コード例 #1
 public void testHashCodeAndEquals() {
   VasicekDataBundle other = new VasicekDataBundle(SHORT_RATE, SIGMA, DATE, LONG_RATE, SPEED);
   assertEquals(other, DATA);
   assertEquals(other.hashCode(), DATA.hashCode());
   other =
       new VasicekDataBundle(
           new YieldCurve(ConstantDoublesCurve.from(SHORT_RATE.getInterestRate(0.) + 1)),
   other =
       new VasicekDataBundle(
           new VolatilityCurve(ConstantDoublesCurve.from(SIGMA.getVolatility(0.) + 0.2)),
   other = new VasicekDataBundle(SHORT_RATE, SIGMA, DATE.plusDays(10), LONG_RATE, SPEED);
   other = new VasicekDataBundle(SHORT_RATE, SIGMA, DATE, LONG_RATE + 1, SPEED);
   other = new VasicekDataBundle(SHORT_RATE, SIGMA, DATE, LONG_RATE, SPEED + 1);
コード例 #2
public class ProductOptionModelTest {
  private static final double S1 = 100;
  private static final double S2 = 105;
  private static final YieldAndDiscountCurve R = new YieldCurve(ConstantDoublesCurve.from(0.07));
  private static final double B1 = 0.02;
  private static final double B2 = 0.05;
  private static final ZonedDateTime DATE = DateUtils.getUTCDate(2010, 7, 1);
  private static final ProductOptionModel MODEL = new ProductOptionModel();
  private static final Expiry EXPIRY1 =
      new Expiry(DateUtils.getDateOffsetWithYearFraction(DATE, 0.1));
  private static final Expiry EXPIRY2 =
      new Expiry(DateUtils.getDateOffsetWithYearFraction(DATE, 0.5));
  private static final double EPS = 1e-4;

  @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
  public void testNullDefinition() {

  @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
  public void testNullData() {
        .getPricingFunction(new ProductOptionDefinition(0.1, EXPIRY1, true))
        .evaluate((StandardTwoAssetOptionDataBundle) null);

  public void test() {
    ProductOptionDefinition option = new ProductOptionDefinition(15000, EXPIRY1, true);
    StandardTwoAssetOptionDataBundle data =
        new StandardTwoAssetOptionDataBundle(
            new VolatilitySurface(ConstantDoublesSurface.from(0.2)),
            new VolatilitySurface(ConstantDoublesSurface.from(0.3)),
    assertEquals(MODEL.getPricingFunction(option).evaluate(data), 0.0028, EPS);
    data =
        data.withFirstVolatilitySurface(new VolatilitySurface(ConstantDoublesSurface.from(0.3)))
    assertEquals(MODEL.getPricingFunction(option).evaluate(data), 2.4026, EPS);
    option = new ProductOptionDefinition(15000, EXPIRY2, true);
    assertEquals(MODEL.getPricingFunction(option).evaluate(data), 266.1594, EPS);
コード例 #3
 @Test(enabled = false)
  * Test the present value vs a external system. "enabled = false" for the standard testing: the
  * external system is using a TimeCalculator with ACT/365.
 public void presentValueExternal() {
   G2ppPiecewiseConstantParameters parametersCst = G2ppTestsDataSet.createG2ppCstParameters();
   final YieldAndDiscountCurve curve5 = new YieldCurve(ConstantDoublesCurve.from(0.05));
   final YieldCurveBundle curves = new YieldCurveBundle();
   curves.setCurve(FUNDING_CURVE_NAME, curve5);
   curves.setCurve(FORWARD_CURVE_NAME, curve5);
   G2ppPiecewiseConstantDataBundle bundleCst =
       new G2ppPiecewiseConstantDataBundle(parametersCst, curves);
   CurrencyAmount pv = METHOD_G2PP_APPROXIMATION.presentValue(SWAPTION_PAYER_LONG, bundleCst);
   double pvExternal = 6885626.28245924; // ! TimeCalculator with ACT/365
       "Swaption physical - G2++ - present value - external system",
public class FloatingStrikeLookbackOptionDefinitionTest {
  private static final ZonedDateTime DATE = DateUtils.getUTCDate(2010, 6, 1);
  private static final Expiry EXPIRY = new Expiry(DATE);
  private static final FloatingStrikeLookbackOptionDefinition CALL =
      new FloatingStrikeLookbackOptionDefinition(EXPIRY, true);
  private static final FloatingStrikeLookbackOptionDefinition PUT =
      new FloatingStrikeLookbackOptionDefinition(EXPIRY, false);
  private static final double SPOT = 100;
  private static final double DIFF = 10;
  private static final DoubleTimeSeries<?> HIGH_TS =
      new FastArrayIntDoubleTimeSeries(
          new int[] {20100529, 20100530, 20100531},
          new double[] {SPOT, SPOT + DIFF, SPOT});
  private static final DoubleTimeSeries<?> LOW_TS =
      new FastArrayIntDoubleTimeSeries(
          new int[] {20100529, 20100530, 20100531},
          new double[] {SPOT, SPOT - DIFF, SPOT});
  private static final StandardOptionWithSpotTimeSeriesDataBundle HIGH_DATA =
      new StandardOptionWithSpotTimeSeriesDataBundle(
          new YieldCurve(ConstantDoublesCurve.from(0.1)),
          new VolatilitySurface(ConstantDoublesSurface.from(0.2)),
          DateUtils.getUTCDate(2010, 6, 1),
  private static final StandardOptionWithSpotTimeSeriesDataBundle LOW_DATA =
      new StandardOptionWithSpotTimeSeriesDataBundle(
          new YieldCurve(ConstantDoublesCurve.from(0.1)),
          new VolatilitySurface(ConstantDoublesSurface.from(0.2)),
          DateUtils.getUTCDate(2010, 6, 1),

