コード例 #1
 // return value means actually delete or not
 public boolean checkedDelete(String namespaceName) {
   final NamespaceImplData implDatum = implData.get(namespaceName);
   if (implDatum == null) {
     // Delete but we don't have it?
     log.wtf("Asked to delete something I just lost [%s]", namespaceName);
     return false;
   return delete(namespaceName);
コード例 #2
  // For testing purposes this is protected
  protected <T extends ExtractionNamespace> ListenableFuture<?> schedule(
      final String id,
      final T namespace,
      final ExtractionNamespaceCacheFactory<T> factory,
      final Runnable postRunnable,
      final String cacheId) {
    log.debug("Trying to update namespace [%s]", id);
    final NamespaceImplData implDatum = implData.get(id);
    if (implDatum != null) {
      synchronized (implDatum.enabled) {
        if (implDatum.enabled.get()) {
          // We also check at the end of the function, but fail fast here
          throw new IAE(
              "Namespace [%s] already exists! Leaving prior running", namespace.toString());
    final long updateMs = namespace.getPollMs();
    final CountDownLatch startLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);

    final Runnable command =
        new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
            try {
              startLatch.await(); // wait for "election" to leadership or cancellation
              if (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
                final Map<String, String> cache = getCacheMap(cacheId);
                final String preVersion = lastVersion.get(id);
                final Callable<String> runnable =
                    factory.getCachePopulator(id, namespace, preVersion, cache);

                final String newVersion = runnable.call();
                if (preVersion != null && preVersion.equals(newVersion)) {
                  throw new CancellationException(
                      String.format("Version `%s` already exists", preVersion));
                if (newVersion != null) {
                  lastVersion.put(id, newVersion);
                log.debug("Namespace [%s] successfully updated", id);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
              if (t instanceof CancellationException) {
                log.debug(t, "Namespace [%s] cancelled", id);
              } else {
                log.error(t, "Failed update namespace [%s]", namespace);
              if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
                throw Throwables.propagate(t);

    ListenableFuture<?> future;
    try {
      if (updateMs > 0) {
        future =
                command, 0, updateMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
      } else {
        future = listeningScheduledExecutorService.schedule(command, 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

      final NamespaceImplData me = new NamespaceImplData(future, namespace, id);
      final NamespaceImplData other = implData.putIfAbsent(id, me);
      if (other != null) {
        if (!future.isDone() && !future.cancel(true)) {
          log.warn("Unable to cancel future for namespace[%s] on race loss", id);
        throw new IAE("Namespace [%s] already exists! Leaving prior running", namespace);
      } else {
        if (!me.enabled.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
          log.wtf("How did someone enable this before ME?");
        log.debug("I own namespace [%s]", id);
        return future;
    } finally {