private void teleportTo(L2PcInstance activeChar, String Cords) { try { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(Cords); String x1 = st.nextToken(); int x = Integer.parseInt(x1); String y1 = st.nextToken(); int y = Integer.parseInt(y1); String z1 = st.nextToken(); int z = Integer.parseInt(z1); activeChar.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE); activeChar.teleToLocation(x, y, z, false); SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_S2); sm.addString("You have been teleported to " + Cords); activeChar.sendPacket(sm); sm = null; x1 = null; y1 = null; z1 = null; st = null; } catch (NoSuchElementException nsee) { activeChar.sendMessage("Wrong or no Coordinates given."); } }
/** * @param player * @param x * @param y * @param z */ private void teleportCharacter(L2PcInstance player, int x, int y, int z) { if (player != null) { // Common character information player.sendMessage("Admin is teleporting you."); player.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE); player.teleToLocation(x, y, z); } }
@Override public String onAggroRangeEnter(L2NpcInstance npc, L2PcInstance player, boolean isPet) { int npcId = npc.getNpcId(); if (npcId == ZAKEN) { if (_Zone.isInsideZone(npc)) { L2Character target = isPet ? player.getPet() : player; ((L2Attackable) npc).addDamageHate(target, 1, 200); } if (player.getZ() > (npc.getZ() - 100) && player.getZ() < (npc.getZ() + 100)) { if (_quest0 < 5 && Rnd.get(3) < 1) { if (_quest0 == 0) { c_quest0 = player; } else if (_quest0 == 1) { c_quest1 = player; } else if (_quest0 == 2) { c_quest2 = player; } else if (_quest0 == 3) { c_quest3 = player; } else if (_quest0 == 4) { c_quest4 = player; } _quest0++; } if (Rnd.get(15) < 1) { int i0 = Rnd.get((15 * 15)); if (i0 < 1) { npc.setTarget(player); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4216, 1)); } else if (i0 < 2) { npc.setTarget(player); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4217, 1)); } else if (i0 < 4) { npc.setTarget(player); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4219, 1)); } else if (i0 < 8) { npc.setTarget(player); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4218, 1)); } else if (i0 < 15) { for (L2Character character : npc.getKnownList().getKnownCharactersInRadius(100)) { if (character != player) continue; if (player != ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated()) { npc.setTarget(player); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4221, 1)); } } } if (Rnd.get(2) < 1) { if (player == ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated()) { npc.setTarget(player); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4220, 1)); } } } } } return super.onAggroRangeEnter(npc, player, isPet); }
@Override protected final void writeImpl() { if (getClient().getActiveChar() == null) return; for (PartyMatchRoom room : PartyMatchRoomList.getInstance().getRooms()) { if (room.getMembersCount() < 1 || room.getOwner() == null || room.getOwner().isOnline() == 0 || room.getOwner().getPartyRoom() != room.getId()) { PartyMatchRoomList.getInstance().deleteRoom(room.getId()); continue; } if (_loc > 0 && _loc != room.getLocation()) continue; if (_lim == 0 && ((_cha.getLevel() < room.getMinLvl()) || (_cha.getLevel() > room.getMaxLvl()))) continue; _rooms.add(room); } int count = 0; int size = _rooms.size(); writeC(0x96); if (size > 0) writeD(1); else writeD(0); writeD(_rooms.size()); while (size > count) { writeD(_rooms.get(count).getId()); writeS(_rooms.get(count).getTitle()); writeD(_rooms.get(count).getLocation()); writeD(_rooms.get(count).getMinLvl()); writeD(_rooms.get(count).getMaxLvl()); writeD(_rooms.get(count).getMembersCount()); writeD(_rooms.get(count).getMaxMembers()); writeS(_rooms.get(count).getOwner().getName()); count++; } }
private void showTeleportCharWindow(L2PcInstance activeChar) { L2Object target = activeChar.getTarget(); L2PcInstance player = null; if (target.isPlayer) { player = (L2PcInstance) target; } else { activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INCORRECT_TARGET)); return; } NpcHtmlMessage adminReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(5); TextBuilder replyMSG = new TextBuilder("<html><title>Teleport Character</title>"); replyMSG.append("<body>"); replyMSG.append("The character you will teleport is " + player.getName() + "."); replyMSG.append("<br>"); replyMSG.append("Co-ordinate x"); replyMSG.append("<edit var=\"char_cord_x\" width=110>"); replyMSG.append("Co-ordinate y"); replyMSG.append("<edit var=\"char_cord_y\" width=110>"); replyMSG.append("Co-ordinate z"); replyMSG.append("<edit var=\"char_cord_z\" width=110>"); replyMSG.append( "<button value=\"Teleport\" action=\"bypass -h admin_teleport_character $char_cord_x $char_cord_y $char_cord_z\" width=60 height=15 back=\"sek.cbui94\" fore=\"sek.cbui92\">"); replyMSG.append( "<button value=\"Teleport near you\" action=\"bypass -h admin_teleport_character " + activeChar.getX() + " " + activeChar.getY() + " " + activeChar.getZ() + "\" width=115 height=15 back=\"sek.cbui94\" fore=\"sek.cbui92\">"); replyMSG.append( "<center><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h admin_current_player\" width=40 height=15 back=\"sek.cbui94\" fore=\"sek.cbui92\"></center>"); replyMSG.append("</body></html>"); adminReply.setHtml(replyMSG.toString()); activeChar.sendPacket(adminReply); adminReply = null; replyMSG = null; player = null; target = null; }
