private void COMM_COMM_NewClassParticipant(IStructuredSelection selection) { // Assign the context selection variables with the action context // Assign the context selection variable with the action context Object context = selection.iterator().next(); Communication_c v_comm = (Communication_c) context; PersistableModelComponent.ensureCoreDataTypesAvailable(v_comm.getModelRoot()); TransactionUtil.TransactionGroup transactionGroup = TransactionUtil.startTransactionsOnSelectedModelRoots("New Class Participant"); try { // Ensure that actions take place between Verifier Activity executions Ooaofooa.beginSaveOperation(); if (((v_comm != null))) { if (v_comm != null) { v_comm.Newclassparticipant(); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attempted to call an operation on a null instance.", t); } } // end critical section Ooaofooa.endSaveOperation(); // catch all exceptions and cancel the transactions } catch (Exception e) { Ooaofooa.endSaveOperation(); TransactionUtil.cancelTransactions(transactionGroup, e); CorePlugin.logError("Transaction: New Class Participant failed", e); // $NON-NLS-1$ } TransactionUtil.endTransactions(transactionGroup); }
// declare transform functions public void Dispose() { Ooaofooa.log.println( ILogger.OPERATION, "Bridge Invocation", " Operation entered: BridgeInvocation::Dispose"); final ModelRoot modelRoot = getModelRoot(); Bridge_c v_brg = Bridge_c.getOneS_BRGOnR674(this); if ((!(v_brg == null))) { this.unrelateAcrossR674From(v_brg); } ActualParameter_c[] v_parm_set = ActualParameter_c.getManyV_PARsOnR628(this); ActualParameter_c v_parm = null; for (int i37268 = 0; i37268 < v_parm_set.length; i37268++) { v_parm = v_parm_set[i37268]; this.unrelateAcrossR628From(v_parm); if (v_parm != null) { v_parm.Dispose(); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attempted to call an operation on a null instance.", t); } } delete(); } // End dispose
// declare transform functions public void Dispose() { Ooaofooa.log.println( ILogger.OPERATION, "Component Result Set", " Operation entered: ComponentResultSet::Dispose"); final ModelRoot modelRoot = getModelRoot(); Component_c v_component = Component_c.getOneC_COnR8007(this); ComponentVisibility_c[] v_elemVis = ComponentVisibility_c.getManyPE_CVSsOnR8008(this); ComponentVisibility_c v_elemV = null; for (int i37247 = 0; i37247 < v_elemVis.length; i37247++) { v_elemV = v_elemVis[i37247]; PackageableElement_c v_pe = PackageableElement_c.getOnePE_PEOnR8004(v_elemV); if (v_elemV != null) { v_elemV.unrelateAcrossR8004From(v_component); v_elemV.unrelateAcrossR8004From(v_pe); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Unrelate using attempted on null link class instance.", t); } this.unrelateAcrossR8008From(v_elemV); if (v_elemV != null) { // get the location of this element in the instance list // before deleting if (v_elemV.delete()) { Ooaofooa.getDefaultInstance() .fireModelElementDeleted( new BaseModelDelta(Modeleventnotification_c.DELTA_DELETE, v_elemV)); } } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Delete attempted on null instance.", t); } } this.unrelateAcrossR8007From(v_component); if (delete()) { Ooaofooa.getDefaultInstance() .fireModelElementDeleted(new BaseModelDelta(Modeleventnotification_c.DELTA_DELETE, this)); } } // End dispose
public void Pastestatemachineevent(final java.util.UUID p_Id) { Ooaofooa.log.println( ILogger.OPERATION, "Instance State Machine", " Operation entered: InstanceStateMachine::Pastestatemachineevent"); final ModelRoot modelRoot = getModelRoot(); StateMachine_c v_sm = StateMachine_c.getOneSM_SMOnR517(this); if (v_sm != null) { v_sm.Pastestatemachineevent(p_Id); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attempted to call an operation on a null instance.", t); } } // End pasteStateMachineEvent
