/** * wp_load_image() - Load an image which PHP Supports. * * @package WordPress * @internal Missing Long Description * @param string $file Filename of the image to load * @return resource The resulting image resource on success, Error string on failure. */ public Object wp_load_image(Object fileObj) { int image = 0; // Modified by Numiton String file; if (is_numeric(fileObj)) { file = strval( getIncluded(PostPage.class, gVars, gConsts) .get_attached_file(intval(fileObj), false)); } else { file = strval(fileObj); } if (!FileSystemOrSocket.file_exists(gVars.webEnv, file)) { return QStrings.sprintf( getIncluded(L10nPage.class, gVars, gConsts).__("File \'%s\' doesn\'t exist?", "default"), file); } if (!true) /*Modified by Numiton*/ { return getIncluded(L10nPage.class, gVars, gConsts) .__("The GD image library is not installed.", "default"); } // Set artificially high because GD uses uncompressed images in memory Options.ini_set(gVars.webEnv, "memory_limit", "256M"); image = Image.imagecreatefromstring( gVars.webEnv, FileSystemOrSocket.file_get_contents(gVars.webEnv, file)); if (!is_resource(image)) { return QStrings.sprintf( getIncluded(L10nPage.class, gVars, gConsts).__("File \'%s\' is not an image.", "default"), file); } return image; }
public boolean check_post_keyword(boolean precheck) { Object metakeys; /* Do not change type */ int count = 0; StdClass post_meta = null; Array<String> post_keys = new Array<String>(); String keyword = null; echo(gVars.webEnv, "<div class=\"narrow\">"); echo( gVars.webEnv, "<p><h3>" + getIncluded(L10nPage.class, gVars, gConsts) .__("Reading Bunny’s Technorati Tags…", "default") + "</h3></p>"); // import Bunny's Keywords tags metakeys = gVars.wpdb.get_results( "SELECT post_id, meta_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM " + gVars.wpdb.postmeta + " WHERE " + gVars.wpdb.postmeta + ".meta_key = \'tags\'"); if (!is_array(metakeys)) { echo( gVars.webEnv, "<p>" + getIncluded(L10nPage.class, gVars, gConsts).__("No Tags Found!", "default") + "</p>"); return false; } else { count = Array.count(metakeys); echo( gVars.webEnv, "<p>" + QStrings.sprintf( getIncluded(L10nPage.class, gVars, gConsts) .__ngettext( "Done! <strong>%s</strong> post with tags were read.", "Done! <strong>%s</strong> posts with tags were read.", count, "default"), count) + "<br /></p>"); echo(gVars.webEnv, "<ul>"); for (Map.Entry javaEntry50 : ((Array<?>) metakeys).entrySet()) { post_meta = (StdClass) javaEntry50.getValue(); if (!equal(StdClass.getValue(post_meta, "meta_value"), "")) { post_keys = Strings.explode(" ", strval(StdClass.getValue(post_meta, "meta_value"))); for (Map.Entry javaEntry51 : post_keys.entrySet()) { keyword = strval(javaEntry51.getValue()); keyword = Strings.addslashes( gVars.webEnv, Strings.trim(Strings.str_replace("+", " ", keyword))); if (!equal("", keyword)) { echo( gVars.webEnv, "<li>" + StdClass.getValue(post_meta, "post_id") + " - " + keyword + "</li>"); if (!precheck) { getIncluded(PostPage.class, gVars, gConsts) .wp_add_post_tags(intval(StdClass.getValue(post_meta, "post_id")), keyword); } } } } if (!precheck) { getIncluded(PostPage.class, gVars, gConsts) .delete_post_meta(intval(StdClass.getValue(post_meta, "post_id")), "tags", ""); } } echo(gVars.webEnv, "</ul>"); } echo( gVars.webEnv, "<form action=\"admin.php?import=btt&step=" + strval(precheck ? 2 : 3) + "\" method=\"post\">"); getIncluded(FunctionsPage.class, gVars, gConsts) .wp_nonce_field("import-btt", "_wpnonce", true, true); echo( gVars.webEnv, "<p class=\"submit\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"" + getIncluded(L10nPage.class, gVars, gConsts).__("Next", "default") + "\" /></p>"); echo(gVars.webEnv, "</form>"); echo(gVars.webEnv, "</div>"); return false; }