/** * Load the actual DO data if necessary. Called by get/set methods. * * @exception DataObjectException If a data access error occurs. */ private void checkLoad() throws DataObjectException { if (null == data) try { loadData(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataObjectException( "Unable to load data for TreeLeafDO id=" + getOId() + ", error = " + e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Set Pensum of the EmployerCandidateDO * * @param Pensum of the EmployerCandidateDO * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database. */ public void setPensum(int Pensum) throws DataObjectException { try { // business actions/assertions prior to data assignment beforeAnySet(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataObjectException("beforeAnySet: " + e.getMessage()); } DO.setPensum(Pensum); afterAnySet(); // business actions/assertions after data assignment }
/** * Set Employer of the EmployerCandidateDO * * @param Employer of the EmployerCandidateDO * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database. */ public void setEmployer(jobmatch.data.EmployerDO Employer) throws DataObjectException { try { // business actions/assertions prior to data assignment beforeAnySet(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataObjectException("beforeAnySet: " + e.getMessage()); } DO.setEmployer(Employer); afterAnySet(); // business actions/assertions after data assignment }
/** * Set EndDate of the EmployerCandidateDO * * @param EndDate of the EmployerCandidateDO * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database. */ public void setEndDate(java.sql.Date EndDate) throws DataObjectException { try { // business actions/assertions prior to data assignment beforeAnySet(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataObjectException("beforeAnySet: " + e.getMessage()); } DO.setEndDate(EndDate); afterAnySet(); // business actions/assertions after data assignment }
/** * Set Candidate of the EmployerCandidateDO * * @param Candidate of the EmployerCandidateDO * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database. */ public void setCandidate(jobmatch.data.CandidateDO Candidate) throws DataObjectException { try { // business actions/assertions prior to data assignment beforeAnySet(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataObjectException("beforeAnySet: " + e.getMessage()); } DO.setCandidate(Candidate); afterAnySet(); // business actions/assertions after data assignment }
/** * Set Mandatory of the NewDBTable * * @param Mandatory of the NewDBTable * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database. */ public void setMandatory(boolean Mandatory) throws DataObjectException { try { // business actions/assertions prior to data assignment beforeAnySet(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataObjectException("beforeAnySet: " + e.getMessage()); } checkLoad(); data.Mandatory = markNewValue(data.Mandatory, Mandatory); afterAnySet(); // business actions/assertions after data assignment }
/** * Set Profile of the NewDBTable * * @param Profile of the NewDBTable * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database. */ public void setProfile(jobmatch.data.ProfileDO Profile) throws DataObjectException { try { // business actions/assertions prior to data assignment beforeAnySet(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataObjectException("beforeAnySet: " + e.getMessage()); } checkLoad(); data.Profile = (jobmatch.data.ProfileDO) markNewValue(data.Profile, Profile); afterAnySet(); // business actions/assertions after data assignment }
/** * Set LeafNumber of the NewDBTable * * @param LeafNumber of the NewDBTable * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database. */ public void setLeafNumber(int LeafNumber) throws DataObjectException { try { // business actions/assertions prior to data assignment beforeAnySet(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataObjectException("beforeAnySet: " + e.getMessage()); } checkLoad(); data.LeafNumber = markNewValue(data.LeafNumber, LeafNumber); afterAnySet(); // business actions/assertions after data assignment }
/** * Set Sex of the PersonalProfile * * @param Sex of the PersonalProfile * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database. */ public void setSex(String Sex) throws DataObjectException { try { // business actions/assertions prior to data assignment beforeAnySet(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataObjectException("beforeAnySet: " + e.getMessage()); } checkLoad(); data.Sex = markNewValue(data.Sex, Sex, 0, 32, true); afterAnySet(); // business actions/assertions after data assignment }
