/*========================================================== * public methods *==========================================================*/ public void processData(Object data) { Vector v = new Vector(); NameValuePairs obj = (NameValuePairs) data; // XXX NEED TO CHANGE if we are going to have multi-column table v.addElement( new JLabel( obj.get(CERT_NAME), CMSAdminUtil.getImage(CMSAdminResources.IMAGE_CERTICON_SMALL), JLabel.LEFT)); addRow(v, data); }
/*========================================================== * public methods *==========================================================*/ public Vector parse(Object entry) throws ParseException { String logEntry = (String) entry; // parsing the log Entry and return segments // Debug.println("LogDataModel: DefaultLogParser: parse() -" +logEntry); int x = logEntry.indexOf("["); if (x == -1) throw new ParseException(logEntry, 0); String temp = logEntry.substring(x + 1); x = temp.indexOf("]"); if (x == -1) throw new ParseException(logEntry, 0); String dateStr = temp.substring(0, x); // Debug.println("LogDataModel: DefaultLogParser: parse() -"+dateStr+" "+temp); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_PATTERN); Date date = format.parse(dateStr); String dateColumn = DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(date); String timeColumn = DateFormat.getTimeInstance().format(date); // Debug.println("LogDataModel: DefaultLogParser: parse() -"+dateColumn+" "+timeColumn); temp = temp.substring(x + 2); x = temp.indexOf("]"); if (x == -1) throw new ParseException(logEntry, 0); String source = temp.substring(1, x); temp = temp.substring(x + 2); x = temp.indexOf("]"); if (x == -1) throw new ParseException(logEntry, 0); String level = temp.substring(1, x); temp = temp.substring(x + 2); Vector row = new Vector(); row.addElement(getSourceString(source)); row.addElement(getLevelString(level)); row.addElement(dateColumn); row.addElement(timeColumn); JLabel detail = new JLabel(temp); detail.setToolTipText(temp); row.addElement(detail); return row; }