コード例 #1
 public void sendConfirmation(Student pairedStudent, Child pairedChild) {
   String to = pairedStudent.getEmail() + "," + pairedChild.getEmail();
   String subject = "Partners In Reading - You have been paired!";
   String body =
           + "<body><center>"
           + "<h3>Pairing Information</h3>"
           + "<p>Don't forget to contact each other for information</p>"
           + "<p>Student's Name: "
           + pairedStudent.getFirstname()
           + " "
           + pairedStudent.getLastname()
           + "<br/>"
           + "Student's email: "
           + pairedStudent.getEmail()
           + "<br/>"
           + "Student's cellphone: "
           + pairedStudent.getCellphone()
           + "<br/>"
           + "<br/>"
           + "Child's Name: "
           + pairedChild.getFirstname()
           + " "
           + pairedChild.getLastname()
           + "<br/>"
           + "Child's Parent's Name: "
           + pairedChild.getParent_one()
           + "<br/>"
           + "Child's email: "
           + pairedChild.getEmail()
           + "<br/>"
           + "Child's cellphone: "
           + pairedChild.getCellphone()
           + "<br/>"
           + "Child's homephone: "
           + pairedChild.getHomephone()
           + "</p>"
           + "Here is your session time:"
           + "<br/>"
           + "Day: "
           + day
           + "<br/>"
           + "Time: "
           + hour
           + "<br/>"
           + "Thanks for participating!<br/>"
           + "The Partners In Reading Team"
           + "</center></body>"
           + "</html>";
   MailSender email = new MailSender(to, subject, body);