public boolean identityEquals(Object elem) { if (!(elem instanceof ElementInMove_c)) { return false; } ElementInMove_c me = (ElementInMove_c) elem; // don't allow an empty id-value to produce a false positive result; // in this case, use whether the two instances are actually the same // one in memory, instead if (!getModelRoot().isCompareRoot() && ((IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(getElementid()) || IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(((ElementInMove_c) elem).getElementid())) && this != elem)) { return false; } if (!getElementid().equals(((ElementInMove_c) elem).getElementid())) return false; // don't allow an empty id-value to produce a false positive result; // in this case, use whether the two instances are actually the same // one in memory, instead if (!getModelRoot().isCompareRoot() && ((IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(getDiagramid()) || IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(((ElementInMove_c) elem).getDiagramid())) && this != elem)) { return false; } if (!getDiagramid().equals(((ElementInMove_c) elem).getDiagramid())) return false; return true; }
public boolean identityEquals(Object elem) { if (!(elem instanceof DataTypeInPackage_c)) { return false; } DataTypeInPackage_c me = (DataTypeInPackage_c) elem; // don't allow an empty id-value to produce a false positive result; // in this case, use whether the two instances are actually the same // one in memory, instead if ((IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(getPackage_id()) || IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(((DataTypeInPackage_c) elem).getPackage_id())) && this != elem) { return false; } if (!getPackage_id().equals(((DataTypeInPackage_c) elem).getPackage_id())) return false; // don't allow an empty id-value to produce a false positive result; // in this case, use whether the two instances are actually the same // one in memory, instead if ((IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(getDt_id()) || IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(((DataTypeInPackage_c) elem).getDt_id())) && this != elem) { return false; } if (!getDt_id().equals(((DataTypeInPackage_c) elem).getDt_id())) return false; return true; }
public void unrelateAcrossR301From(Graphelement_c target, boolean notifyChanges) { if (target == null) return; if (IsSupertypeGraphelement == null) return; // already unrelated if (target != IsSupertypeGraphelement) { Exception e = new Exception(); e.fillInStackTrace(); CanvasPlugin.logError("Tried to unrelate from non-related instance across R301", e); return; } if (target != null) { target.clearBackPointerR301To(this); } if (IsSupertypeGraphelement != null) { m_elementid = IsSupertypeGraphelement.getElementid(); if (IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(m_elementid)) { m_elementid = IsSupertypeGraphelement.getElementidCachedValue(); } IsSupertypeGraphelement = null; target.removeRef(); if (notifyChanges) { RelationshipChangeModelDelta change = new RelationshipChangeModelDelta( Modeleventnotification_c.DELTA_ELEMENT_UNRELATED, this, target, "301", ""); Ooaofgraphics.getDefaultInstance().fireModelElementRelationChanged(change); } } }
public void unrelateAcrossR39From(DataType_c target, boolean notifyChanges) { if (target == null) return; if (ContainsDataType == null) return; // already unrelated if (target != ContainsDataType) { Exception e = new Exception(); e.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Tried to unrelate from non-related instance across R39", e); return; } if (target != null) { target.clearBackPointerR39To(this); } if (ContainsDataType != null) { m_dt_id = ContainsDataType.getDt_id(); if (IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(m_dt_id)) { m_dt_id = ContainsDataType.getDt_idCachedValue(); } ContainsDataType = null; target.removeRef(); if (notifyChanges) { RelationshipChangeModelDelta change = new RelationshipChangeModelDelta( Modeleventnotification_c.DELTA_ELEMENT_UNRELATED, this, target, "39", ""); Ooaofooa.getDefaultInstance().fireModelElementRelationChanged(change); } } }
public void unrelateAcrossR518From(ModelClass_c target, boolean notifyChanges) { if (target == null) return; if (ModelClass == null) return; // already unrelated if (target != ModelClass) { Exception e = new Exception(); e.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Tried to unrelate from non-related instance across R518", e); return; } if (target != null) { target.clearBackPointerR518To(this); } if (ModelClass != null) { m_obj_id = ModelClass.getObj_id(); if (IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(m_obj_id)) { m_obj_id = ModelClass.getObj_idCachedValue(); } ModelClass = null; target.removeRef(); UmlProblem.removeXtUMLProblem(this, target); if (notifyChanges) { RelationshipChangeModelDelta change = new RelationshipChangeModelDelta( Modeleventnotification_c.DELTA_ELEMENT_UNRELATED, this, target, "518", ""); Ooaofooa.getDefaultInstance().fireModelElementRelationChanged(change); } } }
public String getCompUniqueID() { UUID tempID = null; long longID = 0L; StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); tempID = getPackage_id(); if (IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(tempID)) tempID = getPackage_idCachedValue(); result.append(Long.toHexString(tempID.getMostSignificantBits())); result.append(Long.toHexString(tempID.getLeastSignificantBits())); tempID = getDt_id(); if (IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(tempID)) tempID = getDt_idCachedValue(); result.append(Long.toHexString(tempID.getMostSignificantBits())); result.append(Long.toHexString(tempID.getLeastSignificantBits())); return result.toString(); }
