public static String append(String res, String sep, String data) { res = ChannelUtil.separatorToken(res); data = ChannelUtil.separatorToken(data); sep = ChannelUtil.separatorToken(sep); if (empty(res)) return data; if (empty(data)) return res; if (empty(sep)) return res + data; return res + sep + data; }
public static int calcCont(String[] props) { String lim = ChannelUtil.getPropertyValue(props, "continue_limit"); int ret = Channels.DeafultContLim; if (!ChannelUtil.empty(lim)) { try { ret = Integer.parseInt(lim); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (ret < 0) ret = Channels.DeafultContLim; return ret; }
public static String extension(String fileName, boolean stripDot) { if (ChannelUtil.empty(fileName)) return null; int pos = fileName.lastIndexOf('.'); if ((pos > 0) && (pos < fileName.length() - 1)) return fileName.substring(pos + (stripDot ? 1 : 0)); return null; }
public static int[] getNameIndex(String[] prop) { try { String x = ChannelUtil.getPropertyValue(prop, "name_index"); if (!empty(x)) { String[] idx = x.split("\\+"); int[] res = new int[idx.length]; for (int i = 0; i < idx.length; i++) { int j = new Integer(idx[i]).intValue(); if (j > 0) res[i] = j; } return res; } } catch (Exception e) { Channels.debug("excep " + e); } return null; }
public static String parseASX(String url, int type) { if (type == ChannelUtil.ASXTYPE_NONE) return url; if (type == ChannelUtil.ASXTYPE_AUTO && !isASX(url)) return url; String page; try { page = ChannelUtil.fetchPage(new URL(url).openConnection()); } catch (Exception e) { Channels.debug("asx fetch failed " + e); return url; } Channels.debug("page " + page); int first = page.indexOf("href="); if (first == -1) return url; int last = page.indexOf('\"', first + 6); if (last == -1) return url; return page.substring(first + 6, last); }
private static ProcessBuilder buildPid(String fName, String url) { int rtmpMet = Channels.rtmpMethod(); if (rtmpMet == Channels.RTMP_MAGIC_TOKEN) { url = url.replace("!!!pms_ch_dash_y!!!", " -y "); url = url.replace("!!!pms_ch_dash_w!!!", " -W "); return null; } ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); args.add(Channels.cfg().getRtmpPath()); int pos = url.indexOf('?'); if (pos == -1) return null; String[] data = url.substring(pos + 1).split("&"); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { String[] kv = data[i].split("="); args.add(kv[0]); if (kv.length > 1) args.add("\"" + ChannelUtil.unescape(kv[1]) + "\""); } args.add("-o"); args.add("\"" + fName + "\""); return new ProcessBuilder(args); }
public static Thread backgroundDownload(String name, String url, boolean cache) { String fName = ChannelUtil.guessExt(Channels.fileName(name, cache), url); if (ChannelUtil.rtmpStream(url)) { try { // URL u=new URL(url); // rtmp stream special fix if (empty(extension(fName))) // no extension. Rtmp is normally mp4 fName = fName + ".mp4"; final ProcessBuilder pb = buildPid(fName, url); if (pb == null) return null; Channels.debug("start process "); Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { ChannelUtil.execute(pb); } }; return new Thread(r); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } String subFile = ""; if (url.startsWith("http") || url.startsWith("navix") || url.startsWith("subs")) { if (url.startsWith("navix") || url.startsWith("subs")) { int pos = url.indexOf('?'); if (pos == -1) return null; String[] data = url.substring(pos + 1).split("&"); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { String[] kv = data[i].split("="); if (kv[0].equals("url")) url = ChannelUtil.unescape(kv[1]); if (kv[0].equals("subs")) subFile = unescape(kv[1]); } } if (empty(url)) return null; final String rUrl = url; final String sFile = subFile; if (empty(extension(fName))) // no ext guess mpg as ext fName = fName + ".mpg"; final String fName1 = fName; Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { