コード例 #1
 protected void abortLoops() {
   s_logger.debug("Checking for tasks to abort");
   try {
     final Collection<ResolveTask> toCheck = new ArrayList<ResolveTask>();
     for (final MapEx<ResolveTask, ResolvedValueProducer> tasks : _specifications.values()) {
       synchronized (tasks) {
         if (!tasks.containsKey(null)) {
           toCheck.addAll((Collection<ResolveTask>) tasks.keySet());
     for (final Map<ResolveTask, ResolveTask> tasks : _requirements.values()) {
       synchronized (tasks) {
         if (!tasks.containsKey(null)) {
     final GraphBuildingContext context = new GraphBuildingContext(this);
     int cancelled = 0;
     final Map<Chain, Chain.LoopState> checked = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(toCheck.size());
     for (ResolveTask task : toCheck) {
       cancelled += task.cancelLoopMembers(context, checked);
     if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
       if (cancelled > 0) {
         s_logger.info("Cancelled {} looped task(s)", cancelled);
       } else {
         s_logger.info("No looped tasks to cancel");
   } finally {
コード例 #2
 * Builds a dependency graph that describes how to calculate values that will satisfy a given set of
 * value requirements. Although a graph builder may itself use additional threads to complete the
 * graph it is only safe for a single calling thread to call any of the public methods at any one
 * time. If multiple threads are to attempt to add targets to the graph concurrently, it is possible
 * to synchronize on the builder instance.
public final class DependencyGraphBuilder implements Cancelable {

  private static final Logger s_logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DependencyGraphBuilder.class);

  /** The object id to be given to the next DependencyGraphBuilder to be created */
  private static final AtomicInteger s_nextObjectId = new AtomicInteger();

  /** The job id to be given to the next job to be created */
  private static final AtomicInteger s_nextJobId = new AtomicInteger();

   * Disables the multi-threaded graph building. If set, value requirements will be queued as they
   * are added and the graph built by a single thread when {@link #getDependencyGraph} is called.
   * This is false by default but can be controlled by the {@code
   * DependencyGraphBuilder.noBackgroundThreads} property. When set the value of {@link
   * #_maxAdditionalThreads} is ignored.
  private static final boolean NO_BACKGROUND_THREADS =
      System.getProperty("DependencyGraphBuilder.noBackgroundThreads", "FALSE")

   * Limits the maximum number of additional threads that the builder will spawn by default. This is
   * used for the default value for {@link #_maxAdditionalThreads}. A value of {@code -1} will use
   * the number of processor cores as the default. The number of threads actually used by be
   * different as the {@link DependencyGraphBuilderFactory} may only provide a limited pool to all
   * active graph builders. This is {@code -1} by default (use the number of processor cores) but
   * can be controlled by the {@code DependencyGraphBuilder.maxAdditionalThreads} property.
  private static final int MAX_ADDITIONAL_THREADS =
      Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("DependencyGraphBuilder.maxAdditionalThreads", "-1"));

   * Writes the dependency graph structure (in ASCII) out after each graph build completes. Graphs
   * are written to the user's temporary folder with the name {@code dependencyGraph} and a numeric
   * suffix from the builder's object ID. The default value is off but can be controlled by the
   * {@code DependencyGraphBuilder.dumpDependencyGraph} property.
  private static final boolean DEBUG_DUMP_DEPENDENCY_GRAPH =
      System.getProperty("DependencyGraphBuilder.dumpDependencyGraph", "FALSE")

   * Writes the value requirements that could not be resolved out. Failure information is written to
   * the user's temporary folder with the name {@code resolutionFailure} and a sequential numeric
   * suffix from the builder's object ID. The verbosity of failure information will depend on the
   * {@link #_disableFailureReporting} flag typically controlled by {@link
   * DependencyGraphBuilderFactory#setEnableFailureReporting}. The default value is off but can be
   * controlled by the {@code DependencyGraphBuilder.dumpFailureInfo} property.
  private static final boolean DEBUG_DUMP_FAILURE_INFO =
      System.getProperty("DependencyGraphBuilder.dumpFailureInfo", "FALSE")

   * Controls whether to GZIP the outputs created by {@link #DEBUG_DUMP_DEPENDENCY_GRAPH} and {@link
   * #DEBUG_DUMP_FAILURE_INFO}. The default value is off but can be controlled by the {@code
   * DependencyGraphBuilder.dumpGZIP} property to save disk space and/or I/O overheads when a large
   * volume of debugging data is being generated.
  private static final boolean DEBUG_DUMP_GZIP =
      System.getProperty("DependencyGraphBuilder.dumpGZIP", "FALSE").equalsIgnoreCase("TRUE");

