コード例 #1
  public void execute(Hero hero, String action) {
    if (action.equals(AC_READ)) {

      if (hero.buff(Blindness.class) != null)
        GLog.w("You cannot read from the book while blinded.");
      else if (!isEquipped(hero)) GLog.i("You need to equip your spellbook to do that.");
      else if (charge == 0) GLog.i("Your spellbook is out of energy for now.");
      else if (cursed) GLog.i("Your cannot read from a cursed spellbook.");
      else {

        Scroll scroll;
        do {
          scroll = (Scroll) Generator.random(Generator.Category.SCROLL);
        } while (scroll == null
            // gotta reduce the rate on these scrolls or that'll be all the item does.
            ((scroll instanceof ScrollOfIdentify
                    || scroll instanceof ScrollOfRemoveCurse
                    || scroll instanceof ScrollOfMagicMapping)
                && Random.Int(2) == 0));

        scroll.ownedByBook = true;
        scroll.execute(hero, AC_READ);

    } else if (action.equals(AC_ADD)) {
      GameScene.selectItem(itemSelector, mode, inventoryTitle);
    } else super.execute(hero, action);