public void Dispose() { Ooaofooa.log.println( ILogger.OPERATION, "Instance State Machine", " Operation entered: InstanceStateMachine::Dispose"); final ModelRoot modelRoot = getModelRoot(); StateMachine_c v_sm = StateMachine_c.getOneSM_SMOnR517(this); if (v_sm != null) { v_sm.Dispose(); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attempted to call an operation on a null instance.", t); } } // End dispose
// declare transform functions public void Dispose() { Ooaofooa.log.println( ILogger.OPERATION, "Assign to Member", " Operation entered: AssignToMember::Dispose"); final ModelRoot modelRoot = getModelRoot(); Value_c v_value = Value_c.getOneV_VALOnR609(this); if (((v_value != null))) { this.unrelateAcrossR609From(v_value); if (v_value != null) { v_value.Dispose(); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attempted to call an operation on a null instance.", t); } } v_value = Value_c.getOneV_VALOnR689(this); if (((v_value != null))) { this.unrelateAcrossR689From(v_value); if (v_value != null) { v_value.Dispose(); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attempted to call an operation on a null instance.", t); } } delete(); } // End dispose
// declare transform functions public void Dispose() { Ooaofgraphics.log.println( ILogger.OPERATION, "GraphNode", " Operation entered: Graphnode::Dispose"); final ModelRoot modelRoot = getModelRoot(); Graphelement_c v_element = Graphelement_c.getOneDIM_GEOnR301(this); if (((v_element != null))) { if (v_element != null) { v_element.Dispose(); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attempted to call an operation on a null instance.", t); } } else { Shape_c v_shape = Shape_c.getOneGD_SHPOnR19(this); if (((v_shape != null))) { this.unrelateAcrossR19From(v_shape); if (v_shape != null) { v_shape.Dispose(); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attempted to call an operation on a null instance.", t); } } FloatingText_c v_ctxt = FloatingText_c.getOneGD_CTXTOnR19(this); if (((v_ctxt != null))) { this.unrelateAcrossR19From(v_ctxt); if (v_ctxt != null) { v_ctxt.Dispose(); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attempted to call an operation on a null instance.", t); } } if (delete()) { Ooaofgraphics.getDefaultInstance() .fireModelElementDeleted( new BaseModelDelta(Modeleventnotification_c.DELTA_DELETE, this)); } } } // End dispose
public boolean performFinish() { TransactionUtil.TransactionGroup transactionGroup = null; ModelRoot modelRoot = v_syncMessage.getModelRoot(); try { transactionGroup = TransactionUtil.startTransactionsOnSelectedModelRoots( "Interface Operation Formalize"); //$NON-NLS-1$ Message_c v_message = Message_c.getOneMSG_MOnR1018(v_syncMessage); InteractionParticipant_c v_participant = InteractionParticipant_c.getOneSQ_POnR1007(v_message); ComponentParticipant_c v_cop = ComponentParticipant_c.getOneSQ_COPOnR930(v_participant); if (((v_cop == null))) { v_cop = ComponentParticipant_c.getOneSQ_COPOnR930( InteractionParticipant_c.getOneSQ_POnR940( Lifespan_c.getOneSQ_LSOnR930(v_participant))); } Component_c v_component = (Component_c) modelRoot.getInstanceList(Component_c.class).getGlobal(null, Gd_c.Null_unique_id()); if (((v_cop != null))) { v_component = Component_c.getOneC_COnR955(v_cop); } if (((v_component != null))) { if (((v_Operation != null))) { if (v_syncMessage != null) { v_syncMessage.Formalizewithinterfaceoperation(v_Operation.getId()); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attempted to call an operation on a null instance.", t); } } } // catch all exceptions and cancel the transaction } catch (Exception e) { if (transactionGroup != null) TransactionUtil.cancelTransactions(transactionGroup, e); CorePlugin.logError("Transaction: Interface Operation Formalize failed", e); // $NON-NLS-1$ // return true so that the wizard will // close return true; } if (transactionGroup != null) TransactionUtil.endTransactions(transactionGroup); if (m_viewer != null) { if (m_viewer instanceof StructuredViewer) { ((StructuredViewer) m_viewer).refresh(v_syncMessage); } else { m_viewer.refresh(); } } return true; }
