public int countAll() throws SystemException { Object[] finderArgs = new Object[0]; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_ALL, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM com.ext.portlet.debaterevision.model.DebateItemReference"); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { if (count == null) { count = Long.valueOf(0); } FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_ALL, finderArgs, count); closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns the number of social equity histories. * * @return the number of social equity histories * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public int countAll() throws SystemException { Object[] finderArgs = new Object[0]; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_ALL, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(_SQL_COUNT_SOCIALEQUITYHISTORY); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { if (count == null) { count = Long.valueOf(0); } FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_ALL, finderArgs, count); closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns the number of class names. * * @return the number of class names * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public int countAll() throws SystemException { Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_ALL, FINDER_ARGS_EMPTY, this); if (count == null) { Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(_SQL_COUNT_CLASSNAME); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { if (count == null) { count = Long.valueOf(0); } FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_ALL, FINDER_ARGS_EMPTY, count); closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns the number of projects entries. * * @return the number of projects entries * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ @Override public int countAll() throws SystemException { Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_ALL, FINDER_ARGS_EMPTY, this); if (count == null) { Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(_SQL_COUNT_PROJECTSENTRY); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_ALL, FINDER_ARGS_EMPTY, count); } catch (Exception e) { FinderCacheUtil.removeResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_ALL, FINDER_ARGS_EMPTY); throw processException(e); } finally { closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
public int countAll() throws SystemException { Object[] finderArgs = new Object[0]; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_ALL, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM larion.progate.cds.model.ViewListTitleCompetencies"); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { if (count == null) { count = Long.valueOf(0); } FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_ALL, finderArgs, count); closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns an ordered range of all the layout sets where groupId = ?. * * <p>Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of <code>end - start</code> instances. * <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result * set. Thus, <code>0</code> refers to the first result in the set. Setting both <code>start * </code> and <code>end</code> to {@link com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil#ALL_POS} * will return the full result set. * * @param groupId the group ID * @param start the lower bound of the range of layout sets * @param end the upper bound of the range of layout sets (not inclusive) * @param orderByComparator the comparator to order the results by (optionally <code>null</code>) * @return the ordered range of matching layout sets * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public List<LayoutSet> findByGroupId( long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator) throws SystemException { Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] { groupId, String.valueOf(start), String.valueOf(end), String.valueOf(orderByComparator) }; List<LayoutSet> list = (List<LayoutSet>) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FINDER_PATH_FIND_BY_GROUPID, finderArgs, this); if (list == null) { StringBundler query = null; if (orderByComparator != null) { query = new StringBundler(3 + (orderByComparator.getOrderByFields().length * 3)); } else { query = new StringBundler(2); } query.append(_SQL_SELECT_LAYOUTSET_WHERE); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_GROUPID_GROUPID_2); if (orderByComparator != null) { appendOrderByComparator(query, _ORDER_BY_ENTITY_ALIAS, orderByComparator); } String sql = query.toString(); Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(groupId); list = (List<LayoutSet>) QueryUtil.list(q, getDialect(), start, end); } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { if (list == null) { FinderCacheUtil.removeResult(FINDER_PATH_FIND_BY_GROUPID, finderArgs); } else { cacheResult(list); FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_FIND_BY_GROUPID, finderArgs, list); } closeSession(session); } } return list; }
public List<ViewListTitleCompetencies> findByTitleId( int titleId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc) throws SystemException { Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] { new Integer(titleId), String.valueOf(start), String.valueOf(end), String.valueOf(obc) }; List<ViewListTitleCompetencies> list = (List<ViewListTitleCompetencies>) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FINDER_PATH_FIND_BY_OBC_TITLEID, finderArgs, this); if (list == null) { Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("FROM larion.progate.cds.model.ViewListTitleCompetencies WHERE "); query.append("title_id = ?"); query.append(" "); if (obc != null) { query.append("ORDER BY "); query.append(obc.getOrderBy()); } else { query.append("ORDER BY "); query.append("competency_number_order ASC"); } Query q = session.createQuery(query.toString()); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(titleId); list = (List<ViewListTitleCompetencies>) QueryUtil.list(q, getDialect(), start, end); } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<ViewListTitleCompetencies>(); } cacheResult(list); FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_FIND_BY_OBC_TITLEID, finderArgs, list); closeSession(session); } } return list; }