  @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
  public void testNullDataBundle() {
    CALL.getPayoffFunction().getPayoff(null, null);

  @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
  public void testNullTS() {
    CALL.getPayoffFunction().getPayoff(HIGH_DATA.withSpotTimeSeries(null), null);

  public void testExercise() {
    assertFalse(CALL.getExerciseFunction().shouldExercise(HIGH_DATA, null));
    assertFalse(CALL.getExerciseFunction().shouldExercise(LOW_DATA, null));
    assertFalse(PUT.getExerciseFunction().shouldExercise(HIGH_DATA, null));
    assertFalse(PUT.getExerciseFunction().shouldExercise(LOW_DATA, null));

  public void testPayoff() {
    final double eps = 1e-15;
    OptionPayoffFunction<StandardOptionWithSpotTimeSeriesDataBundle> payoff =
    assertEquals(payoff.getPayoff(LOW_DATA, 0.), DIFF, eps);
    assertEquals(payoff.getPayoff(HIGH_DATA, 0.), 0, eps);
    payoff = PUT.getPayoffFunction();
    assertEquals(payoff.getPayoff(LOW_DATA, 0.), 0, eps);
    assertEquals(payoff.getPayoff(HIGH_DATA, 0.), DIFF, eps);

  public void testEqualsAndHashCode() {
    final OptionDefinition call1 = new FloatingStrikeLookbackOptionDefinition(EXPIRY, true);
    final OptionDefinition put1 = new FloatingStrikeLookbackOptionDefinition(EXPIRY, false);
    final OptionDefinition call2 =
        new FloatingStrikeLookbackOptionDefinition(
            new Expiry(DateUtils.getDateOffsetWithYearFraction(DATE, 3)), true);
    final OptionDefinition put2 =
        new FloatingStrikeLookbackOptionDefinition(
            new Expiry(DateUtils.getDateOffsetWithYearFraction(DATE, 3)), false);
    assertEquals(call1, CALL);
    assertEquals(put1, PUT);
    assertEquals(call1.hashCode(), CALL.hashCode());
    assertEquals(put1.hashCode(), PUT.hashCode());
コード例 #5
public class AsymmetricPowerOptionModelTest {
  private static final double B = 0.02;
  private static final double SPOT = 10;
  private static final double STRIKE = 100;
  private static final ZonedDateTime DATE = DateUtils.getUTCDate(2009, 1, 1);
  private static final Expiry EXPIRY =
      new Expiry(DateUtils.getDateOffsetWithYearFraction(DATE, 0.5));
  private static final YieldAndDiscountCurve CURVE =
      new YieldCurve(ConstantDoublesCurve.from(0.08));
  private static final VolatilitySurface SURFACE =
      new VolatilitySurface(ConstantDoublesSurface.from(0.1));
  private static final StandardOptionDataBundle BUNDLE =
      new StandardOptionDataBundle(CURVE, B, SURFACE, SPOT, DATE);
  private static final AnalyticOptionModel<
          AsymmetricPowerOptionDefinition, StandardOptionDataBundle>
      MODEL = new AsymmetricPowerOptionModel();
  private static final AnalyticOptionModel<OptionDefinition, StandardOptionDataBundle> BS_MODEL =
      new BlackScholesMertonModel();
  private static final Set<Greek> REQUIRED_GREEKS = Collections.singleton(Greek.FAIR_PRICE);
  private static final double EPS = 1e-4;

