაქის კოდი შედგება მაქსიმუმ 90 სიმბოლოსაგან !"); // return; // } // if (town_code_new != null && town_code_new.length() > 180) { // SC.say("ქალაქის ახალი კოდი შედგება მაქსიმუმ 90 სიმბოლოსაგან !"); // return; // } ListGridRecord city_type_record = townTypeItem.getSelectedRecord(); if (city_type_record == null || city_type_record.getAttributeAsInt("description_id") == null) { SC.say("გთხოვთ აირჩიოთ ქალაქის ტიპი !"); return; } Integer town_type_id = city_type_record.getAttributeAsInt("description_id"); String capital_town_record = isCapitalItem.getValueAsString(); if (capital_town_record == null || capital_town_record.trim().equals("")) { SC.say("გთხოვთ აირჩიოთ ქალაქის სახეობა !"); return; } Integer capital_town = Integer.parseInt(capital_town_record); // try { // Integer.parseInt(town_code); // } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // SC.say("ქალაქის კოდის შედგება მხოლოდ ციფრებისაგან !"); // return; // } // if (town_code_new != null && !town_code_new.equals("")) { // try { // Integer.parseInt(town_code_new); // } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // SC.say("ქალაქის ახალი კოდის შედგება მხოლოდ ციფრებისაგან !"); // return; // } // } String normal_gmt = ofGmtItem.getValueAsString(); if (normal_gmt == null || normal_gmt.trim().equals("")) { SC.say("გთხოვთ შეიყვანოთ დრო !"); return; } try { Integer.parseInt(normal_gmt); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { SC.say("დრო შედგება მხოლოდ ციფრებისაგან !"); return; } String winter_gmt = ofGmtWinterItem.getValueAsString(); if (winter_gmt == null || winter_gmt.trim().equals("")) { SC.say("გთხოვთ შეიყვანოთ ზამთრის დრო !"); return; } try { Integer.parseInt(winter_gmt); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { SC.say("ზამთრის დრო შედგება მხოლოდ ციფრებისაგან !"); return; } com.smartgwt.client.rpc.RPCManager.startQueue(); Record record = new Record(); record.setAttribute("town_name", cityNameGeo); record.setAttribute("town_code", town_code); record.setAttribute("town_new_code", town_code_new); record.setAttribute("country_id", country_id); record.setAttribute("town_type_id", town_type_id); record.setAttribute("capital_town", capital_town); record.setAttribute("normal_gmt", normal_gmt); record.setAttribute("winter_gmt", winter_gmt); if (lCityRecord != null) { record.setAttribute("town_id", lCityRecord.getAttributeAsInt("town_id")); } record.setAttribute( "loggedUserName", CommonSingleton.getInstance().getSessionPerson().getUser_name()); DSRequest req = new DSRequest(); if (lCityRecord == null) { req.setAttribute("operationId", "townAdd"); cityGrid.addData( record, new DSCallback() { @Override public void execute(DSResponse response, Object rawData, DSRequest request) { destroy(); } }, req); } else { req.setAttribute("operationId", "townUpdate"); cityGrid.updateData( record, new DSCallback() { @Override public void execute(DSResponse response, Object rawData, DSRequest request) { destroy(); } }, req); } com.smartgwt.client.rpc.RPCManager.sendQueue(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); SC.say(e.toString()); } }