private void getSelectedItems() throws Exception { Map map = new HashMap( FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterValuesMap()); int nList = getSrchDocList().size(); boolean docExists; for (int cnt = 0; cnt < nList; cnt++) { docExists = false; Object obj = map.get("exhibitSearch:srchDocs:" + cnt + ":docSelChkBox"); if (obj != null) { String value = ((String[]) obj)[0]; if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { if (getConsntOrder().getConsntOrdExhbts().size() > 0) { for (ConsntOrdExhbt exhbt : getConsntOrder().getConsntOrdExhbts()) { if (exhbt.getId().getRegDocEt().getRegDocId() == srchDocList.get(cnt).getRegDocId().longValue()) { docExists = true; break; } } } if (!docExists) { this.addFileAsExhibit(srchDocList.get(cnt), null); } } } } // return selDocs; }
public void addExhibit() { editFlag = true; getReqMap().put("showEditPopup", true); setAddNewExhibits(true); ConsntOrdExhbt exhb = new ConsntOrdExhbt(); exhb.setExhbtTpCd(new Long(Constants.SUPPORT_DOC)); setSelectedExhibit(exhb); }
private void refreshAttchLst() throws Exception { if (null != getConsntOrder()) { for (ConsntOrdExhbt exhibit : getConsntOrder().getConsntOrdExhbts()) { UtilityService.getUtilityService().refresh(exhibit.getId().getRegDocEt()); } } }
public void exhibitsList(Set exhbList) { actnKeys = new ArrayList(); if (exhbList != null) { actnList = new ArrayList(); List tempList = new ArrayList(exhbList); // renumbering of the itemSeqNo for (int i = 0; i < tempList.size(); i++) { ConsntOrdExhbt exhb = (ConsntOrdExhbt) tempList.get(i); actnList.add(exhb); // cmplncItemActn.setSeqNo(actnList.size() - i); actnKeys.add(new SelectItem(exhb.getSeqNo())); } } }
private void uploadFiles() throws Exception { String tempDocIds = ""; long regDocId = 0; DocumentService docSrvc = DocumentService.getDocumentService(); for (ConsntOrdExhbt exhibit : getConsntOrder().getConsntOrdExhbts()) { if (exhibit.getId().getRegDocEt().isToBeUploaded()) { regDocId = exhibit.getId().getRegDocEt().getRegDocId(); tempDocIds += regDocId + ","; } } if (tempDocIds.length() > 0) { tempDocIds = tempDocIds.substring(0, tempDocIds.lastIndexOf(",")); } this.setDocStoreURL(docSrvc.getEcmURL()); this.setDocIdStr(tempDocIds); this.setDbSource(docSrvc.getDataSource()); this.setDbUserNm(docSrvc.getDBUserName()); this.setDbPwd(docSrvc.getDBPassword()); }
public void save() throws Exception { ConsentOrderService consentOrderService = ConsentOrderService.getConsentOrderService(); this.reOrderActnSet(); int idx; consntOrder.getConsntOrdExhbts().clear(); Iterator it = actnList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ConsntOrdExhbt exhb = (ConsntOrdExhbt); idx = actnList.indexOf(exhb); exhb.setSeqNo(idx + 1); if (0 == exhb.getId().getRegDocEt().getUsrId()) { exhb.getId().getRegDocEt().setUsrId(usrBean.getUsrId()); } consntOrder.getConsntOrdExhbts().add(exhb); } if (isUploadDocs()) { uploadFiles(); // first saving the documents and setting upload info setUploadFilesFlag(true); } for (ConsntOrdExhbt exhibit : getConsntOrder().getConsntOrdExhbts()) { if (exhibit.getId().getRegDocEt().isToBeUploaded()) { DocumentService.getDocumentService().saveNoCommit(exhibit.getId().getRegDocEt()); exhibit.getId().getRegDocEt().setToBeUploaded(false); } }"Saving Exhibits to the Consent Order"); consentOrderService.saveConsentOrder(consntOrder); this.setDocName(""); this.setFileName(""); this.setSelectedFileListSize(0); this.setPreviousSelFiles(0); this.setAddNewExhibits(false); if (!isUploadDocs()) { this.addMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, " Exhibits Saved successfully."); } }