  /** Profiler for monitoring the {@link #abortLoops} operation. */
  private static final Profiler s_abortLoops =
      Profiler.create(DependencyGraphBuilder.class, "abortLoops");

  /** The object id of this DependencyGraphBuilder (used in logs) */
  private final int _objectId = s_nextObjectId.incrementAndGet();

  /** The number of active jobs in this instance of DependencyGraphBuilder */
  private final AtomicInteger _activeJobCount = new AtomicInteger();
  /** The set of active jobs in this instance of DependencyGraphBuilder */
  private final Set<Job> _activeJobs = new HashSet<Job>();
  /** The job run queue for this instance of DependencyGraphBuilder */
  private final RunQueue _runQueue;
  /** The deferred job queue for this instance of DependencyGraphBuilder */
  private final Queue<ContextRunnable> _deferredQueue =
      new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ContextRunnable>();
  /** The context for building the dep graph in this instance of DependencyGraphBuilder */
  private final GraphBuildingContext _context = new GraphBuildingContext(this);
  /** The number of completed graph building steps in this instance of DependencyGraphBuilder */
  private final AtomicLong _completedSteps = new AtomicLong();
  /** The number of scheduled graph building steps in this instance of DependencyGraphBuilder */
  private final AtomicLong _scheduledSteps = new AtomicLong();
  /** The callback to use for terminal value resolution failure */
  private final GetTerminalValuesCallback _getTerminalValuesCallback =
      new GetTerminalValuesCallback(
              ? new ResolutionFailurePrinter(
                  new OutputStreamWriter(openDebugStream("resolutionFailure")))
              : ResolutionFailureVisitor.DEFAULT_INSTANCE);
  /** The job executor */
  private final Executor _executor;
   * Clears out resolvers from the resolution cache if memory starts getting low. Disable by setting
   * the {@code DependencyGraphBuilder.disableResolutionCacheCleanup} property.
  private final Housekeeper _contextCleaner =
      System.getProperty("DependencyGraphBuilder.disableResolutionCacheCleanup", "FALSE")
          ? Housekeeper.of(this, ResolutionCacheCleanup.INSTANCE)
          : null;
  /** The value requirements still pending in the run queue */
  private final PendingRequirements _pendingRequirements = new PendingRequirements(this);
  /** The name of the calculation configuration */
  private String _calculationConfigurationName;
  /** The market data availability provider for this instance of DependencyGraphBuilder */
  private MarketDataAvailabilityProvider _marketDataAvailabilityProvider;
  /** The function resolver for this instance of DependencyGraphBuilder */
  private CompiledFunctionResolver _functionResolver;
  /** The function compilation context for this instance of DependencyGraphBuilder */
  private FunctionCompilationContext _compilationContext;
  /** The function exclusion groups for this instance of DependencyGraphBuilder */
  private FunctionExclusionGroups _functionExclusionGroups;

  // The resolve task is ref-counted once for the map (it is being used as a set)
  private final ConcurrentMap<ValueRequirement, Map<ResolveTask, ResolveTask>> _requirements =
      new ConcurrentHashMap<ValueRequirement, Map<ResolveTask, ResolveTask>>();

  /** The number of active resolve tasks for this instance of DependencyGraphBuilder */
  private final AtomicInteger _activeResolveTasks = new AtomicInteger();

  // The resolve task is NOT ref-counted (it is only used for parent comparisons), but the value
  // producer is
  private final ConcurrentMap<ValueSpecification, MapEx<ResolveTask, ResolvedValueProducer>>
      _specifications =
          new ConcurrentHashMap<ValueSpecification, MapEx<ResolveTask, ResolvedValueProducer>>();

   * Number of additional threads to launch while requirements are being added or the graph is being
   * built. The total number of threads used for graph construction may be up to this value or may
   * be one higher as a thread blocked on graph construction in the call to {@link
   * #getDependencyGraph} will join in with the remaining construction.
  private volatile int _maxAdditionalThreads = getDefaultMaxAdditionalThreads();

  /** Flag to indicate when the build has been canceled */
  private boolean _cancelled;

   * Flag to indicate whether resolution failure information should be reported. Use in conjunction
   * with the failure visitor registered with the terminal value callback to extract feedback. If
   * there is no visitor then suppressing failure reports will reduce the memory footprint of the
   * algorithm as no additional state needs to be maintained.
  private boolean _disableFailureReporting;

  // TODO: We should use an external execution framework rather than the one here; there are far
  // better (and probably more accurate) implementations of
  // the algorithm in other projects I've worked on.

