コード例 #1
  // Send data message to the node.
  public boolean sendData(String toChannel, byte[] buf, String nodeName) {
    if (mChord == null) {
      Log.v(TAG, "sendData : mChord IS NULL  !!");
      return false;
    // Request the channel interface for the specific channel name.
    IChordChannel channel = mChord.getJoinedChannel(toChannel);
    if (null == channel) {
      Log.e(TAG, TAGClass + "sendData : invalid channel instance");
      return false;

    if (nodeName == null) {
      Log.v(TAG, "sendData : NODE Name IS NULL !!");
      return false;

    byte[][] payload = new byte[1][];
    payload[0] = buf;

    Log.v(TAG, TAGClass + "sendData : " + new String(buf) + ", des : " + nodeName);

     * @param toNode The joined node name that the message is sent to. It is
     * mandatory.
     * @param payloadType User defined message type. It is mandatory.
     * @param payload The package of data to send
     * @return Returns true when file transfer is success. Otherwise, false
     * is returned
    if (false == channel.sendData(nodeName, CHORD_APITEST_MESSAGE_TYPE, payload)) {
      Log.e(TAG, TAGClass + "sendData : fail to sendData");
      return false;

    return true;