public void testSystemPackageList() throws Exception { // need a system // need to add packages to that system // then need to query those values PageControl pc = new PageControl(); pc.setIndexData(false); pc.setStart(1); user.addRole(RoleFactory.ORG_ADMIN); Server server = ServerFactoryTest.createTestServer(user, true); PackageManagerTest.addPackageToSystemAndChannel( "test-package-name" + TestUtils.randomString(), server, ChannelFactoryTest.createTestChannel(user)); DataResult dr = PackageManager.systemPackageList(server.getId(), pc); assertNotNull(dr); assertEquals(1, dr.size()); for (Iterator itr = dr.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) { Object o =; assertTrue(o instanceof PackageListItem); } }
/** * Cancel existing kickstart sessions on the host server for the system to be kickstarted (the * target server). */ private void cancelExistingSessions() { Server hostServer = getHostServer(); List sessions = KickstartFactory.lookupAllKickstartSessionsByServer(hostServer.getId()); if (sessions != null) { log.debug(" Found sessions: " + sessions); Iterator i = sessions.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { KickstartSession sess = (KickstartSession); if (sess != null && sess.getState() != null) { log.debug( " Working with session: " + sess.getState().getLabel() + " id: " + sess.getId()); } KickstartSessionState state = sess.getState(); if (!state.equals(KickstartFactory.SESSION_STATE_FAILED) || !state.equals(KickstartFactory.SESSION_STATE_COMPLETE)) { log.debug( " need to cancel this Session this.s: " + hostServer.getId() + " sess.hostServer: " + (sess.getHostServer() == null ? "null" : "" + sess.getHostServer().getId())); if (sess.getHostServer() != null && sess.getHostServer().getId().equals(hostServer.getId())) { log.debug(" Marking session failed."); sess.markFailed( LocalizationService.getInstance().getMessage("kickstart.session.newsession")); } } } } }
public void testCreateNewKeys() throws Exception { ActivationKey k = createTestActivationKey(user); Server s = k.getServer(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ActivationKey tk = createTestActivationKey(s.getCreator(), s); System.out.println("tk: " + tk.getKey()); } }
public void testLookupOrgsWithServersInFamily() throws Exception { Server s = ServerTestUtils.createTestSystem(); Channel chan = s.getChannels().iterator().next(); ChannelFamily family = chan.getChannelFamily(); List<Org> orgs = OrgFactory.lookupOrgsUsingChannelFamily(family); assertEquals(1, orgs.size()); }
/** * This method is called when the "Unsubscribe from Channel" button is clicked in the * Channel Systems page. Unsubscribes the specified systems from the channel. * * @param form Action form object. * @param req The servlet request object * @param elementIn The checked element in the set * @param userIn logged in user * @return true */ public Boolean unsubscribeSystems( ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest req, RhnSetElement elementIn, User userIn) { ConfigChannel channel = ConfigActionHelper.getChannel(req); Server s = ServerFactory.lookupById(elementIn.getElement()); s.unsubscribe(channel);; return Boolean.TRUE; }
public void testGetServerNeededUpdatePackageByName() throws Exception { user.addRole(RoleFactory.ORG_ADMIN); Server s = ServerFactoryTest.createTestServer(user); Channel c = ChannelFactoryTest.createTestChannel(user); addPackageToSystemAndChannel("some-test-package", s, c); // Not enough time actually test the results of this query for now // Just testing that it runs without SQL error. -mmccune assertNull(PackageManager.getServerNeededUpdatePackageByName(s.getId(), "some-test-package")); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm formIn, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { RequestContext requestContext = new RequestContext(request); if (request.getParameter("dispatch") != null) { if (requestContext.wasDispatched("installconfirm.jsp.confirm")) { return executePackageAction(mapping, formIn, request, response); } } List<PackageListItem> items = getDataResult(request); Server server = requestContext.lookupAndBindServer(); /* * If we are removing a package that is not in a channel the server is * subscribed to, then the rollback will not work, lets give the user * a message telling them that. */ if (this instanceof RemoveConfirmSetupAction && server.hasEntitlement(EntitlementManager.PROVISIONING)) { for (PackageListItem item : items) { Map<String, Long> map = item.getKeyMap(); if (!SystemManager.hasPackageAvailable( server, map.get("name_id"), map.get("arch_id"), map.get("evr_id"))) { ActionMessages msgs = new ActionMessages(); msgs.add( ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("package.remove.cant.rollback")); getStrutsDelegate().saveMessages(request, msgs); break; } } } DynaActionForm dynaForm = (DynaActionForm) formIn; DatePicker picker = getStrutsDelegate() .prepopulateDatePicker(request, dynaForm, "date", DatePicker.YEAR_RANGE_POSITIVE); request.setAttribute("date", picker); ActionChainHelper.prepopulateActionChains(request); request.setAttribute("system", server); requestContext.copyParamToAttributes(RequestContext.SID); request.setAttribute( ListTagHelper.PARENT_URL, request.getRequestURI() + "?sid=" + server.getId()); request.setAttribute(WIDGET_SUMMARY, getWidgetSummary()); request.setAttribute(HEADER_KEY, getHeaderKey()); request.setAttribute(DATA_SET, items); return getStrutsDelegate() .forwardParams(mapping.findForward(RhnHelper.DEFAULT_FORWARD), request.getParameterMap()); }
public void testKeyGeneration() throws Exception { ActivationKey k = createTestActivationKey(user); String note = k.getNote(); String key = k.getKey(); TestUtils.saveAndFlush(k); ActivationKey k2 = ActivationKeyFactory.lookupByKey(key); assertEquals(key, k2.getKey()); assertEquals(note, k2.getNote()); ActivationKey k3 = ActivationKeyFactory.lookupByKey(TestUtils.randomString()); assertNull(k3); // Make sure we got the entitlements correct Server server = k2.getServer(); assertEquals(1, server.getEntitlements().size()); assertEquals(1, k2.getEntitlements().size()); Entitlement e = server.getEntitlements().iterator().next(); ServerGroupType t2 = k2.getEntitlements().iterator().next(); assertEquals(e.getLabel(), t2.getLabel()); // test out ActivationKeyManager.findByServer while we're here... ActivationKey k4 = ActivationKeyManager.getInstance().findByServer(server, user).iterator().next(); assertNotNull(k4); assertEquals(key, k4.getKey()); try { k3 = ActivationKeyManager.getInstance().findByServer(null, user).iterator().next(); String msg = "Permission check failed :(.." + " Activation key should not have existed" + " for a server of 'null' id. An exception " + "should have been raised for this."; fail(msg); } catch (Exception ie) { // great!.. Exception for passing in invalid keys always welcome } User user1 = UserTestUtils.findNewUser("testuser", "testorg"); Server server2 = ServerFactoryTest.createTestServer(user1); try { k3 = ActivationKeyManager.getInstance().findByServer(server2, user1).iterator().next(); String msg = "Permission check failed :(.." + " Activation key should not have existed" + " for a server of the associated id. An exception " + "should have been raised for this."; fail(msg); } catch (Exception ie) { // great!.. Exception for passing in invalid keys always welcome } }
/** * Migrate systems from one organization to another. If executed by a Satellite administrator, the * systems will be migrated from their current organization to the organization specified by the * toOrgId. If executed by an organization administrator, the systems must exist in the same * organization as that administrator and the systems will be migrated to the organization * specified by the toOrgId. In any scenario, the origination and destination organizations must * be defined in a trust. * * @param sessionKey User's session key. * @param toOrgId destination organization ID. * @param sids System IDs. * @return list of systems migrated. * @throws FaultException A FaultException is thrown if: - The user performing the request is not * an organization administrator - The user performing the request is not a satellite * administrator, but the from org id is different than the user's org id. - The from and to * org id provided are the same. - One or more of the servers provides do not exist - The * origination or destination organization does not exist - The user is not defined in the * destination organization's trust * @xmlrpc.doc Migrate systems from one organization to another. If executed by a Satellite * administrator, the systems will be migrated from their current organization to the * organization specified by the toOrgId. If executed by an organization administrator, the * systems must exist in the same organization as that administrator and the systems will be * migrated to the organization specified by the toOrgId. In any scenario, the origination and * destination organizations must be defined in a trust. * @xmlrpc.param #param("string", "sessionKey") * @xmlrpc.param #param_desc("int", "toOrgId", "ID of the organization where the system(s) will be * migrated to.") * @xmlrpc.param #array_single("int", "systemId") * @xmlrpc.returntype #array_single("int", "serverIdMigrated") */ public Object[] migrateSystems(String sessionKey, Integer toOrgId, List<Integer> sids) throws FaultException { // the user executing the request must at least be an org admin to perform // a system migration User admin = getOrgAdmin(sessionKey); Org toOrg = verifyOrgExists(toOrgId); List<Server> servers = new LinkedList<Server>(); for (Integer sid : sids) { Long serverId = new Long(sid.longValue()); Server server = null; try { server = ServerFactory.lookupById(serverId); // throw a no_such_system exception if the server was not found. if (server == null) { throw new NoSuchSystemException("No such system - sid[" + sid + "]"); } } catch (LookupException e) { throw new NoSuchSystemException("No such system - sid[" + sid + "]"); } servers.add(server); // As a pre-requisite to performing the actual migration, verify that each // server that is planned for migration passes the criteria that follows. // If any of the servers fails that criteria, none will be migrated. // unless the user is a satellite admin, they are not permitted to migrate // systems from an org that they do not belong to if ((!admin.hasRole(RoleFactory.SAT_ADMIN)) && (!admin.getOrg().equals(server.getOrg()))) { throw new PermissionCheckFailureException(server); } // do not allow the user to migrate systems to/from the same org. doing so // would essentially remove entitlements, channels...etc from the systems // being migrated. if (toOrg.equals(server.getOrg())) { throw new MigrationToSameOrgException(server); } // if the originating org is not defined within the destination org's trust // the migration should not be permitted. if (!toOrg.getTrustedOrgs().contains(server.getOrg())) { throw new OrgNotInTrustException(server); } } List<Long> serversMigrated = MigrationManager.migrateServers(admin, toOrg, servers); return serversMigrated.toArray(); }
/** * Get the id of the Package installed for this KS. Here we'll verify that the kickstart package * exists in the host server's tools channel. The host server will need it to perform necessary * actions on either itself or the target system (if different). * * @return Long id of Package used for this KS. */ public ValidatorError validateKickstartPackage() { if (cobblerOnly) { return null; } Server hostServer = getHostServer(); Set<Long> serverChannelIds = new HashSet<Long>(); Iterator<Channel> i = hostServer.getChannels().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Channel c =; serverChannelIds.add(c.getId()); } // check for package among channels the server is subscribed to. // If one is found, return Map<String, Long> pkgToInstall = findKickstartPackageToInstall(hostServer, serverChannelIds); if (pkgToInstall != null) { this.packagesToInstall.add(pkgToInstall); log.debug(" packagesToInstall: " + packagesToInstall); return null; } // otherwise search in channels that can be subscribed. // If one is found, subscribe channel and return Set<Long> subscribableChannelIds = SystemManager.subscribableChannelIds( hostServer.getId(), this.user.getId(), hostServer.getBaseChannel().getId()); pkgToInstall = findKickstartPackageToInstall(hostServer, subscribableChannelIds); if (pkgToInstall != null) { this.packagesToInstall.add(pkgToInstall); log.debug(" packagesToInstall: " + packagesToInstall); Long cid = pkgToInstall.get("channel_id"); log.debug(" Subscribing to: " + cid); Channel c = ChannelFactory.lookupById(cid); try { SystemManager.subscribeServerToChannel(this.user, server, c); log.debug(" Subscribed: " + cid); } catch (PermissionException pe) { return new ValidatorError("kickstart.schedule.cantsubscribe"); } catch (Exception e) { return new ValidatorError( "", c.getName(), server.getName()); } return null; } return new ValidatorError( "kickstart.schedule.nopackage", this.getKsdata().getChannel().getName()); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm formIn, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { RequestContext requestContext = new RequestContext(request); Server server = requestContext.lookupAndBindServer(); Long aid = requestContext.getRequiredParam("aid"); request.setAttribute("aid", aid); request.setAttribute("referrerLink", ""); request.setAttribute("linkLabel", "system.event.return"); request.setAttribute("headerLabel", "system.event.header"); Action action; ServerAction