コード例 #1
  public void onActivityStarted(Activity activity) {
    // Add to the current list of running activities

    // Check to see if there is a current session in progress or not
    // If there is no active session, start a new timer and log to Mixpanel
    if (!mixpanelCallbacks.getSuperProperties().has("Session")) {
      // Start session timer for tracking app session lengths

      // Register a super property to indicate the session is in progress
      JSONObject superprops = new JSONObject();
      try {
        superprops.put("Session", true);
      } catch (JSONException e) {
        Log.e("Send", "Unable to add super properties to JSONObject", e);

    Log.d("Current Activities", "onStart() " + status.toString());
コード例 #2
  * Registers event super properties which are sent with every subsequent event.
  * @param properties
 public void registerSuperProperties(ReadableMap properties) {
コード例 #3
  public void testPersistence() {
    MixpanelAPI metricsOne = new MixpanelAPI(getContext(), mMockPreferences, "SAME TOKEN");

    JSONObject props;
    try {
      props = new JSONObject("{ 'a' : 'value of a', 'b' : 'value of b' }");
    } catch (JSONException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Can't construct fixture for super properties test.");

    metricsOne.identify("Expected Events Identity");
    metricsOne.getPeople().identify("Expected People Identity");

    // We exploit the fact that any metrics object with the same token
    // will get their values from the same persistent store.

    final List<Object> messages = new ArrayList<Object>();
    final AnalyticsMessages listener =
        new AnalyticsMessages(getContext()) {
          public void eventsMessage(EventDescription heard) {

          public void peopleMessage(JSONObject heard) {

    class ListeningAPI extends MixpanelAPI {
      public ListeningAPI(Context c, Future<SharedPreferences> prefs, String token) {
        super(c, prefs, token);

      protected AnalyticsMessages getAnalyticsMessages() {
        return listener;

    MixpanelAPI differentToken =
        new ListeningAPI(getContext(), mMockPreferences, "DIFFERENT TOKEN");

    differentToken.track("other event", null);
    differentToken.getPeople().set("other people prop", "Word"); // should be queued up.

    assertEquals(1, messages.size());

    AnalyticsMessages.EventDescription eventMessage =
        (AnalyticsMessages.EventDescription) messages.get(0);

    try {
      JSONObject eventProps = eventMessage.getProperties();
      String sentId = eventProps.getString("distinct_id");
      String sentA = eventProps.optString("a");
      String sentB = eventProps.optString("b");

      assertFalse("Expected Events Identity".equals(sentId));
      assertEquals("", sentA);
      assertEquals("", sentB);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
      fail("Event message has an unexpected shape " + e);


    MixpanelAPI metricsTwo = new ListeningAPI(getContext(), mMockPreferences, "SAME TOKEN");

    metricsTwo.track("eventname", null);
    metricsTwo.getPeople().set("people prop name", "Indeed");

    assertEquals(2, messages.size());

    eventMessage = (AnalyticsMessages.EventDescription) messages.get(0);
    JSONObject peopleMessage = (JSONObject) messages.get(1);

    try {
      JSONObject eventProps = eventMessage.getProperties();
      String sentId = eventProps.getString("distinct_id");
      String sentA = eventProps.getString("a");
      String sentB = eventProps.getString("b");

      assertEquals("Expected Events Identity", sentId);
      assertEquals("value of a", sentA);
      assertEquals("value of b", sentB);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
      fail("Event message has an unexpected shape " + e);

    try {
      String sentId = peopleMessage.getString("$distinct_id");
      assertEquals("Expected People Identity", sentId);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
      fail("Event message has an unexpected shape: " + peopleMessage.toString());