/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.lzcp.service.ServiceAlbum#getAlbumByCategoryId(java.lang.String) */ @Override public List<ModelAlbum> getAlbumByCategoryId(String categoryId, String parentEntryId) throws ServiceException { // if (UtilString.isNotEmpty(categoryId)) // { try { DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(ModelAlbum.class); if (UtilString.isNotEmpty(categoryId)) { criteria.createCriteria("category").add(Restrictions.eq("id", categoryId)); } if (UtilString.isNotEmpty(parentEntryId)) { criteria.createCriteria("parentEntry").add(Restrictions.eq("id", parentEntryId)); } return this.daoAlbum.getListByCriteria(criteria); } catch (DAOException e) { LOGGER.error("It failed to obtain the album with category id: " + categoryId, e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServiceException( "It failed to obtain the album with category id: " + categoryId, e); } // } return null; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.lzcp.service.ServiceAlbum#getAlbumByCategoryContextPath(java.lang.String) */ @Override public List<ModelAlbum> getAlbumByCategoryContextPath( String categoryContextPath, String parentEntryId) throws ServiceException { if (UtilString.isNotEmpty(categoryContextPath)) { try { ModelCategory category = this.daoCategory.getCategoryByContextPath(categoryContextPath); if (category == null) { LOGGER.error( "The cateogry with context path(" + categoryContextPath + ") does not exit!"); return null; } return this.getAlbumByCategoryId(category.getId(), parentEntryId); } catch (DAOException e) { LOGGER.error( "It failed to obtain the album with category context path: " + categoryContextPath, e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServiceException( "It failed to obtain the album with category context path: " + categoryContextPath, e); } } return null; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.lzcp.service.ServiceAlbum#getAlbumPagesByCategoryContextPath(java.lang.String, int, int, java.lang.String, java.lang.Boolean) */ @Override public PaginationSupport<ModelAlbum> getAlbumPagesByCategoryContextPath( String categoryContextPath, int pageSize, int startIndex, String order, Boolean isDesc) throws ServiceException { if (UtilString.isNotEmpty(categoryContextPath)) { try { ModelCategory category = this.daoCategory.getCategoryByContextPath(categoryContextPath); if (category == null) { LOGGER.error( "The cateogry with context path(" + categoryContextPath + ") does not exit!"); return null; } DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(ModelAlbum.class); criteria.createCriteria("category").add(Restrictions.eq("id", category.getId())); return this.daoAlbum.findPageByCriteria(criteria, pageSize, startIndex); } catch (DAOException e) { LOGGER.error( "It failed to obtain the album with category context path: " + categoryContextPath, e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServiceException( "It failed to obtain the album with category context path: " + categoryContextPath, e); } } return null; }
public final class Constants { // file separator public static final String FILE_SEPARATOR = "/"; // File.separator; // resource of upload folder public static final String RES_UPLOAD = "uploads"; // resource of repository folder public static final String RES_REPOSITORY = UtilString.join(new Object[] {RES_UPLOAD, "repository"}, FILE_SEPARATOR); // prefix of file resource public static final String RESOURCE_FILE_PREFIX = System.getProperty("os.name").toUpperCase().indexOf("WINDOWS") > -1 ? "file:/" : "file:"; // resource of WEB-INF public static final String RESOURCE_WEB_INF = "WEB-INF"; // prefix of classpath resource public static final String RESOURCE_CLASSPATH_PREFIX = "classpath:"; // classpath of urlrewrite public static final String RESOURCE_URLREWRITE = "classpath:urlrw/"; // AJAX request parameter public static final String DefaultAjaxParamFlag = "ajax"; // string cut count public static final Integer DefaultEntryShortenTitleLength = 44; // path holding the uploaded files public static final String DefaultFileUploadDir = "uploads"; // page query parameter public static String DefaultPageParamFlag = "page"; // page size for admin-platform viewer public static final Integer DefaultAdminEntryPageSize = 10; // page size for general viewer public static final Integer DefaultClientEntryPageSize = 15; // the parameter name for holding the session user public static final String DefaultUsrParamSessionHolder = "SESSION_USR_DATA"; // default face photo image public static final String DefaultFaceImg = "resources/images/nophoto.jpg"; // home path of web application public static final String WebHomePath = ""; // flag value for the edit-able category public static final Integer DefaultEditableCatVal = 1; // hot category list size public static final Integer DefaultHotCategorySize = 5; // the default parameter of maximum words name public static final String DefaultMaxWordsParam = "maxwords"; // the default value of maximum words length public static final Integer DefaultMaxWordsLength = 500; // the default value of referred parameter public static final String DefaultReferParam = "refer"; // parameter for the message show in page public static final String DefaultMessageParam = "msg"; // the default user password public static final String DefaultPassword = "******"; // the default email sender address public static final String DefaultMailSender = "*****@*****.**"; }