コード例 #1
  * In case an error print out the trail file context. Because of the XML reader buffering, we can
  * only get the block (8K). It has to be visually inspected
 protected void printErrorContext(PrintStream errOut) throws IOException {
   final File file = _inputStream.getCurrentFile();
   final long position = _inputStream.getCurrentPosition();
   File lastFile = new File(file.getParentFile(), getLastFileName());
       "error between "
           + lastFile
           + " @ "
           + getLastPosition()
           + " and "
           + _inputStream.getCurrentFile()
           + " @ "
           + _inputStream.getCurrentPosition());
   RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
   try {
     long startPos = lastFile.equals(file) ? getLastPosition() : 0;
     long endPos = position + ERROR_CONTEXT_LEN;
     int contextSize = (int) (endPos - startPos);
     byte[] context = new byte[contextSize];
     if (f.read(context, 0, contextSize) > 0) {
       errOut.println("context: " + new String(context, "ISO-8859-1"));
     } else {
       errOut.println("unable to read XML error context");
   } finally {
コード例 #2
  /** @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */
  public void run() {
    long lastReportTs = 0;
    long lastReportedPosition = _lastPosition;
    long savePos = _lastPosition;
    try {
      while (!_shutdownRequested.get() && _xmlStreamReader.hasNext()) {
        int eventType = _xmlStreamReader.next();
        switch (eventType) {
          case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
          case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT:
            //        case XMLStreamConstants.ATTRIBUTE: processAttribute(); break;
            break; // do nothing -- just log progress

        File curFile = _inputStream.getCurrentFile();
        if (null != curFile && !_inputStream.isClosed()) {
          String curFileName = curFile.getName();
          long currentTs = System.currentTimeMillis();
          long curPos = _inputStream.getCurrentPosition();
          if (curPos != savePos) {
            // the XML reader seems to do internal buffering which makes it harder to
            // guess the position where a problem happened.
            // At any point the parser is processing between the bytes [_lastPosition, curPos).
            _lastPosition = savePos;
            savePos = curPos;
          if (!curFileName.equals(_lastFileName)
              || (curPos - lastReportedPosition) >= POSITION_REPORT_GAP
              || (currentTs - lastReportTs) >= POSITION_REPORT_TIME_MS) {
            lastReportedPosition = curPos;
            lastReportTs = currentTs;
            _log.info("file: " + curFileName + "; pos: " + curPos);
          _lastFileName = curFileName;
    } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
      _log.error("xml stream error: " + e, e);
      _lastError = e;
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      _log.error("runtime error: " + e, e);
      _lastError = e;
コード例 #3
    public void run() {

      ConcurrentAppendableCompositeFileInputStream compositeInputStream = null;
      try {
        if (_xmlCallback == null) _xmlCallback = new HandleXmlCallback();

        String xmlDir = GGEventGenerationFactory.uriToGGDir(_pConfig.getUri());
        String xmlPrefix = GGEventGenerationFactory.uriToXmlPrefix(_pConfig.getUri());
        File file = new File(xmlDir);
        if (!file.exists() || !file.isDirectory()) {
              "Unable to load the directory: "
                  + xmlDir
                  + " it doesn't seem to be a valid directory");
          throw new DatabusException("Invalid trail file directory");

        boolean parseError = false;
        do {
          try {
                "Using xml directory : " + xmlDir + " and using the xml Prefix : " + xmlPrefix);
            compositeInputStream = locateScnInTrailFile(xmlDir, xmlPrefix);
            _log.info("Attempting to start the parser...");

            // Not a retry, first time the producer is started, in which case, start the eventBuffer
            // with the appropriate scn
            if (!parseError) {
              _log.info("Starting dbusEventBuffer with _scn : " + _startPrevScn.get());
            } else {
                  "Umm, looks like the parser had failed, this is an retry attempt using _scn: "
                      + _scn.get());
              _log.info("CompositeInputStream used:" + compositeInputStream);

            StaxBuilder builder =
                new StaxBuilder(

            if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
              _log.debug("CompositeInputStream used:" + compositeInputStream);

            _parser = builder.getParser();
                .processXml(); // --> The call doesn't return after this (it starts processing the
            // xml trail files), unless a shutdown is requested or an exception
            // is thrown.
            parseError =
                false; // --> If this code path is executed, then the shutdown has been requested
          } catch (XMLStreamException e) {

            // If the parser was in the middle of execution and an shutdown was issued, then an
            // xmlstream exception is expected.
            if (_shutdownRequested) {
              parseError = false;
            } else {
              _log.error("Error while parsing the xml, will retry loading the parser", e);
              _log.info("Last scn seen before the crash: " + _scn.get());
              _log.info("CompositeInputStream used:" + compositeInputStream);
              parseError = true;
          } finally {
            if (compositeInputStream != null) compositeInputStream.close();
        } while (parseError); // TODO && retry count (add config to control number of retires)

      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        _log.info("CompositeInputStream used:" + compositeInputStream);
        _log.error("Error while parsing data, compositeInputStream shutting down the relay", e);
        _currentState = GoldenGateEventProducer.State.SHUTDOWN;
        throw e;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        _log.info("CompositeInputStream used:" + compositeInputStream);
        _log.error("Error while parsing data, compositeInputStream shutting down the relay", e);
        _currentState = GoldenGateEventProducer.State.SHUTDOWN;