コード例 #1
ファイル: ReadData.java プロジェクト: rperezperez/wsn
  private ReadData(String port, int baud, String url) throws Exception {
    // XBee xbee = new XBee();

    try {
      // replace with the com port of your receiving XBee (typically your end device)
      //			xbee.open("/dev/tty.usbserial-A6005uRz", 9600);
      xbee.open(port, baud);


      // set options of network
      if (xbee.sendAtCommand(new AtCommand("JN", 0x01)).isOk()) log.info("Set join Notification");
      String node_identifier = "0013A200408BC826\0";
      if (xbee.sendAtCommand(new AtCommand("CH", 0x0F)).isOk()) log.info("Set CH");
      int[] pan = {0x69, 0x69};
      if (xbee.sendAtCommand(new AtCommand("ID", pan)).isOk()) log.info("Set PAN_ID");
      if (xbee.sendAtCommand(new AtCommand("NI", ByteUtils.stringToIntArray(node_identifier)))
          .isOk()) log.info("Set Node Identifier: " + node_identifier);

      while (true) {

        try {
          // we wait here until a packet is received.
          XBeeResponse response = xbee.getResponse();

          log.info("received response " + response.toString());

          if (response.getApiId() == ApiId.ZNET_RX_RESPONSE) {
            // we received a packet from ZNetSenderTest.java
            ZNetRxResponse rx = (ZNetRxResponse) response;

                "Received RX packet, option is "
                    + rx.getOption()
                    + ", sender 64 address is "
                    + ByteUtils.toBase16(rx.getRemoteAddress64().getAddress())
                    + ", remote 16-bit address is "
                    + ByteUtils.toBase16(rx.getRemoteAddress16().getAddress())
                    + ", data is "
                    + ByteUtils.toBase16(rx.getData()));

            String mac =
                ByteUtils.toBase16(rx.getRemoteAddress64().getAddress(), "").replaceAll("0x", "");
            // convertimos el int[] en string con los datos que necesitamos
            // dia,hora,minuto,segundo,bateria,temp_aire,hume_aire,temp_suelo,hume_suelo,secuencia
            String resultado = convertirDatos(rx.getData());

            // optionally we may want to get the signal strength (RSSI) of the last hop.
            // keep in mind if you have routers in your network, this will be the signal of the last
            // hop.
            AtCommand at = new AtCommand("DB");
            XBeeResponse atResponse = xbee.getResponse();

            int rssi = 0;
            if (atResponse.getApiId() == ApiId.AT_RESPONSE) {
              rssi = -((AtCommandResponse) atResponse).getValue()[0];
              // remember rssi is a negative db value
              log.info("RSSI of last response is " + rssi);
            } else {
              // we didn't get an AT response
              log.info("expected RSSI, but received " + atResponse.toString());

            // Enviamos los datos recibidos al wsn
            PostData(url, mac, resultado + "#" + rssi);

          } else {
            log.debug("received unexpected packet " + response.toString());
        } catch (Exception e) {

    } finally {
      if (xbee.isConnected()) {
コード例 #2
  private ZNetSenderExample() throws XBeeException {

    XBee xbee = new XBee();

    try {
      // replace with your com port and baud rate. this is the com port of my coordinator
      // xbee.open("COM5", 9600);
      // my coordinator com/baud
      xbee.open("COM17", 9600);
      // my end device
      //			xbee.open("/dev/tty.usbserial-A6005uPi", 9600);

      // replace with end device's 64-bit address (SH + SL)
      //			XBeeAddress64 addr64 = new XBeeAddress64(0, 0x13, 0xa2, 0, 0x40, 0x0a, 0x3e, 0x02);
      // my other remote
      XBeeAddress64 addr64 = new XBeeAddress64(0, 0x13, 0xa2, 0, 0x40, 0x33, 0x1D, 0xC3);

      // create an array of arbitrary data to send
      int[] payload = new int[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 66, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

      // first request we just send 64-bit address.  we get 16-bit network address with status
      // response
      ZNetTxRequest request = new ZNetTxRequest(addr64, payload);

      System.out.println("zb request is " + request.getXBeePacket().getPacket());

      System.out.println("sending tx " + request);

      while (true) {
            "request packet bytes (base 16) "
                + ByteUtils.toBase16(request.getXBeePacket().getPacket()));

        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // log.info("sending tx packet: " + request.toString());

        try {
          ZNetTxStatusResponse response =
              (ZNetTxStatusResponse) xbee.sendSynchronous(request, 10000);
          // update frame id for next request

          log.info("received response " + response);

          // log.debug("status response bytes:" + ByteUtils.toBase16(response.getPacketBytes()));

          if (response.getDeliveryStatus() == ZNetTxStatusResponse.DeliveryStatus.SUCCESS) {
            // the packet was successfully delivered
            if (response.getRemoteAddress16().equals(XBeeAddress16.ZNET_BROADCAST)) {
              // specify 16-bit address for faster routing?.. really only need to do this when it
              // changes
          } else {
            // packet failed.  log error
            // it's easy to create this error by unplugging/powering off your remote xbee.  when
            // doing so I get: packet failed due to error: ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND
            log.error("packet failed due to error: " + response.getDeliveryStatus());

          // I get the following message: Response in 75, Delivery status is SUCCESS, 16-bit address
          // is 0x08 0xe5, retry count is 0, discovery status is SUCCESS
              "Response in "
                  + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)
                  + ", Delivery status is "
                  + response.getDeliveryStatus()
                  + ", 16-bit address is "
                  + ByteUtils.toBase16(response.getRemoteAddress16().getAddress())
                  + ", retry count is "
                  + response.getRetryCount()
                  + ", discovery status is "
                  + response.getDeliveryStatus());
        } catch (XBeeTimeoutException e) {
          log.warn("request timed out");

        try {
          // wait a bit then send another packet
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    } finally {