/** * Returns an ordered range of all the social equity histories. * * <p>Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of <code>end - start</code> instances. * <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result * set. Thus, <code>0</code> refers to the first result in the set. Setting both <code>start * </code> and <code>end</code> to {@link com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil#ALL_POS} * will return the full result set. * * @param start the lower bound of the range of social equity histories * @param end the upper bound of the range of social equity histories (not inclusive) * @param orderByComparator the comparator to order the results by (optionally <code>null</code>) * @return the ordered range of social equity histories * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public List<SocialEquityHistory> findAll(int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator) throws SystemException { Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] { String.valueOf(start), String.valueOf(end), String.valueOf(orderByComparator) }; List<SocialEquityHistory> list = (List<SocialEquityHistory>) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FINDER_PATH_FIND_ALL, finderArgs, this); if (list == null) { StringBundler query = null; String sql = null; if (orderByComparator != null) { query = new StringBundler(2 + (orderByComparator.getOrderByFields().length * 3)); query.append(_SQL_SELECT_SOCIALEQUITYHISTORY); appendOrderByComparator(query, _ORDER_BY_ENTITY_ALIAS, orderByComparator); sql = query.toString(); } else { sql = _SQL_SELECT_SOCIALEQUITYHISTORY; } Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); if (orderByComparator == null) { list = (List<SocialEquityHistory>) QueryUtil.list(q, getDialect(), start, end, false); Collections.sort(list); } else { list = (List<SocialEquityHistory>) QueryUtil.list(q, getDialect(), start, end); } } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { if (list == null) { FinderCacheUtil.removeResult(FINDER_PATH_FIND_ALL, finderArgs); } else { cacheResult(list); FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_FIND_ALL, finderArgs, list); } closeSession(session); } } return list; }
/** * Returns the number of entries where userId = ? and emailAddress = ?. * * @param userId the user ID * @param emailAddress the email address * @return the number of matching entries * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ @Override public int countByU_EA(long userId, String emailAddress) throws SystemException { FinderPath finderPath = FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_U_EA; Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {userId, emailAddress}; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(finderPath, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { StringBundler query = new StringBundler(3); query.append(_SQL_COUNT_ENTRY_WHERE); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_U_EA_USERID_2); boolean bindEmailAddress = false; if (emailAddress == null) { query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_U_EA_EMAILADDRESS_1); } else if (emailAddress.equals(StringPool.BLANK)) { query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_U_EA_EMAILADDRESS_3); } else { bindEmailAddress = true; query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_U_EA_EMAILADDRESS_2); } String sql = query.toString(); Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(userId); if (bindEmailAddress) { qPos.add(emailAddress); } count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); FinderCacheUtil.putResult(finderPath, finderArgs, count); } catch (Exception e) { FinderCacheUtil.removeResult(finderPath, finderArgs); throw processException(e); } finally { closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
public List<SoPhongVanBanNoiBo> findBySoVanBanNoiBo(long soVanBanNoiBoId) throws SystemException { boolean finderClassNameCacheEnabled = SoPhongVanBanNoiBoModelImpl.CACHE_ENABLED; String finderClassName = SoPhongVanBanNoiBo.class.getName(); String finderMethodName = "findBySoVanBanNoiBo"; String[] finderParams = new String[] {Long.class.getName()}; Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {new Long(soVanBanNoiBoId)}; Object result = null; if (finderClassNameCacheEnabled) { result = FinderCacheUtil.getResult( finderClassName, finderMethodName, finderParams, finderArgs, this); } if (result == null) { Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("FROM com.sgs.portlet.sovanbannoibo.model.SoPhongVanBanNoiBo WHERE "); query.append("soVanBanNoiBoId = ?"); query.append(" "); Query q = session.createQuery(query.toString()); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(soVanBanNoiBoId); List<SoPhongVanBanNoiBo> list = q.list(); FinderCacheUtil.putResult( finderClassNameCacheEnabled, finderClassName, finderMethodName, finderParams, finderArgs, list); return list; } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { closeSession(session); } } else { return (List<SoPhongVanBanNoiBo>) result; } }
