public Map getTaskConfiguration(String mrcsapp, String workflow, String task) { /*-CONFIG-*/ String m = "getTaskConfiguration - "; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "accessing config factory...", null, null); StateTransitionConfigFactory sts = StateTransitionConfigFactory.getSTConfig(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "mrcsapp: " + mrcsapp, null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "task: " + task, null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "workflow: " + workflow, null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "looking up task detail for above criteria", null, null); MrcsWorkflowTask taskdetail = sts.getMrcsWorkflowTask(mrcsapp, workflow, task); return taskdetail.MethodConfiguration; }
public boolean onCommitChanges() { /*-CONFIG-*/ String m = "onCommitChanges-"; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get State Transition config", null, null); StateTransitionConfigFactory config = StateTransitionConfigFactory.getSTConfig(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get MRCS config task definition", null, null); MrcsWorkflowTask t = config.getMrcsWorkflowTask(m_mrcsapp, m_processname, m_taskname); boolean canCommit = false; try { AutoSelectSinglePath(); // perform basic CFR part 11 checks: must have valid user/pass/reason, user is user that is // logged in, password is valid, reason is not empty/null /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "check form and user/pass/reason validations", null, null); String validation = performValidation(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "result: " + (validation == null ? "valid" : validation), null, null); if (validation != null) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "User/Pass/Reason error detected: " + validation, null, null); setErrorMessage(validation); return false; } /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get refs to signing controls", null, null); Text usernameCtrl = (Text) getControl(QADocForwardWFT.USERNAME_CONTROL_NAME, Text.class); Password passwordCtrl = (Password) getControl(QADocForwardWFT.PASSWORD_CONTROL_NAME, Password.class); DropDownList rsnListCtrl = (DropDownList) getControl(QADocForwardWFT.REASONSELECT_CONTROL_NAME, DropDownList.class); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get refs to signing controls", null, null); String username = usernameCtrl.getValue(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " -- user: "******" -- pass: "******"null" : "#########"), null, null); String reason = rsnListCtrl.getValue(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " -- reason: " + reason, null, null); // HACK the class hierarchy: set Password on superclass, otherwise it won't successfully // complete when calling super.onCommitChanges() Password passwdCtrl = (Password) getControl("__PASSWORD_CONTROL_NAME"); passwdCtrl.setValue(password); try { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "check for signature validations", null, null); if (t.MethodConfiguration != null && t.MethodConfiguration.containsKey("SignatureValidations")) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "signature validations detected", null, null); List signvalidations = (List) t.MethodConfiguration.get("SignatureValidations"); Map context = new HashMap(); List errmsgs = new ArrayList(); boolean vflag = false; for (int i = 0; i < signvalidations.size(); i++) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "running signing validation plugin #" + i, null, null); MrcsPlugin plugin = (MrcsPlugin) signvalidations.get(i); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "-- instantiating - " + plugin.PluginClassName, null, null); // we'll reuse IMrcsWorkflowValidation as the plugin interface, even though it lacks the // task name, which I guess we could hardcode in the MRCS config for the task if need // be... ISignatureValidation vplug = (ISignatureValidation) Class.forName(plugin.PluginClassName).newInstance(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "-- exec", null, null); if (!vplug.validate( getDfSession().getSessionManager(), getDfSession().getDocbaseName(), m_mrcsapp, m_processname, m_task, m_primarypackage, username, password, reason, errmsgs, plugin.PluginConfiguration, context)) { // break immediately? Or run through all of them? vflag = false; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "-- VALIDATION FAILURE", null, null); break; } } if (vflag) // validation failed if true... { for (int ii = 0; ii < errmsgs.size(); ii++) setErrorMessage((String) errmsgs.get(ii)); return false; } } } catch (Exception e) { /*-ERROR-*/ DfLogger.error(this, m + "Error in Signature Validations", null, e); throw new WrapperRuntimeException(e); } // now, I'm pretty sure that super.canCommitChanges() is a dangerous point-of-no-return call // that actually has side effects, despite its stateless-implying name, // so we should make sure as we can that the signing info has been verified at this point, by // checking audit records, rendition presence, number of signatures, etc if (super.canCommitChanges()) { // I'm pretty sure this super.onCommitChanges call is point-of-no-return: the task will be // completed and the workflow will proceed with the next task // if they are automatic. This can create race conditions with stuff that happens after the // task is done, such as workflow plugins, etc. If you get an error // message with "can't find object