private boolean restoreMonitor(Long manifestId, Long ciId, CmsCI monitor, boolean writeMode) { if (!"true".equals(monitor.getAttributes().get(IS_ENABLED).getDjValue())) { return false; } boolean isHeartBeat = "true".equals(monitor.getAttributes().get(HEARTBEAT).getDjValue()); String hbDuration = monitor.getAttributes().get(DURATION).getDjValue(); String source = monitor.getCiName(); long checksum = getChecksum(monitor); String thresholdsJson = monitor.getAttributes().get(THRESHOLDS).getDjValue(); Threshold threshold = tsDao.getThreshold(manifestId, source); if (threshold == null) { "RestoreMonitor###: threshold for manifestId:" + manifestId + " and source:" + source + " not found. Will add"); if (thresholdsJson == null || thresholdsJson.length() <= THRESHOLDS_JSON_SIZE_FLOOR) { thresholdsJson = "n"; } if (writeMode) { tsDao.addCiThresholds( ciId, manifestId, source, checksum, thresholdsJson, isHeartBeat, hbDuration); } return true; } return false; }
private void restoreManifestMapping(Long manifestId, Long ciId, boolean writeMode) { if (tsDao.getManifestId(ciId) == null) { // add manifest mapping regardless of the monitors "RestoreMonitor###: bom -> manifest mapping is missing for ciId: " + ciId + " for manifestId: " + manifestId); if (writeMode) { tsDao.addManifestMap(ciId, manifestId); } } }
private void restoreRealizedAsMapping(Long manifestId, Set<Long> cmsBomCiIds, boolean writeMode) { Set<Long> opsdbBomCiId = tsDao.getManifestCiIds(manifestId).stream().collect(Collectors.toSet()); for (Long bomCiId : cmsBomCiIds) { // add manifest mapping regardless of the monitors if (!opsdbBomCiId.contains(bomCiId)) { "RestoreMonitor###: manifest -> bom mapping is missing for manifestId: " + manifestId + " for ciId: " + bomCiId); if (writeMode) { tsDao.addManifestMap(bomCiId, manifestId); } } } }