  public static int getDefaultMaxAdditionalThreads() {
        ? 0
            : Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();

  public static RunQueueFactory getDefaultRunQueueFactory() {
    return RunQueueFactory.getConcurrentLinkedQueue();

  public DependencyGraphBuilder() {
    this(DependencyGraphBuilderFactory.getDefaultExecutor(), getDefaultRunQueueFactory());

  protected DependencyGraphBuilder(final Executor executor, final RunQueueFactory runQueue) {
    _executor = executor;
    _runQueue = runQueue.createRunQueue();

  protected GraphBuildingContext getContext() {
    return _context;

  protected GetTerminalValuesCallback getTerminalValuesCallback() {
    return _getTerminalValuesCallback;

  /** @return the calculationConfigurationName */
  public String getCalculationConfigurationName() {
    return _calculationConfigurationName;

  /** @param calculationConfigurationName the calculationConfigurationName to set */
  public void setCalculationConfigurationName(final String calculationConfigurationName) {
    _calculationConfigurationName = calculationConfigurationName;

  /** @return the market data availability provider */
  public MarketDataAvailabilityProvider getMarketDataAvailabilityProvider() {
    return _marketDataAvailabilityProvider;

  /** @param marketDataAvailabilityProvider the market data availability provider to set */
  public void setMarketDataAvailabilityProvider(
      final MarketDataAvailabilityProvider marketDataAvailabilityProvider) {
    _marketDataAvailabilityProvider = marketDataAvailabilityProvider;

  /** @return the functionResolver */
  public CompiledFunctionResolver getFunctionResolver() {
    return _functionResolver;

  /** @param functionResolver the functionResolver to set */
  public void setFunctionResolver(final CompiledFunctionResolver functionResolver) {
    _functionResolver = functionResolver;

  /** @return the compilationContext */
  public FunctionCompilationContext getCompilationContext() {
    return _compilationContext;

  /** @param compilationContext the compilationContext to set */
  public void setCompilationContext(final FunctionCompilationContext compilationContext) {
    _compilationContext = compilationContext;

   * Sets the function exclusion group rules to use.
   * @param exclusionGroups the source of groups, or null to not use function exclusion groups
  public void setFunctionExclusionGroups(final FunctionExclusionGroups exclusionGroups) {
    _functionExclusionGroups = exclusionGroups;

   * Returns the current function exclusion group rules.
   * @return the function exclusion groups or null if none are being used
  public FunctionExclusionGroups getFunctionExclusionGroups() {
    return _functionExclusionGroups;

   * Sets the target digest rules
   * @param targetDigests the rules, or null to not use target digest rules
  public void setTargetDigests(final TargetDigests targetDigests) {

  public void setComputationTargetCollapser(
      final ComputationTargetCollapser computationTargetCollapser) {

   * Sets whether to disable extended failure reporting when values can't be resolved.
   * @param disableFailureReporting false to propagate failure information to terminal outputs and
   *     report, true to suppress
  public void setDisableFailureReporting(final boolean disableFailureReporting) {
    _disableFailureReporting = disableFailureReporting;

   * Tests whether extended failure reporting is disabled.
   * @return true if there is no failure reporting, false otherwise
  public boolean isDisableFailureReporting() {
    return _disableFailureReporting;

  public int getMaxAdditionalThreads() {
    return _maxAdditionalThreads;

   * Sets the maximum number of background threads to use for graph building. Set to zero to disable
   * background building. When set to a non-zero amount, if there is additional pending work jobs
   * may be started.
   * @param maxAdditionalThreads maximum number of background threads to use
  public void setMaxAdditionalThreads(final int maxAdditionalThreads) {
    ArgumentChecker.isTrue(maxAdditionalThreads >= 0, "maxAdditionalThreads");
    _maxAdditionalThreads = maxAdditionalThreads;

  protected int getActiveResolveTasks() {
    return _activeResolveTasks.get();

  protected void incrementActiveResolveTasks() {

  protected void decrementActiveResolveTasks() {

  private static final ComputationTargetTypeVisitor<Void, Boolean> s_isUnionType =
      new ComputationTargetTypeVisitor<Void, Boolean>() {

        public Boolean visitMultipleComputationTargetTypes(
            final Set<ComputationTargetType> types, final Void unused) {
          return Boolean.TRUE;

        public Boolean visitNestedComputationTargetTypes(
            final List<ComputationTargetType> types, final Void unused) {
          return types.get(types.size() - 1).accept(this, unused);

        public Boolean visitNullComputationTargetType(final Void unused) {
          return Boolean.FALSE;

        public Boolean visitClassComputationTargetType(
            final Class<? extends UniqueIdentifiable> type, final Void unused) {
          return Boolean.FALSE;

