public Item buildMyThing(MOB mob, Room room) { Area A = room.getArea(); boolean bonusWorthy = (Druid_MyPlants.myPlant(room, mob, 0) == null); Vector V = Druid_MyPlants.myAreaPlantRooms(mob, room.getArea()); int pct = 0; if (A.getAreaIStats()[Area.Stats.VISITABLE_ROOMS.ordinal()] > 10) pct = (int) Math.round( 100.0 * CMath.div( V.size(), A.getAreaIStats()[Area.Stats.VISITABLE_ROOMS.ordinal()])); Item I = buildMyPlant(mob, room); if ((I != null) && ((mob.charStats().getCurrentClass().baseClass().equalsIgnoreCase("Druid")) || (CMSecurity.isASysOp(mob)))) { if (! { if (pct > 0) { int newPct = (int) Math.round( 100.0 * CMath.div( V.size(), A.getAreaIStats()[Area.Stats.VISITABLE_ROOMS.ordinal()])); if ((newPct >= 50) && (A.fetchEffect("Chant_DruidicConnection") == null)) { Ability A2 = CMClass.getAbility("Chant_DruidicConnection"); if (A2 != null) A2.invoke(mob, A, true, 0); } } } else if ((bonusWorthy) && (!mob.isMonster())) { long[] num = (long[]) plantBonuses.get(mob.Name() + "/" + room.getArea().Name()); if ((num == null) || (System.currentTimeMillis() - num[1] > (room.getArea().getTimeObj().getDaysInMonth() * room.getArea().getTimeObj().getHoursInDay() * CMProps.getMillisPerMudHour()))) { num = new long[2]; plantBonuses.remove(mob.Name() + "/" + room.getArea().Name()); plantBonuses.put(mob.Name() + "/" + room.getArea().Name(), num); num[1] = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (V.size() >= num[0]) { num[0]++; if (num[0] < 19) { mob.tell("You have made this city greener."); CMLib.leveler().postExperience(mob, null, null, (int) num[0], false); } } } } return I; }
public boolean invoke(MOB mob, Vector commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { int autoGenerate = 0; if ((auto) && (commands.size() > 0) && (commands.firstElement() instanceof Integer)) { autoGenerate = ((Integer) commands.firstElement()).intValue(); commands.removeElementAt(0); givenTarget = null; } DVector enhancedTypes = enhancedTypes(mob, commands); randomRecipeFix(mob, addRecipes(mob, loadRecipes()), commands, autoGenerate); if (commands.size() == 0) { commonTell( mob, "Make what? Enter \"mleatherwork list\" for a list, \"mleatherwork refit <item>\" to resize, \"mleatherwork learn <item>\", \"mleatherwork scan\", or \"mleatherwork mend <item>\"."); return false; } if ((!auto) && (commands.size() > 0) && (((String) commands.firstElement()).equalsIgnoreCase("bundle"))) { bundling = true; if (super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return super.bundle(mob, commands); return false; } List<List<String>> recipes = addRecipes(mob, loadRecipes()); String str = (String) commands.elementAt(0); playSound = "scissor.wav"; String startStr = null; bundling = false; int multiplier = 4; int duration = 4; if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("list")) { String mask = CMParms.combine(commands, 1); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(""); int toggler = 1; int toggleTop = 2; for (int r = 0; r < toggleTop; r++) buf.append( CMStrings.padRight("Item", 30) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("Lvl", 3) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("Amt", 3) + " "); buf.append("\n\r"); for (int r = 0; r < recipes.size(); r++) { List<String> V = recipes.get(r); if (V.size() > 0) { String item = replacePercent((String) V.get(RCP_FINALNAME), ""); int level = CMath.s_int((String) V.get(RCP_LEVEL)); String wood = getComponentDescription(mob, V, RCP_WOOD); if (wood.length() > 5) { if (toggler > 1) buf.append("\n\r"); toggler = toggleTop; } if ((level <= xlevel(mob)) && ((mask == null) || (mask.length() == 0) || mask.equalsIgnoreCase("all") || CMLib.english().containsString(item, mask))) { buf.append( CMStrings.padRight(item, 30) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("" + (level), 3) + " " + CMStrings.padRightPreserve("" + wood, 3) + ((toggler != toggleTop) ? " " : "\n\r")); if (++toggler > toggleTop) toggler = 1; } } } if (toggler != 1) buf.append("\n\r"); commonTell(mob, buf.toString()); enhanceList(mob); return true; } else if ((commands.firstElement() instanceof String) && (((String) commands.firstElement())).equalsIgnoreCase("learn")) { return doLearnRecipe(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel); } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("scan")) return publicScan(mob, commands); else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("mend")) { building = null; activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; messedUp = false; Vector newCommands = CMParms.parse(CMParms.combine(commands, 1)); building = getTarget(mob, mob.location(), givenTarget, newCommands, Wearable.FILTER_UNWORNONLY); if (!canMend(mob, building, false)) return false; activity = CraftingActivity.MENDING; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) mending " + + "."; displayText = "You are mending " +; verb = "mending " +; } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("refit")) { building = null; activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; messedUp = false; Vector newCommands = CMParms.parse(CMParms.combine(commands, 1)); building = getTarget(mob, mob.location(), givenTarget, newCommands, Wearable.FILTER_UNWORNONLY); if (building == null) return false; if ((building.material() & RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MASK) != RawMaterial.MATERIAL_LEATHER) { commonTell(mob, "That's not made of leather. That can't be refitted."); return false; } if (!