serverAction; try { action = ActionManager.lookupAction(requestContext.getCurrentUser(), aid); serverAction = ActionFactory.getServerActionForServerAndAction(server, action); } catch (LookupException e) { ServerHistoryEvent event = ActionFactory.lookupHistoryEventById(aid); request.setAttribute("actiontype", event.getSummary()); request.setAttribute("earliestaction", event.getCreated()); request.setAttribute("actionnotes", event.getDetails()); request.setAttribute("failed", false); return mapping.findForward(RhnHelper.DEFAULT_FORWARD); } ActionFormatter af = action.getFormatter(); request.setAttribute("actionname", af.getName()); request.setAttribute("actiontype", af.getActionType()); request.setAttribute("scheduler", af.getScheduler()); request.setAttribute("earliestaction", af.getEarliestDate()); request.setAttribute("actionnotes", af.getDetails(server, requestContext.getCurrentUser())); request.setAttribute("failed", serverAction.getStatus().equals(ActionFactory.STATUS_FAILED)); if (!serverAction.getStatus().equals(ActionFactory.STATUS_COMPLETED) && !serverAction.getStatus().equals(ActionFactory.STATUS_FAILED)) { request.setAttribute("referrerLink", ""); request.setAttribute("linkLabel", "system.event.pendingReturn"); request.setAttribute("headerLabel", "system.event.pendingHeader"); } if (isSubmitted((DynaActionForm) formIn)) { createSuccessMessage(request, "system.event.rescheduled", action.getName()); ActionFactory.rescheduleSingleServerAction(action, 5L, server.getId()); return mapping.findForward("continue"); } return mapping.findForward(RhnHelper.DEFAULT_FORWARD); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public DataResult<ManagedServerGroup> getResult(RequestContext context) { Server server = context.lookupAndBindServer(); ServerGroupManager manager = ServerGroupManager.getInstance(); List<ManagedServerGroup> serverGroups = server.getManagedGroups(); List<ManagedServerGroup> all = context.getCurrentUser().getOrg().getManagedServerGroups(); List<ManagedServerGroup> ret = new LinkedList<ManagedServerGroup>(); for (ManagedServerGroup group : all) { if (!serverGroups.contains(group) && manager.canAccess(context.getCurrentUser(), group)) { ret.add(group); } } return new DataResult<ManagedServerGroup>(ret); }
// See BZ: 191007 public void testCreateWithCustomGroups() throws Exception { Server s = ServerFactoryTest.createTestServer( user, true, ServerConstants.getServerGroupTypeEnterpriseEntitled()); ServerGroup testGroup = ServerGroupTestUtils.createManaged(user); s.getManagedGroups().add((ManagedServerGroup) testGroup); // Three, one for the server entitlement, one for the user permission to the // server, one as the testGroup. assertEquals(1, s.getManagedGroups().size()); ActivationKey key = createTestActivationKey(user, s); assertNotNull(key); key = (ActivationKey) reload(key); assertNotNull(key.getId()); }
public void testExecute() throws Exception { // Create a config channel and a server ConfigChannel channel = ConfigTestUtils.createConfigChannel(user.getOrg()); Server server = ServerFactoryTest.createTestServer( user, true, ServerConstants.getServerGroupTypeProvisioningEntitled()); // associate the two. server.subscribe(channel); SystemManager.storeServer(server); setRequestPathInfo("/systems/details/configuration/ConfigChannelList"); addRequestParameter("sid", server.getId().toString()); actionPerform(); verifyPageList(ConfigChannelDto.class); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm formIn, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { RequestContext requestContext = new RequestContext(request); User user = requestContext.getCurrentUser(); Long sid = requestContext.getRequiredParam("sid"); RhnSet set = getSetDecl(sid).get(user); ListRhnSetHelper help = new ListRhnSetHelper(this, request, getSetDecl(sid)); help.setListName(LIST_NAME); String parentURL = request.getRequestURI() + "?sid=" + sid; help.setParentUrl(parentURL); help.execute(); if (help.isDispatched()) { if (requestContext.wasDispatched("errata.jsp.apply")) { return applyErrata(mapping, formIn, request, response); } } String showButton = "true"; // Show the "Apply Errata" button only when unapplied errata exist: if (!SystemManager.hasUnscheduledErrata(user, sid)) { showButton = "false"; } Map params = new HashMap(); Set keys = request.getParameterMap().keySet(); for (Iterator i = keys.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String key = (String); params.put(key, request.getParameter(key)); } Server server = SystemManager.lookupByIdAndUser(sid, user); SdcHelper.ssmCheck(request, server.getId(), user); request.setAttribute("showApplyErrata", showButton); request.setAttribute("set", set); request.setAttribute("system", server); request.setAttribute("combo", getComboList(request)); request.setAttribute(SELECTOR, request.getParameter(SELECTOR)); return getStrutsDelegate() .forwardParams(mapping.findForward(RhnHelper.DEFAULT_FORWARD), params); }
