コード例 #1
  public void onDrag(float dx, float dy) {
    if (mScaleDragDetector.isScaling()) {
      return; // Do not drag if we are already scaling

    if (DEBUG) {
      LogManager.getLogger().d(LOG_TAG, String.format("onDrag: dx: %.2f. dy: %.2f", dx, dy));

    ImageView imageView = getImageView();
    mSuppMatrix.postTranslate(dx, dy);

     * Here we decide whether to let the ImageView's parent to start taking over the touch event.
     * <p>First we check whether this function is enabled. We never want the parent to take over if
     * we're scaling. We then check the edge we're on, and the direction of the scroll (i.e. if
     * we're pulling against the edge, aka 'overscrolling', let the parent take over).
    ViewParent parent = imageView.getParent();
    if (mAllowParentInterceptOnEdge && !mScaleDragDetector.isScaling()) {
      if (mScrollEdge == EDGE_BOTH
          || (mScrollEdge == EDGE_LEFT && dx >= 1f)
          || (mScrollEdge == EDGE_RIGHT && dx <= -1f)) {
        if (null != parent) parent.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(false);
    } else {
      if (null != parent) {