public boolean performFinish() { TransactionUtil.TransactionGroup transactionGroup = null; ModelRoot modelRoot = v_asyncMessage.getModelRoot(); try { transactionGroup = TransactionUtil.startTransactionsOnSelectedModelRoots( "Instance Event Formalize"); //$NON-NLS-1$ Message_c v_message = Message_c.getOneMSG_MOnR1018(v_asyncMessage); InteractionParticipant_c v_participant = InteractionParticipant_c.getOneSQ_POnR1007(v_message); Lifespan_c v_ls = Lifespan_c.getOneSQ_LSOnR930(v_participant); ClassInstanceParticipant_c v_cip = ClassInstanceParticipant_c.getOneSQ_CIPOnR930( InteractionParticipant_c.getOneSQ_POnR940(v_ls)); ModelClass_c v_cipclass = (ModelClass_c) modelRoot.getInstanceList(ModelClass_c.class).getGlobal(null, Gd_c.Null_unique_id()); if (((v_cip != null))) { v_cipclass = ModelClass_c.getOneO_OBJOnR934(v_cip); } else { v_cip = ClassInstanceParticipant_c.getOneSQ_CIPOnR930( InteractionParticipant_c.getOneSQ_POnR1007(v_message)); if (((v_cip != null))) { Communication_c v_communication = Communication_c.getOneCOMM_COMMOnR1126( ParticipantInCommunication_c.getOneCOMM_PICOnR1126( InteractionParticipant_c.getOneSQ_POnR930(v_cip))); if (((v_communication != null))) { v_cipclass = ModelClass_c.getOneO_OBJOnR934(v_cip); } } } if (((v_cipclass != null))) { StateMachineEvent_c v_evt = StateMachineEvent_c.getOneSM_EVTOnR1009( EventMessage_c.getOneMSG_EOnR1019(v_asyncMessage)); java.util.UUID v_existingId = Gd_c.Null_unique_id(); if (((v_evt != null))) { v_existingId = v_evt.getSmevt_id(); } StateMachine_c v_stateMachine = StateMachine_c.getOneSM_SMOnR517(InstanceStateMachine_c.getOneSM_ISMOnR518(v_cipclass)); StateMachine_c[] v_machines = StateMachine_c.getManySM_SMsOnR517( InstanceStateMachine_c.getManySM_ISMsOnR518( ModelClass_c.getManyO_OBJsOnR8001( PackageableElement_c.getManyPE_PEsOnR8000( Package_c.getManyEP_PKGsOnR1405( SystemModel_c.getManyS_SYSsOnR1405( Package_c.getManyEP_PKGsOnR8000( PackageableElement_c.getManyPE_PEsOnR8001( v_cipclass)))))))); if (((v_machines.length == 0))) { v_machines = StateMachine_c.getManySM_SMsOnR517( InstanceStateMachine_c.getManySM_ISMsOnR518( ModelClass_c.getManyO_OBJsOnR2( Subsystem_c.getManyS_SSsOnR1( Domain_c.getManyS_DOMsOnR1( Subsystem_c.getManyS_SSsOnR2(v_cipclass)))))); } if (((v_Message != null))) { if (v_asyncMessage != null) { v_asyncMessage.Formalizewithevent(v_Message.getSmevt_id()); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attempted to call an operation on a null instance.", t); } } } // catch all exceptions and cancel the transaction } catch (Exception e) { if (transactionGroup != null) TransactionUtil.cancelTransactions(transactionGroup, e); CorePlugin.logError("Transaction: Instance Event Formalize failed", e); // $NON-NLS-1$ // return true so that the wizard will // close return true; } if (transactionGroup != null) TransactionUtil.endTransactions(transactionGroup); if (m_viewer != null) { if (m_viewer instanceof StructuredViewer) { ((StructuredViewer) m_viewer).refresh(v_asyncMessage); } else { m_viewer.refresh(); } } return true; }
public void Createparticipant( final String p_Classname, final Object p_Elementid, final String p_Modelrootid, final String p_Searchablevalue) { Ooaofooa.log.println( ILogger.OPERATION, "Description Query", " Operation entered: DescriptionQuery::Createparticipant"); final ModelRoot modelRoot = getModelRoot(); SearchParticipant_c v_participant = new SearchParticipant_c(modelRoot); Ooaofooa.getDefaultInstance() .fireModelElementCreated( new BaseModelDelta(Modeleventnotification_c.DELTA_NEW, v_participant)); SearchableElement_c v_searchable = new SearchableElement_c(modelRoot); Ooaofooa.getDefaultInstance() .fireModelElementCreated( new BaseModelDelta(Modeleventnotification_c.DELTA_NEW, v_searchable)); DescriptionSearchable_c