/** * Setup the system for provisioning with cobbler. * * @param mapping ActionMapping for struts * @param form DynaActionForm representing the form * @param ctx RequestContext request context * @param response HttpServletResponse response object * @param step WizardStep what step are we on? * @return ActionForward struts action forward * @throws Exception if something goes amiss */ public ActionForward runFourth( ActionMapping mapping, DynaActionForm form, RequestContext ctx, HttpServletResponse response, WizardStep step) throws Exception { log.debug("runFourth"); if (!validateFirstSelections(form, ctx)) { return runFirst(mapping, form, ctx, response, step); } Long sid = (Long) form.get(RequestContext.SID); String cobblerId = form.getString(RequestContext.COBBLER_ID); log.debug("runFourth.cobblerId: " + cobblerId); User user = ctx.getCurrentUser(); Server server = SystemManager.lookupByIdAndUser(sid, user); Map params = new HashMap(); params.put(RequestContext.SID, sid); log.debug("Creating cobbler system record"); org.cobbler.Profile profile = org.cobbler.Profile.lookupById(CobblerXMLRPCHelper.getConnection(user), cobblerId); KickstartData data = KickstartFactory.lookupKickstartDataByCobblerIdAndOrg(user.getOrg(), profile.getUid()); if (showDiskWarning(data, form)) { form.set(NEXT_ACTION, "fourth"); return mapping.findForward("fifth"); } CobblerSystemCreateCommand cmd = new CobblerSystemCreateCommand(server, profile.getName(), data);; log.debug("cobbler system record created."); String[] args = new String[2]; args[0] = server.getName(); args[1] = profile.getName(); createMessage(ctx.getRequest(), "kickstart.schedule.cobblercreate", args); return getStrutsDelegate().forwardParams(mapping.findForward("cobbler-success"), params); }
public void testUpgradable() throws Exception { Map info = ErrataCacheManagerTest.createServerNeededPackageCache(user, ErrataFactory.ERRATA_TYPE_BUG); Server s = (Server) info.get("server"); Package p = (Package) info.get("package"); p = (Package) TestUtils.saveAndReload(p); DataResult<UpgradablePackageListItem> dr = PackageManager.upgradable(s.getId(), null); assertFalse(dr.isEmpty()); boolean containsSamePackage = false; for (UpgradablePackageListItem item : dr) { if (p.getPackageName().getName().equals(item.getName())) { containsSamePackage = true; } assertTrue(item.getIdCombo().split("\\|").length == 3); } assertTrue(containsSamePackage); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm formIn, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { RequestContext ctx = new RequestContext(request); Server server = ctx.lookupAndBindServer(); User user = ctx.getCurrentUser(); SdcHelper.ssmCheck(ctx.getRequest(), server.getId(), user); DynaActionForm form = (DynaActionForm) formIn; SystemRecord rec = (SystemRecord) getCobblerObject(server.getCobblerId(), user); if (isSubmitted(form)) { if (!Boolean.valueOf(rec.isNetbootEnabled()).equals(form.get(NETBOOT_ENABLED))) { rec.enableNetboot(Boolean.TRUE.equals(form.get(NETBOOT_ENABLED)));; } } form.set(NETBOOT_ENABLED, rec.isNetbootEnabled()); return super.execute(mapping, formIn, request, response); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm formIn, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { RequestContext context = new RequestContext(request); context.copyParamToAttributes("sid"); Server server = context.lookupAndBindServer(); ListRhnSetHelper helper = new ListRhnSetHelper(this, request, RhnSetDecl.setForSystemCrashes(server)); helper.execute(); if (helper.isDispatched()) { return handleSubmit(mapping, context, server); } SdcHelper.ssmCheck(request, server.getId(), context.getCurrentUser()); return mapping.findForward(RhnHelper.DEFAULT_FORWARD); }
private List<NetworkInterface> getPublicNetworkInterfaces(Server server) { List<NetworkInterface> nics = new LinkedList<NetworkInterface>(server.getNetworkInterfaces()); for (Iterator<NetworkInterface> itr = nics.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) { NetworkInterface nic =; if (nic.isDisabled() || "".equals(nic.getIpaddr())) { itr.remove(); } } return nics; }
