コード例 #1
   * Returns PackageOverviews from a search.
   * @param pids List of package ids returned from search server.
   * @param archLabels List of channel arch labels.
   * @param relevantUserId user id to filter by if relevant or architecture search server the user
   *     can see is subscribed to
   * @param filterChannelId channel id to filter by if channel search
   * @param searchType type of search to do, one of "relevant", "channel", "architecture", or "all"
   * @return PackageOverviews from a search.
  public static List<PackageOverview> packageSearch(
      List<Long> pids,
      List<String> archLabels,
      Long relevantUserId,
      Long filterChannelId,
      String searchType) {
    Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    SelectMode m = null;

    if (searchType.equals(PackageSearchAction.ARCHITECTURE)) {
      if (!(archLabels != null && archLabels.size() > 0)) {
        throw new MissingArchitectureException(
            "archLabels must not be null for architecture search!");

      // This makes me very sad. PreparedSatement.setObject does not allow
      // you to pass in Lists or Arrays. We can't manually convert archLabels
      // to a string and use the regular infrastructure because it will
      // escape the quotes between architectures. The only thing we can do
      // is to get the SelectMode and manually insert the architecture types
      // before we continue. If we can get PreparedStatement to accept Lists
      // then all this hackishness can go away. NOTE: we know that we have to
      // guard against sql injection in this case. Notice that the archLabels
      // will all be enclosed in single quotes. Valid archLabels will only
      // contain alphanumeric, '-', and "_" characters. We will simply
      // check and enforce that constraint, and then even if someone injected
      // something we would either end up throwing an error or it would be
      // in a string, and therefore not dangerous.
      m = ModeFactory.getMode("Package_queries", "searchByIdAndArches");
      CachedStatement cs = m.getQuery();
      String query = cs.getOrigQuery();
      String archString = "'" + sanitizeArchLabel(archLabels.get(0)) + "'";
      for (int i = 1; i < archLabels.size(); i++) {
        archString += ", '" + sanitizeArchLabel(archLabels.get(i)) + "'";
      query = query.replace(":channel_arch_labels", archString);
    } else if (searchType.equals(PackageSearchAction.RELEVANT)) {
      if (relevantUserId == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("relevantUserId must not be null for relevant search!");
      params.put("uid", relevantUserId);
      m = ModeFactory.getMode("Package_queries", "relevantSearchById");
    } else if (searchType.equals(PackageSearchAction.CHANNEL)) {
      if (filterChannelId == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("filterChannelId must not be null for channel search!");
      params.put("cid", filterChannelId);
      m = ModeFactory.getMode("Package_queries", "searchByIdInChannel");
    } else {
      m = ModeFactory.getMode("Package_queries", "searchById");

    // SelectMode.execute will batch the size properly and CachedStatement.execute
    // will create a comma separated string representation of the list of pids
    DataResult result = m.execute(params, pids);
    return result;
コード例 #2
   * Primarily a convenience method to make testing easier
   * @param ctx Quartz job runtime environment
   * @throws JobExecutionException Indicates somes sort of fatal error
  public void execute(JobExecutionContext ctx) throws JobExecutionException {
    try {
      SelectMode select =
              TaskConstants.MODE_NAME, TaskConstants.TASK_QUERY_KSCLEANUP_FIND_CANDIDATES);
      DataResult dr = select.execute(Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Found " + dr.size() + " entries to process");
      // Bail early if no candidates
      if (dr.size() == 0) {

      Long failedStateId = findFailedStateId();
      if (failedStateId == null) {
        log.warn("Failed kickstart state id not found");
      for (Iterator iter = dr.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
        Map row = (Map) iter.next();
        processRow(failedStateId, row);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new JobExecutionException(e);
コード例 #3
  private Long findTopmostParentAction(Long startingAction) {
    SelectMode select =
            TaskConstants.MODE_NAME, TaskConstants.TASK_QUERY_KSCLEANUP_FIND_PREREQ_ACTION);
    Map params = new HashMap();
    params.put("action_id", startingAction);
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug("StartingAction: " + startingAction);

