public static void readExtraItems(String s, ArrayList array) throws IOException { File file = new File(Platform.getRoot() + File.separator + "templates.view"); if (!file.exists()) { return; } String as[] = file.list(); if (as == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < as.length; i++) { File file1 = new File(file, as[i]); if (!file1.isDirectory()) { continue; } File file2 = new File(file1, s); if (!file2.exists()) { continue; } ArrayList array1 = FrameFile.readFromFile(file2.getAbsolutePath()); for (int j = 0; j < array1.size(); j++) { HashMap hashmap = (HashMap) array1.get(j); String s1 = TextUtils.getValue(hashmap, "_id"); s1 = file1.getName() + "-" + s1; hashmap.put("_id", s1); hashmap.put("_package", as[i]); array.add(hashmap); } } }
public String saveAdditionalSchedulePrefs() { HashMap hashmap = new HashMap(); StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer(); String s = COM.dragonflow.Properties.ScheduleProperty.requestToScheduleString(request, stringbuffer); if (s.length() > 0) { hashmap.put("_schedule", s); } String s1 = request.getValue("name"); if (s1.length() == 0) { boolean flag = false; if (s.startsWith("*")) { flag = true; s1 = s.substring(1); } else { s1 = s; } String s2 = COM.dragonflow .Properties .ScheduleProperty .dayStrings[COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.dayLetterToNumber(s1.substring(0, 1))]; s1 = s1.substring(1); if (flag) { s2 = s2 + " at "; } else { if (s1.startsWith("D")) { s2 = "Disable on " + s2; } else { s2 = "Enable on " + s2; } s2 = s2 + " from "; s1 = s1.substring(1); } int i = s1.indexOf(","); String s4; if (i != -1) { s4 = s1.substring(0, i); } else { s4 = s1; } if (flag) { s2 = s2 + s4.replace('/', ','); } else { s2 = s2 + s4; } if (i != -1) { s2 = s2 + "..."; } s1 = s2; } hashmap.put("_name", s1); String s3 = saveAdditionalPrefs("Schedule", request.getValue("schedule_data"), hashmap); COM.dragonflow.SiteView.ScheduleManager schedulemanager = COM.dragonflow.SiteView.ScheduleManager.getInstance(); schedulemanager.updateSchedule(s3, (String) hashmap.get("_schedule")); return s3; }
public void addAlertTag(HashMap hashmap, String s, String s1) { hashmap.put(s, s1); if (!Action.isBaseEntry(s)) { String s2 = TextUtils.getValue(hashmap, "extraCount"); if (s2.length() == 0) s2 = "0"; s2 = TextUtils.increment(s2); hashmap.put("extra" + s2, s); hashmap.put("extraCount", s2); } }
public String verify( StringProperty stringproperty, String s, HTTPRequest httprequest, HashMap hashmap) { if (stringproperty == getPropertyObject(PROPERTY_NAME_BROWSABLE)) { String s1 = getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_COUNTER_ID + 1); if (s1.length() <= 0) { String s2 = httprequest.getValue("browseDataError"); if (s2 != null && s2.length() > 0) { hashmap.put(stringproperty, s2); } else { hashmap.put(stringproperty, "No counters selected"); } } return s; } else { return super.verify(stringproperty, s, httprequest, hashmap); } }
public String verify( StringProperty stringproperty, String s, HTTPRequest httprequest, HashMap hashmap) { if (stringproperty == pParameters) { if (TextUtils.hasChars(s, "`;&")) { hashmap.put(stringproperty, "script parameters have illegal characters"); } } else if (stringproperty == pExpression) { String s1 = TextUtils.legalMatchString(s); if (s1.length() > 0) { hashmap.put(stringproperty, s1); } } else if (stringproperty == pLocalScriptLocation) { String s2 = getProperty(pLocalScriptLocation); if (s2.length() == 0) { hashmap.put(stringproperty, "Specified local Scripts location must be non zero-length"); } } return super.verify(stringproperty, s, httprequest, hashmap); }