/** * This method inserts a record into the rhnServerPackage mapping table to associate a given * Server with a particular Package. The web code doesn't actually create any of these records, * but this will be needed by the backend code. * * @param srvr Server to associate with the packages * @param p The package */ public static void associateSystemToPackage(Server srvr, Package p) { try { WriteMode m = ModeFactory.getWriteMode("test_queries", "insert_into_rhnServerPackageSimple"); Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("server_id", srvr.getId()); params.put("name_id", p.getPackageName().getId()); params.put("evr_id", p.getPackageEvr().getId()); m.executeUpdate(params); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm formIn, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { RequestContext context = new RequestContext(request); User user = context.getCurrentUser(); Long sid = context.getRequiredParam("sid"); Server server = SystemManager.lookupByIdAndUser(sid, user); Long xid = context.getRequiredParam("xid"); XccdfTestResult testResult = ScapFactory.lookupTestResultByIdAndSid(xid, server.getId()); request.setAttribute("testResult", testResult); request.setAttribute("system", server); ListHelper helper = new ListHelper(this, request); helper.execute(); request.setAttribute( ListTagHelper.PARENT_URL, request.getRequestURI() + "?sid=" + sid + "&xid=" + xid); SdcHelper.ssmCheck(request, sid, user); return mapping.findForward(RhnHelper.DEFAULT_FORWARD); }
protected ActionForward handleSubmit(ActionMapping mapping, RequestContext ctx, Server server) { User user = ctx.getCurrentUser(); RhnSet set = RhnSetDecl.setForSystemCrashes(server).get(user); // until we delete crash files from taskomatic, we have to delete them one by one for (Iterator<Long> iter = RhnSetDecl.setForSystemCrashes(server).get(user).getElementValues().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { CrashManager.deleteCrash(user,; } createSuccessMessage(ctx.getRequest(), "message.crashesdeleted", Integer.toString(set.size())); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("sid", server.getId()); return getStrutsDelegate().forwardParams(mapping.findForward("delete"), params); }
private void setupNetworkInfo( DynaActionForm form, RequestContext context, KickstartScheduleCommand cmd) { Server server = cmd.getServer(); List<NetworkInterface> nics = getPublicNetworkInterfaces(server); if (nics.isEmpty()) { return; } context.getRequest().setAttribute(NETWORK_INTERFACES, nics); if (StringUtils.isBlank(form.getString(NETWORK_INTERFACE))) { String defaultInterface = ConfigDefaults.get().getDefaultKickstartNetworkInterface(); for (NetworkInterface nic : nics) { if (nic.getName().equals(defaultInterface)) { form.set(NETWORK_INTERFACE, ConfigDefaults.get().getDefaultKickstartNetworkInterface()); } } if (StringUtils.isBlank(form.getString(NETWORK_INTERFACE))) { form.set(NETWORK_INTERFACE, server.findPrimaryNetworkInterface().getName()); } } }
/** * @param user User that owns parent channel * @param channelIn base channel to unsubscribe from. */ private void unsubscribeOrgsFromChannel(User user, Channel channelIn, String accessIn) { Org org = channelIn.getOrg(); // find trusted orgs Set<Org> trustedOrgs = org.getTrustedOrgs(); for (Org o : trustedOrgs) { // find systems subscribed in org Trust DataResult<Map<String, Object>> dr = SystemManager.sidsInOrgTrust(org.getId(), o.getId()); for (Map<String, Object> item : dr) { Long sid = (Long) item.get("id"); Server s = ServerFactory.lookupById(sid); if (s.isSubscribed(channelIn)) { // check if this is a base custom channel if (channelIn.getParentChannel() == null) { // unsubscribe children first if subscribed List<Channel> children = channelIn.getAccessibleChildrenFor(user); Iterator<Channel> i = children.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Channel child =; if (s.isSubscribed(child)) { // unsubscribe server from child channel child.getTrustedOrgs().remove(o); child.setAccess(accessIn);; s = SystemManager.unsubscribeServerFromChannel(s, child); } } } // unsubscribe server from channel; s = SystemManager.unsubscribeServerFromChannel(s, channelIn); } } } }