  @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
  public void testNullDefinition() {

  @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
  public void testNullData() {
        .getPricingFunction(new AsymmetricPowerOptionDefinition(STRIKE, EXPIRY, 1, true))
        .evaluate((StandardOptionDataBundle) null);

  public void test() {
    assertEquals(getPrice(1.9, true), 0.3102, EPS);
    assertEquals(getPrice(1.95, true), 1.9320, EPS);
    assertEquals(getPrice(2., true), 6.7862, EPS);
    assertEquals(getPrice(2.05, true), 15.8587, EPS);
    assertEquals(getPrice(2.1, true), 28.4341, EPS);
    assertEquals(getPrice(1.9, false), 18.2738, EPS);
    assertEquals(getPrice(1.95, false), 10.2890, EPS);
    assertEquals(getPrice(2., false), 4.3539, EPS);
    assertEquals(getPrice(2.05, false), 1.3089, EPS);
    assertEquals(getPrice(2.1, false), 0.2745, EPS);

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      final double power = 1.9 + 0.05 * i;
      assertEquals(getPrice(power, true), getBSPrice(power, true), EPS);
      assertEquals(getPrice(power, false), getBSPrice(power, false), EPS);

  private double getPrice(final double power, final boolean isCall) {
    return MODEL
        .getGreeks(getDefinition(power, isCall), BUNDLE, REQUIRED_GREEKS)

  private double getBSPrice(final double power, final boolean isCall) {
    final StandardOptionDataBundle bsBundle = getModifiedDataBundle(BUNDLE, power);
    return BS_MODEL
        .getGreeks(getDefinition(power, isCall), bsBundle, REQUIRED_GREEKS)

  private AsymmetricPowerOptionDefinition getDefinition(final double power, final boolean isCall) {
    return new AsymmetricPowerOptionDefinition(STRIKE, EXPIRY, power, isCall);

  private StandardOptionDataBundle getModifiedDataBundle(
      final StandardOptionDataBundle data, final double p) {
    final double t = DateUtils.getDifferenceInYears(DATE, EXPIRY);
    final double spot = Math.pow(data.getSpot(), p);
    double sigma = data.getVolatility(t, STRIKE);
    final double b = p * (data.getCostOfCarry() + (p - 1) * sigma * sigma * 0.5);
    sigma *= p;
    return new StandardOptionDataBundle(
        CURVE, b, new VolatilitySurface(ConstantDoublesSurface.from(sigma)), spot, DATE);
コード例 #6
public class SABRFiniteDifferenceTest {

  private static final PDEDataBundleProvider PDE_DATA_PROVIDER = new PDEDataBundleProvider();

  private static final BlackPriceFunction BLACK_PRICE_FUNCTION = new BlackPriceFunction();
  private static final BlackImpliedVolatilityFormula BLACK_IMPLIED_VOL =
      new BlackImpliedVolatilityFormula();
  private static final SABRHaganVolatilityFunction SABR = new SABRHaganVolatilityFunction();
  private static final double SPOT = 0.04;
  private static final double STRIKE;
  private static final double ATM_VOL = 0.2;
  private static final double ALPHA;
  private static final double BETA = 0.5;
  private static final double RHO = -0.6;
  private static final double NU = 0.3;
  private static final double RATE = 0.00;
  private static final double T = 5.0;
  private static final ForwardCurve FORWARD = new ForwardCurve(SPOT);
  private static final YieldAndDiscountCurve YIELD_CURVE =
      new YieldCurve(ConstantDoublesCurve.from(RATE));
  private static final ZonedDateTime DATE = DateUtils.getUTCDate(2010, 7, 1);
  private static final EuropeanVanillaOption OPTION;
  private static final ConvectionDiffusionPDEDataBundle DATA;

  private static BoundaryCondition LOWER;
  private static BoundaryCondition UPPER;

  private static final PriceSurface SABR_PRICE_SURFACE;
  private static final BlackVolatilitySurface SABR_VOL_SURFACE;
  private static final AbsoluteLocalVolatilitySurface SABR_LOCAL_VOL;
  /** */
  static {
    ALPHA = ATM_VOL * Math.pow(SPOT, 1 - BETA);

    final Function<Double, Double> sabrSurface =
        new Function<Double, Double>() {

          public Double evaluate(final Double... x) {
            final double t = x[0];
            final double k = x[1];
            final SABRFormulaData sabrdata =
                new SABRFormulaData(SPOT * Math.exp(RATE * t), ALPHA, BETA, NU, RHO);
            final EuropeanVanillaOption option = new EuropeanVanillaOption(k, t, true);
            final Function1D<SABRFormulaData, Double> func = SABR.getVolatilityFunction(option);
            return func.evaluate(sabrdata);

