コード例 #1
   * In order to increase runtime performance, this method caches values of objects that are
   * typically called more than once during the JSF lifecycle. Other values will be cached lazily,
   * or might not be cached since their getter methods may never get called.
   * @param requestChanged Flag indicating that this method is being called because {@link
   *     #setRequest(Object)} was called.
   * @param responseChanged Flag indicating that this method is being called because {@link
   *     #setResponse(Object)} was called.
  protected void preInitializeObjects(boolean requestChanged, boolean responseChanged) {

    if (requestChanged) {

    if (responseChanged) {

    // Retrieve the portlet lifecycle phase.
    portletPhase = bridgeContext.getPortletRequestPhase();

    // Determines whether or not methods annotated with the @PreDestroy annotation are
    // preferably invoked
    // over the @BridgePreDestroy annotation.
    String preferPreDestroyInitParam =

    if (preferPreDestroyInitParam == null) {

      // Backward compatibility
      preferPreDestroyInitParam = getInitParameter(BridgeConfigConstants.PARAM_PREFER_PRE_DESTROY2);

    boolean preferPreDestroy = BooleanHelper.toBoolean(preferPreDestroyInitParam, true);

    // Initialize the application map.
    applicationMap = new ApplicationMap(portletContext, preferPreDestroy);

    // Initialize the request attribute map.
    requestAttributeMap = new RequestAttributeMap(portletRequest, preferPreDestroy);

    // Initialize the session map.
    sessionMap =
        new SessionMap(
            portletRequest.getPortletSession(), PortletSession.PORTLET_SCOPE, preferPreDestroy);

    // Initialize the init parameter map.
    initParameterMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(new InitParameterMap(portletContext));

    // Initialize the request context path.
    requestContextPath = portletRequest.getContextPath();

    // Initialize the request locales.
    requestLocales = new LocaleIterator(portletRequest.getLocales());
コード例 #2
  public ExternalContextCompatImpl(
      PortletContext portletContext,
      PortletRequest portletRequest,
      PortletResponse portletResponse) {

    this.portletContext = portletContext;
    this.portletRequest = portletRequest;
    this.portletResponse = portletResponse;

    // Get the bridge configuration.
    BridgeConfigFactory bridgeConfigFactory =
        (BridgeConfigFactory) BridgeFactoryFinder.getFactory(BridgeConfigFactory.class);
    this.bridgeConfig = bridgeConfigFactory.getBridgeConfig();

    // Get the BridgeContext.
    this.bridgeContext = BridgeContext.getCurrentInstance();

    this.incongruityContext = bridgeContext.getIncongruityContext();

    // Determine whether or not lifecycle incongruities should be managed.
    this.manageIncongruities =
            bridgeContext.getInitParameter(BridgeConfigConstants.PARAM_MANAGE_INCONGRUITIES), true);
コード例 #3
   * In order to increase runtime performance, this method caches values of objects that are
   * typically called more than once during the JSF lifecycle. Other values will be cached lazily,
   * or might not be cached since their getter methods may never get called.
   * @param requestChanged Flag indicating that this method is being called because {@link
   *     #setRequest(Object)} was called.
   * @param responseChanged Flag indicating that this method is being called because {@link
   *     #setResponse(Object)} was called.
  protected void preInitializeObjects(boolean requestChanged, boolean responseChanged) {

    if (requestChanged) {

    if (responseChanged) {

    // Retrieve the portlet lifecycle phase.
    portletPhase = bridgeContext.getPortletRequestPhase();

    // Determines whether or not methods annotated with the @PreDestroy annotation are
    // preferably invoked
    // over the @BridgePreDestroy annotation.
    String preferPreDestroyInitParam =

    if (preferPreDestroyInitParam == null) {

      // Backward compatibility
      preferPreDestroyInitParam = getInitParameter(BridgeConfigConstants.PARAM_PREFER_PRE_DESTROY2);

    boolean preferPreDestroy = BooleanHelper.toBoolean(preferPreDestroyInitParam, true);

    // Initialize the application map.
    applicationMap = new ApplicationMap(portletContext, beanManager, preferPreDestroy);

    // Determines whether or not JSF @ManagedBean classes annotated with @RequestScoped should be
    // distinct for
    // each portlet when running under Liferay Portal.
    boolean distinctRequestScopedManagedBeans = false;

      distinctRequestScopedManagedBeans =

    // Initialize the request attribute map.
    Set<String> removedAttributeNames = null;
    BridgeRequestScope bridgeRequestScope = bridgeContext.getBridgeRequestScope();

    if (bridgeRequestScope != null) {
      removedAttributeNames = bridgeRequestScope.getRemovedAttributeNames();
    } else {
      removedAttributeNames = new HashSet<String>();

    requestAttributeMap =
        new RequestAttributeMap(

    // Initialize the session map.
    sessionMap =
        new SessionMap(

    // Initialize the init parameter map.
    initParameterMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(new InitParameterMap(portletContext));