public int countAll() throws SystemException { boolean finderClassNameCacheEnabled = PmlEdmLevelSendModelImpl.CACHE_ENABLED; String finderClassName = PmlEdmLevelSend.class.getName(); String finderMethodName = "countAll"; String[] finderParams = new String[] {}; Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {}; Object result = null; if (finderClassNameCacheEnabled) { result = FinderCacheUtil.getResult( finderClassName, finderMethodName, finderParams, finderArgs, this); } if (result == null) { Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM com.sgs.portlet.pmllevelsend.model.PmlEdmLevelSend"); Long count = null; Iterator<Long> itr = q.list().iterator(); if (itr.hasNext()) { count =; } if (count == null) { count = new Long(0); } FinderCacheUtil.putResult( finderClassNameCacheEnabled, finderClassName, finderMethodName, finderParams, finderArgs, count); return count.intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { closeSession(session); } } else { return ((Long) result).intValue(); } }
public List<ViewListTitleCompetencies> findAll(int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc) throws SystemException { Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {String.valueOf(start), String.valueOf(end), String.valueOf(obc)}; List<ViewListTitleCompetencies> list = (List<ViewListTitleCompetencies>) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FINDER_PATH_FIND_ALL, finderArgs, this); if (list == null) { Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("FROM larion.progate.cds.model.ViewListTitleCompetencies "); if (obc != null) { query.append("ORDER BY "); query.append(obc.getOrderBy()); } else { query.append("ORDER BY "); query.append("competency_number_order ASC"); } Query q = session.createQuery(query.toString()); if (obc == null) { list = (List<ViewListTitleCompetencies>) QueryUtil.list(q, getDialect(), start, end, false); Collections.sort(list); } else { list = (List<ViewListTitleCompetencies>) QueryUtil.list(q, getDialect(), start, end); } } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<ViewListTitleCompetencies>(); } cacheResult(list); FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_FIND_ALL, finderArgs, list); closeSession(session); } } return list; }
/** * Returns the number of bars where text = ?. * * @param text the text * @return the number of matching bars */ @Override public int countByText(String text) { FinderPath finderPath = FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_TEXT; Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {text}; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(finderPath, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { StringBundler query = new StringBundler(2); query.append(_SQL_COUNT_BAR_WHERE); boolean bindText = false; if (text == null) { query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_TEXT_TEXT_1); } else if (text.equals(StringPool.BLANK)) { query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_TEXT_TEXT_3); } else { bindText = true; query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_TEXT_TEXT_2); } String sql = query.toString(); Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); if (bindText) { qPos.add(text); } count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); FinderCacheUtil.putResult(finderPath, finderArgs, count); } catch (Exception e) { FinderCacheUtil.removeResult(finderPath, finderArgs); throw processException(e); } finally { closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns the number of releases where servletContextName = ?. * * @param servletContextName the servlet context name * @return the number of matching releases * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public int countByServletContextName(String servletContextName) throws SystemException { FinderPath finderPath = FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_SERVLETCONTEXTNAME; Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {servletContextName}; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(finderPath, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { StringBundler query = new StringBundler(2); query.append(_SQL_COUNT_RELEASE_WHERE); boolean bindServletContextName = false; if (servletContextName == null) { query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_SERVLETCONTEXTNAME_SERVLETCONTEXTNAME_1); } else if (servletContextName.equals(StringPool.BLANK)) { query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_SERVLETCONTEXTNAME_SERVLETCONTEXTNAME_3); } else { bindServletContextName = true; query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_SERVLETCONTEXTNAME_SERVLETCONTEXTNAME_2); } String sql = query.toString(); Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); if (bindServletContextName) { qPos.add(servletContextName.toLowerCase()); } count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); FinderCacheUtil.putResult(finderPath, finderArgs, count); } catch (Exception e) { FinderCacheUtil.removeResult(finderPath, finderArgs); throw processException(e); } finally { closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns an ordered range of all the h r holidaies associated with the h r office. * * <p>Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of <code>end - start</code> instances. * <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result * set. Thus, <code>0</code> refers to the first result in the set. Setting both <code>start * </code> and <code>end</code> to {@link com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil#ALL_POS} * will return the full result set. * * @param pk the primary key of the h r office * @param start the lower bound of the range of h r offices * @param end the upper bound of the range of h r offices (not inclusive) * @param orderByComparator the comparator to order the results by (optionally <code>null</code>) * @return the ordered range of h r holidaies associated with the h r office * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public List<> getHRHolidaies( long pk, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator) throws SystemException { Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] { pk, String.valueOf(start), String.valueOf(end), String.valueOf(orderByComparator) }; List<> list = (List<>) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FINDER_PATH_GET_HRHOLIDAIES, finderArgs, this); if (list == null) { Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); String sql = null; if (orderByComparator != null) { sql = _SQL_GETHRHOLIDAIES.concat(ORDER_BY_CLAUSE).concat(orderByComparator.getOrderBy()); } else { sql = _SQL_GETHRHOLIDAIES; } SQLQuery q = session.createSQLQuery(sql); q.addEntity("HRHoliday",; QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(pk); list = (List<>) QueryUtil.list(q, getDialect(), start, end); } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { if (list == null) { FinderCacheUtil.removeResult(FINDER_PATH_GET_HRHOLIDAIES, finderArgs); } else { hrHolidayPersistence.cacheResult(list); FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_GET_HRHOLIDAIES, finderArgs, list); } closeSession(session); } } return list; }
