コード例 #1
  public HtmlRendererContext getTop() {

    HtmlRendererContext ancestor = this.parentRcontext;
    if (ancestor == null) {
      return this;
    return ancestor.getTop();
コード例 #2
   * Implements simple navigation with incremental rendering, and target processing, including frame
   * lookup. Should be overridden to allow for more robust browser navigation.
   * <p><b>Notes:</b>
   * <ul>
   *   <li>Encoding ISO-8859-1 assumed always.
   *   <li>Caching is not implemented.
   *   <li>Cookies are not implemented.
   *   <li>Incremental rendering is not optimized for ignorable document change notifications.
   *   <li>Other HTTP features are not implemented.
   * </ul>
  public void navigate(final URL href, String target) {

    // This method implements simple incremental rendering.
    if (target != null) {
      HtmlRendererContext topCtx = getTop();
      HTMLCollection frames = topCtx.getFrames();
      if (frames != null) {
        org.w3c.dom.Node frame = frames.namedItem(target);
        if (frame instanceof FrameNode) {
          BrowserFrame bframe = ((FrameNode) frame).getBrowserFrame();
          if (bframe == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Frame node without a BrowserFrame instance: " + frame);
          if (bframe.getHtmlRendererContext() != this) {
      target = target.trim().toLowerCase();
      if ("_top".equals(target)) {
        getTop().navigate(href, null);
      } else if ("_parent".equals(target)) {
        HtmlRendererContext parent = getParent();
        if (parent != null) {
          parent.navigate(href, null);
      } else if ("_blank".equals(target)) {
        this.open(href.toExternalForm(), "cobra.blank", "", false);
      } else {
        // fall through

    URL urlForLoading;
    if (href.getProtocol().equals("file")) {
      // Remove query so it works.
      try {
        urlForLoading = new URL(href.getProtocol(), href.getHost(), href.getPort(), href.getPath());
      } catch (java.net.MalformedURLException throwable) {
        this.warn("malformed", throwable);
        urlForLoading = href;
    } else {
      urlForLoading = href;
    final URL finalURLForLoading = urlForLoading;

    CobraUserAgent uaContext = (CobraUserAgent) this.getUserAgentContext();
    URI requestURI = null;

    try {
      requestURI = urlForLoading.toURI();
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
      logger.warning("navigate(): Error in converting URL to URI for uri=" + urlForLoading);

    int transactionId = -1;
    boolean wasRequested = false;
    String username = "";

    AbstractHttpTransaction rawTransaction = null;
    final long time0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (requestURI != null) {

      // try {
      // username = "";
      // //TODO:
      // //username =
      // uaContext.getScan().getTransactionRecord().getTransaction(uaContext.getId()).getUsername();
      // if(username != null && !username.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {

      // transactionId =
      // uaContext.getScan().getTransactionRecord().getTransactionId("GET",
      // finalURLForLoading.toString(), username);
      // wasRequested =
      // uaContext.getScan().getTransactionRecord().isUriRequested("GET",
      // finalURLForLoading.toString(), username, false);
      // } else {
      // transactionId =
      // uaContext.getScan().getTransactionRecord().getTransactionId("GET",
      // finalURLForLoading.toString(), null);
      // wasRequested =
      // uaContext.getScan().getTransactionRecord().isUriRequested("GET",
      // finalURLForLoading.toString(), null, false);

      // }

       * Possibility of 4 cases Case 1: wasRequested = True, transactionId
       * > 0 This means we can fetch the request from Cache/DB Case 2:
       * wasRequested = False, transactionId < 0 This means the request is
       * new. So we have to take care of it here and also add it for
       * spidering Case 3: wasRequested = False, transactionId > 0 This is
       * a Race condition. Very uncertain, unpredicatble and with low
       * probability. Case 4: wasRequested = True, transactionId < 0 This
       * is also a Race condition. This state happens when spidering added
       * the URL and before the transaction was saved to DB. Cache DB
       * add/update/refresh happens just after the transaction is saved to
       * DB

