public void removeMyAffectsFrom(Physical P) { if (P == null) return; int x = 0; final Vector<Ability> eff = new Vector<Ability>(); Ability thisAffect = null; for (x = 0; x < P.numEffects(); x++) // personal { thisAffect = P.fetchEffect(x); if (thisAffect != null) eff.addElement(thisAffect); } if (eff.size() > 0) { final Map<String, String> h = makeMySpellsH(getMySpellsV()); if (unrevocableSpells != null) { for (int v = unrevocableSpells.size() - 1; v >= 0; v--) { thisAffect = unrevocableSpells.get(v); if (h.containsKey(thisAffect.ID())) P.delEffect(thisAffect); } } else for (x = 0; x < eff.size(); x++) { thisAffect = eff.elementAt(x); final String ID = h.get(thisAffect.ID()); if ((ID != null) && (thisAffect.invoker() == getInvokerMOB(P, P))) { thisAffect.unInvoke(); if ((!uninvocable) && (!thisAffect.canBeUninvoked())) P.delEffect(thisAffect); } } unrevocableSpells = null; } }
@Override public boolean tick(Tickable ticking, int tickID) { if (!super.tick(ticking, tickID)) return false; if ((tickID == Tickable.TICKID_MOB) && (affected instanceof MOB)) { final MOB mob = (MOB) affected; if (!DATA.containsKey(mob)) DATA.put(mob, new int[DATA_TOTAL]); final int[] data = DATA.get(mob); if ((mob.session() != null) && (mob.session().getPreviousCMD() != null)) { if ((lastCommand != null) && (!CMParms.combine(mob.session().getPreviousCMD(), 0).equals(lastCommand))) { data[DATA_TYPEDCOMMAND]++; List<MOB> V = null; if (mob.session().getAddress() != null) V = IPS.get(mob.session().getAddress()); if (V != null) for (int v = 0; v < V.size(); v++) { final MOB M = V.get(v); if (M == mob) continue; if (M.session() == null) continue; if (!CMLib.flags().isInTheGame(M, true)) continue; final String hisLastCmd = CMParms.combine(mob.session().getPreviousCMD(), 0); final Archon_Multiwatch A = (Archon_Multiwatch) M.fetchEffect(ID()); if (A != null) { if ((A.lastCommand != null) && (!A.lastCommand.equals(hisLastCmd))) data[DATA_SYNCHROFOUND]++; break; } } } lastCommand = CMParms.combine(mob.session().getPreviousCMD(), 0); } } return true; }
public List<Object> convertToV2(List<Ability> spellsV, Physical target) { final List<Object> VTOO = new Vector<Object>(); for (int v = 0; v < spellsV.size(); v++) { Ability A = spellsV.get(v); final Ability EA = (target != null) ? target.fetchEffect(A.ID()) : null; if ((EA == null) && (didHappen())) { final String t = A.text(); A = (Ability) A.copyOf(); Vector<String> V2 = new Vector<String>(); if (t.length() > 0) { final int x = t.indexOf('/'); if (x < 0) { V2 = CMParms.parse(t); A.setMiscText(""); } else { V2 = CMParms.parse(t.substring(0, x)); A.setMiscText(t.substring(x + 1)); } } VTOO.add(A); VTOO.add(V2); } } return VTOO; }
@Override public List<Item> getTrapComponents() { final List<Item> V = new Vector<Item>(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) V.add(CMLib.materials().makeItemResource(RawMaterial.RESOURCE_IRON)); return V; }
@Override public boolean invoke( MOB mob, List<String> commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { if (commands.size() < 1) { mob.tell( L( "You must specify an item to fence, and possibly a ShopKeeper (unless it is implied).")); return false; } commands.add(0, "SELL"); // will be instantly deleted by parseshopkeeper final Environmental shopkeeper = CMLib.english().parseShopkeeper(mob, commands, L("Fence what to whom?")); if (shopkeeper == null) return false; if (commands.size() == 0) { mob.tell(L("Fence what?")); return false; } if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; final boolean success = proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); if (success) { final CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg( mob, shopkeeper, this, CMMsg.MSG_SPEAK, auto ? "" : L("<S-NAME> fence(s) stolen loot to <T-NAMESELF>.")); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); invoker = mob; addBackMap.clear(); mob.addEffect(this); mob.recoverCharStats(); commands.add(0, CMStrings.capitalizeAndLower("SELL")); mob.doCommand(commands, MUDCmdProcessor.METAFLAG_FORCED); commands.add(; mob.delEffect(this); for (Item I : addBackMap.keySet()) { if (mob.isMine(I)) { I.addEffect(addBackMap.get(I)); } } addBackMap.clear(); mob.recoverCharStats(); } } else beneficialWordsFizzle( mob, shopkeeper, L( "<S-NAME> attempt(s) to fence stolen loot to <T-NAMESELF>, but make(s) <T-HIM-HER> too nervous.")); // return whether it worked return success; }