(building instanceof Armor)) { commonTell(mob, "You don't know how to refit that sort of thing."); return false; } if (building.phyStats().height() == 0) { commonTell(mob, + " is already the right size."); return false; } activity = CraftingActivity.REFITTING; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) refitting " + + "."; displayText = "You are refitting " +; verb = "refitting " +; } else { building = null; activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; messedUp = false; aborted = false; int amount = -1; if ((commands.size() > 1) && (CMath.isNumber((String) commands.lastElement()))) { amount = CMath.s_int((String) commands.lastElement()); commands.removeElementAt(commands.size() - 1); } String recipeName = CMParms.combine(commands, 0); List<String> foundRecipe = null; List<List<String>> matches = matchingRecipeNames(recipes, recipeName, true); for (int r = 0; r < matches.size(); r++) { List<String> V = matches.get(r); if (V.size() > 0) { String name = (String) V.get(RCP_FINALNAME); int level = CMath.s_int((String) V.get(RCP_LEVEL)); if ((level <= xlevel(mob)) && (name.toUpperCase().indexOf("BATTLEMOULDED") >= 0)) { multiplier = 9; foundRecipe = V; break; } else if ((level <= xlevel(mob)) && (name.toUpperCase().indexOf("LAMINAR") >= 0)) { multiplier = 8; foundRecipe = V; break; } else if ((level <= (xlevel(mob))) && (name.toUpperCase().indexOf("MASTERWORK") >= 0)) { multiplier = 7; foundRecipe = V; break; } else if ((level <= xlevel(mob)) && (name.toUpperCase().indexOf("REINFORCED") >= 0)) { multiplier = 6; foundRecipe = V; break; } else if ((level <= (xlevel(mob))) && (name.toUpperCase().indexOf("CUIRBOULI") >= 0)) { multiplier = 5; foundRecipe = V; break; } else if (level <= (xlevel(mob))) { multiplier = 4; foundRecipe = V; break; } } } if (foundRecipe == null) { commonTell( mob, "You don't know how to make a '" + recipeName + "'. Try \"mleatherwork list\" for a list."); return false; } final String woodRequiredStr = (String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_WOOD); final List<Object> componentsFoundList = getAbilityComponents( mob, woodRequiredStr, "make " + CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(recipeName), autoGenerate); if (componentsFoundList == null) return false; int woodRequired = CMath.s_int(woodRequiredStr); woodRequired = adjustWoodRequired(woodRequired, mob); if (amount > woodRequired) woodRequired = amount; int[] pm = {RawMaterial.MATERIAL_LEATHER}; int[] pm1 = {RawMaterial.MATERIAL_METAL, RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MITHRIL}; String misctype = (String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_MISCTYPE); bundling = misctype.equalsIgnoreCase("BUNDLE"); int[][] data = fetchFoundResourceData( mob, woodRequired, "leather", pm, (multiplier == 6) ? 1 : 0, (multiplier == 6) ? "metal" : null, (multiplier == 6) ? pm1 : null, bundling, autoGenerate, enhancedTypes); if (data == null) return false; fixDataForComponents(data, componentsFoundList); woodRequired = data[0][FOUND_AMT]; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; int lostValue = autoGenerate > 0 ? 0 : CMLib.materials() .destroyResources( mob.location(), woodRequired, data[0][FOUND_CODE], data[1][FOUND_CODE], null) + CMLib.ableMapper().destroyAbilityComponents(componentsFoundList); building = CMClass.getItem((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_CLASSTYPE)); if (building == null) { commonTell(mob, "There's no such thing as a " + foundRecipe.get(RCP_CLASSTYPE) + "!!!"); return false; } duration = getDuration(multiplier * CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_TICKS)), mob, 30, 4); String itemName = (replacePercent( (String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_FINALNAME), RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(data[0][FOUND_CODE]))) .toLowerCase(); if (bundling) itemName = "a " + woodRequired + "# " + itemName; else if (itemName.endsWith("s")) itemName = "some " + itemName; else itemName = CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(itemName); building.setName(itemName); startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) making " + + "."; displayText = "You are making " +; verb = "making " +; building.setDisplayText(itemName + " lies here"); building.setDescription(itemName + ". "); building .basePhyStats() .setWeight( (int) Math.round((double) woodRequired * this.getItemWeightMultiplier(bundling))); building.setBaseValue(CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_VALUE)) * multiplier); building.setMaterial(data[0][FOUND_CODE]); building.setSecretIdentity(getBrand(mob)); int hardness = RawMaterial.CODES.HARDNESS(data[0][FOUND_CODE]) - 2; building .basePhyStats() .setLevel(CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_LEVEL)) + (2 * hardness)); int capacity = CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_CAPACITY)); long canContain = getContainerType((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_CONTAINMASK)); int armordmg = CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_ARMORDMG)); if (armordmg != 0) armordmg = armordmg + (multiplier - 1); if (bundling) building.setBaseValue(lostValue); String spell = (foundRecipe.size() > RCP_SPELL) ? ((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_SPELL)).trim() : ""; addSpells(building, spell); if (building instanceof Weapon) { ((Weapon) building) .basePhyStats() .setAttackAdjustment(abilityCode() + (hardness * 5) + (abilityCode() - 1) - 1); ((Weapon) building).setWeaponClassification(Weapon.CLASS_FLAILED); setWeaponTypeClass((Weapon) building, misctype, Weapon.TYPE_SLASHING); building.basePhyStats().setDamage(armordmg + hardness); ((Weapon) building).setRawProperLocationBitmap(Wearable.WORN_WIELD | Wearable.WORN_HELD); ((Weapon) building).setRawLogicalAnd((capacity > 1)); } if (building instanceof Armor) { if (capacity > 0) { ((Armor) building).setCapacity(capacity + woodRequired); ((Armor) building).setContainTypes(canContain); } ((Armor) building).basePhyStats().setArmor(0); if (armordmg != 0) ((Armor) building).basePhyStats().setArmor(armordmg + (abilityCode() - 1) + hardness); setWearLocation(building, misctype, 0); } if (building instanceof Drink) { if (CMLib.flags().isGettable(building)) { ((Drink) building).setLiquidRemaining(0); ((Drink) building).setLiquidHeld(capacity * 50); ((Drink) building).setThirstQuenched(250); if ((capacity * 50) < 250) ((Drink) building).setThirstQuenched(capacity * 50); } } building.recoverPhyStats(); building.text(); building.recoverPhyStats(); } messedUp = !proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); if (bundling) { messedUp = false; duration = 1; verb = "bundling " + RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(building.material()).toLowerCase(); startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) " + verb + "."; displayText = "You are " + verb; } if (autoGenerate > 0) { commands.addElement(building); return true; } CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, building, this, CMMsg.MSG_NOISYMOVEMENT, startStr); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); building = (Item); beneficialAffect(mob, mob, asLevel, duration); enhanceItem(mob, building, enhancedTypes); } else if (bundling) { messedUp = false; aborted = false; unInvoke(); } return true; }
public boolean invoke(MOB mob, Vector commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { int autoGenerate = 0; if ((auto) && (commands.size() > 0) && (commands.firstElement() instanceof Integer)) { autoGenerate = ((Integer) commands.firstElement()).intValue(); commands.removeElementAt(0); givenTarget = null; } DVector enhancedTypes = enhancedTypes(mob, commands); randomRecipeFix(mob, addRecipes(mob, loadRecipes()), commands, autoGenerate); if (commands.size() == 0) { commonTell( mob, "Weave what? Enter \"weave list\" for a list, \"weave refit <item>\" to resize, \"weave learn <item>\", \"weave scan\", or \"weave mend <item>\"."); return false; } if ((!auto) && (commands.size() > 0) && (((String) commands.firstElement()).equalsIgnoreCase("bundle"))) { bundling = true; if (super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return super.bundle(mob, commands); return false; } List<List<String>> recipes = addRecipes(mob, loadRecipes()); String str = (String) commands.elementAt(0); bundling = false; String startStr = null; int duration = 4; if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("list")) { String mask = CMParms.combine(commands, 1); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(""); int toggler = 1; int toggleTop = 2; for (int r = 0; r < toggleTop; r++) buf.append( CMStrings.padRight("Item", 22) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("Lvl", 3) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("Material", 10) + " "); buf.append("\n\r"); for (int r = 0; r < recipes.size(); r++) { List<String> V = recipes.get(r); if (V.size() > 0) { String item = replacePercent((String) V.get(RCP_FINALNAME), ""); int level = CMath.s_int((String) V.get(RCP_LEVEL)); String wood = getComponentDescription(mob, V, RCP_WOOD); if (wood.length() > 5) { if (toggler > 1) buf.append("\n\r"); toggler = toggleTop; } if ((level <= xlevel(mob)) && ((mask == null) || (mask.length() == 0) || mask.equalsIgnoreCase("all") || CMLib.english().containsString(item, mask))) { buf.append( CMStrings.padRight(item, 22) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("" + level, 3) + " " + CMStrings.padRightPreserve("" + wood, 10) + ((toggler != toggleTop) ? " " : "\n\r")); if (++toggler > toggleTop) toggler = 1; } } } if (toggler != 1) buf.append("\n\r"); commonTell(mob, buf.toString()); enhanceList(mob); return true; } else if ((commands.firstElement() instanceof String) && (((String) commands.firstElement())).equalsIgnoreCase("learn")) { return doLearnRecipe(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel); } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("scan")) return publicScan(mob, commands); else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("mend")) { building = null; activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; messedUp = false; key = null; Vector newCommands = CMParms.parse(CMParms.combine(commands, 1)); building = getTarget(mob, mob.location(), givenTarget, newCommands, Wearable.FILTER_UNWORNONLY); if (!canMend(mob, building, false)) return false; activity = CraftingActivity.MENDING; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) mending " + + "."; displayText = "You are mending " +; verb = "mending " +; } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("refit")) { building = null; activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; key = null; messedUp = false; Vector newCommands = CMParms.parse(CMParms.combine(commands, 1)); building = getTarget(mob, mob.location(), givenTarget, newCommands, Wearable.FILTER_UNWORNONLY); if (building == null) return false; if ((building.material() != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_COTTON) && (building.material() != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_SILK) && (building.material() != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_HEMP) && (building.material() != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_VINE) && (building.material() != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_WHEAT) && (building.material() != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_SEAWEED)) { commonTell(mob, "That's not made of any sort of weavable material. It can't be refitted."); return false; } if (!(building instanceof Armor)) { commonTell(mob, "You don't know how to refit that sort of thing."); return false; } if (building.phyStats().height() == 0) { commonTell(mob, + " is already the right size."); return false; } activity = CraftingActivity.REFITTING; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) refitting " + + "."; displayText = "You are refitting " +; verb = "refitting " +; } else { building = null; activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; messedUp = false; aborted = false; key = null; int amount = -1; if ((commands.size() > 1) && (CMath.isNumber((String) commands.lastElement()))) { amount = CMath.s_int((String) commands.lastElement()); commands.removeElementAt(commands.size() - 1); } String recipeName = CMParms.combine(commands, 0); List<String> foundRecipe = null; List<List<String>> matches = matchingRecipeNames(recipes, recipeName, true); for (int r = 0; r < matches.size(); r++) { List<String> V = matches.get(r); if (V.size() > 0) { int level = CMath.s_int((String) V.get(RCP_LEVEL)); if (level <= xlevel(mob)) { foundRecipe = V; break; } } } if (foundRecipe == null) { commonTell( mob, "You don't know how to weave a '" + recipeName + "'. Try \"weave list\" for a list."); return false; } final String woodRequiredStr = (String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_WOOD); final List<Object> componentsFoundList = getAbilityComponents( mob, woodRequiredStr, "make " + CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(recipeName), autoGenerate); if (componentsFoundList == null) return false; int woodRequired = CMath.s_int(woodRequiredStr); woodRequired = adjustWoodRequired(woodRequired, mob); if (amount > woodRequired) woodRequired = amount; int[] pm = { RawMaterial.RESOURCE_COTTON, RawMaterial.RESOURCE_SILK, RawMaterial.RESOURCE_HEMP, RawMaterial.RESOURCE_VINE, RawMaterial.RESOURCE_WHEAT, RawMaterial.RESOURCE_SEAWEED }; String misctype = (String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_MISCTYPE); String spell = (foundRecipe.size() > RCP_SPELL) ? ((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_SPELL)).trim() : ""; bundling = spell.equalsIgnoreCase("BUNDLE") || misctype.equalsIgnoreCase("BUNDLE"); int[][] data = fetchFoundResourceData( mob, woodRequired, "weavable material", pm, 0, null, null, false, autoGenerate, enhancedTypes); if (data == null) return false; fixDataForComponents(data, componentsFoundList); woodRequired = data[0][FOUND_AMT]; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; int lostValue = autoGenerate > 0 ? 0 : CMLib.materials() .destroyResources(mob.location(), woodRequired, data[0][FOUND_CODE], 0, null) + CMLib.ableMapper().destroyAbilityComponents(componentsFoundList); building = CMClass.getItem((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_CLASSTYPE)); if (building == null) { commonTell(mob, "There's no such thing as a " + foundRecipe.get(RCP_CLASSTYPE) + "!!!"); return false; } duration = getDuration( CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_TICKS)), mob, CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_LEVEL)), 4); String itemName = replacePercent( (String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_FINALNAME), RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(data[0][FOUND_CODE])) .toLowerCase(); if (bundling) itemName = "a " + woodRequired + "# " + itemName; else if (itemName.endsWith("s")) itemName = "some " + itemName; else itemName = CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(itemName); building.setName(itemName); startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) weaving " + + "."; displayText = "You are weaving " +; verb = "weaving " +; building.setDisplayText(itemName + " lies here"); building.setDescription(itemName + ". "); building .basePhyStats() .setWeight( (int) Math.round((double) woodRequired * this.getItemWeightMultiplier(bundling))); building.setBaseValue(CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_VALUE))); building.setMaterial(data[0][FOUND_CODE]); building.basePhyStats().setLevel(CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_LEVEL))); building.setSecretIdentity(getBrand(mob)); int