public void deleteExhibit() { ConsentOrderService.getConsentOrderService() .removeExhibit(consntOrder, selectedExhibit.getSeqNo()); }
private String addFileAsExhibit(ImageInfoDTO srchDoc, String path) throws Exception { ConsntOrdExhbt consntOrdExhbt = null; ConsntOrdExhbtId consntOrdExhbtId = null; RegDocEt docEt; long docId = 0; Date currDt = new Date(); String newFileNm = ""; File file = null; boolean replaceIFSfile = false; // flag will be updated by a method in ERegII if (path != null) { path = path.trim(); file = new File(path); } consntOrdExhbt = new ConsntOrdExhbt(); consntOrdExhbtId = new ConsntOrdExhbtId(); if (isDetachFlag()) { UtilityService.getUtilityService().copyProperties(consntOrdExhbt, getSelectedExhibit()); } else { consntOrdExhbt.setExhbtDt(currDt); } UtilityService utilSrvc = new UtilityService(); if (!replaceIFSfile) { docEt = new RegDocEt(); docId = utilSrvc.getKey("reg_doc_id"); docEt.setRegDocId(docId); } else { // replacing the file in the existing regDocEt docEt = getSelectedExhibit().getId().getRegDocEt(); } if (srchDoc != null) { docEt = DocumentService.getDocumentService().getRegDocEt(srchDoc.getRegDocId()); } else { // local files docEt.setAppNm("ereg"); if (!replaceIFSfile) { // docEt.setCmplncItemId(getCmplncItemId()); // docEt.setDocTpCd(82L); newFileNm = docEt.getRegDocId() + "." + UtilityService.getUtilityService().getFileExtension(path); } if (!replaceIFSfile) { // to be placed appropriately docEt.setFileNm(newFileNm); } } if (file != null) { docEt.setUsrFileNm(path); docEt.setToBeUploaded(true); docEt.setContentId("EREG_" + docEt.getRegDocId()); // added on 0824 } consntOrdExhbtId.setCmplncItemId(getCmplncItemId()); consntOrdExhbtId.setRegDocEt(docEt); consntOrdExhbt.setId(consntOrdExhbtId); if (!isDetachFlag()) { consntOrdExhbt.setExhbtTpCd( new Long(Constants.SUPPORT_DOC)); // default is the supportive document consntOrdExhbt.setSeqNo(nextSequenceNumber()); } if (isAddNewExhibits()) { consntOrdExhbt.setExhbtTpCd( getSelectedExhibit().getExhbtTpCd()); // default is the supportive document consntOrdExhbt.setExhbtDsc(getSelectedExhibit().getExhbtDsc()); consntOrdExhbt.setExhbtNm(getSelectedExhibit().getExhbtNm()); } if (srchDoc != null) { // if (srchDoc.getDocCd() != null){ // docCd not available always and instead Image // Type is used. // consntOrdExhbt.setExhbtDsc((String)tpCd.get(srchDoc.getDocCd())); // }else{ consntOrdExhbt.setExhbtDsc(srchDoc.getImageType() + "-" + srchDoc.getDocName()); // } } //"before "+consntOrder.getConsntOrdExhbts().size()); if (isDetachFlag() && !replaceIFSfile) { deleteExhibit(); setDetachFlag(false); } getConsntOrder().getConsntOrdExhbts().add(consntOrdExhbt); //"after "+consntOrder.getConsntOrdExhbts().size()); return newFileNm; }
public int compare(ConsntOrdExhbt firstExhb, ConsntOrdExhbt secondExhb) { return Long.valueOf(firstExhb.getSeqNo()).compareTo(Long.valueOf(secondExhb.getSeqNo())); }