public DesignCIManifestRfcTouple call() { String oldThreadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); try { Thread.currentThread().setName(getProcessingThreadName(oldThreadName, env.getCiId())); ManifestRfcContainer manifestPlatformRfcs = manifestRfcProcessor.processPlatform( platRelation.getToCi(), env, nsPath, userId, availMode); DesignCIManifestRfcTouple touple = new DesignCIManifestRfcTouple(platRelation.getToCi().getCiId(), manifestPlatformRfcs); return touple; } finally { countDownLatch.countDown(); Thread.currentThread().setName(oldThreadName); } }
private long checkPlatformPackCompliance( List<CmsCIRelation> designPlatRels, CmsCI env, String nsPath, String userId) { List<CmsCIRelation> manifestPlatRels = cmProcessor.getFromCIRelations( env.getCiId(), MANIFEST_COMPOSED_OF, null, MANIFEST_PLATFORM); Map<String, String> manifestPlatPacks = new HashMap<String, String>(manifestPlatRels.size()); for (CmsCIRelation manifestRel : manifestPlatRels) { CmsCI plat = manifestRel.getToCi(); String key = plat.getCiName() + ":" + plat.getAttribute("major_version").getDjValue(); String value = plat.getAttribute("source").getDjValue() + ":" + plat.getAttribute("pack").getDjValue() + ":" + plat.getAttribute("version").getDjValue(); manifestPlatPacks.put(key, value); } long newReleaseId = 0; for (CmsCIRelation designRel : designPlatRels) { CmsCI dPlat = designRel.getToCi(); String key = dPlat.getCiName() + ":" + dPlat.getAttribute("major_version").getDjValue(); String value = dPlat.getAttribute("source").getDjValue() + ":" + dPlat.getAttribute("pack").getDjValue() + ":" + dPlat.getAttribute("version").getDjValue(); if (manifestPlatPacks.containsKey(key) && !value.equals(manifestPlatPacks.get(key))) { String platNsPath = nsPath + "/" + dPlat.getCiName() + "/" + dPlat.getAttribute("major_version").getDfValue(); List<CmsRfcCI> mPlats = cmRfcMrgProcessor.getDfDjCi(platNsPath, MANIFEST_PLATFORM, dPlat.getCiName(), "dj"); if (mPlats.size() > 0) { newReleaseId = manifestRfcProcessor.deleteManifestPlatform(mPlats.get(0), userId); } } } return newReleaseId; }
@Override public long generateEnvManifest(long envId, String userId, Map<String, String> platModes) { long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); String oldThreadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); Thread.currentThread().setName(getProcessingThreadName(oldThreadName, envId)); List<CmsCIRelation> assemblyRels = cmProcessor.getToCIRelations(envId, BASE_REALIZED_IN, null, ACCOUNT_ASSEMBLY); CmsCI assembly = null; if (assemblyRels.size() > 0) { assembly = assemblyRels.get(0).getFromCi(); } else { String error = "Can not get assembly for envId = " + envId; logger.error(error); throw new TransistorException(CmsError.TRANSISTOR_CANNOT_GET_ASSEMBLY, error); } CmsCI env = getEnv(envId); String nsPath = env.getNsPath() + "/" + env.getCiName() + "/manifest"; if (hasOpenManifestRelease(nsPath)) { String message = "This environment has an open release. It needs to be discarded or committed before the design pull: " + env.getNsPath() + "/" + env.getCiName();; throw new TransistorException(CmsError.TRANSISTOR_OPEN_MANIFEST_RELEASE, message); } Long nsId = trUtil.verifyAndCreateNS(nsPath);"Created nsId " + nsId); // Long releaseId = createManifestRelease(nsPath,userId); List<CmsCIRelation> designPlatRels = cmProcessor.getFromCIRelations(assembly.getCiId(), null, "ComposedOf", CATALOG_PLATFORM); // we need to reset all pending deletions cis just in case there was one added back cmProcessor.resetDeletionsByNs(nsPath); // check for edge case scenario when there is new design platform with the same name as old one // but different pack long releaseId = checkPlatformPackCompliance(designPlatRels, env, nsPath, userId); if (releaseId > 0) { // stop any processing and return new release id return releaseId; } final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(designPlatRels.size()); List<Future<DesignCIManifestRfcTouple>> submittedFutureTasks = new ArrayList<Future<DesignCIManifestRfcTouple>>(); Map<Long, CmsRfcCI> design2manifestPlatMap = new HashMap<Long, CmsRfcCI>(); for (CmsCIRelation platRelation : designPlatRels) { String availMode = null; if (platModes != null) { availMode = platModes.get(String.valueOf(platRelation.getToCiId())); if (availMode != null && availMode.length() == 0) { availMode = "default"; } } Future<DesignCIManifestRfcTouple> future = executorService.submit( new ManifestRfcProcessorTask(env, nsPath, userId, availMode, latch, platRelation)); submittedFutureTasks.add(future); } boolean allPlatsProcessed = false; try { // latch.await(); //wait till all platform processing threads return allPlatsProcessed = latch.await( timeoutInMilliSeconds, TimeUnit .MILLISECONDS); // wait for all platform processing threads to finish with timeout // of 10 mins if (!allPlatsProcessed) { logger.error( "All platforms not processed within timeout duration of " + timeoutInMilliSeconds); throw new TransistorException( CmsError.TRANSISTOR_OPEN_MANIFEST_RELEASE, "Failed to pull latest design for all platform within timeout duration of " + timeoutInMilliSeconds + " millis"); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { for (Future<DesignCIManifestRfcTouple> job : submittedFutureTasks) { job.cancel(true); } throw new TransistorException( CmsError.TRANSISTOR_OPEN_MANIFEST_RELEASE, "Design pull process interrupted. "); } for (Future<DesignCIManifestRfcTouple> task : submittedFutureTasks) { DesignCIManifestRfcTouple touple; try { touple = task.get(); processPlatformRfcs(touple.manifestPlatformRfcs, userId); CmsRfcCI manifestPlatformRfc = touple.manifestPlatformRfcs.getManifestPlatformRfc(); Set<String> missingSrvs = cloudUtil.getMissingServices(manifestPlatformRfc.getCiId()); if (missingSrvs.size() > 0) { ">>>>> Not all services available for platform: " + manifestPlatformRfc.getCiName() + ", the missing services: " + missingSrvs.toString()); disablePlatform(manifestPlatformRfc.getCiId(), userId); }"New release id = " + manifestPlatformRfc.getReleaseId());"Done working on platform " + manifestPlatformRfc.getNsPath()); design2manifestPlatMap.put(touple.designPlatCI, manifestPlatformRfc); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in pulling latest design for all platforms ", e); throw new TransistorException( CmsError.TRANSISTOR_OPEN_MANIFEST_RELEASE, "Error in pulling latest design for all platforms "); } } // now we need to process linkedTo relations manifestRfcProcessor.processLinkedTo(design2manifestPlatMap, nsPath, userId); // now lets delete old existing plats that do not exists in new manifest manifestRfcProcessor.processDeletedPlatforms( design2manifestPlatMap.values(), env, nsPath, userId); // process global variables from design manifestRfcProcessor.processGlobalVars(assembly.getCiId(), env, nsPath, userId); long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); long envReleaseId = populateParentRelease(env, nsPath); "Pull design for " + nsPath + " completed in " + (t2 - t1) + " millis (releaseId " + envReleaseId + ")"); return envReleaseId; }
@Override public long generateEnvManifest(long envId, String userId, Map<String, String> platModes) { long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); String oldThreadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); Thread.currentThread().setName(getProcessingThreadName(oldThreadName, envId)); List<CmsCIRelation> assemblyRels = cmProcessor.getToCIRelations(envId, BASE_REALIZED_IN, null, ACCOUNT_ASSEMBLY); CmsCI assembly = getAssembly(envId, assemblyRels); CmsCI env = getEnv(envId); String nsPath = getManifestNsPath(env); // check for openRelease check4OpenRelease(env, nsPath); Long nsId = trUtil.verifyAndCreateNS(nsPath);"Created nsId " + nsId); List<CmsCIRelation> designPlatRels = cmProcessor.getFromCIRelations(assembly.getCiId(), null, "ComposedOf", CATALOG_PLATFORM); // we need to reset all pending deletions cis just in case there was one added back cmProcessor.resetDeletionsByNs(nsPath); // check for edge case scenario when there is new design platform with the same name as old one // but different pack long releaseId = checkPlatformPackCompliance(designPlatRels, env, nsPath, userId); if (releaseId > 0) { // stop any processing and return new release id return releaseId; } final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(designPlatRels.size()); List<Future<DesignCIManifestRfcTouple>> submittedFutureTasks = new ArrayList<>(); for (CmsCIRelation platRelation : designPlatRels) { String availMode = getPlatformAvailabiltyMode(platModes, platRelation); Future<DesignCIManifestRfcTouple> future = executorService.submit( new ManifestRfcProcessorTask(env, nsPath, userId, availMode, latch, platRelation)); submittedFutureTasks.add(future); } boolean allPlatsProcessed; try { allPlatsProcessed = latch.await( timeoutInMilliSeconds, TimeUnit .MILLISECONDS); // wait for all platform processing threads to finish with timeout // of 10 mins if (!allPlatsProcessed) { logger.error( "All platforms not processed within timeout duration of " + timeoutInMilliSeconds); throw new TransistorException( CmsError.TRANSISTOR_OPEN_MANIFEST_RELEASE, "Failed to pull latest design for all platform within timeout duration of " + timeoutInMilliSeconds + " millis"); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { for (Future<DesignCIManifestRfcTouple> job : submittedFutureTasks) { job.cancel(true); } throw new TransistorException( CmsError.TRANSISTOR_OPEN_MANIFEST_RELEASE, "Design pull process interrupted. "); } Map<Long, CmsRfcCI> design2manifestPlatMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Future<DesignCIManifestRfcTouple> task : submittedFutureTasks) { DesignCIManifestRfcTouple touple; try { touple = task.get(); processPlatformRfcs(touple.manifestPlatformRfcs, userId); CmsRfcCI manifestPlatformRfc = touple.manifestPlatformRfcs.getManifestPlatformRfc(); "Finished working on =" + manifestPlatformRfc.getNsPath() + " release id = " + manifestPlatformRfc.getReleaseId()); design2manifestPlatMap.put(touple.designPlatCI, manifestPlatformRfc); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in pulling latest design for all platforms ", e); throw new TransistorException( CmsError.TRANSISTOR_OPEN_MANIFEST_RELEASE, "Error in pulling latest design for all platforms "); } } check4MissingServices(design2manifestPlatMap); // now we need to process linkedTo relations manifestRfcProcessor.processLinkedTo(design2manifestPlatMap, nsPath, userId); // now lets delete old existing plats that do not exists in new manifest manifestRfcProcessor.processDeletedPlatforms( design2manifestPlatMap.values(), env, nsPath, userId); // process global variables from design manifestRfcProcessor.processGlobalVars(assembly.getCiId(), env, nsPath, userId); long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); long envReleaseId = populateParentRelease(env, nsPath); "Pull design for " + nsPath + " completed in " + (t2 - t1) + " millis (releaseId " + envReleaseId + ")"); return envReleaseId; }