    Long retval = startingAction;
    Long preqid = startingAction;
    DataResult dr = select.execute(params);
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug("dr: " + dr);

    while (dr.size() > 0 && preqid != null) {
      preqid = (Long) ((Map) dr.get(0)).get("prerequisite");
      if (preqid != null) {
        retval = preqid;
        params.put("action_id", retval);
        dr = select.execute(params);
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug("preqid: " + preqid);
      log.debug("Returning: " + retval);

    return retval;
コード例 #4
  * Returns information, whether each package in the list is channel compatible and whether the org
  * has accesds to
  * @param orgId organization id
  * @param channelId channel id
  * @param packageIds list of package ids
  * @return dataresult(id, package_arch_id, org_package, org_access, shared_access)
 public static DataResult getPackagesChannelArchCompatAndOrgAccess(
     Long orgId, Long channelId, List<Long> packageIds) {
   Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   params.put("org_id", orgId);
   params.put("channel_id", channelId);
   SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Package_queries", "channel_arch_and_org_access");
   return m.execute(params, packageIds);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Org.java プロジェクト: bsmeets86/spacewalk
  * Gets the list of active org admins (com.redhat.rhn.domain.user.User objects) in this org.
  * @return Returns the set of active org admins in this org.
 public List<User> getActiveOrgAdmins() {
   SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("User_queries", "active_org_admins");
   Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   params.put(ORG_ID_KEY, this.getId());
   DataResult dr = m.execute(params);
   if (dr == null) {
     return null;
   return getUsers(dr);
コード例 #6
 private Long findFailedStateId() {
   Long retval = null;
   SelectMode select =
   DataResult dr = select.execute(Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
   if (dr.size() > 0) {
     retval = (Long) ((Map) dr.get(0)).get("id");
   return retval;
コード例 #7
   * Returns true if the Package with the given name and evr ids exists in the Channel whose id is
   * cid.
   * @param cid Channel id to look in
   * @param nameId Package name id
   * @param evrId Package evr id
   * @return true if the Package with the given name and evr ids exists in the Channel whose id is
   *     cid.
  public static boolean isPackageInChannel(Long cid, Long nameId, Long evrId) {
    Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    params.put("cid", cid);
    params.put("name_id", nameId);
    params.put("evr_id", evrId);
    SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "is_package_in_channel");
    DataResult dr = m.execute(params);
    if (dr.isEmpty()) {
      return false;

    BooleanWrapper bw = (BooleanWrapper) dr.get(0);
    return bw.booleanValue();
コード例 #8
   * Looks up a list of applicable kickstart profiles. The list is generated based on matches
   * between the server's base channel arch and the profile's channel arch
   * @return DataResult, else null if the server does not exist or does not have a base channel
   *     assigned
  public DataResult<KickstartDto> getKickstartProfiles() {
    DataResult<KickstartDto> retval = new DataResult<KickstartDto>(Collections.EMPTY_LIST);

    // Profiles are associated with the host; the target system might not be created
    // yet.  Also, the host will be the one performing the kickstart, so the profile
    // is relative to that system.

    Server hostServer = getHostServer();
    if (hostServer != null) {
      log.debug("getKickstartProfiles(): hostServer isnt null");
      Channel baseChannel = hostServer.getBaseChannel();
      if (baseChannel != null) {
        log.debug("getKickstartProfiles(): hostServer.baseChannel isnt null");
        ChannelArch arch = baseChannel.getChannelArch();
        SelectMode mode = getMode();
        Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        params.put("org_id", this.user.getOrg().getId());
        params.put("prim_arch_id", arch.getId());
        if (arch.getName().equals("x86_64")) {
          log.debug("    Adding IA-32 to search list.");
          ChannelArch ia32arch = ChannelFactory.lookupArchByName("IA-32");
          params.put("sec_arch_id", ia32arch.getId());
        } else if (arch.getName().equals("IA-32")
            && (hostServer.getServerArch().getName().equals(ServerConstants.getArchI686().getName())
                || hostServer
                    .equals(ServerConstants.getArchATHLON().getName()))) {
          log.debug("    Adding x86_64 to search list.");
          ChannelArch x86Arch = ChannelFactory.lookupArchByName("x86_64");
          params.put("sec_arch_id", x86Arch.getId());
        } else if (arch.getName().equals("PPC")) {
          log.debug("    Adding ppc64le to search list.");
          ChannelArch ppc64le = ChannelFactory.lookupArchByName("PPC64LE");
          params.put("sec_arch_id", ppc64le.getId());
        } else if (arch.getName().equals("PPC64LE")) {
          log.debug("    Adding ppc to search list.");
          ChannelArch ppc = ChannelFactory.lookupArchByName("PPC");
          params.put("sec_arch_id", ppc.getId());
        } else {
          params.put("sec_arch_id", arch.getId());
        retval = mode.execute(params);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
          log.debug("got back from DB: " + retval);
        KickstartLister.getInstance().setKickstartUrls(retval, user);
        KickstartLister.getInstance().pruneInvalid(user, retval);

    List<CobblerProfileDto> dtos = KickstartLister.getInstance().listCobblerProfiles(user);
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug("got back from cobbler: " + dtos);
    retval.setTotalSize(retval.getTotalSize() + dtos.size());

    return retval;