capacity = CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_CAPACITY)); long canContain = getContainerType((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_CONTAINMASK)); int armordmg = CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_ARMORDMG)); if (bundling) { building.setBaseValue(lostValue); building.basePhyStats().setWeight(woodRequired); } addSpells(building, spell); if (building instanceof Weapon) { ((Weapon) building).setWeaponClassification(Weapon.CLASS_FLAILED); for (int cl = 0; cl < Weapon.CLASS_DESCS.length; cl++) { if (misctype.equalsIgnoreCase(Weapon.CLASS_DESCS[cl])) ((Weapon) building).setWeaponClassification(cl); } building.basePhyStats().setDamage(armordmg); ((Weapon) building).setRawProperLocationBitmap(Wearable.WORN_WIELD | Wearable.WORN_HELD); ((Weapon) building).setRawLogicalAnd((capacity > 1)); } key = null; if (building instanceof Armor) { if (capacity > 0) { ((Armor) building).setCapacity(capacity + woodRequired); ((Armor) building).setContainTypes(canContain); } ((Armor) building).basePhyStats().setArmor(0); if (armordmg != 0) ((Armor) building).basePhyStats().setArmor(armordmg + (abilityCode() - 1)); setWearLocation(building, misctype, 0); } else if (building instanceof Container) { if (capacity > 0) { ((Container) building).setCapacity(capacity + woodRequired); ((Container) building).setContainTypes(canContain); } if (misctype.equalsIgnoreCase("LID")) ((Container) building).setLidsNLocks(true, false, false, false); else if (misctype.equalsIgnoreCase("LOCK")) { ((Container) building).setLidsNLocks(true, false, true, false); ((Container) building).setKeyName(Double.toString(Math.random())); key = CMClass.getItem("GenKey"); ((DoorKey) key).setKey(((Container) building).keyName()); key.setName("a key"); key.setDisplayText("a small key sits here"); key.setDescription("looks like a key to " +; key.recoverPhyStats(); key.text(); } } if (building instanceof Rideable) { setRideBasis((Rideable) building, misctype); } building.recoverPhyStats(); building.text(); building.recoverPhyStats(); } messedUp = !proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); if (bundling) { messedUp = false; duration = 1; verb = "bundling " + RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(building.material()).toLowerCase(); startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) " + verb + "."; displayText = "You are " + verb; } if (autoGenerate > 0) { if (key != null) commands.addElement(key); commands.addElement(building); return true; } CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, building, this, CMMsg.MSG_NOISYMOVEMENT, startStr); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); building = (Item); beneficialAffect(mob, mob, asLevel, duration); enhanceItem(mob, building, enhancedTypes); } else if (bundling) { messedUp = false; aborted = false; unInvoke(); } return true; }
public boolean tick(Tickable ticking, int tickID) { int realLastWeather = super.lastWeather; if (!super.tick(ticking, tickID)) return false; Area A =; if (A == null) return false; Climate C = A.getClimateObj(); if (C == null) return false; lastWeather = realLastWeather; // handle freeze overs if ((coldWeather(lastWeather)) && (coldWeather(C.weatherType(null))) && (lastWeather != C.weatherType(null)) && (A.getTimeObj().getSeasonCode() == TimeClock.SEASON_WINTER) && (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < freezeOverChance)) { if (ticking instanceof Room) { Room R = (Room) ticking; if ((R.domainType() == Room.DOMAIN_OUTDOORS_WATERSURFACE) && (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < freezeOverChance) && (R instanceof Drink) && (((Drink) R).liquidType() == RawMaterial.RESOURCE_FRESHWATER)) { Ability A2 = CMClass.getAbility("Spell_IceSheet"); if (A2 != null) { MOB mob =; A2.invoke(mob, R, true, 0); mob.destroy(); } } } else for (Enumeration<Room> e = A.getProperMap(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { Room R = (Room) e.nextElement(); if ((R.domainType() == Room.DOMAIN_OUTDOORS_WATERSURFACE) && (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < freezeOverChance)) { Ability A2 = CMClass.getAbility("Spell_IceSheet"); if (A2 != null) { MOB mob =; A2.invoke(mob, R, true, 0); mob.destroy(); } } } } if ((botherDown--) == 1) { resetBotherTicks(); switch (C.weatherType(null)) { case Climate.WEATHER_BLIZZARD: case Climate.WEATHER_SLEET: case Climate.WEATHER_SNOW: case Climate.WEATHER_HAIL: case Climate.WEATHER_THUNDERSTORM: case Climate.WEATHER_RAIN: for (Enumeration<Room> r = A.getProperMap(); r.hasMoreElements(); ) { Room R = (Room) r.nextElement(); if ( for (int i = 0; i < R.numInhabitants(); i++) { MOB mob = R.fetchInhabitant(i); if ((mob != null) && (!mob.isMonster()) && (CMLib.flags().aliveAwakeMobile(mob, true)) && (CMath.bset(mob.getBitmap(), MOB.ATT_AUTOWEATHER))) mob.tell(C.getWeatherDescription(A)); } } break; } } if ((diseaseDown--) == 1) { resetDiseaseTicks(); int coldChance = 0; int fluChance = 0; int frostBiteChance = 0; int heatExhaustionChance = 0; switch (C.weatherType(null)) { case Climate.WEATHER_BLIZZARD: case Climate.WEATHER_SLEET: case Climate.WEATHER_SNOW: coldChance = 99; fluChance = 25; frostBiteChance = 15; break; case Climate.WEATHER_HAIL: coldChance = 50; frostBiteChance = 10; break; case Climate.WEATHER_THUNDERSTORM: case Climate.WEATHER_RAIN: coldChance = 25; break; case Climate.WEATHER_WINTER_COLD: coldChance = 75; fluChance = 10; frostBiteChance = 5; break; case Climate.WEATHER_HEAT_WAVE: heatExhaustionChance = 15; break; case Climate.WEATHER_DROUGHT: heatExhaustionChance = 20; break; } for (Session S : CMLib.sessions().localOnlineIterable()) { if ((S.mob() == null) || (S.mob().location() == null) || (S.mob().location().getArea() != A) || (S.mob().isMonster())) continue; MOB M = S.mob(); Room R = M.location(); if ((R.domainConditions() & Room.CONDITION_COLD) > 0) { if (coldChance > 0) coldChance += 10; if (coldChance > 0) fluChance += 5; // yes, cold is related this way to flu if (frostBiteChance > 0) frostBiteChance = frostBiteChance + (int) Math.round(CMath.mul(frostBiteChance, 0.5)); } if ((R.domainConditions() & Room.CONDITION_HOT) > 0) { if (heatExhaustionChance > 0) heatExhaustionChance += 10; } if ((R.domainConditions() & Room.CONDITION_WET) > 0) { if (coldChance > 0) coldChance += 5; if (heatExhaustionChance > 5) heatExhaustionChance -= 5; if (frostBiteChance > 0) frostBiteChance = frostBiteChance + (int) Math.round(CMath.mul(frostBiteChance, 0.25)); } int save = (M.charStats().getSave(CharStats.STAT_SAVE_COLD) + M.charStats().getSave(CharStats.STAT_SAVE_WATER)) / 2; if ((CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < (coldChance - save)) && ((C.weatherType(M.location()) != Climate.WEATHER_CLEAR))) { long coveredPlaces = 0; for (int l = 0; l < ALL_COVERED_SPOTS.length; l++) if (M.getWearPositions(ALL_COVERED_SPOTS[l]) == 0) coveredPlaces = coveredPlaces | ALL_COVERED_SPOTS[l]; Item I = null; for (int i = 0; i < M.numItems(); i++) { I = M.getItem(i); if ((I == null) || (I.amWearingAt(Wearable.IN_INVENTORY))) continue; if (I.amWearingAt(Wearable.WORN_ABOUT_BODY)) coveredPlaces = coveredPlaces | Wearable.WORN_TORSO | Wearable.WORN_LEGS; for (int l = 0; l < ALL_COVERED_SPOTS.length; l++) if (I.amWearingAt(ALL_COVERED_SPOTS[l])) coveredPlaces = coveredPlaces | ALL_COVERED_SPOTS[l]; } if ((coveredPlaces != ALL_COVERED_CODE) && (!CMSecurity.isDisabled(CMSecurity.DisFlag.AUTODISEASE))) { Ability COLD = CMClass.getAbility("Disease_Cold"); if (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < (fluChance + (((M.location().domainConditions() & Room.CONDITION_WET) > 0) ? 10 : 0))) COLD = CMClass.getAbility("Disease_Flu"); if ((COLD != null) && (M.fetchEffect(COLD.ID()) == null)) COLD.invoke(M, M, true, 0); } } if ((CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < (frostBiteChance - save)) && ((C.weatherType(M.location()) != Climate.WEATHER_CLEAR))) { long unfrostedPlaces = 0; for (int l = 0; l < ALL_FROST_SPOTS.length; l++) if (M.getWearPositions(ALL_FROST_SPOTS[l]) == 0) unfrostedPlaces = unfrostedPlaces | ALL_FROST_SPOTS[l]; Item I = null; for (int i = 0; i < M.numItems(); i++) { I = M.getItem(i); if ((I == null) || (I.amWearingAt(Wearable.IN_INVENTORY))) continue; for (int l = 0; l < ALL_FROST_SPOTS.length; l++) if (I.amWearingAt(ALL_FROST_SPOTS[l])) unfrostedPlaces = unfrostedPlaces | ALL_FROST_SPOTS[l]; } if ((unfrostedPlaces != ALL_FROST_CODE) && (!CMSecurity.isDisabled(CMSecurity.DisFlag.AUTODISEASE))) { Ability COLD = CMClass.getAbility("Disease_FrostBite"); if ((COLD != null) && (M.fetchEffect(COLD.ID()) == null)) COLD.invoke(M, M, true, 0); } } if ((heatExhaustionChance > 0) && (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < (heatExhaustionChance - M.charStats().getSave(CharStats.STAT_SAVE_FIRE))) && (C.weatherType(M.location()) != Climate.WEATHER_CLEAR) && (!CMSecurity.isDisabled(CMSecurity.DisFlag.AUTODISEASE))) { Ability COLD = CMClass.getAbility("Disease_HeatExhaustion"); if ((COLD != null) && (M.fetchEffect(COLD.ID()) == null)) COLD.invoke(M, M, true, 0); } } } if ((rumbleDown--) == 1) { resetRumbleTicks(); for (Session S : CMLib.sessions().localOnlineIterable()) { if ((S.mob() == null) || (S.mob().location() == null) || (S.mob().location().getArea() != A) || (S.mob().isMonster()) || (!CMath.bset(S.mob().getBitmap(), MOB.ATT_AUTOWEATHER))) continue; Room R = S.mob().location(); if (R != null) { switch (C.weatherType(null)) { case Climate.WEATHER_THUNDERSTORM: { if (C.weatherType(R) != Climate.WEATHER_THUNDERSTORM) { if ((R.domainType() & Room.INDOORS) > 0) { if ((R.getArea() != null) && CMath.div( R.getArea().getAreaIStats()[Area.Stats.INDOOR_ROOMS.ordinal()], R.getArea().properSize()) < 0.90) S.mob() .tell( "^JA thunderous rumble and CRACK of lightning can be heard outside.^?" + CMProps.msp("thunder.wav", 40)); } else S.mob() .tell( "^JA thunderous rumble and CRACK of lightning can be heard.^?" + CMProps.msp("thunder.wav", 40)); } else if (R.getArea().getTimeObj().getTODCode() == TimeClock.TIME_DAY) S.mob() .tell( "^JA thunderous rumble and CRACK of lightning can be heard as the pounding rain soaks you.^?" + CMProps.msp("thunderandrain.wav", 40)); else S.mob() .tell( "^JA bolt of lightning streaks across the sky as the pounding rain soaks you!^?" + CMProps.msp("thunderandrain.wav", 40)); break; } case Climate.WEATHER_BLIZZARD: if (C.weatherType(R) == Climate.WEATHER_BLIZZARD) S.mob() .tell( "^JSwirling clouds of snow buffet you.