protected boolean preTemplateProcess(Template template, TemplateModel model) throws IOException { Object attrContentType = template.getCustomAttribute("content_type"); if (attrContentType != null) { ServletActionContext.getResponse().setContentType(attrContentType.toString()); } else { String contentType = getContentType(); if (contentType == null) { contentType = "text/html"; } // webwork: // String encoding = template.getEncoding(); String encoding = template.getOutputEncoding(); if (encoding != null) { contentType = contentType + "; charset=" + encoding; } ServletActionContext.getResponse().setContentType(contentType); } return true; }
/** * 添加消息反馈信息 * * @return 赵晓晓 */ public void getreturnmessage() { try { // 获得投诉内容 tousu.setComment(content); // 获得添加时间 tousu.setCreatetime(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); // 获得登录人编号从session中获得 HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(); Customeruser customer = new Customeruser(); customer = (Customeruser) session.getAttribute("loginuser"); Long id = customer.getId(); tousu.setUsername(id.toString()); // 获得代理编号 Customeragent customeragent = new Customeragent(); customeragent = (Customeragent) session.getAttribute("loginagent"); Long Agentid = customeragent.getId(); tousu.setDainame(Agentid.toString()); Server.getInstance().getMemberService().createTousu(tousu); System.out.println("添加投诉信息成功!"); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("添加失败!"); } }
public void execute(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception { LatestVersionSource source = (LatestVersionSource) invocation.getAction(); double latestVersion = source.getLatestVersion(); HttpServletResponse response = ServletActionContext.getResponse(); response.setContentType("text/xml"); OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); out.write(String.valueOf(latestVersion).getBytes()); out.close(); }
@Override protected final String doExecute() { configFilePath = ServletActionContext.getServletContext() .getInitParameter("configFilePath") .replaceAll("\\\\", "/"); String result = ERROR; result = doExecuteAdmin(); return result; }
/** 编辑积分管理 */ public String edit() throws Exception { HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionContext.getRequest(); String where = " where 1=1 "; List list = Server.getInstance() .getMemberService() .findAllIntegralForPageinfo(where, " ORDER BY ID ", pageinfo); pageinfo = (PageInfo) list.remove(0); listIntegral = list; if (pageinfo.getTotalrow() > 0 && listIntegral.size() == 0) { pageinfo.setPagenum(1); list = Server.getInstance() .getMemberService() .findAllIntegralForPageinfo(where, " ORDER BY ID ", pageinfo); pageinfo = (PageInfo) list.remove(0); listIntegral = list; } int register = Integer.valueOf(converNull(request.getParameter("register5"), "0")); int punish = Integer.valueOf(converNull(request.getParameter("punish5"), "0")); int backorder = Integer.valueOf(converNull(request.getParameter("backorder5"), "0")); int weborder = Integer.valueOf(converNull(request.getParameter("weborder5"), "0")); for (Integral integral : listIntegral) { long type = integral.getAgenttype(); System.out.println(request.getParameter("aircoeft" + type)); float aircoeft = Float.valueOf(converNull(request.getParameter("aircoeft" + type), "0")); // float hotelcoeft=Float.valueOf(converNull(request.getParameter("hotelcoeft"+type),"0")); // float travelcoeft=Float.valueOf(converNull(request.getParameter("travelcoeft"+type),"0")); // float // carrentalcoeft=Float.valueOf(converNull(request.getParameter("carrentalcoeft"+type),"0")); // float // rechargecoeft=Float.valueOf(converNull(request.getParameter("rechargecoeft"+type),"0")); integral.setAircoeft(aircoeft); // integral.setHotelcoeft(hotelcoeft); // integral.setTravelcoeft(travelcoeft); // integral.setCarrentalcoeft(carrentalcoeft); // integral.setRechargecoeft(rechargecoeft); integral.setRegisterscore(register); integral.setPunishscore(punish); integral.setBackorderscore(backorder); integral.setWeborderscore(weborder); Server.getInstance().getMemberService().updateIntegralIgnoreNull(integral); } return this.execute(); }
