@Override public final String onKill(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player, boolean isSummon) { final QuestState st = getQuestState(player, false); if (st == null) { return null; } for (int _gk[] : _gatekeepers) { if (npc.getId() == _gk[0]) { // Drop key npc.dropItem(player, _gk[1], 1); // Check if gatekeeper should open bridge, and open it if (_gk[2] > 0) { final InstanceWorld tmpworld = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(player.getInstanceId()); if (tmpworld instanceof NornilsWorld) { openDoor(_gk[2], tmpworld.getInstanceId()); } } } if (npc.getId() == 18355) { spawn2(npc); } } return super.onKill(npc, player, isSummon); }
@Override public final String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { if (Util.contains(_final_gates, npc.getId())) { return npc.getId() + "-01.html"; } return null; }
@Override public final String onAttack(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance attacker, int damage, boolean isSummon) { if ((npc.getId() == _herb_jar) && !npc.isDead()) { dropHerb(npc, attacker, HP_HERBS_DROPLIST); dropHerb(npc, attacker, MP_HERBS_DROPLIST); npc.doDie(attacker); } else if ((npc.getId() == 18362) && (npc.getInstanceId() > 0)) { spawn1(npc); } return null; }
@Override public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { final QuestState st = getQuestState(player, true); String htmltext = getNoQuestMsg(player); if (st == null) { return htmltext; } switch (st.getState()) { case State.COMPLETED: { if (npc.getId() == NAMELESS_SPIRIT) { htmltext = "31453-06.html"; } break; } case State.CREATED: { htmltext = ((player.getLevel() >= MIN_LEVEL) && st.hasQuestItems(ANTIQUE_BROOCH)) ? "31453-01.htm" : "31453-05.html"; break; } case State.STARTED: { if (npc.getId() == NAMELESS_SPIRIT) { if (st.isCond(1)) { if (st.hasQuestItems(ANTIQUE_BROOCH)) { htmltext = "31453-07.html"; } else { htmltext = "31453-08.html"; st.exitQuest(true); } } else if (st.isCond(2)) { htmltext = "31453-09.html"; } } else if (npc.getId() == DEVORIN) { if (st.isCond(1)) { htmltext = "32009-01.html"; } else if (st.isCond(2)) { htmltext = "32009-05.html"; } } break; } } return htmltext; }
@Override public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { final QuestState qs = getQuestState(player, true); String texthtml = null; switch (qs.getState()) { case State.CREATED: { texthtml = npc.getId() == ZENATH ? "33509-01.htm" : getNoQuestMsg(player); break; } case State.STARTED: { switch (npc.getId()) { case ZENATH: { if (qs.isCond(1)) { texthtml = "33509-03.htm"; } else if (qs.isCond(2)) // report defeated kanilov, get the sketch { giveItems(player, SAKUMS_SKETCH_A, 1); qs.setCond(3); texthtml = "33509-05.html"; } else { texthtml = "33509-06.html"; } break; } case ADV_GUILDSMAN: { if (qs.isCond(3)) // start end quest dialogs { texthtml = "31795-01.html"; } else { texthtml = getNoQuestMsg(player); } break; } } break; } case State.COMPLETED: { texthtml = npc.getId() == ADV_GUILDSMAN ? "31795-04.html" : getAlreadyCompletedMsg(player); break; } } return texthtml; }
@Override public String onKill(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance killer, boolean isSummon) { final QuestState qs = getQuestState(killer, false); if ((qs != null) && qs.isCond(1) && (getQuestItemsCount(killer, PECULIAR_MUSHROOM_SPORE) < 10)) { switch (npc.getId()) { case GROWLER: case ROBUST_GROWLER: { final int killCount = qs.getInt(KILL_VAR) + 1; if (killCount >= 3) { addAttackPlayerDesire(addSpawn(EVOLVED_GROWLER, npc.getLocation()), killer); qs.set(KILL_VAR, 0); } else { qs.set(KILL_VAR, killCount); } break; } case EVOLVED_GROWLER: { if (giveItemRandomly(killer, npc, PECULIAR_MUSHROOM_SPORE, 1, 10, 1.0, true)) { qs.setCond(2); } break; } } } return super.onKill(npc, killer, isSummon); }
@Override public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { final QuestState qs = getQuestState(player, true); String htmltext = getNoQuestMsg(player); if (qs.isCompleted()) { htmltext = getAlreadyCompletedMsg(player); } switch (npc.getId()) { case LEIRA: { if (qs.isCreated()) { htmltext = "33952-01.htm"; } else if (qs.isStarted()) { htmltext = "33952-03.html"; } break; } case MILONE: { if (qs.isCond(2)) { htmltext = "33953-01.html"; } break; } } return htmltext; }
