public void dumpDeclaration( TabbedPrintWriter writer, ProgressListener pl, double done, double scale) throws IOException { if (fields == null) { /* This means that the class could not be loaded. * give up. */ return; } writer.startOp(writer.NO_PAREN, 0); /* Clear the SUPER bit, which is also used as SYNCHRONIZED bit. */ int modifiedModifiers = modifiers & ~(Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED | STRICTFP); if (clazz.isInterface()) /* interfaces are implicitily abstract */ modifiedModifiers &= ~Modifier.ABSTRACT; if (parent instanceof MethodAnalyzer) { /* method scope classes are implicitly private */ modifiedModifiers &= ~Modifier.PRIVATE; /* anonymous classes are implicitly final */ if (name == null) modifiedModifiers &= ~Modifier.FINAL; } String modif = Modifier.toString(modifiedModifiers); if (modif.length() > 0) writer.print(modif + " "); if (isStrictFP()) { /* The STRICTFP modifier is set. * We handle it, since java.lang.reflect.Modifier is too dumb. */ writer.print("strictfp "); } /* interface is in modif */ if (!clazz.isInterface()) writer.print("class "); writer.print(name); ClassInfo superClazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); if (superClazz != null && superClazz != ClassInfo.javaLangObject) { writer.breakOp(); writer.print(" extends " + (writer.getClassString(superClazz, Scope.CLASSNAME))); } ClassInfo[] interfaces = clazz.getInterfaces(); if (interfaces.length > 0) { writer.breakOp(); writer.print(clazz.isInterface() ? " extends " : " implements "); writer.startOp(writer.EXPL_PAREN, 1); for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { writer.print(", "); writer.breakOp(); } writer.print(writer.getClassString(interfaces[i], Scope.CLASSNAME)); } writer.endOp(); } writer.println(); writer.openBraceClass();; dumpBlock(writer, pl, done, scale); writer.untab(); writer.closeBraceClass(); }
public void closeBraceContinue() { if ((Options.outputStyle & Options.BRACE_AT_EOL) != 0) print("} "); else { println("}"); if ((Options.outputStyle & Options.BRACE_FLUSH_LEFT) == 0 && currentIndent > 0) untab(); } }
public void openBraceClass() { if (currentLine.length() > 0) { if ((Options.outputStyle & Options.BRACE_AT_EOL) != 0) print(" "); else println(); } println("{"); }
/** * Print a opening brace with the current indentation style. Called at the end the line of a * method declaration. */ public void openBraceNoIndent() { if ((Options.outputStyle & Options.BRACE_AT_EOL) != 0) { print(currentLine.length() > 0 ? " {" : "{"); println(); } else { if (currentLine.length() > 0) println(); println("{"); } }
/** * Print a opening brace with the current indentation style. Called at the end of the line of the * instance that opens the brace. It doesn't do a tab stop after opening the brace. */ public void openBrace() { if ((Options.outputStyle & Options.BRACE_AT_EOL) != 0) { print(currentLine.length() > 0 ? " {" : "{"); println(); } else { if (currentLine.length() > 0) println(); if ((Options.outputStyle & Options.BRACE_FLUSH_LEFT) == 0 && currentIndent > 0) tab(); println("{"); } }
public void dumpExpression(TabbedPrintWriter writer) throws { subExpressions[0].dumpExpression(writer, getPriority() + 1); writer.breakOp(); writer.print(getOperatorString()); subExpressions[1].dumpExpression(writer, getPriority() + 1); }
public void closeBraceClass() { print("}"); }
public void printType(Type type) { print(getTypeString(type)); }
public void println(String str) { print(str); println(); }