/** * Set Nationality of the PersonalProfile * * @param Nationality of the PersonalProfile * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database. */ public void setNationality(jobmatch.data.CountryDO Nationality) throws DataObjectException { try { // business actions/assertions prior to data assignment beforeAnySet(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataObjectException("beforeAnySet: " + e.getMessage()); } checkLoad(); data.Nationality = (jobmatch.data.CountryDO) markNewValue(data.Nationality, Nationality); afterAnySet(); // business actions/assertions after data assignment }
/** * Prepares the statement used to insert this object into the database. * * @param conn the database connection. * @return the insert statement. * @exception java.sql.SQLException if an error occurs. */ public PreparedStatement getInsertStatement(DBConnection conn) throws SQLException { /* * It would probably be better to have CoreDO implement * void addToCache(CoreDO DO) {} * and have each DO that has caching enabled override it as * void addToCache(CoreDO DO) { cache.put( DO.getOId(), DO ); } * and change CoreDO to invoke addToCache() * when it invokes getInsertStatement(). */ ObjectId oid; PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement( "insert into PersonalProfile ( LeafNumber, Profile, Mandatory, MinAge, MaxAge, Nationality, Sex, " + getOIdColumnName() + ", " + getVersionColumnName() + " ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )"); param = new int[1]; param[0] = 1; // writeMemberStuff uses the JDBCsetCalls.template // to build up the value for this tag: // the value is a series of calls to setPrepStmtParam_TYPE methods. // Those methods are defined in GenericDO. try { setPrepStmtParam_int(stmt, param, getLeafNumber()); setPrepStmtParam_DO(stmt, param, getProfile()); setPrepStmtParam_boolean(stmt, param, getMandatory()); setPrepStmtParam_int(stmt, param, getMinAge()); setPrepStmtParam_int(stmt, param, getMaxAge()); setPrepStmtParam_DO(stmt, param, getNationality()); setPrepStmtParam_String(stmt, param, getSex()); /* The order of the values being inserted must match * the order of the columns listed in the CREATE TABLE command * that appears in the .sql file for this DO. * Since the id and version number are always the last columns * listed in the CREATE TABLE command, their values are added * to the PreparedStatement after all other values. */ setPrepStmtParam_BigDecimal(stmt, param, getOId().toBigDecimal()); setPrepStmtParam_int(stmt, param, getNewVersion()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException("Data Object error: " + e.getMessage()); } return stmt; }
/** * Set Employer of the EmployerCandidateDO * * @param BDO-wrapped Employer of the EmployerCandidateDO * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database. */ public void setEmployer(jobmatch.data.EmployerBDO Employer) throws DataObjectException { try { // business actions/assertions prior to data assignment beforeAnySet(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataObjectException("beforeAnySet: " + e.getMessage()); } if (null == Employer) { if (false) DO.setEmployer(null); else throw new DataObjectException("EmployerCandidateBDO.setEmployer does not allow NULL."); } else { DO.setEmployer(Employer.getDO()); } afterAnySet(); // business actions/assertions after data assignment }
/** * Prepares the statement used to update this object in the database. * * @param conn the database connection * @return the update statement. * @exception java.sql.SQLException if an error occurs. */ public PreparedStatement getUpdateStatement(DBConnection conn) throws SQLException { ObjectId oid; PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement( "update PersonalProfile set " + getVersionColumnName() + " = ?, LeafNumber = ?, Profile = ?, Mandatory = ?, MinAge = ?, MaxAge = ?, Nationality = ?, Sex = ? " + "where " + getOIdColumnName() + " = ? and " + getVersionColumnName() + " = ?"); param = new int[1]; param[0] = 1; // int[] param = {1}; // writeMemberStuff builds up the value for this tag: // the value is a series of calls to setPrepStmtParam_TYPE methods. // Those methods are defined below. try { setPrepStmtParam_int(stmt, param, getNewVersion()); setPrepStmtParam_int(stmt, param, getLeafNumber()); setPrepStmtParam_DO(stmt, param, getProfile()); setPrepStmtParam_boolean(stmt, param, getMandatory()); setPrepStmtParam_int(stmt, param, getMinAge()); setPrepStmtParam_int(stmt, param, getMaxAge()); setPrepStmtParam_DO(stmt, param, getNationality()); setPrepStmtParam_String(stmt, param, getSex()); /* When updating a persistent object, the UPDATE_WHERE_CLAUSE tag * used to build the SQL WHERE clause (above) uses the * DO's id and version number to locate the correct row in * the database table. */ setPrepStmtParam_BigDecimal(stmt, param, getOId().toBigDecimal()); setPrepStmtParam_int(stmt, param, getVersion()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException("Data Object error: " + e.getMessage()); } return stmt; }