  protected ComputationTargetSpecification resolveTargetReference(
      final ComputationTargetReference reference) {
    ComputationTargetSpecification specification =
    if (specification == null) {
      s_logger.warn("Couldn't resolve {}", reference);
      return null;
    if (specification.getType().accept(s_isUnionType, null) == Boolean.TRUE) {
      final ComputationTarget target =
      if (target != null) {
        return target.toSpecification();
      } else {
            "Resolved {} to {} but can't resolve target to eliminate union",
    return specification;

  protected MapEx<ResolveTask, ResolvedValueProducer> getTasks(
      final ValueSpecification valueSpecification) {
    return _specifications.get(valueSpecification);

  protected MapEx<ResolveTask, ResolvedValueProducer> getOrCreateTasks(
      final ValueSpecification valueSpecification) {
    MapEx<ResolveTask, ResolvedValueProducer> tasks = getTasks(valueSpecification);
    if (tasks == null) {
      tasks = new MapEx<ResolveTask, ResolvedValueProducer>();
      final MapEx<ResolveTask, ResolvedValueProducer> existing =
          _specifications.putIfAbsent(valueSpecification, tasks);
      if (existing != null) {
        return existing;
    return tasks;

  protected Map<ResolveTask, ResolveTask> getTasks(final ValueRequirement valueRequirement) {
    return _requirements.get(valueRequirement);

  protected Map<ResolveTask, ResolveTask> getOrCreateTasks(
      final ValueRequirement valueRequirement) {
    Map<ResolveTask, ResolveTask> tasks = getTasks(valueRequirement);
    if (tasks == null) {
      tasks = new HashMap<ResolveTask, ResolveTask>();
      final Map<ResolveTask, ResolveTask> existing =
          _requirements.putIfAbsent(valueRequirement, tasks);
      if (existing != null) {
        return existing;
    return tasks;

   * Fetches an existing resolution of the given value specification.
   * <p>The {@code valueSpecification} parameter must be normalized.
   * @param valueSpecification the specification to search for, not null
   * @return the resolved value, or null if not resolved
  protected ResolvedValue getResolvedValue(final ValueSpecification valueSpecification) {
    return _getTerminalValuesCallback.getProduction(valueSpecification);

  protected void addResolvedValue(final ResolvedValue value) {

  protected Pair<?, ?> getResolutions(
      final ComputationTargetSpecification targetSpec, final String valueName) {
    return _getTerminalValuesCallback.getResolutions(
        getCompilationContext(), targetSpec, valueName);

   * Sets the listener to receive resolution failures. ResolutionFailureVisitors can also be
   * registered here. If not set, a synthetic exception is created for each failure in the
   * miscellaneous exception set.
   * @param failureListener the listener to use, or null to create synthetic exceptions
  public void setResolutionFailureListener(final ResolutionFailureListener failureListener) {

   * Check that the market data availability provider, the function resolver and the calc config
   * name are non-null
  protected void checkInjectedInputs() {
        getMarketDataAvailabilityProvider(), "marketDataAvailabilityProvider");
    ArgumentChecker.notNullInjected(getFunctionResolver(), "functionResolver");
        getCalculationConfigurationName(), "calculationConfigurationName");

   * Adds resolution of the given requirement to the run queue. Resolution will start as soon as
   * possible and be available as pending for any tasks already running that require resolution of
   * the requirement.
   * <p>This may not be called concurrently because of the way the root/global context gets used.
   * Everything that calls it should hold the {@link #getContext} monitor so nothing else can use
   * the context - this monitor also serves as the build complete lock.
   * @param requirement the requirement to resolve
  private void addTargetImpl(final ValueRequirement requirement) {
    final ResolvedValueProducer resolvedValue =
        getContext().resolveRequirement(requirement, null, null);
    resolvedValue.addCallback(getContext(), getTerminalValuesCallback());
    _pendingRequirements.add(getContext(), resolvedValue);

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Passes a previously constructed dependency graph to the builder as part of an incremental
   * build. The nodes from the graph will be adopted by the builder and may be returned in the graph
   * that this eventually produces. This should be called before adding any targets to the build.
   * @param graph the result of a previous graph build
  public void setDependencyGraph(final DependencyGraph graph) {
    _getTerminalValuesCallback.populateState(graph, getCompilationContext());

   * Adds a target requirement to the graph. The requirement is queued and the call returns;
   * construction of the graph will happen on a background thread (if additional threads is
   * non-zero), or when the call to {@link #getDependencyGraph} is made. If it was not possible to
   * satisfy the requirement that must be checked after graph construction is complete.
   * <p>The caller must ensure that the same requirement is not passed multiple times to the
   * builder. Depending on scheduling and memory availability, the cases may be identified and
   * coalesced (by {@link GraphBuildingContext#resolveRequirement}) into a single logical operation.
   * Alternatively the resolutions may run to completion to include terminal outputs in the result.
   * If the function library contains an ambiguity or other aspect that means the resolved value
   * specification could differ this will result in an invalid dependency graph.
   * @param requirement requirement to add, not null
  public void addTarget(final ValueRequirement requirement) {
    ArgumentChecker.notNull(requirement, "requirement");

