private void SQ_S_NewInstance(IStructuredSelection selection) { // Assign the context selection variables with the action context // Assign the context selection variable with the action context Object context = selection.iterator().next(); Sequence_c v_sequence = (Sequence_c) context; PersistableModelComponent.ensureCoreDataTypesAvailable(v_sequence.getModelRoot()); TransactionUtil.TransactionGroup transactionGroup = TransactionUtil.startTransactionsOnSelectedModelRoots("New Instance"); try { // Ensure that actions take place between Verifier Activity executions Ooaofooa.beginSaveOperation(); if (((v_sequence != null))) { if (v_sequence != null) { v_sequence.Newclassinstance(); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attempted to call an operation on a null instance.", t); } } // end critical section Ooaofooa.endSaveOperation(); // catch all exceptions and cancel the transactions } catch (Exception e) { Ooaofooa.endSaveOperation(); TransactionUtil.cancelTransactions(transactionGroup, e); CorePlugin.logError("Transaction: New Instance failed", e); // $NON-NLS-1$ } TransactionUtil.endTransactions(transactionGroup); }
/** @see IModelClassInspector#getParent(Object) Returns the parent(s) of this node */ public Object getParent(Object arg) { Sequence_c result1 = Sequence_c.getOneSQ_SOnR929( InteractionParticipant_c.getOneSQ_POnR930((FunctionPackageParticipant_c) arg)); if (result1 != null) { return result1; } Communication_c result2 = Communication_c.getOneCOMM_COMMOnR1126( ParticipantInCommunication_c.getOneCOMM_PICOnR1126( InteractionParticipant_c.getOneSQ_POnR930((FunctionPackageParticipant_c) arg))); if (result2 != null) { return result2; } return null; // No parent found }