    // Initialize the request context path.
    requestContextPath = portletRequest.getContextPath();

    // Initialize the request locales.
    requestLocales = new LocaleIterator(portletRequest.getLocales());
コード例 #4
  protected BaseURL toBaseURL() throws MalformedURLException {

    BaseURL baseURL = null;

    // If the URL is opaque, meaning it starts with something like "portlet:" or "mailto:" and
    // doesn't have the double-forward-slash like "http://" does, then
    if (isOpaque()) {

      // If the specified URL starts with "portlet:", then return a BaseURL that contains the
      // modified
      // parameters. This will be a URL that represents navigation to a different viewId.
      if (isPortletScheme()) {

        // TCK TestPage005: modeViewIDTest
        // TCK TestPage042: requestRenderIgnoresScopeViaCreateViewTest
        // TCK TestPage043: requestRenderRedisplayTest
        // TCK TestPage044: requestRedisplayOutOfScopeTest
        // TCK TestPage049: renderRedirectTest
        // TCK TestPage050: ignoreCurrentViewIdModeChangeTest
        // TCK TestPage051: exceptionThrownWhenNoDefaultViewIdTest
        String portletMode = getParameter(Bridge.PORTLET_MODE_PARAMETER);
        boolean modeChanged = ((portletMode != null) && (portletMode.length() > 0));
        String security = getParameter(Bridge.PORTLET_SECURE_PARAMETER);
        String windowState = getParameter(Bridge.PORTLET_WINDOWSTATE_PARAMETER);
        String urlWithModifiedParameters = _toString(modeChanged);
        Bridge.PortletPhase urlPortletPhase = getPortletPhase();

        if (urlPortletPhase == Bridge.PortletPhase.ACTION_PHASE) {
          baseURL = portletContainer.createActionURL(urlWithModifiedParameters);
        } else if (urlPortletPhase == Bridge.PortletPhase.RENDER_PHASE) {
          baseURL = portletContainer.createRenderURL(urlWithModifiedParameters);
        } else {
          baseURL = portletContainer.createResourceURL(urlWithModifiedParameters);

        // If the URL string is self-referencing, meaning, it targets the current Faces view, then
        // copy the
        // render parameters from the current PortletRequest to the BaseURL. NOTE: This has the
        // added benefit of
        // copying the bridgeRequestScopeId render parameter, which will preserve the
        // BridgeRequestScope if the
        // user clicks on the link (invokes the BaseURL).
        if (isSelfReferencing()) {

        // If the portlet container created a PortletURL, then apply the PortletMode and WindowState
        // to the
        // PortletURL.
        if (baseURL instanceof PortletURL) {

          PortletURL portletURL = (PortletURL) baseURL;
          setPortletModeParameter(portletMode, portletURL);
          setWindowStateParameter(windowState, portletURL);

        // Apply the security.
        setSecureParameter(security, baseURL);

      // Otherwise, return the a BaseURL string representation (unmodified value) as required by the
      // Bridge Spec.
      else {

        // TCK TestPage128: encodeResourceURLOpaqueTest
        baseURL = new BaseURLNonEncodedStringImpl(url, getParameterMap());

    // Otherwise, if the URL is external, then return an encoded BaseURL string representation of
    // the URL.
    else if (isExternal()) {

      // TCK TestPage130: encodeResourceURLForeignExternalURLBackLinkTest
      baseURL = new BaseURLEncodedExternalStringImpl(url, getParameterMap(), bridgeContext);

    // Otherwise, if the URL is identified by the ResourceHandler as a JSF2 resource URL, then
    else if (isFaces2ResourceURL()) {

      // If the URL has already been encoded, then return the URL string unmodified.
      if (isEncodedFaces2ResourceURL()) {

        // FACES-63: Prevent double-encoding of resource URLs
        baseURL = new BaseURLNonEncodedStringImpl(url, getParameterMap());

      // Otherwise, return a ResourceURL that can retrieve the JSF2 resource.
      else {
        baseURL = portletContainer.createResourceURL(url);

    // Otherwise, if the URL is relative, in that it starts with "../", then return a BaseURL string
    // representation
    // of the URL that contains the context-path.
    else if (isPathRelative()) {

      // TCK TestPage131: encodeResourceURLRelativeURLTest
      // TCK TestPage132: encodeResourceURLRelativeURLBackLinkTest
      baseURL = new BaseURLRelativeStringImpl(url, getParameterMap(), bridgeContext);