    // Check that the market data availability provider, the function resolver and the calc config
    // name are non-null

    // Use the context as a build complete lock so that housekeeping thread cannot observe a "built"
    // state within this atomic block of work
    synchronized (getContext()) {
      // Add the value requirement to the graph (actually adds a suitable resolution task to the run
      // queue)
    // If the run-queue was empty, we won't have started a thread, so double check

  // TODO [PLAT-2286] When compiling a view, ask for the most complex form of all requirements (e.g.
  // PORTFOLIO_NODE/PORTFOLIO_NODE/POSITION) and be prepared for the function resolution stage
  // to adjust this down to more specific forms. As part of this reduction, the requirement may end
  // up as something we've already resolved, allowing values to be shared.

   * Adds target requirements to the graph. The requirements are queued and the call returns;
   * construction of the graph will happen on a background thread (if additional threads is
   * non-zero), or when the call to {@link #getDependencyGraph} is made. If it was not possible to
   * satisfy one or more requirements that must be checked after graph construction is complete.
   * <p>The caller must ensure that the same requirement is not passed multiple times to the
   * builder. Depending on scheduling and memory availability, the cases may be identified and
   * coalesced (by {@link GraphBuildingContext#resolveRequirement}) into a single logical operation.
   * Alternatively the resolutions may run to completion to include terminal outputs in the result.
   * If the function library contains an ambiguity or other aspect that means the resolved value
   * specification could differ this will result in an invalid dependency graph.
   * @param requirements requirements to add, not null and not containing nulls.
  public void addTarget(final Collection<ValueRequirement> requirements) {
    ArgumentChecker.noNulls(requirements, "requirements");

    // Check that the market data availability provider, the function resolver and the calc config
    // name are non-null

    // Use the context as a build complete lock so that housekeeping thread cannot observe a "built"
    // state within this atomic block of work
    synchronized (getContext()) {
      for (final ValueRequirement requirement : requirements) {
    // If the run-queue was empty, we may not have started enough threads, so double check

   * Add a task to the run queue, increment the count of scheduled steps, and start/wake up a
   * background thread if the run queue was empty, as this indicates that there are probably no
   * active threads at this precise moment.
   * @param runnable the task to add to the run queue
  protected void addToRunQueue(final ContextRunnable runnable) {

    // Check if the run queue is empty
    final boolean dontSpawn = _runQueue.isEmpty();

    // Increment the number of scheduled steps

    // Actually add the task to this DependencyGraphBuilder's run queue

    // Don't start construction jobs if the queue is empty or a sequential piece of work bounces
    // between two threads (i.e. there
    // is already a background thread that is running the caller which can then execute the task it
    // has just put into the run
    // queue). The moment the queue is non-empty, start a job if possible.
    if (!dontSpawn) {

  protected boolean startBackgroundConstructionJob() {
    int activeJobs = _activeJobCount.get();
    while (activeJobs < getMaxAdditionalThreads()) {
      if (_activeJobCount.compareAndSet(activeJobs, activeJobs + 1)) {
        synchronized (_activeJobs) {
          final Job job = createConstructionJob();
        return true;
      activeJobs = _activeJobCount.get();
    return false;

  protected void abortLoops() {
    s_logger.debug("Checking for tasks to abort");
    try {
      final Collection<ResolveTask> toCheck = new ArrayList<ResolveTask>();
      for (final MapEx<ResolveTask, ResolvedValueProducer> tasks : _specifications.values()) {
        synchronized (tasks) {
          if (!tasks.containsKey(null)) {
            toCheck.addAll((Collection<ResolveTask>) tasks.keySet());
      for (final Map<ResolveTask, ResolveTask> tasks : _requirements.values()) {
        synchronized (tasks) {
          if (!tasks.containsKey(null)) {
      final GraphBuildingContext context = new GraphBuildingContext(this);
      int cancelled = 0;
      final Map<Chain, Chain.LoopState> checked = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(toCheck.size());
      for (ResolveTask task : toCheck) {
        cancelled += task.cancelLoopMembers(context, checked);
      if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
        if (cancelled > 0) {
          s_logger.info("Cancelled {} looped task(s)", cancelled);
        } else {
          s_logger.info("No looped tasks to cancel");
    } finally {

  // TODO: Might want to do the abort loops operation as part of a cache flush for long running
  // views to detect the loops because
  // they are eating the memory before we run out of useful work to do.