File f = new File(fName1); if (!empty(sFile)) { File s = new File(sFile); byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; try { FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(s); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File(f.getParent() + File.separator + s.getName())); while (( != -1) out.write(buf); in.close(); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore this Channels.debug("Error moving subtitle file " + sFile); } } // download the actaul movie, subtitles are done downloadBin(rUrl, f); } }; return new Thread(r); } return null; }
public static String createMediaUrl(HashMap<String, String> vars, int format, Channel ch) { String rUrl = vars.get("url"); if (empty(rUrl) || Channels.noPlay()) // what do we do? return null; int rtmpMet = Channels.rtmpMethod(); String type = vars.get("__type__"); Channels.debug("create media url entry " + rUrl + " format " + format + " type " + type); if (rUrl.startsWith("http")) { if ((format != Format.VIDEO) || (rtmpMet == Channels.RTMP_MAGIC_TOKEN)) return rUrl; // rUrl="navix://channel?url="+escape(rUrl); rUrl = "channel?url=" + escape(rUrl); String agent = vars.get("agent"); if (empty(agent)) agent = ChannelUtil.defAgentString; rUrl = append(rUrl, "&agent=", escape(agent)); if (!empty(vars.get("referer"))) rUrl = append(rUrl, "&referer=", escape(vars.get("referer"))); String sub = vars.get("subtitle"); if (!empty(sub)) { // we got subtitles rUrl = "subs://" + rUrl; // lot of things to append here rUrl = addSubs(rUrl, sub); } else if (!empty(type) && type.equals("navix")) rUrl = "navix://" + rUrl; else rUrl = vars.get("url"); Channels.debug("return media url " + rUrl); return rUrl; } if (!empty(type) && type.equals("RTMPDUMP")) { Channels.debug("rmtpdump spec " + rUrl); String[] args = rUrl.split("!!!"); String res = ""; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (empty(args[i])) continue; String[] kv = args[i].split("=", 2); if (kv.length < 2) continue; if (kv[0].equals("flv")) continue; res = append(res, "&", kv[0] + "=" + escape(kv[1])); } rUrl = "rtmpdump://channel?" + res; String sub = vars.get("subtitle"); if (!empty(sub)) { // we got subtitles // lot of things to append here rUrl = addSubs(rUrl, sub); } Channels.debug("return media url rtmpdump spec " + rUrl); return rUrl; } String[] s = rUrl.split(" "); if (s.length > 1) { // This is likely rtmp from navix rUrl = s[0]; // first one is the url for (int i = 1; i < s.length; i++) { String[] ss = s[i].split("=", 2); if (ss.length < 2) vars.put(ss[0].toLowerCase(), ""); else vars.put(ss[0].toLowerCase(), ss[1]); } } if (!rtmpStream(rUrl)) // type is sopcast etc. return rUrl; if (rUrl.startsWith("rtmpdump://")) return rUrl; switch (rtmpMet) { case Channels.RTMP_MAGIC_TOKEN: rUrl = ChannelUtil.append(rUrl, "!!!pms_ch_dash_y!!!", vars.get("playpath")); rUrl = ChannelUtil.append(rUrl, "!!!pms_ch_dash_w!!!", vars.get("swfVfy")); break; case Channels.RTMP_DUMP: Channels.debug("rtmpdump method"); rUrl = "rtmpdump://channel?-r=" + escape(rUrl); if (!empty(vars.get("live"))) rUrl = append(rUrl, "", "&-v"); rUrl = ChannelUtil.append(rUrl, "&-y=", escape(vars.get("playpath"))); rUrl = ChannelUtil.append(rUrl, "&--swfVfy=", escape(vars.get("swfVfy"))); rUrl = ChannelUtil.append(rUrl, "&--swfVfy=", escape(vars.get("swfvfy"))); rUrl = ChannelUtil.append(rUrl, "&-s=", escape(vars.get("swfplayer"))); rUrl = ChannelUtil.append(rUrl, "&-a=", escape(vars.get("app"))); rUrl = ChannelUtil.append(rUrl, "&-p=", escape(vars.get("pageurl"))); rUrl = ChannelUtil.append(rUrl, "&-s=", escape(vars.get("swfurl"))); String sub = vars.get("subtitle"); if (!empty(sub)) { // we got subtitles // lot of things to append here rUrl = addSubs(rUrl, sub); } break; default: rUrl = vars.get("url"); break; } Channels.debug("return media url " + rUrl); return rUrl; }