public static void main(String args[]) { File file = new File(Platform.getRoot() + "/logs/alert.log"); AlertLogReader alertlogreader = new AlertLogReader(file); HashMap hashmap = new HashMap(); hashmap.put("alert-type", "Email"); ArrayList array = alertlogreader.process(hashmap, null, null, null); System.out.println("***************************************************"); for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { HashMap hashmap1 = (HashMap) array.get(i); System.out.println( TextUtils.dateToString((Date) hashmap1.get("date")) + " " + hashmap1.get("alert-message")); } }
void printMessageForm(String s, String s1) throws { java.lang.Object obj = null; if (request.isPost()) { StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer(); obj = new HashMapOrdered(true); ((HashMap) (obj)).put("title", request.getValue("title")); if (COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.getValue(((HashMap) (obj)), "title").length() == 0) { COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.addToBuffer(stringbuffer, "title missing"); } ((HashMap) (obj)).put("product", request.getValue("product")); String s3 = ""; for (Enumeration enumeration = request.getValues("topic"); enumeration.hasMoreElements(); ) { String s5 = (String) enumeration.nextElement(); if (s3.length() > 0) { s3 = s3 + ","; } s3 = s3 + s5; } ((HashMap) (obj)).put("topics", s3); if (COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.getValue(((HashMap) (obj)), "topics").length() == 0) { COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.addToBuffer(stringbuffer, "at least one topic required"); } ((HashMap) (obj)).put("body", request.getValue("body")); if (COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.getValue(((HashMap) (obj)), "body").trim().length() == 0) { COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.addToBuffer(stringbuffer, "body of note missing"); } ((HashMap) (obj)).put("weight", request.getValue("weight")); ((HashMap) (obj)).put("releases", request.getValue("releases")); ((HashMap) (obj)).put("author", request.getValue("author")); ((HashMap) (obj)).put("id", request.getValue("id")); ((HashMap) (obj)) .put( "updated", COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.prettyDateDate( COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.prettyDate( COM.dragonflow.SiteView.Platform.timeMillis()))); String s6 = request.getValue("idnum"); if (s6.length() == 0) { HashMap hashmap1 = getMasterConfig(); String s9 = COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.getValue(hashmap1, "_developerNoteNextID"); int i = COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.toInt(s9); if (i < 10000) { i = 10000; } for ( file2 = new File(s1 + "noteDN" + i + ".htm"); file2.exists(); file2 = new File(s1 + "noteDN" + i + ".htm")) { i++; } s6 = "DN" + i; i++; hashmap1.put("_developerNoteNextID", "" + i); saveMasterConfig(hashmap1); } ((HashMap) (obj)).put("idnum", s6); ((HashMap) (obj)).put("filename", "note" + s6 + ".htm"); String s8 = s1 + "noteInternalTemplate.txt"; String s10 = COM.dragonflow.Utils.FileUtils.readFile(s8).toString(); if (s10.length() == 0) { COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.addToBuffer(stringbuffer, "could not find template " + s8); } if (stringbuffer.length() > 0) { outputStream.println("<HR><H2>" + stringbuffer.toString() + "</H2><HR><P>"); } else { SiteViewMain.SupportNoteUtils.writeNoteFile(s1, ((HashMap) (obj)), s10); file1 = new File(NOTE_CACHE_FILENAME); if (file1.exists()) { file1.delete(); } printRefreshPage("/SiteView/cgi/go.exe/SiteView?page=developerNote", 0); return; } } String s2 = s + " Developer Note"; printBodyHeader(s2); if (obj == null) { String s4 = request.getValue("idnum"); if (s4.length() > 0) { file = new File(s1 + "note" + s4 + ".htm"); if (file.exists()) { obj = SiteViewMain.SupportNoteUtils.readNote(file); } else { outputStream.println("<HR><H3>Could not read note file " + file + "</H3><HR><P>"); } } } if (obj == null) { obj = new HashMapOrdered(true); } HashMap hashmap = new HashMap(); for (Enumeration enumeration1 = ((HashMap) (obj)).values("topic"); enumeration1.hasMoreElements(); hashmap.put(enumeration1.nextElement(), "true")) {} String s7 = ""; ArrayList array = COM.dragonflow.Properties.FrameFile.readFromFile(s1 + "topics.txt"); for (Enumeration enumeration2 = (Enumeration) array.iterator(); enumeration2.hasMoreElements(); ) { HashMap hashmap2 = (HashMap) enumeration2.nextElement(); String s11 = COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.getValue(hashmap2, "id"); String s13 = COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.getValue(hashmap2, "title"); String s15 = ""; if (hashmap.get(s11) != null) { s15 = " selected"; } s7 = s7 + "<option " + s15 + " value=\"" + s11 + "\">" + s13 + "\n"; } ArrayList array1 = new ArrayList(); array1.add("common"); array1.add("common"); array1.add("frequent"); array1.add("frequent"); array1.add("normal"); array1.add("normal"); array1.add("infrequent"); array1.add("infrequent"); array1.add("rare"); array1.add("rare"); String s12 = COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.getValue(((HashMap) (obj)), "weight"); if (s12.length() == 0) { s12 = "normal"; } String s14 = COM.dragonflow.Page.developerNotePage.getOptionsHTML(array1, s12); ArrayList array2 = new ArrayList(); array2.add("SiteView,SiteSeer"); array2.add("SiteView and SiteSeer"); array2.add("SiteSeer"); array2.add("SiteSeer only"); array2.add("SiteView"); array2.add("SiteView all platforms"); array2.add("SiteView NT"); array2.add("SiteView NT"); array2.add("SiteView Unix"); array2.add("SiteView Unix"); array2.add("CentraScope"); array2.add("CentraScope"); String s16 = COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.getValue(((HashMap) (obj)), "product"); if (s16.length() == 0) { s16 = "SiteView,SiteSeer"; } String s17 = COM.dragonflow.Page.developerNotePage.getOptionsHTML(array2, s16); outputStream.println("<p><H2>" + s2 + "</H2>"); outputStream.println( "Use this form to add a note to the developer note database. Every night, the developernote index is updated on the internal web site.<p>"); outputStream.println( "<FORM ACTION=/SiteView/cgi/go.exe/SiteView method=POST><input type=hidden name=page value=developerNote><input type=hidden name=account value=" + request.getAccount() + ">" + "<BLOCKQUOTE><DL>" + "<DT><B>Title:</B> <input type=text name=title size=80 value=\"" + COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.getValue(((HashMap) (obj)), "title") + "\"><BR>" + "<DD><P>" + "<DT><B>Note applies to:</B> <select name=product>" + s17 + "</select>" + "<DD><P>" + "<DT><B>Topics</B>" + "<DD><TABLE>" + "<tr><td><select name=topic size=10 multiple>" + s7 + "</select>" + "</TABLE>" + "<DT>This is a <select name=weight>" + s14 + "</select> question\n" + "<DD><P>" + "<DT><B>Author:</B> <input type=text name=author size=50 value=\"" + COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.getValue(((HashMap) (obj)), "author") + "\"><BR>" + "<DD>Your name so that people who have more questions can contact you<P>" + "<DT><B>Releases:</B> <input type=text name=releases size=50 value=\"" + COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.getValue(((HashMap) (obj)), "releases") + "\"><BR>" + "<DD>enter one or more releases that this note applies to<P>" + "</DL></BLOCKQUOTE>" + "<B>Notes:</B>" + "<textarea cols=80 rows=12 name=body>" + COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.escapeHTML( COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.getValue(((HashMap) (obj)), "body")) + "</textarea><BR>" + "<input type=hidden name=idnum value=\"" + COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.getValue(((HashMap) (obj)), "idnum") + "\">\n" + "<input type=hidden name=id value=\"" + COM.dragonflow.Utils.TextUtils.getValue(((HashMap) (obj)), "id") + "\">\n" + "<input type=hidden name=operation value=\"" + s + "\">\n" + "<P><input type=submit name=send value=\"Save Developer Note\"><P>" + "</FORM>"); printFooter(outputStream); }