/** * Returns the number of class names where value = ?. * * @param value the value * @return the number of matching class names * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public int countByValue(String value) throws SystemException { Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {value}; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_VALUE, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { StringBundler query = new StringBundler(2); query.append(_SQL_COUNT_CLASSNAME_WHERE); if (value == null) { query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_VALUE_VALUE_1); } else { if (value.equals(StringPool.BLANK)) { query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_VALUE_VALUE_3); } else { query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_VALUE_VALUE_2); } } String sql = query.toString(); Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); if (value != null) { qPos.add(value); } count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { if (count == null) { count = Long.valueOf(0); } FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_VALUE, finderArgs, count); closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns the number of d l syncs where companyId = ? and modifiedDate > ? and * repositoryId = ?. * * @param companyId the company ID * @param modifiedDate the modified date * @param repositoryId the repository ID * @return the number of matching d l syncs * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public int countByC_M_R(long companyId, long modifiedDate, long repositoryId) throws SystemException { FinderPath finderPath = FINDER_PATH_WITH_PAGINATION_COUNT_BY_C_M_R; Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {companyId, modifiedDate, repositoryId}; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(finderPath, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { StringBundler query = new StringBundler(4); query.append(_SQL_COUNT_DLSYNC_WHERE); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_C_M_R_COMPANYID_2); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_C_M_R_MODIFIEDDATE_2); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_C_M_R_REPOSITORYID_2); String sql = query.toString(); Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(companyId); qPos.add(modifiedDate); qPos.add(repositoryId); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); FinderCacheUtil.putResult(finderPath, finderArgs, count); } catch (Exception e) { FinderCacheUtil.removeResult(finderPath, finderArgs); throw processException(e); } finally { closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns the number of Tips of the Day Userses where companyId = ? and groupId = ? and * userId = ?. * * @param companyId the company ID * @param groupId the group ID * @param userId the user ID * @return the number of matching Tips of the Day Userses * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ @Override public int countByC_G_U(long companyId, long groupId, long userId) throws SystemException { FinderPath finderPath = FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_C_G_U; Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {companyId, groupId, userId}; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(finderPath, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { StringBundler query = new StringBundler(4); query.append(_SQL_COUNT_TIPSOFTHEDAYUSERS_WHERE); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_C_G_U_COMPANYID_2); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_C_G_U_GROUPID_2); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_C_G_U_USERID_2); String sql = query.toString(); Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(companyId); qPos.add(groupId); qPos.add(userId); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); FinderCacheUtil.putResult(finderPath, finderArgs, count); } catch (Exception e) { FinderCacheUtil.removeResult(finderPath, finderArgs); throw processException(e); } finally { closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns the number of announcements flags where userId = ? and entryId = ? and value = * ?. * * @param userId the user ID * @param entryId the entry ID * @param value the value * @return the number of matching announcements flags * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public int countByU_E_V(long userId, long entryId, int value) throws SystemException { Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {userId, entryId, value}; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_U_E_V, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { StringBundler query = new StringBundler(4); query.append(_SQL_COUNT_ANNOUNCEMENTSFLAG_WHERE); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_U_E_V_USERID_2); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_U_E_V_ENTRYID_2); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_U_E_V_VALUE_2); String sql = query.toString(); Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(userId); qPos.add(entryId); qPos.add(value); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { if (count == null) { count = Long.valueOf(0); } FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_U_E_V, finderArgs, count); closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns the number of shards where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?. * * @param classNameId the class name ID * @param classPK the class p k * @return the number of matching shards * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ @Override public int countByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK) throws SystemException { FinderPath finderPath = FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_C_C; Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {classNameId, classPK}; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(finderPath, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { StringBundler query = new StringBundler(3); query.append(_SQL_COUNT_SHARD_WHERE); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_C_C_CLASSNAMEID_2); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_C_C_CLASSPK_2); String sql = query.toString(); Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(classNameId); qPos.add(classPK); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); FinderCacheUtil.putResult(finderPath, finderArgs, count); } catch (Exception e) { FinderCacheUtil.removeResult(finderPath, finderArgs); throw processException(e); } finally { closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns the number of expando rows where tableId = ? and classPK = ?. * * @param tableId the table ID * @param classPK the class p k * @return the number of matching expando rows * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public int countByT_C(long tableId, long classPK) throws SystemException { Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {tableId, classPK}; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_T_C, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { StringBundler query = new StringBundler(3); query.append(_SQL_COUNT_EXPANDOROW_WHERE); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_T_C_TABLEID_2); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_T_C_CLASSPK_2); String sql = query.toString(); Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(tableId); qPos.add(classPK); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { if (count == null) { count = Long.valueOf(0); } FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_T_C, finderArgs, count); closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns the number of portal preferenceses where ownerId = ? and ownerType = ?. * * @param ownerId the owner ID * @param ownerType the owner type * @return the number of matching portal preferenceses * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public int countByO_O(long ownerId, int ownerType) throws SystemException { Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {ownerId, ownerType}; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_O_O, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { StringBundler query = new StringBundler(3); query.append(_SQL_COUNT_PORTALPREFERENCES_WHERE); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_O_O_OWNERID_2); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_O_O_OWNERTYPE_2); String sql = query.toString(); Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(ownerId); qPos.add(ownerType); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { if (count == null) { count = Long.valueOf(0); } FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_O_O, finderArgs, count); closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns the number of layout sets where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?. * * @param groupId the group ID * @param privateLayout the private layout * @return the number of matching layout sets * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public int countByG_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout) throws SystemException { Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {groupId, privateLayout}; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_G_P, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { StringBundler query = new StringBundler(3); query.append(_SQL_COUNT_LAYOUTSET_WHERE); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_G_P_GROUPID_2); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_G_P_PRIVATELAYOUT_2); String sql = query.toString(); Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(groupId); qPos.add(privateLayout); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { if (count == null) { count = Long.valueOf(0); } FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_G_P, finderArgs, count); closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns the number of images where size < ?. * * @param size the size * @return the number of matching images * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public int countByLtSize(int size) throws SystemException { Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {size}; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult( FINDER_PATH_WITH_PAGINATION_COUNT_BY_LTSIZE, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { StringBundler query = new StringBundler(2); query.append(_SQL_COUNT_IMAGE_WHERE); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_LTSIZE_SIZE_2); String sql = query.toString(); Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(size); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { if (count == null) { count = Long.valueOf(0); } FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_WITH_PAGINATION_COUNT_BY_LTSIZE, finderArgs, count); closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns the number of projects entries where userId = ?. * * @param userId the user ID * @return the number of