      // if (transactionId == -1 && !wasRequested) {
      // /*
      // * Solves Case 2 If the transaction is not in cache and if
      // * it was not requested before, add it to the requester
      // * queue for spidering
      // */
      // rawTransaction =
      // HttpTransactionFactory.createTransaction(uaContext.getScan(),
      // "GET", requestURI,
      // uaContext.getId(), TransactionSource.COBRA);
      // // Debug.debug("Debug: raw ID: " + rawTransaction.getId() +
      // // " rawUri: " + rawTransaction.getMethod() + " " +
      // // rawTransaction.getAbsoluteUriString() +
      // // " Reason_ren: No cache");
      // TransactionSource referenceTransactionSource =
      // uaContext.getScan().getTransactionRecord()
      // .getTransaction(uaContext.getId()).getSource();
      // if (referenceTransactionSource != TransactionSource.TEST) {
      // uaContext.getScan().getRequesterQueue().addSpiderRequest(rawTransaction,
      // false,
      // "Javascript: Asynchronous Requests ");
      // }
      // } else if (transactionId > 0) {
      // /*
      // * Solves Case 1 and Case 3 If the request is found in
      // * cache, then fetch it and continue
      // */
      // rawTransaction =
      // uaContext.getScan().getTransactionRecord().getTransaction(transactionId);
      // // Debug.debug("Debug: raw ID: " + rawTransaction.getId() +
      // // " rawUri: " + rawTransaction.getMethod() + " "
      // // +rawTransaction.getAbsoluteUriString() +
      // // " Reason_ren: Cache hit");
      // } else if (transactionId == -1 && wasRequested) {
      // /*
      // * Solves Case 4 1. Wait to complete the processing by
      // * requesterThread? or 2. Duplicate request Currently
      // * duplicating.
      // */
      // rawTransaction =
      // HttpTransactionFactory.createTransaction(uaContext.getScan(),
      // "GET", requestURI,
      // uaContext.getId(), TransactionSource.COBRA);
      // // Debug.debug("Debug: raw ID: " + rawTransaction.getId() +
      // // " rawUri: " + rawTransaction.getMethod() + " " +
      // // rawTransaction.getAbsoluteUriString() +
      // // " Reason_ren: No cache, but requested");
      // }
      // if (rawTransaction != null) {
      // synchronized (rawTransaction) {
      // /*
      // * Solves uncertain conditions
      // */
      // if (!rawTransaction.isResponsePresent() ||
      // !rawTransaction.isSuccessfullExecution()) {
      // /*
      // * This should solve uncertain conditions like -
      // * Transaction from cache/DB might not have response
      // * - A newly created transaction which is not
      // * executed
      // */
      // rawTransaction.execute("CobraHttpRequest", false);
      // } else {
      // /*
      // * Load it from cache
      // */
      // }
      // }
      // }
      // } catch (Exception e) {
      // // TODO: handle exception
      // }

    final AbstractHttpTransaction finalTransaction = rawTransaction;

    // Make request asynchronously.
    new Thread() {

      public void run() {

        try {
          URL uri = href;

          logger.info("process(): Loading URI=[" + uri + "].");

          if (finalTransaction != null) {

            // try {
            // sourceCode = null;
            // long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            // byte[] input = finalTransaction.getResponseBody();
            // if (input != null) {
            // ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new
            // ByteArrayInputStream(input);
            // InputSource inputSource = new
            // InputSourceImpl(inputStream,
            // finalTransaction.getURI()
            // , finalTransaction.getContentType().getCharset());
            // DocumentBuilderImpl builder = new
            // DocumentBuilderImpl(SimpleHtmlRendererContext.this
            // .getUserAgentContext(),
            // SimpleHtmlRendererContext.this);
            // if (inputSource != null) {
            // HTMLDocumentImpl document = (HTMLDocumentImpl)
            // builder.createDocument(inputSource);
            // // Now start loading.
            // document.load();
            // long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            // logger.info("Parsed URI=[" + uri +
            // "]: Parse elapsed: " + (time2 - time1)
            // + " ms. Fetched from Cache/DB: " + (time1 - time0) +
            // " ms.");
            // sourceCode = inputStream.toString();
            // }
            // }
            // } finally {
            // }

          } else {
             * The last ditch effort using java libraries

            // Using potentially different URL for loading.

            URLConnection connection = finalURLForLoading.openConnection();
            connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", getUserAgentContext().getUserAgent());
            connection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", "");
            if (connection instanceof HttpURLConnection) {
              HttpURLConnection hc = (HttpURLConnection) connection;
              int responseCode = hc.getResponseCode();
              logger.info("process(): HTTP response code: " + responseCode);

            InputStream in = connection.getInputStream();
            try {
              sourceCode = null;
              long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
              RecordedInputStream rin = new RecordedInputStream(in, 8192);
              InputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(rin, 8192);
              // HtmlParserContext pcontext =
              // createParserContext(uri);
              // SimpleUserAgentContext ucontext = new
              // SimpleUserAgentContext();

              DocumentBuilderImpl builder =
                  new DocumentBuilderImpl(
              String actualURI = uri.toExternalForm();
              // Only create document, don't parse.
              HTMLDocumentImpl document =
                      builder.createDocument(new InputSourceImpl(bin, actualURI, "ISO-8859-1"));
              // Set document in HtmlPanel. Safe to call outside
              // GUI
              // thread.
              // SimpleHtmlRendererContext.this.htmlPanel.setDocument(document,
              // SimpleHtmlRendererContext.this);
              // Now start loading.
              long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
                  "Parsed URI=["
                      + uri
                      + "]: Parse elapsed: "
                      + (time2 - time1)
                      + " ms. Connection elapsed: "
                      + (time1 - time0)
                      + " ms.");
              sourceCode = rin.getString("ISO-8859-1");
            } finally {
        } catch (Exception err) {
              "navigate(): Error loading or parsing request.", err);
コード例 #3
   * Constructs a SimpleHtmlRendererContext that is a child of another <code>
   * {@link HtmlRendererContext}</code>.
   * @param contextComponent The component that will render HTML.
   * @param parentRcontext The parent's renderer context.
  public SimpleHtmlRendererContext(final HtmlRendererContext parentRcontext) {

    this.parentRcontext = parentRcontext;
    this.bcontext = parentRcontext == null ? null : parentRcontext.getUserAgentContext();