public boolean identityEquals(Object elem) { if (!(elem instanceof ComponentResultSet_c)) { return false; } ComponentResultSet_c me = (ComponentResultSet_c) elem; if (!getName().equals(((ComponentResultSet_c) elem).getName())) return false; if (getType() != ((ComponentResultSet_c) elem).getType()) return false; // don't allow an empty id-value to produce a false positive result; // in this case, use whether the two instances are actually the same // one in memory, instead if (!getModelRoot().isCompareRoot() && ((IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(getId()) || IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(((ComponentResultSet_c) elem).getId())) && this != elem)) { return false; } if (!getId().equals(((ComponentResultSet_c) elem).getId())) return false; return true; }
public void relateAcrossR518To(ModelClass_c target, boolean notifyChanges) { if (target == null) return; if (target == ModelClass) return; // already related if (ModelClass != target) { Object oldKey = getInstanceKey(); if (ModelClass != null) { UmlProblem.removeXtUMLProblem(this, ModelClass); ModelClass.clearBackPointerR518To(this); if (Boolean.valueOf(System.getenv("PTC_MCC_ENABLED")) == true) { // $NON-NLS-1$ Ooaofooa.log.println( ILogger.CONSISTENCY, "InstanceStateMachine_c.relateAcrossR518To(ModelClass_c target)", "Relate performed across R518 from Instance State Machine to Model Class without unrelate of prior instance."); } } ModelClass = target; if (IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(target.getObj_id())) { // do not update cached value } else { // update cached value m_obj_id = target.getObj_idCachedValue(); } updateInstanceKey(oldKey, getInstanceKey()); target.setBackPointerR518To(this); target.addRef(); UmlProblem.handleDanglingReference(this, target); if (notifyChanges) { RelationshipChangeModelDelta change = new RelationshipChangeModelDelta( Modeleventnotification_c.DELTA_ELEMENT_RELATED, this, target, "518", ""); Ooaofooa.getDefaultInstance().fireModelElementRelationChanged(change); } } }
public void relateAcrossR301To(Graphelement_c target, boolean notifyChanges) { if (target == null) return; if (target == IsSupertypeGraphelement) return; // already related if (IsSupertypeGraphelement != target) { Object oldKey = getInstanceKey(); if (IsSupertypeGraphelement != null) { IsSupertypeGraphelement.clearBackPointerR301To(this); if (Boolean.valueOf(System.getenv("PTC_MCC_ENABLED")) == true) { // $NON-NLS-1$ Ooaofgraphics.log.println( ILogger.CONSISTENCY, "Graphnode_c.relateAcrossR301To(Graphelement_c target)", "Relate performed across R301 from GraphNode to GraphElement without unrelate of prior instance."); } } IsSupertypeGraphelement = target; if (IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(target.getElementid())) { // do not update cached value } else { // update cached value m_elementid = target.getElementidCachedValue(); } updateInstanceKey(oldKey, getInstanceKey()); target.setBackPointerR301To(this); target.addRef(); if (notifyChanges) { RelationshipChangeModelDelta change = new RelationshipChangeModelDelta( Modeleventnotification_c.DELTA_ELEMENT_RELATED, this, target, "301", ""); Ooaofgraphics.getDefaultInstance().fireModelElementRelationChanged(change); } } }
public void relateAcrossR39To(DataType_c target, boolean notifyChanges) { if (target == null) return; if (target == ContainsDataType) return; // already related if (ContainsDataType != target) { Object oldKey = getInstanceKey(); if (ContainsDataType != null) { ContainsDataType.clearBackPointerR39To(this); if (Boolean.valueOf(System.getenv("PTC_MCC_ENABLED")) == true) { // $NON-NLS-1$ Ooaofooa.log.println( ILogger.CONSISTENCY, "DataTypeInPackage_c.relateAcrossR39To(DataType_c target)", "Relate performed across R39 from Data Type in Package to Data Type without unrelate of prior instance."); } } ContainsDataType = target; if (IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(target.getDt_id())) { // do not update cached value } else { // update cached value m_dt_id = target.getDt_idCachedValue(); } updateInstanceKey(oldKey, getInstanceKey()); target.setBackPointerR39To(this); target.addRef(); if (notifyChanges) { RelationshipChangeModelDelta change = new RelationshipChangeModelDelta( Modeleventnotification_c.DELTA_ELEMENT_RELATED, this, target, "39", ""); Ooaofooa.getDefaultInstance().fireModelElementRelationChanged(change); } } }
public void relateAcrossR4202To(Component_c target, boolean notifyChanges) { if (target == null) return; if (target == CanBeNestedInComponent) return; // already related if (CanBeNestedInComponent != target) { Object oldKey = getInstanceKey(); if (CanBeNestedInComponent != null) { CanBeNestedInComponent.clearBackPointerR4202To(this); if (Boolean.valueOf(System.getenv("PTC_MCC_ENABLED")) == true) { // $NON-NLS-1$ Ooaofooa.log.println( ILogger.CONSISTENCY, "ComponentInComponent_c.relateAcrossR4202To(Component_c target)", "Relate performed across R4202 from Component in Component to Component without unrelate of prior instance."); } } CanBeNestedInComponent = target; if (IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(target.getId())) { // do not update cached value } else { // update cached value m_parent_id = target.getIdCachedValue(); } updateInstanceKey(oldKey, getInstanceKey()); target.setBackPointerR4202To(this); target.addRef(); if (notifyChanges) { RelationshipChangeModelDelta change = new RelationshipChangeModelDelta( Modeleventnotification_c.DELTA_ELEMENT_RELATED, this, target, "4202", ""); Ooaofooa.getDefaultInstance().fireModelElementRelationChanged(change); } } }
public java.util.UUID getArg_idCachedValue() { if (!IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(m_arg_id)) return m_arg_id; else return getArg_id(); }
// declare attribute accessors public long getIdLongBased() { if (m_idLongBased == 0 && !IdAssigner.NULL_UUID.equals(m_id)) { return 0xfffffff & m_id.getLeastSignificantBits(); } return m_idLongBased; }