private void teleportCharacter(L2PcInstance activeChar, String Cords) { L2Object target = activeChar.getTarget(); L2PcInstance player = null; if (target.isPlayer) { player = (L2PcInstance) target; } else { activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INCORRECT_TARGET)); return; } if (player.getObjectId() == activeChar.getObjectId()) { player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.CANNOT_USE_ON_YOURSELF)); } else { try { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(Cords); String x1 = st.nextToken(); int x = Integer.parseInt(x1); String y1 = st.nextToken(); int y = Integer.parseInt(y1); String z1 = st.nextToken(); int z = Integer.parseInt(z1); teleportCharacter(player, x, y, z); y1 = null; z1 = null; x1 = null; st = null; } catch (NoSuchElementException nsee) { // ignore } } player = null; target = null; }
@Override protected void runImpl() { L2PcInstance player = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (player == null) return; ItemContainer warehouse = player.getActiveWarehouse(); if (warehouse == null) return; L2FolkInstance manager = player.getLastFolkNPC(); if ((manager == null || !player.isInsideRadius(manager, L2NpcInstance.INTERACTION_DISTANCE, false, false)) && !player.isGM()) return; if (warehouse instanceof ClanWarehouse && !player.getAccessLevel().allowTransaction()) { player.sendMessage("Unsufficient privileges."); player.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return; } if (!FloodProtector.getInstance() .tryPerformAction(player.getObjectId(), FloodProtector.PROTECTED_WEREHOUSE)) { _log.warn("Player " + player.getName() + " has performed a werehouse action too fast"); return; } // Alt game - Karma punishment if (!Config.ALT_GAME_KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_USE_WAREHOUSE && player.getKarma() > 0) return; if (Config.ALT_MEMBERS_CAN_WITHDRAW_FROM_CLANWH) { if (warehouse instanceof ClanWarehouse && (player.getClanPrivileges() & L2Clan.CP_CL_VIEW_WAREHOUSE) != L2Clan.CP_CL_VIEW_WAREHOUSE) return; } else { if (warehouse instanceof ClanWarehouse && !player.isClanLeader()) { // this msg is for depositing but maybe good to send some msg? player.sendPacket( new SystemMessage( SystemMessageId.ONLY_CLAN_LEADER_CAN_RETRIEVE_ITEMS_FROM_CLAN_WAREHOUSE)); return; } } int weight = 0; int slots = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _count; i++) { int objectId = _items[i * 2 + 0]; int count = _items[i * 2 + 1]; // Calculate needed slots L2ItemInstance item = warehouse.getItemByObjectId(objectId); if (item == null) { continue; } weight += count * item.getItem().getWeight(); if (!item.isStackable()) { slots += count; } else if (player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(item.getItemId()) == null) { slots++; } } // Item Max Limit Check if (!player.getInventory().validateCapacity(slots)) { sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.SLOTS_FULL)); return; } if (player.getActiveEnchantItem() != null) { Util.handleIllegalPlayerAction( player, "Player " + player.getName() + " tried to use enchant exploit!", Config.DEFAULT_PUNISH); return; } // Weight limit Check if (!player.getInventory().validateWeight(weight)) { sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.WEIGHT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED)); return; } // Proceed to the transfer InventoryUpdate playerIU = Config.FORCE_INVENTORY_UPDATE ? null : new InventoryUpdate(); for (int i = 0; i < _count; i++) { int objectId = _items[i * 2 + 0]; int count = _items[i * 2 + 1]; L2ItemInstance oldItem = warehouse.getItemByObjectId(objectId); if (oldItem == null || oldItem.getCount() < count) { player.sendMessage("Can't withdraw requested item" + (count > 1 ? "s" : "")); } L2ItemInstance newItem = warehouse.transferItem( "Warehouse", objectId, count, player.getInventory(), player, player.getLastFolkNPC()); if (newItem == null) { _log.warn("Error withdrawing a warehouse object for char " + player.getName()); continue; } if (playerIU != null) { if (newItem.getCount() > count) { playerIU.addModifiedItem(newItem); } else { playerIU.addNewItem(newItem); } } } // Send updated item list to the player if (playerIU != null) { player.sendPacket(playerIU); } else { player.sendPacket(new ItemList(player, false)); } // Update current load status on player StatusUpdate su = new StatusUpdate(player.getObjectId()); su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_LOAD, player.getCurrentLoad()); player.sendPacket(su); }