@Override public List<Room> getAllTitledRooms() { final List<Room> V = new Vector(); if (affected instanceof Room) V.add((Room) affected); else { final Room R =; if (R != null) V.add(R); } return V; }
@Override public int castingQuality(MOB mob, Physical target) { if (mob != null) { if (target instanceof MOB) { final List<Ability> offensiveAffects = returnOffensiveAffects(target); if (offensiveAffects.size() == 0) return Ability.QUALITY_INDIFFERENT; } } return super.castingQuality(mob, target); }
@Override public void setBodyPartsFromStringAfterRace(String str) { final List<String> V = CMParms.parseSemicolons(str, true); bodyAlterations = null; for (int i = 0; i < getMyRace().bodyMask().length; i++) { if (V.size() <= i) break; final int val = CMath.s_int(V.get(i)); final int num = getMyRace().bodyMask()[i]; if (num != val) alterBodypart(i, val - num); } }
@Override public Ability fetchAbility(int index) { final List<Ability> spellsV = getMySpellsV(); if (spellsV.size() == 0) return null; if ((index < 0) || (index >= spellsV.size())) return null; try { return spellsV.get(index); } catch (final Exception e) { return null; } }
@Override public Trap setTrap(MOB mob, Physical P, int trapBonus, int qualifyingClassLevel, boolean perm) { if (P == null) return null; final Item I = getPoison(mob); if (I != null) { final List<Ability> V = returnOffensiveAffects(I); if (V.size() > 0) setMiscText(V.get(0).ID()); I.destroy(); } return super.setTrap(mob, P, trapBonus, qualifyingClassLevel, perm); }
public void sortEnumeratedList( Enumeration e, List<String> allKnownFields, StringBuffer allFieldsMsg) { for (; e.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Environmental E = (Environmental) e.nextElement(); final String[] fields = E.getStatCodes(); for (int x = 0; x < fields.length; x++) if (!allKnownFields.contains(fields[x])) { allKnownFields.add(fields[x]); allFieldsMsg.append(fields[x] + " "); } } }
protected Item getPoison(MOB mob) { if (mob == null) return null; if (mob.location() == null) return null; for (int i = 0; i < mob.location().numItems(); i++) { final Item I = mob.location().getItem(i); if ((I != null) && (I instanceof Drink)) { final List<Ability> V = returnOffensiveAffects(I); if (V.size() > 0) return I; } } return null; }
private void clearAbilityFromSpellcraftList(MOB mob, Ability A) { final Ability enabledA = mob.fetchAbility("Skill_Spellcraft"); if (enabledA != null) { final List<String> ables = CMParms.parseCommas(enabledA.text(), true); if (ables.contains(A.ID())) { if (!CMSecurity.isAllowed(mob, mob.location(), CMSecurity.SecFlag.ALLSKILLS)) { ables.remove(A.ID()); enabledA.setMiscText(CMParms.toListString(ables)); mob.delAbility(A); } } } }
private void addAbilityToSpellcraftList(MOB mob, Ability A) { final Ability enabledA = mob.fetchAbility("Skill_Spellcraft"); if (enabledA != null) { final List<String> ables = CMParms.parseCommas(enabledA.text(), true); if (!ables.contains(A.ID())) { if (enabledA.text().length() == 0) enabledA.setMiscText(A.ID()); else enabledA.setMiscText(enabledA.text() + ", " + A.ID()); mob.addAbility(A); } else if (mob.isMine(A) && (A.proficiency() < 75) && (!A.isSavable())) A.setProficiency( A.proficiency() + (mob.baseCharStats().getStat(CharStats.STAT_INTELLIGENCE) / 3)); } }
@Override public void setNonBaseStatsFromString(String str) { final List<String> V = CMParms.parseSemicolons(str, false); final CharStats.CODES C = CharStats.CODES.instance(); for (final int x : C.all()) { if ((!C.isBase(x)) && (x != CharStats.STAT_GENDER) && (V.size() > 0)) { final long val = CMath.s_long(V.remove(0)); if ((val > Short.MAX_VALUE) || (val < Short.MIN_VALUE)) Log.errOut( "Value out of range", "Value out of range: " + val + " for " + x + " from " + str); stats[x] = (short) val; } } }
