public void delete(String id) { RedisCachePool pool = null; Jedis jedis = null; RedisDao rd = null; try { pool = redisCacheManager.getRedisPoolMap().get(RedisDataBaseType.defaultType.toString()); jedis = pool.getResource(); Object note = RedisDao.getBean("Note:" + id, Note.class, jedis); if (null != note) { // 查询之后开启事物 Transaction transation = jedis.multi(); rd = new RedisDao(transation); rd.delSingleDataFromRedis(note, rd.getBeanField(note)); /* 处理之后的数据库sql日志处理 */ String logs = "delete from tcnote where note_id=" + id; rd.pubishLog(logs); rd.log(logs); transation.exec(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(" delete(String id) 删除失败!" + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } finally {"回收jedis连接"); pool.returnResource(jedis); } }
public void insert(Note note) { RedisCachePool pool = null; Jedis jedis = null; RedisDao rd = null; try { pool = redisCacheManager.getRedisPoolMap().get(RedisDataBaseType.defaultType.toString()); jedis = pool.getResource(); // 获取redis里面最大的主键值 Set<String> sortKey = RedisDao.getRevrangeSortSet("Note:sort:noteId", 0, 0, jedis); for (String id : sortKey) { // 新增的主键赋值 note.setNoteId(Integer.parseInt(id) + 1); break; } Transaction transation = jedis.multi(); rd = new RedisDao(transation); BeanField beanField = rd.getBeanField(note); // 插入新增的 rd.insertSingleDataToredis(note, beanField); /* 处理之后的数据库sql日志处理 */ String logs = insertSql(note); rd.pubishLog(logs); rd.log(logs); transation.exec(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(" insert(Note note) 失败!" + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } finally {"回收insert==>jedis连接"); pool.returnResource(jedis); } }
public Note queryById(String i) { Note note = new Note(); RedisCachePool pool = redisCacheManager.getRedisPoolMap().get(RedisDataBaseType.defaultType.toString()); Jedis jedis = pool.getResource(); // 查询不用开启事物 RedisDao rd = new RedisDao(jedis); note = (Note) rd.getBean("Note:" + i, note.getClass(), jedis); pool.returnResource(jedis); // dubbo 调用的时候防止java.sql.Blob cannot be assigned from null ,也就是blob字段不能为空 note.setBlobContent(null); return note; }
public List<Note> findAll() { List<Note> noteList = new ArrayList<Note>(); RedisCachePool pool = null; Jedis jedis = null; try { pool = redisCacheManager.getRedisPoolMap().get(RedisDataBaseType.defaultType.toString()); jedis = pool.getResource(); // 查询不用开启事物 RedisDao rd = new RedisDao(jedis); Set<String> sortKey = rd.smembers("Note:index:noteId"); noteList = (List<Note>) rd.getListBean(sortKey, Note.class, jedis); // dubbo 调用的时候防止java.sql.Blob cannot be assigned from null ,也就是blob字段不能为空 delalBlob(noteList); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(" List<Note> findAll()查询失败!" + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } finally {"回收jedis连接"); pool.returnResource(jedis); } return noteList; }
/** 更新直接调用删除,然后再插入 */ public void update(Note newNote) { RedisCachePool pool = null; Jedis jedis = null; RedisDao rd = null; try { pool = redisCacheManager.getRedisPoolMap().get(RedisDataBaseType.defaultType.toString()); jedis = pool.getResource(); // 获取原来redis里面存储的note Object orldNote = RedisDao.getBean("Note:" + newNote.getNoteId(), Note.class, jedis); if (null != orldNote) { // 查询之后开启事物 Transaction transation = jedis.multi(); rd = new RedisDao(transation); BeanField beanField = rd.getBeanField(orldNote); // // 先删除原来的 // rd.delSingleDataFromRedis(orldNote, beanField); // // 再插入新修改的note // rd.insertSingleDataToredis(newNote, beanField); rd.updateSingleFromToredis(orldNote, newNote, beanField); /* 处理之后的数据库sql日志处理 */ String logs = genSql(newNote); rd.pubishLog(logs); rd.log(logs); transation.exec(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(" update(Note note) 失败!" + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } finally { //"回收jedis连接"); pool.returnResource(jedis); } }