reference" of something like 4d017f38XXXXX, then the // workflow completed and cleaned itself before the plugins/signing // could complete in time. // THEREFORE, we will sign first (signing multiple documents can take...awhile...), THEN // commit changes if (m_task.isSignOffRequired()) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "onCommitChanges is signing the document - I don't think this should ever happen for FinishWFT", null, null); try { if (t.MethodConfiguration != null && t.MethodConfiguration.containsKey("SignatureService")) { MrcsPlugin signingplugin = (MrcsPlugin) t.MethodConfiguration.get("SignatureService"); ISignatureService signplug = (ISignatureService) Class.forName(signingplugin.PluginClassName).newInstance(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "-- exec signing", null, null); signplug.sign( getDfSession().getSessionManager(), getDfSession().getDocbaseName(), m_mrcsapp, m_processname, m_task, m_primarypackage, username, password, reason, signingplugin.PluginConfiguration, null); } } catch (Exception e) { /*-ERROR-*/ DfLogger.error(this, m + "Error in Signature Service", null, e); throw new WrapperRuntimeException(e); } } canCommit = super.onCommitChanges(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "canCommit (after validation and performing super call) : " + canCommit, null, null); } else { canCommit = false; } if (canCommit) { // uses Actions as a pluginlayer... // IN GENERAL these are a bad idea, due to the race conditions documented in the comments // above... /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, " MRCS:FinishWFT: onCommitChanges : get ref to workflow defn", null, null); IDfId workflowid = m_task.getWorkflowId(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, " MRCS:FinishWFT: onCommitChanges : look up workflow object (IDfWorkflow)", null, null); IDfWorkflow workflow = (IDfWorkflow) getDfSession().getObject(workflowid); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, " MRCS:FinishWFT: onCommitChanges : look up process object (IDfProcess)", null, null); IDfProcess wfdef = (IDfProcess) getDfSession().getObject(workflow.getProcessId()); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, " MRCS:FinishWFT: onCommitChanges : workflow name: " + wfdef.getObjectName(), null, null); MrcsWorkflowTask mrcstask = config.getMrcsWorkflowTask(m_mrcsapp, wfdef.getObjectName(), m_task.getTaskName()); if (mrcstask.Actions != null) { Map context = new HashMap(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, " MRCS:FinishWFT: onCommitChanges : executing client-side plugins", null, null); for (int k = 0; k < mrcstask.Actions.size(); k++) { try { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, " MRCS:FinishWFT: onCommitChanges : executing plugin " + (k + 1), null, null); MrcsPlugin plugin = (MrcsPlugin) mrcstask.Actions.get(k); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, " MRCS:FinishWFT: onCommitChanges : -- class: " + plugin.PluginClassName, null, null); IMrcsWorkflowActionPlugin wfaction = (IMrcsWorkflowActionPlugin) Class.forName(plugin.PluginClassName).newInstance(); wfaction.execute( getDfSession().getSessionManager(), getDfSession().getDocbaseName(), m_task, workflow, m_mrcsapp, plugin.PluginConfiguration, context); } catch (Exception e) { /*-ERROR-*/ DfLogger.error( this, m + "error in MRCS 4.2 client-side workflow actions", null, e); setErrorMessage("MSG_UNEXPECTED_ERROR", new Object[] {e.getMessage()}, e); throw new WrapperRuntimeException("error in MRCS workflow actions", e); } } } if (canCommit) setMessage("MSG_FINISH_SUCCESS", new Object[] {super.getString("MSG_OBJECT")}); } // commit & esign ends } catch (DfException e1) { /*-ERROR-*/ DfLogger.error( this, "MRCS:FinishWFT.onCommitChanges - DfException occurred: ", null, e1); canCommit = false; try { if (m_task.getCompleteErrStatus() == 4) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "Exception occurred:Incorrect Password " + e1, null, null); setErrorMessage("MSG_INCORRECT_PASSWORD"); return false; } /* * else if(){ [DM_SYSOBJECT_E_ESIGN_SIGNATURE_METHOD_FAILED } */ else { /*-ERROR-*/ DfLogger.error( this, "MRCS:FinishWFT.onCommitChanges - Exception occurred:Unexpected Error ", null, e1); setErrorMessage("MSG_UNEXPECTED_ERROR", new Object[] {e1.getMessage()}, e1); return false; } } catch (DfException e2) { /*-ERROR-*/ DfLogger.error(this, m + "error in exception handling code", null, e2); throw new WrapperRuntimeException(e2); } } return canCommit; }
String performValidation() throws DfException { /*-CONFIG-*/ String m = "performValidation-"; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "Check if task requires signoff", null, null); if (m_task.isSignOffRequired()) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "flipping on validation", null, null); setDoValidation(true); // need to check forwarding paths' checkboxes for: at least one checked /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "checking forwarding checkbox datagrid for at-least-one-checked", null, null); Datagrid forwardgrid = (Datagrid) getControl(ForwardWorkflowTask.NEXT_TASKS_GRID_CONTROL_NAME); Iterator i = forwardgrid.getContainedControls(); // this seems to be infinitely looped, <sarcasm>Nice Iterator guys</sarcasm> <shrug>then // again, I've seen it not infinitely looped...