コード例 #1
  @Transactional(readOnly = false)
  public int save(SysLogin entity, Long[] roleIds, Long deptId) throws Exception {
    String hql = "select count(*) from SysLogin as model where model.loginName= ?)";
    long count = baseDao.findLong(hql, entity.getLoginName());
    if (count > 0) {
      return ResultConstants.SAVE_FAILED_NAME_IS_EXIST;

    hql = "select count(*) from SysLogin as model where model.userCode= ?)";
    count = baseDao.findLong(hql, entity.getUserCode());
    if (count > 0) {
      return ResultConstants.SAVE_FAILED_CODE_IS_EXIST;

    hql = "select count(*) from SysLogin as model where model.idCard= ?)";
    count = baseDao.findLong(hql, entity.getIdCard());
    if (count > 0) {
      return ResultConstants.SAVE_FAILED_NAME_IS_EXIST;

    sysLoginRoleService.saveLoginRole(entity, roleIds);
    // 保存系统日志
    String operDesc = "【用户新增】用户名:" + entity.getLoginName();
    sysLogService.save(SysLog.OPERATE_TYPE_ADD, operDesc);
    return ResultConstants.SAVE_SUCCEED;
コード例 #2
  @Transactional(readOnly = false)
  public int update(SysLogin entity, Long[] roleIds, String newLoginPwd) throws Exception {
    // editby 孙强伟  at 20130624 , 由于是修改用户信息,此时,用户登陆名称是不可以修改的,国此必须先获得旧的记录将其用户登陆名称赋给新的entity.
    SysLogin oldSysLogin = baseDao.findById(entity.getLoginId());
    if (null == oldSysLogin) {
      return ResultConstants.UPDATE_RECORD_NOT_EXIST;


    String hql =
        "select count(*) from SysLogin as model where model.loginName= ? and model.loginId != ?)";
    long count = baseDao.findLong(hql, entity.getLoginName(), entity.getLoginId());
    if (count > 0) {
      return ResultConstants.UPDATE_FAILED_NAME_IS_EXIST;

    hql = "select count(*) from SysLogin as model where model.userCode= ? and model.loginId != ?)";
    count = baseDao.findLong(hql, entity.getUserCode(), entity.getLoginId());
    if (count > 0) {
      return ResultConstants.UPDATE_FAILED_CODE_IS_EXIST;

    hql = "select count(*) from SysLogin as model where model.idCard= ? and model.loginId != ?)";
    count = baseDao.findLong(hql, entity.getIdCard(), entity.getLoginId());
    if (count > 0) {
      return ResultConstants.UPDATE_FAILED_IDCARD_IS_EXIST;

    if (newLoginPwd != null && !"".equals(newLoginPwd)) {

    BeanUtils.copyProperties(oldSysLogin, entity);

    sysLoginRoleService.updateLoginRole(oldSysLogin, roleIds);
    // 保存系统日志
    String operDesc = "【用户修改】用户名:" + entity.getLoginName();
    sysLogService.save(SysLog.OPERATE_TYPE_UPDATE, operDesc);
    return ResultConstants.UPDATE_SUCCEED;