@Override public boolean useAdminCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar) { if (!super.useAdminCommand(command, activeChar)) { return false; } if (command.equals("admin_teleto")) { activeChar.setTeleMode(1); } if (command.equals("admin_teleto r")) { activeChar.setTeleMode(2); } if (command.equals("admin_teleto end")) { activeChar.setTeleMode(0); } if (command.equals("admin_show_moves")) { com.l2scoria.gameserver.handler.admin.impl.HelpPage.showHelpPage(activeChar, "teleports.htm"); } if (command.equals("admin_show_moves_other")) { com.l2scoria.gameserver.handler.admin.impl.HelpPage.showHelpPage( activeChar, "tele/other.html"); } else if (command.equals("admin_show_teleport")) { showTeleportCharWindow(activeChar); } else if (command.equals("admin_recall_npc")) { recallNPC(activeChar); } else if (command.equals("admin_teleport_to_character")) { teleportToCharacter(activeChar, activeChar.getTarget()); } else if (command.startsWith("admin_walk")) { try { String val = command.substring(11); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(val); String x1 = st.nextToken(); int x = Integer.parseInt(x1); String y1 = st.nextToken(); int y = Integer.parseInt(y1); String z1 = st.nextToken(); int z = Integer.parseInt(z1); L2CharPosition pos = new L2CharPosition(x, y, z, 0); activeChar.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, pos); pos = null; x1 = null; y1 = null; z1 = null; st = null; } catch (Exception e) { if (Config.DEBUG) {"admin_walk: " + e); } } } else if (command.startsWith("admin_move_to")) { try { String val = command.substring(14); teleportTo(activeChar, val); val = null; } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Case of empty or missing coordinates com.l2scoria.gameserver.handler.admin.impl.HelpPage.showHelpPage( activeChar, "teleports.htm"); } } else if (command.startsWith("admin_teleport_character")) { try { String val = command.substring(25); if (activeChar.getAccessLevel().isGm()) { teleportCharacter(activeChar, val); } val = null; } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Case of empty coordinates activeChar.sendMessage("Wrong or no Coordinates given."); showTeleportCharWindow(activeChar); // back to character teleport } } else if (command.startsWith("admin_teleportto ")) { try { String targetName = command.substring(17); L2PcInstance player = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(targetName); teleportToCharacter(activeChar, player); targetName = null; player = null; } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // ignore } } else if (command.startsWith("admin_recall ")) { try { String targetName = command.substring(13); L2PcInstance player = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(targetName); if (activeChar.getAccessLevel().isGm()) { teleportCharacter(player, activeChar.getX(), activeChar.getY(), activeChar.getZ()); } player = null; } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // ignore } } else if (command.startsWith("admin_sendhome ")) { try { String targetName = command.substring(15); L2PcInstance player = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(targetName); player.teleToLocation(MapRegionTable.TeleportWhereType.Town); targetName = null; player = null; } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // ignore } } else if (command.equals("admin_tele")) { showTeleportWindow(activeChar); } else if (command.startsWith("admin_go")) { int intVal = 150; int x = activeChar.getX(), y = activeChar.getY(), z = activeChar.getZ(); try { String val = command.substring(8); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(val); String dir = st.nextToken(); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { intVal = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); } if (dir.equals("east")) { x += intVal; } else if (dir.equals("west")) { x -= intVal; } else if (dir.equals("north")) { y -= intVal; } else if (dir.equals("south")) { y += intVal; } else if (dir.equals("up")) { z += intVal; } else if (dir.equals("down")) { z -= intVal; } activeChar.teleToLocation(x, y, z, false); showTeleportWindow(activeChar); dir = null; st = null; val = null; } catch (Exception e) { activeChar.sendMessage("Usage: //go<north|south|east|west|up|down> [offset] (default 150)"); } } return true; }