</shrug> HashSet resultset = new HashSet(); // for tracking what we've seen and haven't seen yet so we can tell when // the infinitely looping iterator has looped back around /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "iterating through controls, adding them to our set of checkboxes if they are of type checkbox", null, null); while (i.hasNext()) { Control current = (Control); if (current instanceof DatagridRow) { DatagridRow row = (DatagridRow) current; Iterator cboxes = row.getContainedControls(); String cboxname = ""; while (cboxes.hasNext()) { Control subcurrent = (Control); if (subcurrent instanceof Checkbox) { cboxname = subcurrent.getName(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "found cbox named " + cboxname, null, null); break; // break from datagridrow's infinite iterator } } // check if we've seen this checkbox before... if (resultset.contains(cboxname)) break; // break from datagrid's infinite iterator else { // we haven't, so add this to the list/set of checkboxes and keep looking for new // checkboxes resultset.add(cboxname); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "adding cbox named to cbox search results" + cboxname, null, null); } } } // okay, now we should have a list of checkbox control names we can validate...that was // entirely too complicated // CEM: this seems to be the only place that reliably can access the forward paths grid. Do // auto-select for single path option sets. int checkedcount = 0; int boxcount = 0; Checkbox firstcbox = null; boolean forwardPathValidation = false; Iterator foundcboxesiterator = resultset.iterator(); while (foundcboxesiterator.hasNext()) { String name = (String); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "examining checkbox: " + name, null, null); Checkbox cbox = (Checkbox) getControl(name); if (0 == boxcount) firstcbox = cbox; boxcount++; if (cbox.getValue()) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "checkbox is checked: " + name, null, null); forwardPathValidation = true; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "iterating checkedcount", null, null); checkedcount++; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "checkedcount is " + checkedcount, null, null); } } /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "check for autoselect of single forward path", null, null); if (1 == boxcount) { // TODO: does this interfere with reject? --> I would guess that reject triggers a RejectWFT // object, not this one.... /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "autochecking the single forward path", null, null); if (!firstcbox.getValue()) { firstcbox.setValue(true); checkedcount++; } forwardPathValidation = true; } if (forwardPathValidation == false) { return "MSG_FORWARD_PATH_NOT_SELECTED"; } /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get State Transition config", null, null); StateTransitionConfigFactory config = StateTransitionConfigFactory.getSTConfig(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get MRCS config task definition", null, null); MrcsWorkflowTask t = config.getMrcsWorkflowTask(m_mrcsapp, m_processname, m_taskname); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "validating checked forward path count, # selected: " + checkedcount, null, null); // MJH 8-29-2006: updated workflow object to be IDfWorkflow from IDfSysobject, threw CCE in // 5.3 IDfProcess workflow = (IDfProcess) getDfSession().getObject(m_task.getProcessId()); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "workflow system name: " + workflow.getObjectName(), null, null); if (!config.doesWorkflowTaskAllowMultiplePaths( m_mrcsapp, workflow.getObjectName(), m_task.getTaskName())) { if (checkedcount > 1) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "more than one path selected when only one is allowed", null, null); return "MSG_MULTIPLE_PATHS_SELECTED_WHEN_ONLY_ONE_ALLOWED"; } } /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get refs to signing controls", null, null); Text usernameCtrl = (Text) getControl(QADocFinishWFT.USERNAME_CONTROL_NAME, Text.class); Password passwordCtrl = (Password) getControl(QADocFinishWFT.PASSWORD_CONTROL_NAME, Password.class); DropDownList rsnListCtrl = (DropDownList) getControl(QADocFinishWFT.REASONSELECT_CONTROL_NAME, DropDownList.class); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get refs to signing controls", null, null); String username = usernameCtrl.getValue(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " -- user: "******" -- pass: "******"null" : "#########"), null, null); String reason = rsnListCtrl.getValue(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " -- reason: " + reason, null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "calling super.validate()", null, null); validate(); if (!getIsValid()) { return "MSG_FORM_VALIDATION"; } // if ((usrName != null) && (pswd != null) && (rsn)) { if ((username != null) && (username.trim().length() > 0) && (password != null) && (reason != null)) { // CEM: weird bug - if password is correct, but username is wrong, then the task completes // but fails when we sign -- after webtop has completed the task. // - so make sure the user matches the session user! String loggedinusername = getDfSession() .getSessionManager() .getIdentity(getDfSession().getDocbaseName()) .getUser(); if (!loggedinusername.equals(username)) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "entered username does not match current user", null, null); return "MSG_USERNAME_MISMATCH"; } else { // apparently we need to ensure the password is correct... IDfLoginInfo logininfo = new DfLoginInfo(); logininfo.setUser(username); logininfo.setPassword(password); try { getDfSession().authenticate(logininfo); } catch (DfAuthenticationException authex) { // return code via exception...great design, guys return "MSG_BAD_PASSWORD"; } } } else { return "MSG_MISSING_USER_PASS_REASON"; } } return null; }