/** * Do the validation needed for this command. This ensures that the system hosting the kickstart * has the necessary resources to do so. * * @return Returns a ValidatorError, if any errors occur */ public ValidatorError doValidation() { ValidatorError error = validateNetworkInterface(); if (error != null) { return error; } if (isCobblerOnly()) { return null; } Server hostServer = getHostServer(); // Check base channel. log.debug("** Checking basechannel."); if (hostServer.getBaseChannel() == null) { return new ValidatorError("kickstart.schedule.nobasechannel", hostServer.getName()); } // Check that we have a valid ks package log.debug("** Checking validkspackage"); error = validateKickstartPackage(); if (error != null) { return error; } if (ksdata.isRhel()) { // Check that we have a valid up2date version log.debug("** Checking valid up2date"); error = validateUp2dateVersion(); if (error != null) { return error; } } // we already shall be subscribed to the tools channel // (since validateKickstartPackage), so no other actions needed return null; }
private void showMessages( ActionMessages msgs, Action action, Server server, int pkgcnt, String mode) { String key = null; if (MODE_INSTALL.equals(mode)) { key = "message.packageinstall"; } else if (MODE_REMOVAL.equals(mode)) { key = "message.packageremoval"; } else { // must be upgrade key = "message.packageupgrade"; } /** * If there was only one action archived, display the "action" archived message, else display * the "actions" archived message. */ if (pkgcnt == 1) { msgs.add( ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage( key, LocalizationService.getInstance().formatNumber(new Integer(pkgcnt)), action.getId().toString(), server.getId().toString(), server.getName())); } else { msgs.add( ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage( key + "s", LocalizationService.getInstance().formatNumber(new Integer(pkgcnt)), action.getId().toString(), server.getId().toString(), server.getName())); } }
/** * This method inserts a record into the rhnServerPackage mapping table to associate a given * Server with a particular Package. The web code doesn't actually create any of these records, * but this will be needed by the backend code. * * @param srvr Server to associate with the packages * @param pn The package name to associate * @param pe The package evr (version and release). */ public static void associateSystemToPackage(Server srvr, PackageName pn, PackageEvr pe) { try { WriteMode m = ModeFactory.getWriteMode("test_queries", "insert_into_rhnServerPackage"); Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("server_id", srvr.getId()); params.put("pn_id", pn.getId()); params.put("p_epoch", pe.getEpoch()); params.put("p_version", pe.getVersion()); params.put("p_release", pe.getRelease()); m.executeUpdate(params); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void testUpgradablePackagesFromServerSet() throws Exception { // Setup User admin = UserTestUtils.findNewUser("ssmUpgradeUser1", "ssmUpgradeOrg1"); Org org = admin.getOrg(); // Create the server and add to the SSM Server server = ServerTestUtils.createTestSystem(admin); ServerTestUtils.addServersToSsm(admin, server.getId()); // Create upgraded package EVR so package will show up from the query PackageEvr upgradedPackageEvr = PackageEvrFactory.createPackageEvr("1", "1.0.0", "2"); upgradedPackageEvr = (PackageEvr) TestUtils.saveAndReload(upgradedPackageEvr); ServerTestUtils.populateServerErrataPackages( org, server, upgradedPackageEvr, ErrataFactory.ERRATA_TYPE_SECURITY); ServerTestUtils.populateServerErrataPackages( org, server, upgradedPackageEvr, ErrataFactory.ERRATA_TYPE_BUG); // Test DataResult result = PackageManager.upgradablePackagesFromServerSet(admin); assertTrue(result != null); assertEquals(2, result.size()); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm formIn, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { RequestContext context = new RequestContext(request); User user = context.getCurrentUser(); Server server = context.lookupAndBindServer(); ListSessionSetHelper helper = new ListSessionSetHelper(this, request); helper.execute(); if (helper.isDispatched()) { ServerGroupManager manager = ServerGroupManager.getInstance(); List<Server> servers = new LinkedList<Server>(); servers.add(server); for (String id : helper.getSet()) { ServerGroup group = manager.lookup(Long.valueOf(id), user); manager.addServers(group, servers, user); } helper.destroy(); getStrutsDelegate() .saveMessage( "systems.groups.jsp.added", new String[] {String.valueOf(helper.getSet().size())}, request); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put(RequestContext.SID, server.getId().toString()); StrutsDelegate strutsDelegate = getStrutsDelegate(); return strutsDelegate.forwardParams(mapping.findForward("success"), params); } return mapping.findForward(RhnHelper.DEFAULT_FORWARD); }