/** * This method gets called when wizard's finish button is clicked. * * @return True, if project gets created successfully; else false. */ @Override public boolean performFinish() { final String projName = waProjWizPage.getTextProjName(); final String projLocation = waProjWizPage.getTextLocation(); final boolean isDefault = waProjWizPage.isDefaultLocation(); final WorkingSetGroup workingSetGroup = waProjWizPage.getWorkingSetGroup(); final IWorkingSet[] selWorkingSets = workingSetGroup.getSelectedWorkingSets(); final IWorkingSetManager workingSetManager = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getWorkingSetManager(); final Map<String, String> depParams = getDeployPageValues(); final Map<String, Boolean> keyFtr = getKeyFtrPageValues(); final IProject proj = getSelectProject(); boolean retVal = true; IRunnableWithProgress runnable = new IRunnableWithProgress() { public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException { try { doFinish( projName, projLocation, isDefault, selWorkingSets, workingSetManager, depParams, keyFtr, proj); } finally { monitor.done(); } } }; try { /* * Check if third party JDK and server is selected * then license is accepted or not. */ boolean tempAccepted = true; if (WATabPage.isThirdPartyJdkChecked() && !WATabPage.isAccepted()) { tempAccepted = JdkSrvConfig.createAccLicenseAggDlg(getShell(), true); } if (WATabPage.isThirdPartySrvChecked() && !WATabPage.isServerAccepted()) { tempAccepted = JdkSrvConfig.createAccLicenseAggDlg(getShell(), false); } if (tempAccepted) { getContainer().run(true, false, runnable); } else { return false; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { PluginUtil.displayErrorDialog(this.getShell(), Messages.pWizErrTitle, Messages.pWizErrMsg); retVal = false; } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { PluginUtil.displayErrorDialogAndLog( this.getShell(), Messages.pWizErrTitle, Messages.pWizErrMsg, e); retVal = false; } // re-initializing context menu to default option : false Activator.getDefault().setContextMenu(false); return retVal; }
@Override protected void okPressed() { boolean isValid = true; if ((fileRadioBtn.getSelection() && !fileTxt.getText().isEmpty())) { File file = new File(fileTxt.getText()); if (!file.exists()) { isValid = false; PluginUtil.displayErrorDialog( this.getShell(), Messages.appDlgInvFileTtl, Messages.appDlgInvFileMsg); } } else if (projRadioBtn.getSelection() && !asNameTxt.getText().isEmpty() && !projCombo.getText().isEmpty()) { boolean isValidName = true; try { isValidName = windowsAzureRole.isValidDeployName(asNameTxt.getText()); } catch (Exception e) { isValidName = false; } if (!isValidName) { isValid = false; PluginUtil.displayErrorDialog( this.getShell(), Messages.appDlgInvNmeTtl, Messages.appDlgInvNmeMsg); } } if (isValid) { ArrayList<String> cmpList = null; if (depPage == null) { cmpList = serverConf.getAppsAsNames(); } else { cmpList = depPage.getAppsAsNames(); } if (fileRadioBtn.getSelection()) { if (cmpList.contains(new File(fileTxt.getText()).getName())) { PluginUtil.displayErrorDialog( this.getShell(), Messages.appDlgDupNmeTtl, Messages.appDlgDupNmeMsg); return; } try { List<WindowsAzureRoleComponent> components = windowsAzureRole.getComponents(); for (int i = 0; i < components.size(); i++) { if (components .get(i) .getDeployName() .equalsIgnoreCase(new File(fileTxt.getText()).getName())) { PluginUtil.displayErrorDialog( this.getShell(), Messages.appDlgDupNmeTtl, Messages.appDlgDupNmeMsg); return; } } } catch (WindowsAzureInvalidProjectOperationException e) { PluginUtil.displayErrorDialogAndLog( this.getShell(), Messages.addAppErrTtl, Messages.addAppErrMsg, e); } if (depPage == null) { serverConf.addToAppList( fileTxt.getText(), new File(fileTxt.getText()).getName(), Messages.methodCopy); } else { depPage.addToAppList( fileTxt.getText(), new File(fileTxt.getText()).getName(), Messages.methodCopy); } } else if (projRadioBtn.getSelection()) { IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IWorkspaceRoot root = workspace.getRoot(); IProject proj = root.getProject(projCombo.getText()); if (cmpList.contains(new File(asNameTxt.getText()).getName())) { PluginUtil.displayErrorDialog( this.getShell(), Messages.appDlgDupNmeTtl, Messages.appDlgDupNmeMsg); return; } if (depPage == null) { serverConf.addToAppList( proj.getLocation().toOSString(), asNameTxt.getText(), Messages.methodAuto); } else { depPage.addToAppList( proj.getLocation().toOSString(), asNameTxt.getText(), Messages.methodAuto); } } super.okPressed(); } }