    SABR_VOL_SURFACE = new BlackVolatilitySurface(FunctionalDoublesSurface.from(sabrSurface));

    final Function<Double, Double> priceSurface =
        new Function<Double, Double>() {

          public Double evaluate(final Double... x) {
            final double t = x[0];
            final double k = x[1];
            final double sigma = sabrSurface.evaluate(x);
            final double df = YIELD_CURVE.getDiscountFactor(t);
            final BlackFunctionData data = new BlackFunctionData(SPOT / df, df, sigma);
            final EuropeanVanillaOption option = new EuropeanVanillaOption(k, t, true);
            final Function1D<BlackFunctionData, Double> pfunc =
            final double price = pfunc.evaluate(data);
            return price;

    SABR_PRICE_SURFACE = new PriceSurface(FunctionalDoublesSurface.from(priceSurface));

    final DupireLocalVolatilityCalculator cal = new DupireLocalVolatilityCalculator();
    SABR_LOCAL_VOL = cal.getAbsoluteLocalVolatilitySurface(SABR_VOL_SURFACE, SPOT, RATE);

    STRIKE = SPOT / YIELD_CURVE.getDiscountFactor(T);

    OPTION = new EuropeanVanillaOption(STRIKE, T, true);

    LOWER = new DirichletBoundaryCondition(0, 0.0);
    UPPER = new FixedSecondDerivativeBoundaryCondition(0.0, 5.0 * SPOT, false);

    DATA = PDE_DATA_PROVIDER.getBackwardsLocalVol(FORWARD, STRIKE, T, 0.0, true, SABR_LOCAL_VOL);

  public void test() {
    final ConvectionDiffusionPDESolver solver = new ThetaMethodFiniteDifference(0.5, false);
    final int tNodes = 20;
    final int xNodes = 101;
    final PDEGrid1D grid = new PDEGrid1D(tNodes, xNodes, T, LOWER.getLevel(), UPPER.getLevel());
    final PDEResults1D res = solver.solve(DATA, grid, LOWER, UPPER);

    final int i = (int) (xNodes * SPOT / UPPER.getLevel());
    final double spot = res.getSpaceValue(i);
    final double price = res.getFunctionValue(i);
    final double df = YIELD_CURVE.getDiscountFactor(T);

    assertEquals(SPOT, spot, 1e-9);
    assertEquals(SABR_PRICE_SURFACE.getPrice(T, STRIKE), price, price * 2e-3);

    final BlackFunctionData data = new BlackFunctionData(spot / df, df, 0.0);

    double impVol;
    try {
      impVol = BLACK_IMPLIED_VOL.getImpliedVolatility(data, OPTION, price);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
      impVol = 0.0;
    assertEquals(SABR_VOL_SURFACE.getVolatility(T, STRIKE), impVol, 1e-3);
コード例 #7
public class GapOptionDefinitionTest {
  private static final double DELTA = 10;
  private static final double STRIKE = 50;
  private static final Expiry EXPIRY = new Expiry(DateUtils.getUTCDate(2010, 1, 1));
  private static final boolean IS_CALL = true;
  private static final double PAYOFF_STRIKE = 55;
  private static final GapOptionDefinition CALL =
      new GapOptionDefinition(STRIKE, EXPIRY, true, PAYOFF_STRIKE);
  private static final GapOptionDefinition PUT =
      new GapOptionDefinition(STRIKE, EXPIRY, false, PAYOFF_STRIKE);
  private static final StandardOptionDataBundle DATA =
      new StandardOptionDataBundle(
          new YieldCurve(ConstantDoublesCurve.from(0.03)),
          new VolatilitySurface(ConstantDoublesSurface.from(0.2)),
          DateUtils.getUTCDate(2009, 1, 1));

  @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
  public void testNegativePayoffStrike() {
    new GapOptionDefinition(STRIKE, EXPIRY, IS_CALL, -PAYOFF_STRIKE);