private void recallNPC(L2PcInstance activeChar) { L2Object obj = activeChar.getTarget(); if (obj != null && obj.isNpc) { L2NpcInstance target = (L2NpcInstance) obj; int monsterTemplate = target.getTemplate().npcId; L2NpcTemplate template1 = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(monsterTemplate); if (template1 == null) { activeChar.sendMessage("Incorrect monster template."); _log.warn("ERROR: NPC " + target.getObjectId() + " has a 'null' template."); return; } L2Spawn spawn = target.getSpawn(); if (spawn == null) { activeChar.sendMessage("Incorrect monster spawn."); _log.warn("ERROR: NPC " + target.getObjectId() + " has a 'null' spawn."); return; } int respawnTime = spawn.getRespawnDelay(); target.deleteMe(); spawn.stopRespawn(); SpawnTable.getInstance().deleteSpawn(spawn, true); try { // L2MonsterInstance mob = new L2MonsterInstance(monsterTemplate, template1); spawn = new L2Spawn(template1); spawn.setLocx(activeChar.getX()); spawn.setLocy(activeChar.getY()); spawn.setLocz(activeChar.getZ()); spawn.setAmount(1); spawn.setHeading(activeChar.getHeading()); spawn.setRespawnDelay(respawnTime); SpawnTable.getInstance().addNewSpawn(spawn, true); spawn.init(); SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_S2); sm.addString("Created " + + " on " + target.getObjectId() + "."); activeChar.sendPacket(sm); sm = null; if (Config.DEBUG) { "Spawn at X=" + spawn.getLocx() + " Y=" + spawn.getLocy() + " Z=" + spawn.getLocz()); _log.warn( "GM: " + activeChar.getName() + "(" + activeChar.getObjectId() + ") moved NPC " + target.getObjectId()); } spawn = null; template1 = null; target = null; } catch (Exception e) { activeChar.sendMessage("Target is not in game."); } } else { activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INCORRECT_TARGET)); } obj = null; }
private void teleportToCharacter(L2PcInstance activeChar, L2Object target) { L2PcInstance player = null; if (target != null && target.isPlayer) { player = (L2PcInstance) target; } else { activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INCORRECT_TARGET)); return; } if (player.getObjectId() == activeChar.getObjectId()) { player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.CANNOT_USE_ON_YOURSELF)); } else { int x = player.getX(); int y = player.getY(); int z = player.getZ(); if (player.getInstanceId() != activeChar.getInstanceId()) { activeChar.setInstanceId(player.getInstanceId()); activeChar.sendMessage("Вход в инстанс " + player.getInstanceId() + "."); } activeChar.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE); activeChar.teleToLocation(x, y, z); } player = null; }
@Override public String onAttack(L2NpcInstance npc, L2PcInstance attacker, int damage, boolean isPet) { int npcId = npc.getNpcId(); if (npcId == ZAKEN) { if (attacker.getMountType() == 1) { int sk_4258 = 0; L2Effect[] effects = attacker.getAllEffects(); if (effects != null && effects.length != 0) { for (L2Effect e : effects) { if (e.getSkill().getId() == 4258) { sk_4258 = 1; } } } if (sk_4258 == 0) { npc.setTarget(attacker); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4258, 1)); } } L2Character originalAttacker = isPet ? attacker.getPet() : attacker; int hate = (int) (((damage / npc.getMaxHp()) / 0.05) * 20000); ((L2Attackable) npc).addDamageHate(originalAttacker, 0, hate); if (Rnd.get(10) < 1) { int i0 = Rnd.get((15 * 15)); if (i0 < 1) { npc.setTarget(attacker); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4216, 1)); } else if (i0 < 2) { npc.setTarget(attacker); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4217, 1)); } else if (i0 < 4) { npc.setTarget(attacker); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4219, 1)); } else if (i0 < 8) { npc.setTarget(attacker); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4218, 1)); } else if (i0 < 15) { for (L2Character character : npc.getKnownList().getKnownCharactersInRadius(100)) { if (character != attacker) continue; if (attacker != ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated()) { npc.setTarget(attacker); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4221, 1)); } } } if (Rnd.get(2) < 1) { if (attacker == ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated()) { npc.setTarget(attacker); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4220, 1)); } } } if (getTimeHour() < 5) { } else if (npc.getCurrentHp() < ((npc.getMaxHp() * _quest2) / 4.0)) { _quest2 = (_quest2 - 1); int i2 = Rnd.get(15); _ai1 = Xcoords[i2] + Rnd.get(650); _ai2 = Ycoords[i2] + Rnd.get(650); _ai3 = Zcoords[i2]; npc.setTarget(npc); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4222, 1)); } } return super.onAttack(npc, attacker, damage, isPet); }
