コード例 #1
 private void addRemoval(Tree.Identifier id, Declaration d) {
   if (id != null
       && d != null
       && dec.equals(getAbstraction(d))
       && id.getText().equals(aid.getText())) {
     change.addEdit(new ReplaceEdit(id.getStartIndex(), id.getDistance(), dec.getName()));
コード例 #2
 private static String name(Tree.Identifier id) {
   if (id == null) {
     return "<unknown>";
   } else {
     return id.getText();
  public static void addChangeIdentifierCaseProposal(
      Node node, Collection<ICompletionProposal> proposals, IFile file) {
    Tree.Identifier identifier = null;

    if (node instanceof Tree.TypeDeclaration) {
      identifier = ((Tree.TypeDeclaration) node).getIdentifier();
    } else if (node instanceof Tree.TypeParameterDeclaration) {
      identifier = ((Tree.TypeParameterDeclaration) node).getIdentifier();
    } else if (node instanceof Tree.TypedDeclaration) {
      identifier = ((Tree.TypedDeclaration) node).getIdentifier();
    } else if (node instanceof Tree.ImportPath) {
      List<Identifier> importIdentifiers = ((Tree.ImportPath) node).getIdentifiers();
      for (Identifier importIdentifier : importIdentifiers) {
        if (importIdentifier.getText() != null
            && !importIdentifier.getText().isEmpty()
            && Character.isUpperCase(importIdentifier.getText().charAt(0))) {
          identifier = importIdentifier;

    if (identifier != null && !identifier.getText().isEmpty()) {
      addProposal(identifier, proposals, file);
コード例 #4
 private static String toPath(Tree.Import ai) {
   String path = "";
   for (Tree.Identifier id : ai.getImportPath().getIdentifiers()) {
     path += "." + id.getText();
   path = path.substring(1);
   return path;
コード例 #5
 protected void renameIdentifier(TextChange tfc, Tree.Identifier id, Tree.CompilationUnit root) {
   String name = declaration.getName();
   int loc = id.getText().indexOf(name);
   int start = id.getStartIndex();
   int len = id.getDistance();
   if (loc > 0) {
     tfc.addEdit(new ReplaceEdit(start + loc, name.length(), newName));
   } else {
     tfc.addEdit(new ReplaceEdit(start, len, escaping_.get_().toInitialLowercase(newName)));
コード例 #6
 public void visit(Tree.TypedDeclaration that) {
   Tree.Identifier id = that.getIdentifier();
   if (id != null) {
     Type type = that.getType().getTypeModel();
     if (type != null) {
       TypeDeclaration td = type.getDeclaration();
       if ((td instanceof ClassOrInterface || td instanceof TypeParameter)
           && td.equals(declaration)) {
         String text = id.getText();
         String name = declaration.getName();
         if (text.equalsIgnoreCase(name) || text.endsWith(name)) {
コード例 #7
  public static String getInitialValueDescription(
      final Declaration dec, CeylonParseController cpc) {
    if (cpc != null) {
      Node refnode = getReferencedNode(dec);
      Tree.SpecifierOrInitializerExpression sie = null;
      String arrow = null;
      if (refnode instanceof Tree.AttributeDeclaration) {
        Tree.AttributeDeclaration ad = (Tree.AttributeDeclaration) refnode;
        sie = ad.getSpecifierOrInitializerExpression();
        arrow = " = ";
      } else if (refnode instanceof Tree.MethodDeclaration) {
        Tree.MethodDeclaration md = (Tree.MethodDeclaration) refnode;
        sie = md.getSpecifierExpression();
        arrow = " => ";
      Tree.CompilationUnit lcu = cpc.getLastCompilationUnit();
      if (sie == null) {
        class FindInitializerVisitor extends Visitor {
          Tree.SpecifierOrInitializerExpression result;

          public void visit(Tree.InitializerParameter that) {
            Declaration d = that.getParameterModel().getModel();
            if (d != null && d.equals(dec)) {
              result = that.getSpecifierExpression();
        FindInitializerVisitor fiv = new FindInitializerVisitor();
        sie = fiv.result;
      if (sie != null) {
        Tree.Expression e = sie.getExpression();
        if (e != null) {
          Tree.Term term = e.getTerm();
          if (term instanceof Tree.Literal) {
            String text = term.getToken().getText();
            if (text.length() < 20) {
              return arrow + text;
          } else if (term instanceof Tree.BaseMemberOrTypeExpression) {
            Tree.BaseMemberOrTypeExpression bme = (Tree.BaseMemberOrTypeExpression) term;
            Tree.Identifier id = bme.getIdentifier();
            if (id != null && bme.getTypeArguments() == null) {
              return arrow + id.getText();
          } else if (term != null) {
            Unit unit = lcu.getUnit();
            if (term.getUnit().equals(unit)) {
              String impl = Nodes.text(term, cpc.getTokens());
              if (impl.length() < 10) {
                return arrow + impl;
          // don't have the token stream :-/
          // TODO: figure out where to get it from!
          return arrow + "...";
    return "";