public void execute(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception { XmlProducer producer = (XmlProducer) invocation.getAction(); XmlRenderable xmlRenderable = producer.getXmlRenderable(); Element element = xmlRenderable.asXml(); Document document = new Document(element); String xmlString = XmlUtility.asString(document); HttpServletResponse response = ServletActionContext.getResponse(); response.setContentType("text/xml"); try { OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); BufferedOutputStream bufferedOut = new BufferedOutputStream(out); bufferedOut.write(xmlString.getBytes()); bufferedOut.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warning("Failed to write result XML response to browser: " + e.toString()); } }
public String doExecute() { String cond = condition; String searCond = this.searchCond; if (!type.equalsIgnoreCase(ADVANCED_SEARCH) && !type.equalsIgnoreCase(ADVANCED_PAGINATION)) { if (searCond != null && !searCond.equals("")) { if (cond.equals("")) { cond = searCond; } else { cond += ";" + searCond; } } } Map paramsMap = new HashMap(); DBHelper.parseParamsSimpleForSql(cond, paramsMap); if (userid == null) userid = (String) paramsMap.get("userid"); // System.out.println("######################################################"); // System.out.println("userId:" + userid); String userNumLimCondition = ""; if (masterTableName != null && masterTableName.length() > 0 && masterCompoName != null && masterCompoName.length() > 0) { if (masterTableName.equals(MetaManager.getCompoMeta(masterCompoName).getMasterTable())) { String realFieldName = request.getParameter("realFieldName"); List realFieldNameList = java.util.Arrays.asList(realFieldName.split(",")); TableMeta tableMeta = MetaManager.getTableMeta(masterTableName); if (masterSelectField != null && masterSelectField.length() > 0) { String[] sTemp = masterSelectField.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < sTemp.length; i++) { Field field = tableMeta.getField(sTemp[i]); if (field == null || !realFieldNameList.contains( field.getRefField())) { // 主表选择字段对应的外部实体字段与外部实体的实际选择字段比较 continue; } if (!field.isSave()) { // 非保存字段,查询此外部实体对应的其他保存字段的数值权限 List fields = ((Foreign) tableMeta.getForeign(field.getRefName())).getFields(); for (int j = 0; j < fields.size(); j++) { Field tField = (Field) fields.get(i); String fieldName = tField.getName(); if (sTemp[i].equals(fieldName) || !tField.isSave()) continue; String refFieldName = tField.getRefField(); String iCond = getListUserLimCondition(refFieldName, fieldName); if (iCond != null && iCond.length() > 0) { if (userNumLimCondition.length() > 0) { userNumLimCondition += " and " + iCond; } else { userNumLimCondition = iCond; } } } } else { // 保存字段,添加数值权限 String iCond = getListUserLimCondition(field.getRefField(), sTemp[i]); if (iCond != null && iCond.length() > 0) { if (userNumLimCondition.length() > 0) { userNumLimCondition += " and " + iCond; } else { userNumLimCondition = iCond; } } } } } } } String quotUserNumLim = RightUtil.getUserNumLimCondition( ServletActionContext.getRequest(), userid, "fquote", componame, null, null); // System.out.println("svCoCode:" + SessionUtils.getAttribute(request, "svCoCode")); // System.out.println("quotUserNumLim:" + quotUserNumLim); if (userNumLimCondition != null && userNumLimCondition.length() > 0) { if (quotUserNumLim != null && quotUserNumLim.length() > 0) { userNumLimCondition += " and "; userNumLimCondition += quotUserNumLim; } } else { if (quotUserNumLim != null && quotUserNumLim.length() > 0) { userNumLimCondition = quotUserNumLim; } } if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(ADVANCED_SEARCH) || type.equalsIgnoreCase(ADVANCED_PAGINATION)) { // 搜索类型为高级搜索时,将搜索条件附加上; if (userNumLimCondition != null && userNumLimCondition.length() > 0) userNumLimCondition += " and "; searCond = searCond.replaceAll(";", " and "); // 将;替换为and userNumLimCondition += searCond; } provider.setUserNumLimCondition(userNumLimCondition); // System.out.println("userNumLimCondition:" + userNumLimCondition); int pageIndex = Pub.calcPageIndex(currentpage, direction, pagesize, totalcount); if (pageIndex <= 0) pageIndex = 1; int rowmin = (pageIndex - 1) * pagesize + 1; int rowmax = pageIndex * pagesize; Datum datum = null; if (isFromSql && (sqlid == null || sqlid.length() == 0)) { // sqlid为空直接查询表 DBSupport support = (DBSupport) ApplusContext.getBean("dbSupport"); List newParams = new ArrayList(); String matchCond = (String) paramsMap.get("matchCond"); // 仅添加搜索框的条件 paramsMap = new HashMap(); if (matchCond != null) { List saveFieldNames = MetaManager.getTableMeta(tablename).getSaveFieldNames(); for (int i = 0; i < saveFieldNames.size(); i++) paramsMap.put(saveFieldNames.get(i), matchCond); } String sql = support.wrapSqlByTableName(tablename, paramsMap, newParams); if (matchCond != null) { sql = sql.replaceAll("[=]", "like"); sql = sql.replaceAll("and", "or"); } StringBuffer orderStr = new StringBuffer(""); // 排序和年度 TableMeta tableMeta = MetaManager.getTableMeta(tablename); List keyFieldNames = tableMeta.getKeyFieldNames(); if (keyFieldNames != null) { orderStr.append(" order by "); for (int i = 0; i < keyFieldNames.size(); i++) { orderStr.append(keyFieldNames.get(i) + ","); if ("ND".equalsIgnoreCase((String) keyFieldNames.get(i))) { sql = support.wrapSqlByCondtion(sql, "ND=" + SessionUtils.getAttribute(request, "svNd")); } } } if (orderStr.toString().endsWith(",")) { sql += orderStr.substring(0, orderStr.length() - 1); } if (totalcount < 0) totalcount = provider.getTotalCount(support.wrapSqlForCount(sql), newParams); if (totalcount <= 0) { // 没有数据 return SUCCESS; } // System.out.println("sql:" + sql); paramsMap.put("rownum", rowmax + ""); paramsMap.put("rn", rowmin + ""); newParams.add(rowmax + ""); newParams.add(rowmin + ""); if (userNumLimCondition != null && userNumLimCondition.length() > 0) { sql = support.wrapSqlByCondtion(sql, userNumLimCondition); } sql = support.wrapPaginationSql(sql); datum = provider.getPaginationData( pageIndex, totalcount, pagesize, tablename, sql, newParams, false); } else { if (totalcount < 0) { // 取总条数 totalcount = provider.getTotalCount(sqlid, paramsMap); } if (totalcount <= 0) { // 没有数据 return SUCCESS; } paramsMap.put("rownum", rowmax + ""); paramsMap.put("rn", rowmin + ""); // 取分页数据 datum = provider.getPaginationData( pageIndex, totalcount, pagesize, tablename, sqlid, paramsMap, false); } int totalPage = totalcount % pagesize == 0 ? totalcount / pagesize : totalcount / pagesize + 1; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"GBK\"?>\n"); List data = datum.getData(); if (data != null) { sb.append( "<delta totalCount=\"" + totalcount + "\" totalPage=\"" + totalPage + "\" currentPage=\"" + pageIndex + "\" pageSize=\"" + pagesize + "\">\n"); for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { sb.append("<entity name=\"null\">\n"); Map map = (Map) data.get(i); Set entrySet = map.entrySet(); Iterator itera = entrySet.iterator(); while (itera.hasNext()) { Entry entry = (Entry); sb.append("<field name=\""); sb.append(entry.getKey()); sb.append("\" value=\""); sb.append( entry.getValue() == null ? "" : XMLTools.getValidStringForXML(entry.getValue().toString())); sb.append("\"/>\n"); } sb.append("</entity>\n"); } sb.append("</delta>\n"); } // System.out.println("######################################################"); resultstring = sb.toString(); return SUCCESS; }