public void tickLycanthropically(MOB mob) { if (mob == null) return; if (mob.location() == null) return; if (mob.isInCombat()) return; if ((CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < 15) && ((mob.location().domainType() & Room.INDOORS) > 0)) mob.location() .show(mob, null, CMMsg.MSG_NOISE, L("<S-NAME> howl(s) at the moon! ARROOOOOOOO!!!!")); // time to tick lycanthropically final MOB M = victimHere(mob.location(), mob); if (M != null) { deathTrail = null; CMLib.combat().postAttack(mob, M, mob.fetchWieldedItem()); return; } if ((deathTrail != null) && (!deathTrail.contains(mob.location()))) deathTrail = null; if (deathTrail == null) { final Vector rooms = new Vector(); if ((findVictim(mob, mob.location(), rooms, 0)) && (rooms.size() > 0)) { TrackingLibrary.TrackingFlags flags; flags = new TrackingLibrary.TrackingFlags() .plus(TrackingLibrary.TrackingFlag.OPENONLY) .plus(TrackingLibrary.TrackingFlag.AREAONLY) .plus(TrackingLibrary.TrackingFlag.NOEMPTYGRIDS) .plus(TrackingLibrary.TrackingFlag.NOAIR) .plus(TrackingLibrary.TrackingFlag.NOWATER); deathTrail = CMLib.tracking().findBastardTheBestWay(mob.location(), rooms, flags, 50); if (deathTrail != null) deathTrail.add(mob.location()); } } if (deathTrail != null) { final int nextDirection = CMLib.tracking().trackNextDirectionFromHere(deathTrail, mob.location(), true); if ((nextDirection == 999) || (nextDirection == -1)) deathTrail = null; else if (nextDirection >= 0) { final Room nextRoom = mob.location().getRoomInDir(nextDirection); if ((nextRoom != null) && ((nextRoom.getArea() == mob.location().getArea())) || (!mob.isMonster())) { if (!CMLib.tracking().walk(mob, nextDirection, false, false)) deathTrail = null; else if (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < 15) mob.location().show(mob, null, CMMsg.MSG_NOISE, L("<S-NAME> sniff(s) at the air.")); } else deathTrail = null; } } }
protected void clearWarrants( final MOB officer, final MOB invoker, final Room R, final Area A, final LegalBehavior B) { final List<LegalWarrant> warrants = B.getWarrantsOf(A, invoker); if ((warrants != null) && (warrants.size() > 0)) { boolean didSomething = false; for (LegalWarrant W : warrants) { if ((W.arrestingOfficer() == officer) && (System.currentTimeMillis() > W.getIgnoreUntilTime())) { if (W.state() != Law.STATE_SEEKING) didSomething = true; B.release(A, W); } } if (didSomething && (officer.location() == invoker.location())) {, invoker, CMMsg.MSG_HANDS, L("<S-NAME> wink(s) at <T-NAME>.")); } } }
@Override public boolean execute(MOB mob, List<String> commands, int metaFlags) throws { if (!mob.isMonster()) { if ((commands != null) && (commands.size() > 1) && (commands.get(1).toUpperCase().equals("OFF"))) { final Command C = CMClass.getCommand("NoSounds"); if (C != null) { return C.execute(mob, commands, metaFlags); } } boolean force = false; if (commands != null) { for (final Object o : commands) { if (o.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("force")) force = true; } } final Session session = mob.session(); if ((!mob.isAttributeSet(MOB.Attrib.SOUND)) || (!session.getClientTelnetMode(Session.TELNET_MSP))) { session.changeTelnetMode(Session.TELNET_MSP, true); for (int i = 0; ((i < 5) && (!session.getClientTelnetMode(Session.TELNET_MSP))); i++) { try { mob.session().prompt("", 500); } catch (final Exception e) { } } if (session.getClientTelnetMode(Session.TELNET_MSP)) { mob.setAttribute(MOB.Attrib.SOUND, true); mob.tell(L("MSP Sound/Music enabled.\n\r")); } else if (force) { session.setClientTelnetMode(Session.TELNET_MSP, true); session.setServerTelnetMode(Session.TELNET_MSP, true); mob.setAttribute(MOB.Attrib.SOUND, true); mob.tell(L("MSP Sound/Music has been forceably enabled.\n\r")); } else mob.tell(L("Your client does not appear to support MSP.")); } else { mob.tell(L("MSP Sound/Music is already enabled.\n\r")); } } return false; }