// implement the default configurable method - execute listed actions in workflow task public void execute(Map parameters, OutputStream outputstream) throws Exception { /*-CONFIG-*/ String m = "MrcsConfigurableMethod.execute - "; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "getting docbase from JSM parameters", null, null); String[] paramvals = (String[]) parameters.get("docbase_name"); String docbase = paramvals[0]; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " ~~docbase: " + docbase, null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "getting packageId from JSM parameters", null, null); paramvals = (String[]) parameters.get( "packageId"); // OOTB docbasic promote method thinks this is workitemid... String packageid = paramvals[0]; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " ~~packageId: " + packageid, null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "getting 'mode' from JSM parameters", null, null); paramvals = (String[]) parameters.get("mode"); String mode = paramvals[0]; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " ~~MODE: " + mode, null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "getting mrcs system session", null, null); IDfSessionManager sessionmgr = getMrcsSystemUserSessionFromFirstAttachment(parameters); IDfSession session = sessionmgr.getSession(docbase); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "session DMCL id: " + session.getDMCLSessionId(), null, null); // get workitem /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "retreive workitem (the 'packageid')", null, null); IDfWorkitem workitem = (IDfWorkitem) session.getObject(new DfId(packageid)); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "...retrieved workitem " + packageid + "? " + (workitem != null), null, null); // acquire if not mode 0. ?what? - it's what the docbasic thingy does if ("0".equals(mode)) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "mode is 0, acquiring workitem...", null, null); workitem.acquire(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "...acquired", null, null); } try { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get attachment", null, null); IDfSysObject attachment = getFirstAttachment(sessionmgr, parameters); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "mrcsapplication of attachment", null, null); String mrcsapp = attachment.getString("mrcs_application"); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " -- is: " + mrcsapp, null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get workflow object " + workitem.getWorkflowId(), null, null); IDfWorkflow workflow = (IDfWorkflow) session.getObject(workitem.getWorkflowId()); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get process object " + workflow.getProcessId(), null, null); IDfProcess process = (IDfProcess) session.getObject(workflow.getProcessId()); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "workflow process name and task name", null, null); String workflowname = process.getObjectName(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "-- workflow process name: " + workflowname, null, null); String taskname = workitem.getActivity().getObjectName(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "-- workitem activity name: " + taskname, null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "locate configuration of task in mrcs config", null, null); StateTransitionConfigFactory stconfig = StateTransitionConfigFactory.getSTConfig(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "look up MRCS task definition", null, null); MrcsWorkflowTask mrcstask = stconfig.getMrcsWorkflowTask(mrcsapp, workflowname, taskname); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "getting server plugins list (ServerPlugins key in the MethodConfiguration)", null, null); List actionlist = (List) mrcstask.MethodConfiguration.get("ServerPlugins"); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "EXEC plugins", null, null); if (actionlist != null) { Map context = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < actionlist.size(); i++) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "running plugin #" + i, null, null); MrcsPlugin plugin = (MrcsPlugin) actionlist.get(i); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "-- instantiating - " + plugin.PluginClassName, null, null); IMrcsWorkflowServerPlugin doit = (IMrcsWorkflowServerPlugin) Class.forName(plugin.PluginClassName).newInstance(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "-- doit!", null, null); doit.execute( sessionmgr, docbase, workitem, workflow, process, mrcsapp, plugin.PluginConfiguration, context); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "-- done!", null, null); } } } catch (Exception e) { /*-ERROR-*/ DfLogger.error(this, m + "error in promoting workitem packages...", null, e); sessionmgr.release(session); throw e; } /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "completing workitem...", null, null); workitem.complete(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "releasing session", null, null); sessionmgr.release(session); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "session released", null, null); }