v_descriptionParticipant = new DescriptionSearchable_c(modelRoot); Ooaofooa.getDefaultInstance() .fireModelElementCreated( new BaseModelDelta(Modeleventnotification_c.DELTA_NEW, v_descriptionParticipant)); if (v_searchable != null) { v_searchable.relateAcrossR9700To(v_participant); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Relate attempted on null left hand instance.", t); } if (v_searchable != null) { v_searchable.setModelrootid(p_Modelrootid); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attribute write attempted on null instance.", t); } if (v_searchable != null) { v_searchable.setElementid(p_Elementid); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attribute write attempted on null instance.", t); } if (v_searchable != null) { v_searchable.setClassname(p_Classname); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attribute write attempted on null instance.", t); } if (v_descriptionParticipant != null) { v_descriptionParticipant.setSearchablevalue(p_Searchablevalue); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attribute write attempted on null instance.", t); } if (v_descriptionParticipant != null) { v_descriptionParticipant.relateAcrossR9702To(v_searchable); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Relate attempted on null left hand instance.", t); } SearchEngine_c v_engine = SearchEngine_c.getOneSEN_EOnR9500(Query_c.getOneSQU_QOnR9600(this)); if (v_engine != null) { v_engine.relateAcrossR9502To(v_participant); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Relate attempted on null left hand instance.", t); } } // End createParticipant
private void CNST_CSP_NewConstant(IStructuredSelection selection) { // Assign the context selection variables with the action context // Assign the context selection variable with the action context Object context = selection.iterator().next(); ConstantSpecification_c v_csp = (ConstantSpecification_c) context; PersistableModelComponent.ensureCoreDataTypesAvailable(v_csp.getModelRoot()); TransactionUtil.TransactionGroup transactionGroup = TransactionUtil.startTransactionsOnSelectedModelRoots("New Constant"); boolean abortTransaction = false; try { // Ensure that actions take place between Verifier Activity executions Ooaofooa.beginSaveOperation(); if (v_csp != null) { v_csp.Newliteralsymbolicconstant(); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attempted to call an operation on a null instance.", t); } NonRootModelElement[] children = LiteralSymbolicConstant_c.getManyCNST_LSCsOnR1503( LeafSymbolicConstant_c.getManyCNST_LFSCsOnR1502( SymbolicConstant_c.getManyCNST_SYCsOnR1504(v_csp))); NonRootModelElement newElement = children[children.length - 1]; IPreferenceStore store = CorePlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore(); boolean option = store.getBoolean(BridgePointPreferencesStore.USE_DEFAULT_NAME_FOR_CREATION); if (!option) { String oldName = RenameActionUtil.getElementName(newElement); boolean performRename = UIUtil.inputDialog( null, "Element Creation", "Enter the name:", oldName, UIUtil.newRenameValidator(newElement)); if (performRename) { String proposedName = UIUtil.inputDialogResult; RenameActionUtil.setElementName(newElement, proposedName); newElement.setComponent(null); } else { abortTransaction = true; } } // end critical section Ooaofooa.endSaveOperation(); // catch all exceptions and cancel the transactions } catch (Exception e) { Ooaofooa.endSaveOperation(); TransactionUtil.cancelTransactions(transactionGroup, e); CorePlugin.logError("Transaction: New Constant failed", e); // $NON-NLS-1$ } if ((!CorePlugin.getDefault() .getPreferenceStore() .getBoolean(BridgePointPreferencesStore.USE_DEFAULT_NAME_FOR_CREATION)) && abortTransaction) { TransactionUtil.cancelTransactions(transactionGroup); } else { TransactionUtil.endTransactions(transactionGroup); } }