// Added by Zhubx 2009-06-03 加密解密手机号 public String getMobile() { try { this.mobile = tLisIdea.decryptString_pre(this.user.getMobile()); return mobile; } catch (Exception ex) { return ""; } }
public void queryOrderInfo() { orderInfoList = new ArrayList<String[]>(); String orderInfoSQL = "select ord.orderNo, cont.AppntName, (case cont.AppntSex when 'M' then '男' when 'F' then '女' else '不详' end)," + " cont.AppntBirthday,(select a.codename from ledcode a where codetype='idtype' and a.code=cont.AppntIDType), cont.AppntIDNo," + " cont.InsuredName, (case cont.InsuredSex when 'M' then '男' when 'F' then '女' else '不详' end), cont.InsuredBirthday," + " (select b.name from ledcom b where b.comcode=ord.managecom)," + " (select c.ContPlanName from lepplan c where c.PlanType='00' and c.ContPlanCode=ord.ContPlanCode),cont.Amnt, cont.Prem," + " (select a.codename from ledcode a where codetype='orderState' and a.code=ord.orderState),ord.ApplyDate,ord.AcceptDate," + " ord.AcceptPolDate,(select sitename from ledadsource t where t.sitecode=cont.currency and t.productcode='readIndex'), " + " (select addr.mobile from lecaddress addr where addr.customerno = cont.appntno and addr.addressno = appnt.addressno)" + " from LECOrderInfo ord,LECCont cont,lecappnt appnt where ord.OrderNo=cont.OrderNo and cont.contno = appnt.contno and ord.ManageCom=cont.ManageCom"; ArrayList<String[]> list = new ArrayList<String[]>(); orderInfoSQL = orderInfoSQL + getWherePart(list); orderInfoSQL = orderInfoSQL + " order by cont.OrderNo, cont.ContNo"; ExeSQL exeSQL = new ExeSQL(); SSRS tSSRS = exeSQL.execSQL(orderInfoSQL, list); if (tSSRS == null) { ECPubFun.addErrorMessage(Constants.BUNDLE_PROGRAM, "query_fail"); } else { for (int i = 1; i <= tSSRS.MaxRow; i++) { String[] tOrderInfo = new String[tSSRS.MaxCol]; for (int j = 2; j <= tSSRS.MaxCol; j++) { tOrderInfo[j - 2] = tSSRS.GetText(i, j - 1); } String tmobile = tSSRS.GetText(i, tSSRS.MaxCol); LisIDEA md = new LisIDEA(); try { tmobile = md.decryptString_pre(tmobile); } catch (Exception ex) { } tOrderInfo[tSSRS.MaxCol - 1] = tmobile; this.setOrderInfo(tOrderInfo); orderInfoList.add(tOrderInfo); } } }