@Override public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { final QuestState qs = getQuestState(player, true); String htmltext = getNoQuestMsg(player); if (qs.isCompleted()) { return getAlreadyCompletedMsg(player); } if (player.getRace() == Race.ERTHEIA) { return "33864-noErtheia.html"; } switch (npc.getId()) { case PATERSON: { if (qs.isCreated()) { htmltext = "33864-01.htm"; } else if (qs.isStarted()) { htmltext = "33864-03.html"; } break; } case SHUVANN: { if (qs.isCond(1)) { htmltext = "33867-01.html"; } break; } } return htmltext; }
@Override public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { String htmltext = getNoQuestMsg(player); final QuestState st = getQuestState(player, true); if (st == null) { return htmltext; } switch (npc.getId()) { case ANTON: switch (st.getState()) { case State.CREATED: htmltext = (player.getLevel() < 75) ? "31338-0a.htm" : "31338-0b.htm"; break; case State.STARTED: htmltext = "31338-1a.html"; break; case State.COMPLETED: htmltext = getAlreadyCompletedMsg(player); break; } break; case MARQUEZ: if (st.isCond(1)) { htmltext = "32113-1.html"; } break; } return htmltext; }
@Override public String onKill(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance killer, boolean isSummon) { switch (npc.getId()) { case LIZARDMAN_SUB_LEADER: case LIZARDMAN_SENTINEL: { final QuestState qs = getRandomPartyMemberState(killer, 1, 3, npc); if ((qs != null) && giveItemRandomly( qs.getPlayer(), npc, FEATHER.getId(), 1, FEATHER.getCount(), 1.0, true)) { qs.setCond(2); } break; } case LIZARDMAN_LEADER: case LIZARDMAN_SHAMAN: { final QuestState qs = getRandomPartyMemberState(killer, 6, 3, npc); if ((qs != null) && giveItemRandomly( qs.getPlayer(), npc, TOTEM_TOOTH_2ND.getId(), 1, TOTEM_TOOTH_2ND.getCount(), 0.5, true)) { qs.setCond(7); } break; } } return super.onKill(npc, killer, isSummon); }
@Override public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { final QuestState qs = getQuestState(player, true); String htmltext = getNoQuestMsg(player); if (qs.isCompleted()) { return getAlreadyCompletedMsg(player); } if (player.getRace() == Race.ERTHEIA) { return "31292-noErtheia.html"; } if (player.isMageClass()) { return "31292-noMage.html"; } switch (npc.getId()) { case ANDREI: { if (qs.isCreated()) { htmltext = "31292-01.htm"; } else if (qs.isStarted()) { htmltext = "31292-03.html"; } break; } case JANITT: { if (qs.isCond(1)) { htmltext = "33851-01.html"; } break; } } return htmltext; }
@Override public String onKill(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance killer, boolean isSummon) { final ItemChanceHolder holder = MONSTERS.get(npc.getId()); if (getRandom(10000) <= holder.getChance()) { npc.dropItem(killer, holder); } return super.onKill(npc, killer, isSummon); }
@Override public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { final QuestState st = getQuestState(player, true); final QuestState st2 = player.getQuestState(Q00115_TheOtherSideOfTruth.class.getSimpleName()); String htmltext = getNoQuestMsg(player); switch (npc.getId()) { case RAFFORTY: { if (st.isCreated()) { if (player.getLevel() < MIN_LVL) { htmltext = "32020-01.htm"; } else { htmltext = ((st2 != null) && (st2.isCompleted())) ? "32020-02.htm" : "32020-03.htm"; } } else if (st.isStarted()) { final long hasQuestItems = getQuestItemsCount(player, SILVER_ICE_CRYSTAL, BLACK_ICE_CRYSTAL); if ((st2 != null) && st2.isCompleted()) { htmltext = (hasQuestItems > 0) ? "32020-13.html" : "32020-11.html"; if (st.isCond(1)) { st.setCond(2, true); } } else { htmltext = (hasQuestItems > 0) ? "32020-12.html" : "32020-10.html"; } } break; } case ICE_SHELF: { // TODO: In High Five this quest have an updated reward system. if (st.isStarted()) { if (hasQuestItems(player, SILVER_ICE_CRYSTAL)) { final int val = st.getInt("ex") % 10; if (val == 0) { htmltext = "32023-03.html"; st.set("ex", 0); } else { htmltext = "32023-09.html"; } } else { htmltext = "32023-02.html"; } } else { htmltext = "32023-01.html"; } break; } } return htmltext; }
@Override public String onSpawn(L2Npc npc) { if (IS_STARTED) { switch (npc.getId()) { case 32433: { autoChat(npc, MESSAGES[0], ChatType.NPC_SHOUT); startQuestTimer("1", 30000, npc, null); break; } case 32431: { npc.getAI() .setIntention( CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new Location(-56657, -56338, -2008, 33102)); startQuestTimer("social1", 6000, npc, null, true); startQuestTimer("7", 215000, npc, null); break; } case 32432: { startQuestTimer("social1", 6000, npc, null, true); startQuestTimer("7", 215000, npc, null); break; } case 32442: case 32443: case 32444: case 32445: case 32446: { startQuestTimer("11", 100000, npc, null); break; } case 32424: case 32425: case 32426: case 32427: case 32428: { startQuestTimer("social1", 5500, npc, null); startQuestTimer("social1", 12500, npc, null); startQuestTimer("28", 19700, npc, null); break; } } } return super.onSpawn(npc); }