matching projects entries * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ @Override public int countByUserId(long userId) throws SystemException { FinderPath finderPath = FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_USERID; Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {userId}; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(finderPath, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { StringBundler query = new StringBundler(2); query.append(_SQL_COUNT_PROJECTSENTRY_WHERE); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_USERID_USERID_2); String sql = query.toString(); Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(userId); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); FinderCacheUtil.putResult(finderPath, finderArgs, count); } catch (Exception e) { FinderCacheUtil.removeResult(finderPath, finderArgs); throw processException(e); } finally { closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns the number of foos where field2 = ?. * * @param field2 the field2 * @return the number of matching foos */ @Override public int countByField2(boolean field2) { FinderPath finderPath = FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_FIELD2; Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {field2}; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(finderPath, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { StringBundler query = new StringBundler(2); query.append(_SQL_COUNT_FOO_WHERE); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_FIELD2_FIELD2_2); String sql = query.toString(); Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(field2); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); FinderCacheUtil.putResult(finderPath, finderArgs, count); } catch (Exception e) { FinderCacheUtil.removeResult(finderPath, finderArgs); throw processException(e); } finally { closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns the number of d l sync events where modifiedTime > ?. * * @param modifiedTime the modified time * @return the number of matching d l sync events * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ @Override public int countByModifiedTime(long modifiedTime) throws SystemException { FinderPath finderPath = FINDER_PATH_WITH_PAGINATION_COUNT_BY_MODIFIEDTIME; Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {modifiedTime}; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(finderPath, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { StringBundler query = new StringBundler(2); query.append(_SQL_COUNT_DLSYNCEVENT_WHERE); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_MODIFIEDTIME_MODIFIEDTIME_2); String sql = query.toString(); Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(modifiedTime); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); FinderCacheUtil.putResult(finderPath, finderArgs, count); } catch (Exception e) { FinderCacheUtil.removeResult(finderPath, finderArgs); throw processException(e); } finally { closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns the number of j i r a change items where jiraChangeGroupId = ?. * * @param jiraChangeGroupId the jira change group ID * @return the number of matching j i r a change items * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public int countByJiraChangeGroupId(long jiraChangeGroupId) throws SystemException { Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {jiraChangeGroupId}; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_JIRACHANGEGROUPID, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { StringBundler query = new StringBundler(2); query.append(_SQL_COUNT_JIRACHANGEITEM_WHERE); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_JIRACHANGEGROUPID_JIRACHANGEGROUPID_2); String sql = query.toString(); Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(jiraChangeGroupId); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { if (count == null) { count = Long.valueOf(0); } FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_JIRACHANGEGROUPID, finderArgs, count); closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
public int countByTitleId(int titleId) throws SystemException { Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {new Integer(titleId)}; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_TITLEID, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("SELECT COUNT(*) "); query.append("FROM larion.progate.cds.model.ViewListTitleCompetencies WHERE "); query.append("title_id = ?"); query.append(" "); Query q = session.createQuery(query.toString()); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(titleId); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { if (count == null) { count = Long.valueOf(0); } FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_TITLEID, finderArgs, count); closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }
/** * Returns the number of panic buttons where moduleId = ?. * * @param moduleId the module ID * @return the number of matching panic buttons * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public int countByByModule(long moduleId) throws SystemException { Object[] finderArgs = new Object[] {moduleId}; Long count = (Long) FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_BYMODULE, finderArgs, this); if (count == null) { StringBundler query = new StringBundler(2); query.append(_SQL_COUNT_PANICBUTTON_WHERE); query.append(_FINDER_COLUMN_BYMODULE_MODULEID_2); String sql = query.toString(); Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(sql); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(moduleId); count = (Long) q.uniqueResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { if (count == null) { count = Long.valueOf(0); } FinderCacheUtil.putResult(FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_BYMODULE, finderArgs, count); closeSession(session); } } return count.intValue(); }