  /** Job running thread. */
  protected final class Job implements Runnable, Cancelable {

    private final int _objectId = s_nextJobId.incrementAndGet();
    private volatile boolean _poison;

    private Job() {}

    public void run() {
      s_logger.debug("Building job {} started for {}", _objectId, DependencyGraphBuilder.this);
      if (_contextCleaner != null) {
      boolean jobsLeftToRun;
      int completed = 0;

      // Repeat for as long as there are jobs left to run, and not poisoned
      do {
        // Create a new context for each logical block so that an exception from the build won't
        // leave us with
        // an inconsistent context.
        final GraphBuildingContext context = new GraphBuildingContext(DependencyGraphBuilder.this);

        // Repeat for as long as there are jobs left to run, and not poisoned
        do {
          // Run a graph building job
          try {
            jobsLeftToRun = buildGraph(context);
          } catch (final Throwable t) {
            s_logger.warn("Graph builder exception", t);
            jobsLeftToRun = false;
        } while (!_poison && jobsLeftToRun);

        s_logger.debug("Merging thread context");

        s_logger.debug("Building job stopping");
        int activeJobs = _activeJobCount.decrementAndGet();

        // Watch for late arrivals in the run queue; they might have seen the old value
        // of activeJobs and not started anything.
        while (!_runQueue.isEmpty() && (activeJobs < getMaxAdditionalThreads()) && !_poison) {
          if (_activeJobCount.compareAndSet(activeJobs, activeJobs + 1)) {
            s_logger.debug("Building job resuming");
            // Note the log messages may go from "resuming" to stopped if the poison arrives between
            // the check above and the check below. This might look odd, but what the hey - they're
            // only DEBUG level messages.
            jobsLeftToRun = true;
          activeJobs = _activeJobCount.get();
      } while (!_poison && jobsLeftToRun);

      // Context is used as a build complete lock
      synchronized (getContext()) {
        final boolean abortLoops;
        synchronized (_activeJobs) {
          abortLoops = _activeJobs.isEmpty() && _runQueue.isEmpty() && _deferredQueue.isEmpty();

        if (abortLoops) {
          // Any tasks that are still active have created a reciprocal loop disjoint from the
          // runnable
          // graph of tasks. Aborting them at this point is easier and possibly more efficient than
          // the overhead of trying to stop the loops forming in the first place.
          // If any loops were aborted, new jobs will go onto the run queue, possibly a new active
          // job
          // started. We are officially "dead"; another worker thread may become active
      s_logger.debug("Building job {} stopped after {} operations", _objectId, completed);

    public boolean cancel(final boolean mayInterrupt) {
      _poison = true;
      return true;

  protected Job createConstructionJob() {
    return new Job();

   * Main process loop, takes a runnable task and executes it. If the graph has not been built when
   * getDependencyGraph is called, the calling thread will also join this. There are additional
   * threads that also run in a pool to complete the work of the graph building.
   * @param context the calling thread's building context
   * @return true if there is more work still to do, false if all the work is done
  protected boolean buildGraph(final GraphBuildingContext context) {
    ContextRunnable task = _runQueue.take();
    if (task == null) {
      task = _deferredQueue.poll();
      if (task == null) {
        // Nothing runnable and nothing deferred
        return false;
    if (!task.tryRun(context)) {
      // A concurrency limit was hit. Post the job into the contention buffer and try and take
      // another from the run queue.
      do {
        task = _runQueue.take();
        if (task == null) {
          // Nothing runnable. Abort as we can't just add the deferred items or we might end up
          // spinning
          return false;
      } while (!task.tryRun(context));
    // Reschedule a deferred item. There may be multiple deferred items, but we only release them
    // one at a time as other jobs complete
    // which may resolve the contention. If the run queue becomes empty they will be taken directly
    // by the code above.
    task = _deferredQueue.poll();
    if (task != null) {
    return true;

   * Tests if the graph has been built or if work is still required. Graphs are only built in the
   * background if additional threads is set to non-zero.
   * @return true if the graph has been built, false if it is outstanding
   * @throws CancellationException if the graph build has been canceled
  public boolean isGraphBuilt() {
    // Context is used as the build complete lock
    synchronized (getContext()) {
      synchronized (_activeJobs) {
        if (_cancelled) {
          throw new CancellationException();
        return _activeJobs.isEmpty() && _runQueue.isEmpty() && _deferredQueue.isEmpty();

   * Returns the top-level value requirements currently being resolved.
   * @return the value requirements
  public Collection<ValueRequirement> getOutstandingResolutions() {
    return new ArrayList<ValueRequirement>(_pendingRequirements.getValueRequirements());