public static java.util.List<Ability> returnOffensiveAffects(Physical fromMe) { final MOB newMOB = CMClass.getFactoryMOB(); newMOB.setLocation(; final List<Ability> offenders = new Vector<Ability>(); for (int a = 0; a < fromMe.numEffects(); a++) // personal { final Ability A = fromMe.fetchEffect(a); if ((A != null) && (A.canBeUninvoked())) { try { newMOB.recoverPhyStats(); A.affectPhyStats(newMOB, newMOB.phyStats()); if (CMLib.flags().isInvisible(newMOB) || CMLib.flags().isHidden(newMOB)) offenders.add(A); } catch (final Exception e) { } } } newMOB.destroy(); return offenders; }
public List<Ability> getMySpellsV() { if (spellV != null) return spellV; spellV = new Vector<Ability>(); final String names = getParmString(text()); final List<String> set = CMParms.parseSemicolons(names, true); String thisOne = null; for (int s = 0; s < set.size(); s++) { thisOne = set.get(s); if (thisOne.equalsIgnoreCase("NOUNINVOKE")) { this.uninvocable = false; continue; } if (thisOne.toUpperCase().startsWith("LEVEL")) { level = (short) CMParms.getParmInt(thisOne, "LEVEL", -1); if (level >= 0) continue; } if (thisOne.toUpperCase().startsWith("MAXTICKS")) { maxTicks = (short) CMParms.getParmInt(thisOne, "MAXTICKS", -1); if (maxTicks != -1) continue; } final int pctDex = thisOne.indexOf("% "); if ((pctDex > 0) && (thisOne.substring(pctDex + 1).trim().length() > 0)) thisOne = thisOne.substring(pctDex + 1).trim(); String parm = ""; if ((thisOne != null) && (thisOne.endsWith(")"))) { final int x = thisOne.indexOf('('); if (x > 0) { parm = thisOne.substring(x + 1, thisOne.length() - 1); thisOne = thisOne.substring(0, x).trim(); } } Ability A = CMClass.getAbility(thisOne); if ((A != null) && ((A.classificationCode() & Ability.ALL_DOMAINS) != Ability.DOMAIN_ARCHON)) { A = (Ability) A.copyOf(); A.setMiscText(parm); spellV.add(A); } } return spellV; }
@Override public boolean invoke(MOB mob, Vector commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { material = RawMaterial.RESOURCE_OAK; if ((mob.location().myResource() & RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MASK) == RawMaterial.MATERIAL_WOODEN) material = mob.location().myResource(); else { final List<Integer> V = mob.location().resourceChoices(); final Vector V2 = new Vector(); if (V != null) for (int v = 0; v < V.size(); v++) { if (((V.get(v).intValue() & RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MASK) == RawMaterial.MATERIAL_WOODEN) && ((V.get(v).intValue()) != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_WOOD)) V2.addElement(V.get(v)); } if (V2.size() > 0) material = ((Integer) V2.elementAt(CMLib.dice().roll(1, V2.size(), -1))).intValue(); } return super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel); }
@Override @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public boolean invoke(MOB mob, Vector commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { try { cookingID = ""; int num = 1; while (mob.fetchEffect("MasterDistilling" + cookingID) != null) cookingID = Integer.toString(++num); final List<String> noUninvokes = new Vector<String>(1); for (int i = 0; i < mob.numEffects(); i++) { final Ability A = mob.fetchEffect(i); if (((A instanceof MasterDistilling) || A.ID().equals("Distilling")) && (noUninvokes.size() < 5)) noUninvokes.add(A.ID()); } this.noUninvokes = noUninvokes; return super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel); } finally { cookingID = ""; } }
@Override public int castingQuality(MOB mob, Physical target) { if ((mob != null) && (target != null) && (target instanceof MOB)) { final Race R = ((MOB) target).charStats().getMyRace(); if (R.bodyMask()[Race.BODY_HEAD] <= 0) return Ability.QUALITY_INDIFFERENT; LegalBehavior B = null; if (mob.location() != null) B =; List<LegalWarrant> warrants = new Vector<LegalWarrant>(); if (B != null) warrants = B.getWarrantsOf(, (MOB) target); if (warrants.size() == 0) return Ability.QUALITY_INDIFFERENT; final Item w = mob.fetchWieldedItem(); Weapon ww = null; if ((w == null) || (!(w instanceof Weapon))) return Ability.QUALITY_INDIFFERENT; ww = (Weapon) w; if (ww.weaponDamageType() != Weapon.TYPE_SLASHING) return Ability.QUALITY_INDIFFERENT; if (mob.isInCombat() && (mob.rangeToTarget() > 0)) return Ability.QUALITY_INDIFFERENT; if (!CMLib.flags().isBoundOrHeld(target)) return Ability.QUALITY_INDIFFERENT; } return super.castingQuality(mob, target); }
