public void testWrongPassword() throws IOException { try {"reader", "swdsds"); } catch (OException e) { Assert.assertTrue( e instanceof OSecurityAccessException || e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() .toString() .indexOf( "com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OSecurityAccessException") > -1); } }
protected <T> T networkAdminOperation( final OStorageRemoteOperation<T> operation, final String errorMessage) { OChannelBinaryAsynchClient network = null; try { // TODO:replace this api with one that get connection for only the specified url. String serverUrl = storage.getNextAvailableServerURL(false, session); do { try { network = storage.getNetwork(serverUrl); } catch (OException e) { serverUrl = storage.useNewServerURL(serverUrl); if (serverUrl == null) throw e; } } while (network == null); T res = operation.execute(network, storage.getCurrentSession()); storage.connectionManager.release(network); return res; } catch (Exception e) { if (network != null) storage.connectionManager.release(network); storage.close(true, false); throw OException.wrapException(new OStorageException(errorMessage), e); } }
public OChannelBinary writeBytes(final byte[] iContent, final int iLength) throws IOException { if (debug) OLogManager.instance() .info( this, "%s - Writing bytes (4+%d=%d bytes): %s", socket.getRemoteSocketAddress(), iLength, iLength + 4, Arrays.toString(iContent)); if (iContent == null) { out.writeInt(-1); updateMetricTransmittedBytes(OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_INT); } else { if (iLength > maxChunkSize) { throw OException.wrapException( new OIOException( "Impossible to write a chunk of length:" + iLength + " max allowed chunk length:" + maxChunkSize + " see NETWORK_BINARY_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH settings "), null); } out.writeInt(iLength); out.write(iContent, 0, iLength); updateMetricTransmittedBytes(OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_INT + iLength); } return this; }
@Override public ORawBuffer readRecord(long clusterPosition) throws IOException { throw OException.wrapException( new ORecordNotFoundException( new ORecordId(id, clusterPosition), "Record with rid #" + id + ":" + clusterPosition + " was not found in database"), new OOfflineClusterException( "Cannot read a record from the offline cluster '" + name + "'")); }
public byte[] readBytes() throws IOException { if (debug) OLogManager.instance() .info( this, "%s - Reading chunk of bytes. Reading chunk length as int (4 bytes)...", socket.getRemoteSocketAddress()); final int len = in.readInt(); if (len > maxChunkSize) { throw OException.wrapException( new OIOException( "Impossible to read a chunk of length:" + len + " max allowed chunk length:" + maxChunkSize + " see NETWORK_BINARY_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH settings "), null); } updateMetricReceivedBytes(OBinaryProtocol.SIZE_INT + len); if (debug) OLogManager.instance() .info(this, "%s - Read chunk lenght: %d", socket.getRemoteSocketAddress(), len); if (len < 0) return null; if (debug) OLogManager.instance() .info(this, "%s - Reading %d bytes...", socket.getRemoteSocketAddress(), len); // REUSE STATIC BUFFER? final byte[] tmp = new byte[len]; in.readFully(tmp); if (debug) OLogManager.instance() .info( this, "%s - Read %d bytes: %s", socket.getRemoteSocketAddress(), len, new String(tmp)); return tmp; }
public synchronized <T> T getResource(final String iName, final Callable<T> iCallback) { T value = (T) sharedResources.get(iName); if (value == null) { // CREATE IT try { value =; } catch (Exception e) { throw OException.wrapException( new ODatabaseException("Error on creation of shared resource"), e); } if (value instanceof OSharedResource) ((OSharedResource) value).acquireExclusiveLock(); sharedResources.put(iName, value); } return value; }