   * Returns the dependency graph if it has been completed by background threads. If the graph has
   * not been completed it will return null. If the number of additional threads is set to zero then
   * the graph will not be built until {@link #getDependencyGraph} is called.
   * @return the graph if built, null otherwise
  public DependencyGraph pollDependencyGraph() {
    if (isGraphBuilt()) {
      return createDependencyGraph();
    return null;

   * Cancels any construction threads. If background threads had been started for graph
   * construction, they will be stopped and the construction abandoned. Note that this will also
   * reset the number of additional threads to zero to prevent further threads from being started by
   * the existing ones before they terminate. If a thread is already blocked in a call to {@link
   * #getDependencyGraph} it will receive a {@link CancellationException} unless the graph
   * construction completes before the cancellation is noted by that or other background threads.
   * The cancellation is temporary, the additional threads can be reset afterwards for continued
   * background building or a subsequent call to getDependencyGraph can finish the work.
   * @param mayInterruptIfRunning ignored
   * @return true if the build was cancelled
  public boolean cancel(final boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
    synchronized (_activeJobs) {
      _cancelled = true;
      for (final Job job : _activeJobs) {
    return true;

  public boolean isCancelled() {
    return _cancelled;

   * If there are runnable tasks but not as many active jobs as the requested number then additional
   * threads will be started. This is called when the number of background threads is changed.
  protected void startBackgroundBuild() {
    if (_runQueue.isEmpty()) {
      s_logger.info("No pending runnable tasks for background building");
    } else {
      final Iterator<ContextRunnable> itr = _runQueue.iterator();
      while (itr.hasNext() && startBackgroundConstructionJob()) {

   * Estimate the completion of the build, from 0 (nothing completed) to 1 (all done). The
   * completion is based on the number of completed steps versus the currently known number of
   * steps.
   * @return the completion estimate
  public Supplier<Double> buildFractionEstimate() {
    return new BuildFractionEstimate(this);

  protected long getScheduledSteps() {
    return _scheduledSteps.get();

  protected long getCompletedSteps() {
    return _completedSteps.get();

   * Returns the constructed dependency graph able to compute as many of the requirements requested
   * as possible. If graph construction has not completed, will block the caller until it has and
   * the calling thread will be used for the remaining graph construction work (which will be the
   * full graph construction if additional threads is set to zero). For a non-blocking form see
   * {@link #pollDependencyGraph} or {@link #getDependencyGraph(boolean)}.
   * @return the graph, not null
  public DependencyGraph getDependencyGraph() {
    return getDependencyGraph(true);

  protected boolean isGraphBuilt(final boolean allowBackgroundContinuation)
      throws InterruptedException {
    if (!isGraphBuilt()) {
      s_logger.info("Building dependency graph");
      do {
        final Job job = createConstructionJob();
        synchronized (_activeJobs) {
          if (!_cancelled) {
          } else {
            throw new CancellationException();
        synchronized (_activeJobs) {
          if (!_runQueue.isEmpty()) {
            // more jobs in the queue so keep going
        if (allowBackgroundContinuation) {
          // Nothing in the queue for us so take a nap. There are background threads running and
          // maybe items on the deferred queue.
          s_logger.info("Waiting for background threads");
        } else {
          return false;
      } while (!isGraphBuilt());
    return true;

   * Returns the constructed dependency graph able to compute as many of the requirements requested
   * as possible. If graph construction has not completed, the calling thread will participate in
   * graph construction (which will be the full graph construction if additional threads is set to
   * zero). When background threads are being used, the caller may optionally be blocked until all
   * have completed. For a completely non-blocking form see {@link #pollDependencyGraph}.
   * @param allowBackgroundContinuation whether to block the caller until graph construction is
   *     complete. If set to false the function may return null if background threads are still
   *     completing but there was no work for the calling thread to do.
   * @return the graph if built, null if still being built in the background
  public DependencyGraph getDependencyGraph(final boolean allowBackgroundContinuation) {
    try {
      if (!isGraphBuilt(allowBackgroundContinuation)) {
        return null;
    } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
      throw new OpenGammaRuntimeException("Interrupted", e);
    return createDependencyGraph();

   * Blocks the caller until {@link #getDependencyGraph} is able to return without blocking. This
   * can be used to build large graphs by submitting requirements in batches and waiting for each
   * batch to complete. This will reduce the amount of working memory required during the build if
   * the fragments are sufficiently disjoint.
  public void waitForDependencyGraphBuild() throws InterruptedException {