@Override public boolean invoke(MOB mob, Vector commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { final MOB target = getTarget(mob, commands, givenTarget); if (target == null) return false; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; final boolean success = proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); final List<Ability> offensiveAffects = returnOffensiveAffects(target); if ((success) && (offensiveAffects.size() > 0)) { final CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg( mob, target, this, verbalCastCode(mob, target, auto), auto ? L("<T-NAME> feel(s) the poison slowing down.") : L("^S<S-NAME> chant(s) for the poisons in <T-NAME> to be slowed down.^?")); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); Chant_DelayPoison pA = (Chant_DelayPoison) beneficialAffect(mob, target, asLevel, 0); if (pA != null) { pA.poisonAffects = offensiveAffects; for (Ability A : offensiveAffects) { target.delEffect(A); A.setAffectedOne(target); } } target.recoverPhyStats(); } } else beneficialWordsFizzle( mob, target, auto ? "" : L("<S-NAME> chant(s) for <T-NAME>, but nothing happens.")); // return whether it worked return success; }
@Override public boolean invoke( MOB mob, List<String> commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { if (commands.size() < 2) { mob.tell(L("You must specify what to cast this on, and then what you want it to emote.")); return false; } final Vector<String> V = new Vector<String>(); V.addElement(commands.get(0)); final Item target = getTarget(mob, mob.location(), givenTarget, V, Wearable.FILTER_ANY); if (target == null) return false; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; final boolean success = proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); if (success) { final CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, target, this, verbalCastCode(mob, target, auto), null); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); mob.location() .show( mob, target, CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, L("<T-NAME> @x1.", CMParms.combine(commands, 1))); } } else mob.location() .show( mob, target, CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, L("<T-NAME> twitch(es) oddly, but does nothing more.")); // return whether it worked return success; }
@Override public boolean invoke( MOB mob, List<String> commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { Physical target = null; if (commands.size() > 0) { final String s = CMParms.combine(commands, 0); if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("room")) target = mob.location(); else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("here")) target = mob.location(); else if (CMLib.english().containsString(mob.location().ID(), s) || CMLib.english().containsString(mob.location().name(), s) || CMLib.english().containsString(mob.location().displayText(), s)) target = mob.location(); } if (target == null) target = getTarget(mob, commands, givenTarget); if (target == null) return false; if ((target instanceof Room) && (target.fetchEffect(ID()) != null)) { mob.tell(L("This place is already under a teleportation ward.")); return false; } if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; final boolean success = proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); if (success) { final CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg( mob, target, this, verbalCastCode(mob, target, auto), auto ? L("<T-NAME> seem(s) magically protected.") : L("^S<S-NAME> invoke(s) a teleportation ward upon <T-NAMESELF>.^?")); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); if ((target instanceof Room) && (, ((Room) target)))) { target.addNonUninvokableEffect((Ability) this.copyOf()); CMLib.database().DBUpdateRoom((Room) target); } else beneficialAffect(mob, target, asLevel, 0); } } else beneficialWordsFizzle( mob, target, L("<S-NAME> attempt(s) to invoke a teleportation ward, but fail(s).")); return success; }