    // Otherwise, if the URL originally contained the "javax.portlet.faces.ViewLink" which
    // represents navigation
    // to a different Faces view, then
    else if (viewLink) {

      String urlWithModifiedParameters = _toString(false, EXCLUDED_PARAMETER_NAMES);
      String portletMode = getParameter(Bridge.PORTLET_MODE_PARAMETER);
      String windowState = getParameter(Bridge.PORTLET_WINDOWSTATE_PARAMETER);
      boolean secure = BooleanHelper.toBoolean(getParameter(Bridge.PORTLET_SECURE_PARAMETER));

      // If the URL targets a Faces viewId, then return a PortletURL (Action URL) that targets the
      // view with the
      // appropriate PortletMode, WindowState, and Security settings built into the URL. For more
      // info, see
      // JavaDoc comments for {@link Bridge#VIEW_LINK}.
      if (isFacesViewTarget()) {

        // TCK TestPage135: encodeResourceURLViewLinkTest
        // TCK TestPage136: encodeResourceURLViewLinkWithBackLinkTest
        baseURL =
            new PortletURLFacesTargetActionImpl(
                bridgeContext, urlWithModifiedParameters, portletMode, windowState, secure);

      // Otherwise, return a PortletURL (Render URL) that contains the "_jsfBridgeNonFacesView"
      // render parameter,
      // which is a signal to the GenericFacesPortlet to dispatch to this non-Faces target when the
      // URL is
      // requested. Note that this seems to be a use-case that is contradictory with the JavaDoc for
      // Brige#VIEW_LINK which claims navigation to a different view. But there are a number of
      // tests in the TCK
      // that utilize this (see below).
      else {

        // TCK TestPage097: encodeActionURLNonJSFViewRenderTest
        // TCK TestPage098: encodeActionURLNonJSFViewWithParamRenderTest
        // TCK TestPage099: encodeActionURLNonJSFViewWithModeRenderTest
        // TCK TestPage100: encodeActionURLNonJSFViewWithInvalidModeRenderTest
        // TCK TestPage101: encodeActionURLNonJSFViewWithWindowStateRenderTest
        // TCK TestPage102: encodeActionURLNonJSFViewWithInvalidWindowStateRenderTest
        // TCK TestPage103: encodeActionURLNonJSFViewResourceTest
        // TCK TestPage104: encodeActionURLNonJSFViewWithParamResourceTest
        // TCK TestPage105: encodeActionURLNonJSFViewWithModeResourceTest
        // TCK TestPage106: encodeActionURLNonJSFViewWithInvalidModeResourceTest
        // TCK TestPage107: encodeActionURLNonJSFViewWithWindowStateResourceTest
        // TCK TestPage108: encodeActionURLNonJSFViewWithInvalidWindowStateResourceTest
        baseURL =
            new PortletURLNonFacesTargetRenderImpl(

    // Otherwise, if the URL targets a Faces viewId, then return a ResourceURL that targets the
    // view.
    else if (isFacesViewTarget()) {

      // TCK TestPage073: scopeAfterRedisplayResourcePPRTest
      // TCK TestPage121: encodeActionURLJSFViewResourceTest
      // TCK TestPage122: encodeActionURLWithParamResourceTest
      // TCK TestPage123: encodeActionURLWithModeResourceTest
      // TCK TestPage124: encodeActionURLWithInvalidModeResourceTest
      // TCK TestPage125: encodeActionURLWithWindowStateResourceTest
      // TCK TestPage126: encodeActionURLWithInvalidWindowStateResourceTest
      // TCK TestPage127: encodeURLEscapingTest
      // TCK TestPage137: encodeResourceURLWithModeTest
      String urlWithModifiedParameters = _toString(false, EXCLUDED_PARAMETER_NAMES);
      baseURL = portletContainer.createResourceURL(urlWithModifiedParameters);

    // Otherwise, if the bridge must encode the URL to satisfy "in-protocol" resource serving, then
    // return a
    // an appropriate ResourceURL.
    else if (inProtocol) {

      // TCK TestPage071: nonFacesResourceTest
      String urlWithModifiedParameters = _toString(false);
      ResourceURL resourceURL = portletContainer.createResourceURL(urlWithModifiedParameters);
      baseURL = resourceURL;

    // Otherwise, assume that the URL is for an resource external to the portlet context like
    // "/portalcontext/resources/foo.png" and return a BaseURL string representation of it.
    else {

      // TCK TestPage133: encodeResourceURLTest
      baseURL = new BaseURLEncodedExternalStringImpl(url, getParameterMap(), bridgeContext);

    return baseURL;