  @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
  public void testNullData() {
    CALL.getPayoffFunction().getPayoff(null, null);

  public void test() {
    GapOptionDefinition other = new GapOptionDefinition(STRIKE, EXPIRY, true, PAYOFF_STRIKE);
    assertEquals(other, CALL);
    assertEquals(other.hashCode(), CALL.hashCode());
    other = new GapOptionDefinition(STRIKE + 1, EXPIRY, true, PAYOFF_STRIKE);
    other =
        new GapOptionDefinition(
            STRIKE, new Expiry(DateUtils.getUTCDate(2010, 3, 1)), true, PAYOFF_STRIKE);
    other = new GapOptionDefinition(STRIKE, EXPIRY, false, PAYOFF_STRIKE);
    other = new GapOptionDefinition(STRIKE, EXPIRY, true, PAYOFF_STRIKE + 1);

  public void testExerciseFunction() {
    StandardOptionDataBundle data = DATA.withSpot(STRIKE + DELTA);
    assertFalse(CALL.getExerciseFunction().shouldExercise(data, null));
    assertFalse(PUT.getExerciseFunction().shouldExercise(data, null));
    data = DATA.withSpot(STRIKE - DELTA);
    assertFalse(CALL.getExerciseFunction().shouldExercise(data, null));
    assertFalse(PUT.getExerciseFunction().shouldExercise(data, null));

  public void testPayoffFunction() {
    assertEquals(CALL.getPayoffFunction().getPayoff(DATA, null), 0, 0);
    assertEquals(PUT.getPayoffFunction().getPayoff(DATA, null), 0, 0);
    double spot = STRIKE + DELTA;
    StandardOptionDataBundle data = DATA.withSpot(spot);
    assertEquals(CALL.getPayoffFunction().getPayoff(data, null), spot - PAYOFF_STRIKE, 0);
    assertEquals(PUT.getPayoffFunction().getPayoff(data, null), 0, 0);
    spot = STRIKE - DELTA;
    data = DATA.withSpot(spot);
    assertEquals(CALL.getPayoffFunction().getPayoff(data, null), 0, 0);
    assertEquals(PUT.getPayoffFunction().getPayoff(data, null), PAYOFF_STRIKE - spot, 0);
コード例 #8
public class VasicekDataBundleTest {
  private static final YieldCurve SHORT_RATE = new YieldCurve(ConstantDoublesCurve.from(0.02));
  private static final double LONG_RATE = 0.05;
  private static final double SPEED = 0.1;
  private static final VolatilityCurve SIGMA = new VolatilityCurve(ConstantDoublesCurve.from(0.4));
  private static final ZonedDateTime DATE = DateUtil.getUTCDate(2010, 1, 1);
  private static final VasicekDataBundle DATA =
      new VasicekDataBundle(SHORT_RATE, SIGMA, DATE, LONG_RATE, SPEED);

  @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
  public void testNullShortRate() {
    new VasicekDataBundle(null, SIGMA, DATE, LONG_RATE, SPEED);

  @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
  public void testNullVolatility() {
    new VasicekDataBundle(SHORT_RATE, null, DATE, LONG_RATE, SPEED);

  @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
  public void testNullDate() {
    new VasicekDataBundle(SHORT_RATE, SIGMA, null, LONG_RATE, SPEED);

  @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
  public void testZeroSpeed() {
    new VasicekDataBundle(SHORT_RATE, SIGMA, DATE, LONG_RATE, 0);

  public void testGetters() {
    final double t = Math.random();
    assertEquals(DATA.getShortRateCurve(), SHORT_RATE);
    assertEquals(DATA.getShortRate(t), SHORT_RATE.getInterestRate(t), 0);
    assertEquals(DATA.getLongTermInterestRate(), LONG_RATE, 0);
    assertEquals(DATA.getReversionSpeed(), SPEED, 0);
    assertEquals(DATA.getShortRateVolatilityCurve(), SIGMA);
    assertEquals(DATA.getShortRateVolatility(t), SIGMA.getVolatility(t), 0);
    assertEquals(DATA.getDate(), DATE);

  public void testHashCodeAndEquals() {
    VasicekDataBundle other = new VasicekDataBundle(SHORT_RATE, SIGMA, DATE, LONG_RATE, SPEED);
    assertEquals(other, DATA);
    assertEquals(other.hashCode(), DATA.hashCode());
    other =
        new VasicekDataBundle(
            new YieldCurve(ConstantDoublesCurve.from(SHORT_RATE.getInterestRate(0.) + 1)),
    other =
        new VasicekDataBundle(
            new VolatilityCurve(ConstantDoublesCurve.from(SIGMA.getVolatility(0.) + 0.2)),
    other = new VasicekDataBundle(SHORT_RATE, SIGMA, DATE.plusDays(10), LONG_RATE, SPEED);
    other = new VasicekDataBundle(SHORT_RATE, SIGMA, DATE, LONG_RATE + 1, SPEED);
    other = new VasicekDataBundle(SHORT_RATE, SIGMA, DATE, LONG_RATE, SPEED + 1);