@Override public String onSpellFinished(L2NpcInstance npc, L2PcInstance player, L2Skill skill) { if (npc.getNpcId() == ZAKEN) { int skillId = skill.getId(); if (skillId == 4222) { // npc.teleToLocation(_ai1, _ai2, _ai3); npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE); } else if (skillId == 4216) { // int i1 = Rnd.get(15); // player.teleToLocation(Xcoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), // Zcoords[i1]); ((L2Attackable) npc).stopHating(player); L2Character nextTarget = ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated(); if (nextTarget != null) npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, nextTarget); } else if (skillId == 4217) { int i0 = 0; // int i1 = Rnd.get(15); // player.teleToLocation(Xcoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), // Zcoords[i1]); ((L2Attackable) npc).stopHating(player); if (c_quest0 != null && _quest0 > 0 && c_quest0 != player && c_quest0.getZ() > (player.getZ() - 100) && c_quest0.getZ() < (player.getZ() + 100)) { if ((((c_quest0.getX() - player.getX()) * (c_quest0.getX() - player.getX())) + ((c_quest0.getY() - player.getY()) * (c_quest0.getY() - player.getY()))) > (250 * 250)) { i0 = 1; } else { i0 = 0; } if (i0 == 0) { // i1 = Rnd.get(15); // c_quest0.teleToLocation(Xcoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), // Zcoords[i1]); ((L2Attackable) npc).stopHating(c_quest0); } } if (c_quest1 != null && _quest0 > 1 && c_quest1 != player && c_quest1.getZ() > (player.getZ() - 100) && c_quest1.getZ() < (player.getZ() + 100)) { if ((((c_quest1.getX() - player.getX()) * (c_quest1.getX() - player.getX())) + ((c_quest1.getY() - player.getY()) * (c_quest1.getY() - player.getY()))) > (250 * 250)) { i0 = 1; } else { i0 = 0; } if (i0 == 0) { // i1 = Rnd.get(15); // c_quest1.teleToLocation(Xcoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), // Zcoords[i1]); ((L2Attackable) npc).stopHating(c_quest1); } } if (c_quest2 != null && _quest0 > 2 && c_quest2 != player && c_quest2.getZ() > (player.getZ() - 100) && c_quest2.getZ() < (player.getZ() + 100)) { if ((((c_quest2.getX() - player.getX()) * (c_quest2.getX() - player.getX())) + ((c_quest2.getY() - player.getY()) * (c_quest2.getY() - player.getY()))) > (250 * 250)) { i0 = 1; } else { i0 = 0; } if (i0 == 0) { // i1 = Rnd.get(15); // c_quest2.teleToLocation(Xcoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), // Zcoords[i1]); ((L2Attackable) npc).stopHating(c_quest2); } } if (c_quest3 != null && _quest0 > 3 && c_quest3 != player && c_quest3.getZ() > (player.getZ() - 100) && c_quest3.getZ() < (player.getZ() + 100)) { if ((((c_quest3.getX() - player.getX()) * (c_quest3.getX() - player.getX())) + ((c_quest3.getY() - player.getY()) * (c_quest3.getY() - player.getY()))) > (250 * 250)) { i0 = 1; } else { i0 = 0; } if (i0 == 0) { // i1 = Rnd.get(15); // c_quest3.teleToLocation(Xcoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), // Zcoords[i1]); ((L2Attackable) npc).stopHating(c_quest3); } } if (c_quest4 != null && _quest0 > 4 && c_quest4 != player && c_quest4.getZ() > (player.getZ() - 100) && c_quest4.getZ() < (player.getZ() + 100)) { if ((((c_quest4.getX() - player.getX()) * (c_quest4.getX() - player.getX())) + ((c_quest4.getY() - player.getY()) * (c_quest4.getY() - player.getY()))) > (250 * 250)) { i0 = 1; } else { i0 = 0; } if (i0 == 0) { // i1 = Rnd.get(15); // c_quest4.teleToLocation(Xcoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), // Zcoords[i1]); ((L2Attackable) npc).stopHating(c_quest4); } } L2Character nextTarget = ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated(); if (nextTarget != null) npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, nextTarget); } } return super.onSpellFinished(npc, player, skill); }
@Override public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2NpcInstance npc, L2PcInstance player) { Integer status = GrandBossManager.getInstance().getBossStatus(ZAKEN); if (status == DEAD && !event.equalsIgnoreCase("zaken_unlock")) return super.onAdvEvent(event, npc, player); if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("1001")) { if (_1001 == 1) { _1001 = 0; cancelQuestTimer("1001", npc, null); } int sk_4223 = 0; int sk_4227 = 0; L2Effect[] effects = npc.getAllEffects(); if (effects != null && effects.length != 0) { for (L2Effect e : effects) { if (e.getSkill().getId() == 4227) { sk_4227 = 1; } if (e.getSkill().getId() == 4223) { sk_4223 = 1; } } } if (getTimeHour() < 5) { if (sk_4223 == 1) // use night face if zaken have day face { npc.setTarget(npc); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4224, 1)); _ai1 = npc.getX(); _ai2 = npc.getY(); _ai3 = npc.getZ(); } if (sk_4227 == 0) // use zaken regeneration { npc.setTarget(npc); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4227, 1)); } if (npc.getAI().getIntention() == CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK && _ai0 == 0) { int i0 = 0; int i1 = 1; if (((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated() != null) { if ((((((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated().getX() - _ai1) * (((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated().getX() - _ai1)) + ((((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated().getY() - _ai2) * (((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated().getY() - _ai2))) > (1500 * 1500)) i0 = 1; else i0 = 0; if (i0 == 0) i1 = 0; if (_quest0 > 0) { if (c_quest0 == null) i0 = 0; else if ((((c_quest0.getX() - _ai1) * (c_quest0.getX() - _ai1)) + ((c_quest0.getY() - _ai2) * (c_quest0.getY() - _ai2))) > (1500 * 1500)) i0 = 1; else i0 = 0; if (i0 == 0) i1 = 0; } if (_quest0 > 1) { if (c_quest1 == null) i0 = 0; else if ((((c_quest1.getX() - _ai1) * (c_quest1.getX() - _ai1)) + ((c_quest1.getY() - _ai2) * (c_quest1.getY() - _ai2))) > (1500 * 1500)) i0 = 1; else i0 = 0; if (i0 == 0) i1 = 0; } if (_quest0 > 2) { if (c_quest2 == null) i0 = 0; else if ((((c_quest2.getX() - _ai1) * (c_quest2.getX() - _ai1)) + ((c_quest2.getY() - _ai2) * (c_quest2.getY() - _ai2))) > (1500 * 1500)) i0 = 1; else i0 = 0; if (i0 == 0) i1 = 0; } if (_quest0 > 3) { if (c_quest3 == null) i0 = 0; else if ((((c_quest3.getX() - _ai1) * (c_quest3.getX() - _ai1)) + ((c_quest3.getY() - _ai2) * (c_quest3.getY() - _ai2))) > (1500 * 1500)) i0 = 1; else i0 = 0; if (i0 == 0) i1 = 0; } if (_quest0 > 4) { if (c_quest4 == null) i0 = 0; else if ((((c_quest4.getX() - _ai1) * (c_quest4.getX() - _ai1)) + ((c_quest4.getY() - _ai2) * (c_quest4.getY() - _ai2))) > (1500 * 1500)) i0 = 1; else i0 = 0; if (i0 == 0) i1 = 0; } if (i1 == 1) { _quest0 = 0; int i2 = Rnd.get(15); _ai1 = Xcoords[i2] + Rnd.get(650); _ai2 = Ycoords[i2] + Rnd.get(650); _ai3 = Zcoords[i2]; npc.setTarget(npc); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4222, 1)); } } } if (Rnd.get(20) < 1 && _ai0 == 0) { _ai1 = npc.getX(); _ai2 = npc.getY(); _ai3 = npc.getZ(); } L2Character c_ai0 = null; if (npc.getAI().getIntention() == CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK && _quest1 == 0) { if (((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated() != null) { c_ai0 = ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated(); _quest1 = 1; } } else if (npc.getAI().getIntention() == CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK && _quest1 != 0) { if (((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated() != null) { if (c_ai0 == ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated()) { _quest1 = (_quest1 + 1); } else { _quest1 = 1; c_ai0 = ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated(); } } } if (npc.getAI().getIntention() == CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE) { _quest1 = 0; } if (_quest1 > 5) { ((L2Attackable) npc).stopHating(c_ai0); L2Character nextTarget = ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated(); if (nextTarget != null) npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, nextTarget); _quest1 = 0; } } else if (sk_4223 == 0) // use day face if not night time { npc.setTarget(npc); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4223, 1)); _quest2 = 3; } if (sk_4227 == 1) // when switching to day time, cancel zaken night regen { npc.setTarget(npc); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4242, 1)); } if (Rnd.get(40) < 1) { int i2 = Rnd.get(15); _ai1 = Xcoords[i2] + Rnd.get(650); _ai2 = Ycoords[i2] + Rnd.get(650); _ai3 = Zcoords[i2]; npc.setTarget(npc); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4222, 1)); } startQuestTimer("1001", 30000, npc, null); } if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("1002")) { _quest0 = 0; npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4222, 1)); _ai0 = 0; } if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("1003")) { if (_ai4 == 1) { int rr = Rnd.get(15); addSpawn( pirates_zombie_captain_b, Xcoords[rr] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[rr] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[rr], Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); _ai4 = 2; startQuestTimer("1003", 1700, null, null); } else if (_ai4 == 2) { int rr = Rnd.get(15); addSpawn( doll_blader_b, Xcoords[rr] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[rr] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[rr], Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); _ai4 = 3; startQuestTimer("1003", 1700, null, null); } else if (_ai4 == 3) { addSpawn( vale_master_b, Xcoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[Rnd.get(15)], Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn( vale_master_b, Xcoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[Rnd.get(15)], Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); _ai4 = 4; startQuestTimer("1003", 1700, null, null); } else if (_ai4 == 4) { addSpawn( pirates_zombie_b, Xcoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[Rnd.get(15)], Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn( pirates_zombie_b, Xcoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[Rnd.get(15)], Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn( pirates_zombie_b, Xcoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[Rnd.get(15)], Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn( pirates_zombie_b, Xcoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[Rnd.get(15)], Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn( pirates_zombie_b, Xcoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[Rnd.get(15)], Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); _ai4 = 5; startQuestTimer("1003", 1700, null, null); } else if (_ai4 == 5) { addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 52675, 219371, -3290, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 52687, 219596, -3368, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 52672, 219740, -3418, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 52857, 219992, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 52959, 219997, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 53381, 220151, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 54236, 220948, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54885, 220144, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55264, 219860, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 55399, 220263, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55679, 220129, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 56276, 220783, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 57173, 220234, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 56267, 218826, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 56294, 219482, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 56094, 219113, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 56364, 218967, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 57113, 218079, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 56186, 217153, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55440, 218081, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 55202, 217940, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55225, 218236, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54973, 218075, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 53412, 218077, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 54226, 218797, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 54394, 219067, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54139, 219253, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 54262, 219480, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); _ai4 = 6; startQuestTimer("1003", 1700, null, null); } else if (_ai4 == 6) { addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 53412, 218077, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 54413, 217132, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 54841, 217132, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 55372, 217128, -3343, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 55893, 217122, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 56282, 217237, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 56963, 218080, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 56267, 218826, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 56294, 219482, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 56094, 219113, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 56364, 218967, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 56276, 220783, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 57173, 220234, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54885, 220144, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55264, 219860, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 55399, 220263, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55679, 220129, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 54236, 220948, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 54464, 219095, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 54226, 218797, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 54394, 219067, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54139, 219253, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 54262, 219480, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 53412, 218077, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55440, 218081, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 55202, 217940, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55225, 218236, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54973, 218075, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); _ai4 = 7; startQuestTimer("1003", 1700, null, null); } else if (_ai4 == 7) { addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54228, 217504, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 54181, 217168, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 54714, 217123, -3168, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 55298, 217127, -3073, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 55787, 