^?" + CMProps.msp("blizzard.wav", 40)); break; case Climate.WEATHER_SNOW: if (C.weatherType(R) == Climate.WEATHER_SNOW) S.mob().tell("^JSnowflakes fall lightly on you.^?"); break; case Climate.WEATHER_DUSTSTORM: if (C.weatherType(R) == Climate.WEATHER_DUSTSTORM) S.mob() .tell( "^JSwirling clouds of dust assault you.^?" + CMProps.msp("windy.wav", 40)); break; case Climate.WEATHER_HAIL: if (C.weatherType(R) == Climate.WEATHER_HAIL) S.mob() .tell( "^JYou are being pelleted by hail! Ouch!^?" + CMProps.msp("hail.wav", 40)); break; case Climate.WEATHER_RAIN: if (C.weatherType(R) == Climate.WEATHER_RAIN) S.mob().tell("^JThe rain is soaking you!^?" + CMProps.msp("rainlong.wav", 40)); break; case Climate.WEATHER_SLEET: if (C.weatherType(R) == Climate.WEATHER_SLEET) S.mob() .tell( "^JCold and blistering sleet is soaking you numb!^?" + CMProps.msp("rain.wav", 40)); break; case Climate.WEATHER_WINDY: if (C.weatherType(R) == Climate.WEATHER_WINDY) S.mob().tell("^JThe wind gusts around you.^?" + CMProps.msp("wind.wav", 40)); break; } } } } if ((lightningDown--) == 1) { resetLightningTicks(); if (C.weatherType(null) == Climate.WEATHER_THUNDERSTORM) { boolean playerAround = false; for (Session S : CMLib.sessions().localOnlineIterable()) { if ((S.mob() == null) || (S.mob().location() == null) || (S.mob().location().getArea() != A) || (S.mob().isMonster()) || (C.weatherType(S.mob().location()) != Climate.WEATHER_THUNDERSTORM)) continue; playerAround = true; } if (playerAround) { Room R = A.getRandomProperRoom(); MOB M = R.fetchRandomInhabitant(); if (M != null) { Ability A2 = CMClass.getAbility("Chant_SummonLightning"); if (A2 != null) { A2.setMiscText("RENDER MUNDANE"); A2.invoke(M, M, true, M.phyStats().level()); } } else R = null; Room R2 = null; for (Enumeration<Room> e = A.getProperMap(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { R2 = (Room) e.nextElement(); if ((R2 != R) && (R2.numInhabitants() > 0)) if ((A.getTimeObj().getTODCode() == TimeClock.TIME_DAY) || (C.weatherType(R2) != Climate.WEATHER_THUNDERSTORM)) { if ((R2.domainType() & Room.INDOORS) > 0) R2.showHappens( CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, "^JA thunderous rumble and crack of lightning can be heard outside.^?" + CMProps.msp("thunder2.wav", 40)); else R2.showHappens( CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, "^JA thunderous rumble and crack of lightning can be heard.^?" + CMProps.msp("thunder2.wav", 40)); } else R2.showHappens( CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, "^JYou hear a thunderous rumble as a bolt of lightning streaks across the sky!^?" + CMProps.msp("thunder3.wav", 40)); } } } } if ((tornadoDown--) == 1) { resetTornadoTicks(); if ((C.weatherType(null) == Climate.WEATHER_THUNDERSTORM) || (C.weatherType(null) == Climate.WEATHER_WINDY)) { boolean playerAround = false; for (Session S : CMLib.sessions().localOnlineIterable()) { if ((S.mob() == null) || (S.mob().location() == null) || (S.mob().location().getArea() != A) || (S.mob().isMonster()) || (C.weatherType(S.mob().location()) != Climate.WEATHER_THUNDERSTORM)) continue; playerAround = true; } if (playerAround) { Room R = A.getRandomProperRoom(); MOB M = R.fetchRandomInhabitant(); if (M != null) { Ability A2 = CMClass.getAbility("Chant_SummonTornado"); if (A2 != null) { A2.setMiscText("RENDER MUNDANE"); MOB mob =; A2.invoke(mob, null, true, 0); mob.destroy(); } } else R = null; Room R2 = null; for (Enumeration<Room> e = A.getProperMap(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { R2 = (Room) e.nextElement(); if ((R2 != R) && (R2.numInhabitants() > 0)) if ((A.getTimeObj().getTODCode() == TimeClock.TIME_DAY) || (C.weatherType(R2) != Climate.WEATHER_THUNDERSTORM)) { if ((R2.domainType() & Room.INDOORS) > 0) R2.showHappens( CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, "^JThe terrible rumble of a tornado can be heard outside.^?" + CMProps.msp("tornado.wav", 40)); else R2.showHappens( CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, "^JThe terrible rumble of a tornado can be heard.^?" + CMProps.msp("tornado.wav", 40)); } else R2.showHappens( CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, "^JA huge and terrible tornado touches down somewhere near by.^?" + CMProps.msp("tornado.wav", 40)); } } } } if ((dustDown--) == 1) { resetDustTicks(); if (C.weatherType(null) == Climate.WEATHER_DUSTSTORM) { Vector choices = new Vector(); Room R = null; for (Session S : CMLib.sessions().localOnlineIterable()) { if ((S.mob() == null) || (S.mob().location() == null) || (S.mob().location().getArea() != A) || (S.mob().isMonster()) || (C.weatherType(S.mob().location()) != Climate.WEATHER_DUSTSTORM)) continue; R = S.mob().location(); if ((R != null) && (!choices.contains(R))) choices.addElement(R); } if (choices.size() > 0) { R = (Room) choices.elementAt(CMLib.dice().roll(1, choices.size(), -1)); MOB M = R.fetchRandomInhabitant(); if ((M != null) && (C.weatherType(R) == Climate.WEATHER_DUSTSTORM) && (!CMLib.flags().isSleeping(M))) { Ability A2 = CMClass.getAbility("Skill_Dirt"); if (A2 != null) A2.invoke(M, M, true, 0); } } } } if ((hailDown--) == 1) { resetHailTicks(); if (C.weatherType(null) == Climate.WEATHER_HAIL) { Vector choices = new Vector(); Room R = null; for (Session S : CMLib.sessions().localOnlineIterable()) { if ((S.mob() == null) || (S.mob().location() == null) || (S.mob().location().getArea() != A) || (S.mob().isMonster()) || (C.weatherType(S.mob().location()) != Climate.WEATHER_HAIL)) continue; R = S.mob().location(); if ((R != null) && (!choices.contains(R))) choices.addElement(R); } if (choices.size() > 0) { R = (Room) choices.elementAt(CMLib.dice().roll(1, choices.size(), -1)); MOB M = R.fetchRandomInhabitant(); Ability A2 = CMClass.getAbility("Chant_SummonHail"); if ((A2 != null) && (C.weatherType(R) == Climate.WEATHER_HAIL)) { A2.setMiscText("RENDER MUNDANE"); A2.invoke(M, M, true, M.phyStats().level()); } } } } if ((C.weatherType(null) == Climate.WEATHER_DROUGHT) && (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < droughtFireChance)) { Room R = ticking); if ((R == null) && (ticking instanceof Area)) R = ((Area) ticking).getRandomProperRoom(); if ((R != null) && ((R.domainType() & Room.INDOORS) == 0) && (R.domainType() != Room.DOMAIN_OUTDOORS_SWAMP) && (R.domainType() != Room.DOMAIN_OUTDOORS_UNDERWATER) && (R.domainType() != Room.DOMAIN_OUTDOORS_WATERSURFACE) && ((R.domainConditions() & Room.CONDITION_WET) == 0)) { Item I = R.getRandomItem(); if ((I != null) && (CMLib.flags().isGettable(I))) switch (I.material() & RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MASK) { case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_CLOTH: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_LEATHER: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_PAPER: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_VEGETATION: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_WOODEN: { Ability A2 = CMClass.getAbility("Burning"); MOB mob =; R.showHappens( CMMsg.MSG_OK_VISUAL, I.Name() + " spontaneously combusts in the seering heat!" + CMProps.msp("fire.wav", 40)); A2.invoke(mob, I, true, 0); mob.destroy(); } break; } } } if ((gustDown--) == 1) { resetGustTicks(); if ((C.weatherType(null) == Climate.WEATHER_WINDY) || (C.weatherType(null) == Climate.WEATHER_BLIZZARD) || (C.weatherType(null) == Climate.WEATHER_DUSTSTORM)) { Vector choices = new Vector(); Room R = null; for (Session S : CMLib.sessions().localOnlineIterable()) { if ((S.mob() == null) || (S.mob().location() == null) || (S.mob().location().getArea() != A) || (S.mob().isMonster()) || ((C.weatherType(S.mob().location()) != Climate.WEATHER_WINDY) && (C.weatherType(S.mob().location()) != Climate.WEATHER_BLIZZARD) && (C.weatherType(S.mob().location()) != Climate.WEATHER_DUSTSTORM))) continue; R = S.mob().location(); if ((R != null) && (!choices.contains(R))) choices.addElement(R); } if (choices.size() > 0) { R = (Room) choices.elementAt(CMLib.dice().roll(1, choices.size(), -1)); MOB M =; Ability A2 = CMClass.getAbility("Chant_WindGust"); if (A2 != null) { A2.setMiscText("RENDER MUNDANE"); A2.invoke(M, M, true, M.phyStats().level()); } M.destroy(); } } } if ((rustDown--) == 1) { resetRustTicks(); for (Session S : CMLib.sessions().localOnlineIterable()) { if ((S.mob() == null) || (S.mob().location() == null) || (S.mob().location().getArea() != A) || (S.mob().isMonster())) continue; int rustChance = 0; switch (C.weatherType(S.mob().location())) { case Climate.WEATHER_BLIZZARD: case Climate.WEATHER_SLEET: case Climate.WEATHER_SNOW: rustChance = 5; break; case Climate.WEATHER_HAIL: rustChance = 5; break; case Climate.WEATHER_THUNDERSTORM: case Climate.WEATHER_RAIN: rustChance = 5; break; } MOB M = S.mob(); Room R = M.location(); switch (R.domainType()) { case Room.DOMAIN_INDOORS_UNDERWATER: case Room.DOMAIN_INDOORS_WATERSURFACE: case Room.DOMAIN_OUTDOORS_WATERSURFACE: case Room.DOMAIN_OUTDOORS_UNDERWATER: rustChance += 5; break; default: break; } if ((R.domainConditions() & Room.CONDITION_WET) > 0) rustChance += 2; if (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < rustChance) { int weatherType = C.weatherType(R); Vector rustThese = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < M.numItems(); i++) { Item I = M.getItem(i); if (I == null) continue; if ((!I.amWearingAt(Wearable.IN_INVENTORY)) && (((I.material() & RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MASK) == RawMaterial.MATERIAL_METAL)) && (I.subjectToWearAndTear()) && ((CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() > I.phyStats().ability() * 25))) rustThese.addElement(I); else if (I.amWearingAt(Wearable.WORN_ABOUT_BODY) && (((I.material() & RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MASK) != RawMaterial.MATERIAL_METAL))) { rustThese.clear(); break; } } if (R != null) for (int i = 0; i < rustThese.size(); i++) { Item I = (Item) rustThese.elementAt(i); CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg( M, I, null, CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS | CMMsg.TYP_WATER, (weatherType != 0) ? "<T-NAME> rusts." : "<T-NAME> rusts in the water.", CMMsg.TYP_WATER, null, CMMsg.NO_EFFECT, null); if (R.okMessage(M, msg)) { R.send(M, msg); if (msg.value() <= 0) { I.setUsesRemaining(I.usesRemaining() - 1); if (I.usesRemaining() <= 0) { msg = CMClass.getMsg( M, null, null, CMMsg.MSG_OK_VISUAL, + " is destroyed!", null, + " carried by " + + " is destroyed!"); if (R.okMessage(M, msg)) R.send(M, msg); I.destroy(); } } } } } } } if (ticking instanceof Room) lastWeather = C.weatherType((Room) ticking); else lastWeather = C.weatherType(null); return true; }