   * Flushes data that is unlikely to be needed again from the resolution caches. Anything discarded
   * will either never be needed again for any pending resolutions, or is a cached production that
   * can be recalculated if necessary. Discards can be a multiple stage process - repeated calls all
   * the while this function returns true must be used to flush all possible state and make as much
   * memory available as possible for the garbage collector.
   * @return true if one or more states were discarded, false if there was nothing that can be
   *     discarded
  protected boolean flushCachedStates() {
    // TODO: use heuristics to throw data away more sensibly (e.g. LRU)
    int removed = 0;
    final List<ResolvedValueProducer> discards = new ArrayList<ResolvedValueProducer>();
    GraphBuildingContext context = null;
    final Iterator<MapEx<ResolveTask, ResolvedValueProducer>> itrSpecifications =
    while (itrSpecifications.hasNext()) {
      final MapEx<ResolveTask, ResolvedValueProducer> producers = itrSpecifications.next();
      synchronized (producers) {
        if (producers.containsKey(null)) {
        final Iterator<ResolvedValueProducer> itrProducer = producers.values().iterator();
        while (itrProducer.hasNext()) {
          final ResolvedValueProducer producer = itrProducer.next();
          if (producer.getRefCount() == 1) {
        if (producers.isEmpty()) {
          producers.put(null, null);
      if (!discards.isEmpty()) {
        if (context == null) {
          context = new GraphBuildingContext(this);
        for (final ResolvedValueProducer discard : discards) {
    // Unfinished resolveTasks will be removed from the _requirements cache when their refCount hits
    // 1 (the cache only). Finished
    // ones are kept, but should be released when we are low on memory.
    final Iterator<Map<ResolveTask, ResolveTask>> itrRequirements =
    while (itrRequirements.hasNext()) {
      final Map<ResolveTask, ResolveTask> tasks = itrRequirements.next();
      synchronized (tasks) {
        if (tasks.containsKey(null)) {
        final Iterator<ResolveTask> itrTask = tasks.keySet().iterator();
        while (itrTask.hasNext()) {
          final ResolveTask task = itrTask.next();
          if (task.getRefCount() == 1) {
        if (tasks.isEmpty()) {
          tasks.put(null, null);
      if (!discards.isEmpty()) {
        if (context == null) {
          context = new GraphBuildingContext(this);
        for (final ResolvedValueProducer discard : discards) {
    if (context != null) {
    if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
      if (removed > 0) {
        s_logger.info("Discarded {} production task(s)", removed);
      } else {
        s_logger.info("No production tasks to discard");
    return removed > 0;

  protected void reportStateSize() {
    if (!s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
    int count = 0;
    for (final Map<ResolveTask, ResolveTask> entries : _requirements.values()) {
      synchronized (entries) {
        count += entries.size();
    s_logger.info("Requirements cache = {} tasks for {} requirements", count, _requirements.size());
    count = 0;
    for (final MapEx<ResolveTask, ResolvedValueProducer> entries : _specifications.values()) {
      synchronized (entries) {
        count += entries.size();
        "Specifications cache = {} tasks for {} specifications", count, _specifications.size());
    s_logger.info("Pending requirements = {}", _pendingRequirements.getValueRequirements().size());
        "Run queue length = {}, deferred queue length = {}",

  protected DependencyGraph createDependencyGraph() {
    final Pair<Collection<DependencyNode>, Integer> nodes =
    final DependencyGraphImpl graph =
        new DependencyGraphImpl(
      final PrintStream ps = openDebugStream("dependencyGraph");
      ps.println("Configuration = " + getCalculationConfigurationName());
      DependencyGraphImpl.dumpStructureASCII(graph, ps);
    s_logger.info("{} built after {} steps", graph, _completedSteps);
    // Help out the GC
    return graph;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  protected PrintStream openDebugStream(final String name) {
    try {
      String fileName =
          System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + File.separatorChar + name + _objectId + ".txt";
      if (DEBUG_DUMP_GZIP) {
        fileName = fileName + ".gz";
      OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
      if (DEBUG_DUMP_GZIP) {
        output = new GZIPOutputStream(output);
      return new PrintStream(output);
    } catch (final IOException e) {
      s_logger.error("Can't open debug file", e);
      return System.out;

   * Returns a map of the originally requested value requirements to the value specifications that
   * were put into the graph as terminal outputs. Any unsatisfied requirements will be absent from
   * the map.
   * @return the map of requirements to value specifications, not null
  public Map<ValueRequirement, ValueSpecification> getValueRequirementMapping() {
    return getTerminalValuesCallback().getTerminalValues();

   * Returns the set of exceptions that may have prevented graph construction.
   * @return the set of exceptions that were thrown by the building process, null for none
  public Map<Throwable, Integer> getExceptions() {
    return getContext().getExceptions();

  public String toString() {
    return getClass().getSimpleName() + "-" + _objectId;