217130, -2993, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 56284, 217216, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 56963, 218080, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 56267, 218826, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 56294, 219482, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 56094, 219113, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 56364, 218967, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 56276, 220783, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 57173, 220234, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54885, 220144, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55264, 219860, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 55399, 220263, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55679, 220129, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 54236, 220948, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 54464, 219095, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 54226, 218797, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 54394, 219067, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54139, 219253, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 54262, 219480, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 53412, 218077, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 54280, 217200, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55440, 218081, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 55202, 217940, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55225, 218236, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54973, 218075, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0); _ai4 = 8; cancelQuestTimer("1003", null, null); } } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("zaken_unlock")) { L2GrandBossInstance zaken = (L2GrandBossInstance) addSpawn(ZAKEN, 55312, 219168, -3223, 0, false, 0); GrandBossManager.getInstance().setBossStatus(ZAKEN, ALIVE); spawnBoss(zaken); } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("CreateOnePrivateEx")) { addSpawn(npc.getNpcId(), npc.getX(), npc.getY(), npc.getZ(), 0, false, 0); } return super.onAdvEvent(event, npc, player); }
@Override protected void runImpl() { if (getClient().getActiveChar() == null) return; L2PcInstance _activeChar = getClient().getActiveChar(); PartyMatchRoom _room = PartyMatchRoomList.getInstance().getRoom(_roomid); if (_room == null) return; if ((_activeChar.getLevel() >= _room.getMinLvl()) && (_activeChar.getLevel() <= _room.getMaxLvl())) { // Remove from waiting list PartyMatchWaitingList.getInstance().removePlayer(_activeChar); _activeChar.setPartyRoom(_roomid); _activeChar.sendPacket(new PartyMatchDetail(_activeChar, _room)); _activeChar.sendPacket(new ExPartyRoomMember(_activeChar, _room, 0)); for (L2PcInstance _member : _room.getPartyMembers()) { if (_member == null) continue; _member.sendPacket(new ExManagePartyRoomMember(_activeChar, _room, 0)); SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_ENTERED_PARTY_ROOM); sm.addString(_activeChar.getName()); _member.sendPacket(sm); } _room.addMember(_activeChar); // Info Broadcast _activeChar.broadcastUserInfo(); } else { _activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.CANT_ENTER_PARTY_ROOM)); } }
@Override protected void runImpl() { L2PcInstance player = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (player == null || !(player.getPet().isPet)) return; // Alt game - Karma punishment if (!Config.ALT_GAME_KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_TRADE && player.getKarma() > 0) return; if (player.getPrivateStoreType() != 0) { player.sendMessage("Cannot exchange items while trading"); return; } if (player.isCastingNow()) { return; } if (player.getActiveEnchantItem() != null) { Util.handleIllegalPlayerAction( player, "Player " + player.getName() + " Tried To Use Enchant Exploit! Ban This Player", Config.DEFAULT_PUNISH); return; } if (player.InventoryMoreLimit()) { return; } // Exploit Fix for Hero weapons Uses pet Inventory to buy New One. // [L2Scoria] L2ItemInstance item = player.getInventory().getItemByObjectId(_objectId); if (item == null) return; if (item.isAugmented()) return; if (!item.isDropable() || !item.isDestroyable() || !item.isTradeable()) { sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ITEM_NOT_FOR_PETS)); return; } if (item.isTimeLimitedItem()) { sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ITEM_NOT_FOR_PETS)); return; } L2PetInstance pet = (L2PetInstance) player.getPet(); if (pet.isDead()) { sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.CANNOT_GIVE_ITEMS_TO_DEAD_PET)); return; } if (_amount < 0) return; if (player.transferItem("Transfer", _objectId, _amount, pet.getInventory(), pet) == null) { _log.warn( "Invalid item transfer request: " + pet.getName() + "(pet) --> " + player.getName()); } }