public String spellAccountingsWithMask(String pre, String post) { final List<Ability> spellList = getMySpellsV(); String id = ""; for (int v = 0; v < spellList.size(); v++) { final Ability A = spellList.get(v); if (spellList.size() == 1) id +=; else if (v == (spellList.size() - 1)) id += "and " +; else id += + ", "; } if (spellList.size() > 0) id = pre + id + post; final String maskString = getMaskString(text()); if (maskString.length() > 0) id += " Restrictions: " + CMLib.masking().maskDesc(maskString); return id; }
@Override public boolean execute(MOB mob, List<String> commands, int metaFlags) throws { String parm = (commands.size() > 1) ? CMParms.combine(commands, 1) : ""; if ((mob.isAttributeSet(MOB.Attrib.AUTOASSIST) && (parm.length() == 0)) || (parm.equalsIgnoreCase("ON"))) { mob.setAttribute(MOB.Attrib.AUTOASSIST, false); mob.tell(L("Autoassist has been turned on.")); } else if ((!mob.isAttributeSet(MOB.Attrib.AUTOASSIST) && (parm.length() == 0)) || (parm.equalsIgnoreCase("OFF"))) { mob.setAttribute(MOB.Attrib.AUTOASSIST, true); mob.tell(L("Autoassist has been turned off.")); } else if (parm.length() > 0) { mob.tell( L( "Illegal @x1 argument: '@x2'. Try ON or OFF, or nothing to toggle.", getAccessWords()[0], parm)); } return false; }
@Override protected List<List<String>> loadRecipes() { final String filename = parametersFile(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<List<String>> recipes = (List<List<String>>) Resources.getResource("PARSED_RECIPE: " + filename); if (recipes == null) { final StringBuffer str = new CMFile(Resources.buildResourcePath("skills") + filename, null, CMFile.FLAG_LOGERRORS) .text(); recipes = loadList(str); if (recipes.size() == 0) Log.errOut("LeatherWorking", "Recipes not found!"); else { final List<List<String>> newRecipes = new Vector<List<String>>(); for (int r = 0; r < recipes.size(); r++) { final List<String> V = recipes.get(r); if (V.size() > 0) { final String name = V.get(RCP_FINALNAME); final int baseLevel = CMath.s_int(V.get(RCP_LEVEL)) + 2; for (final Stage s : Stage.values()) { final List<String> V1 = new XVector<String>(V); V1.set(RCP_FINALNAME, + " " + name); final int level = baseLevel + s.recipeLevel; V1.set(RCP_LEVEL, "" + level); for (int i = 0; i <= newRecipes.size(); i++) { if (newRecipes.size() == i) { newRecipes.add(V1); break; } else if (CMath.s_int(newRecipes.get(i).get(RCP_LEVEL)) > level) { newRecipes.add(i, V1); break; } } } } } recipes.clear(); recipes = newRecipes; } Resources.submitResource("PARSED_RECIPE: " + filename, recipes); } return recipes; }
public boolean addMeIfNeccessary( PhysicalAgent source, Physical target, boolean makeLongLasting, int asLevel, short maxTicks) { final List<Ability> V = getMySpellsV(); if ((target == null) || (V.size() == 0) || ((compiledMask != null) && (!CMLib.masking().maskCheck(compiledMask, target, true)))) return false; final List VTOO = convertToV2(V, target); if (VTOO.size() == 0) return false; final MOB qualMOB = getInvokerMOB(source, target); for (int v = 0; v < VTOO.size(); v += 2) { final Ability A = (Ability) VTOO.get(v); final Vector V2 = (Vector) VTOO.get(v + 1); if (level >= 0) asLevel = level; else if (asLevel <= 0) asLevel = (affected != null) ? affected.phyStats().level() : 0; A.invoke(qualMOB, V2, target, true, asLevel); final Ability EA = target.fetchEffect(A.ID()); lastMOB = target; // this needs to go here because otherwise it makes non-item-invoked spells long lasting, // which means they dont go away when item is removed. if (EA != null) { if ((maxTicks > 0) && (maxTicks < Short.MAX_VALUE) && (CMath.s_int(EA.getStat("TICKDOWN")) > maxTicks)) EA.setStat("TICKDOWN", Short.toString(maxTicks)); else if (makeLongLasting) { EA.makeLongLasting(); if (!uninvocable) { EA.makeNonUninvokable(); if (unrevocableSpells == null) unrevocableSpells = new Vector<Ability>(); unrevocableSpells.add(EA); } } } } return true; }