public void setMaxCounters(int i) { nMaxCounters = i; HashMap hashmap = MasterConfig.getMasterConfig(); hashmap.put("_DispatcherMaxCounters", (new Integer(i)).toString()); MasterConfig.saveMasterConfig(hashmap); }
public ArrayList process(HashMap hashmap, Date date, Date date1, HashMap hashmap1) { SiteViewGroup siteviewgroup = SiteViewGroup.currentSiteView(); long l = siteviewgroup.getSettingAsLong("_alertLogReadChunkSize", 0x19000); ArrayList array = new ArrayList(); if (logfile == null || !logfile.exists()) { LogManager.log("Error", "Alert log " + logfile.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist"); return array; } if (!logfile.canRead()) { LogManager.log("Error", "Alert log " + logfile.getAbsolutePath() + " cannot be read"); return array; } boolean flag = false; String s = logfile.getAbsolutePath(); long l1 = Platform.FILE_NEWLINE.length(); long l2 = logfile.length(); boolean flag1 = false; if (hashmap1 != null) flag1 = !hashmap1.isEmpty(); long l3 = 0L; long l4 = 0x7fffffffffffffffL; if (date != null) l3 = date.getTime(); if (date1 != null) l4 = date1.getTime(); long l5 = 0x7fffffffffffffffL; long l6 = 0L; Braf braf = null; try { do { if (flag) break; long l7 = l2 - l; long l8 = l2; l2 = -1L; if (l7 < 0L) l7 = 0L; long l9 = l7; braf = new Braf(s, l7); HashMap hashmap2 = null; ArrayList array1 = new ArrayList(); String s2 = ""; StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer(); label0: do { String s1; do if ((s1 = braf.readLine()) == null) break label0; while (s1.indexOf("<pre>") >= 0); if (isDateLine(s1) && getDateInfo(s1, lineDate)) { if (l2 < 0L) l2 = l9 - 1L; if (hashmap2 != null) { if (s2.length() > 0) { addAlertTag(hashmap2, s2, stringbuffer.toString()); s2 = ""; stringbuffer.setLength(0); } addAlertEntry(hashmap2, array1, hashmap); } Date date2 = getDate(lineDate); long l10 = date2.getTime(); hashmap2 = null; if (l10 >= l3 && l10 <= l4) if (flag1) { if (ScheduleProperty.isEnabled(hashmap1, date2)) { hashmap2 = new HashMap(); hashmap2.put("date", date2); } } else { hashmap2 = new HashMap(); hashmap2.put("date", date2); } if (l10 < l5) l5 = l10; if (l10 > l6) l6 = l10; } else if (hashmap2 != null) if (s1.startsWith(ALERT_LINE_PREFIX)) { if (s2.length() > 0) { addAlertTag(hashmap2, s2, stringbuffer.toString()); s2 = ""; stringbuffer.setLength(0); } int i = s1.indexOf(COLON_SUFFIX); if (i >= 0) { s2 = s1.substring(1, i); stringbuffer.setLength(0); stringbuffer.append(s1.substring(i + COLON_SUFFIX.length())); } } else if (s2.length() > 0) { if (stringbuffer.length() > 0) stringbuffer.append("\n"); stringbuffer.append(s1); } l9 += (long) s1.length() + l1; } while (l9 < l8); if (hashmap2 != null) { if (s2.length() > 0) addAlertTag(hashmap2, s2, stringbuffer.toString()); addAlertEntry(hashmap2, array1, hashmap); } for (int j = 0; j < array.size(); j++) array1.add(array.get(j)); array = array1; if (l7 == 0L) flag = true; braf.close(); braf = null; if (l5 <= l3 && l6 >= l4) flag = true; } while (true); } catch (IOException ioexception) { LogManager.log("Error", "I/O error reading file: " + s); System.out.println("I/O error reading file: " + s); } finally { if (braf != null) try { braf.close(); } catch (IOException ioexception1) { } } return array; }