@Override public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { final QuestState qs = getQuestState(player, true); String htmltext = null; switch (qs.getState()) { case State.CREATED: { htmltext = npc.getId() == THEODORE ? "32975-01.htm" : "32974-04.html"; break; } case State.STARTED: { htmltext = npc.getId() == THEODORE ? "32975-04.html" : "32974-01.html"; break; } case State.COMPLETED: { htmltext = npc.getId() == THEODORE ? "32975-05.html" : "32974-03.html"; break; } } return htmltext; }
@Override public final String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { String htmltext = event; final QuestState st = getQuestState(player, false); if (st == null) { return getNoQuestMsg(player); } if ((npc.getId() == _garden_guard) && event.equalsIgnoreCase("enter_instance")) { try { htmltext = enterInstance(npc, player); } catch (Exception e) { } } else if ((npc.getId() == 32258) && event.equalsIgnoreCase("exit")) { try { exitInstance(player); } catch (Exception e) { } } else if (Util.contains(_final_gates, npc.getId())) { if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("32260-02.html") || event.equalsIgnoreCase("32261-02.html") || event.equalsIgnoreCase("32262-02.html")) { st.unset("correct"); } else if (Util.isDigit(event)) { int correct = st.getInt("correct"); correct++; st.set("correct", String.valueOf(correct)); htmltext = npc.getId() + "-0" + String.valueOf(correct + 2) + ".html"; } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("check")) { final int correct = st.getInt("correct"); if ((npc.getId() == 32260) && (correct == 3)) { openDoor(st, player, 16200014); } else if ((npc.getId() == 32261) && (correct == 3)) { openDoor(st, player, 16200015); } else if ((npc.getId() == 32262) && (correct == 4)) { openDoor(st, player, 16200016); } else { return npc.getId() + "-00.html"; } } } return htmltext; }
@Override public String onKill(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance killer, boolean isSummon) { final QuestState st = getRandomPartyMemberState(killer, -1, 3, npc); if (st != null) { final DropInfo info = MONSTERS.get(npc.getId()); if (st.getCond() >= 1) { giveItemRandomly( st.getPlayer(), npc, SILVER_ICE_CRYSTAL, 1, 0, info.getFirstChance(), true); } if (info.getSecondChance() > 0) { final QuestState st2 = st.getPlayer().getQuestState(Q00115_TheOtherSideOfTruth.class.getSimpleName()); if ((st.getCond() >= 2) && (st2 != null) && st2.isCompleted()) { giveItemRandomly( st.getPlayer(), npc, SILVER_HEMOCYTE, 1, 0, info.getSecondChance(), true); } } } return super.onKill(npc, killer, isSummon); }
@Override public String onSpawn(L2Npc npc) { switch (npc.getId()) { case WITCH_ATHREA: { if (npc.isScriptValue(50301)) { startQuestTimer("DESPAWN_WITCH_ATHREA", 5000, npc, null); npc.broadcastPacket(new NpcSay(npc, ChatType.NPC_GENERAL, NpcStringId.WAR_AND_DEATH)); } break; } case WITCH_KALIS: { if (npc.isScriptValue(50302)) { startQuestTimer("DESPAWN_WITCH_KALIS", 5000, npc, null); npc.broadcastPacket( new NpcSay(npc, ChatType.NPC_GENERAL, NpcStringId.AMBITION_AND_POWER)); } break; } case IMPERIAL_COFFER: { startQuestTimer("DESPAWN_IMPERIAL_COFFER", 180000, npc, null); npc.broadcastPacket( new NpcSay( npc, ChatType.NPC_GENERAL, NpcStringId .CURSE_OF_THE_GODS_ON_THE_ONE_THAT_DEFILES_THE_PROPERTY_OF_THE_EMPIRE)); break; } case BLITZ_WYRM: { startQuestTimer("DESPAWN_BLITZ_WYRM", 180000, npc, null); break; } } return super.onSpawn(npc); }
@Override public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { String htmltext = getNoQuestMsg(player); final QuestState st = getQuestState(player, true); if (st == null) { return htmltext; } switch (npc.getId()) { case NATOOLS: switch (st.getState()) { case State.STARTED: switch (st.getCond()) { case 1: htmltext = "30894-01.html"; break; default: htmltext = "30894-04.html"; break; } break; case State.COMPLETED: htmltext = getAlreadyCompletedMsg(player); break; } break; case TOBIAS: if (st.isStarted()) { switch (st.getCond()) { case 1: htmltext = "30297-01.html"; break; case 2: htmltext = (st.isSet("talk")) ? "30297-04.html" : "30297-02.html"; break; case 3: case 4: htmltext = "30297-06.html"; break; case 5: st.giveAdena(89046, true); if (player.getLevel() <= MAX_REWARD_LEVEL) { st.addExpAndSp(223036, 13901); } st.exitQuest(false, true); htmltext = "30297-07.html"; break; } } break; case CASIAN: if (st.isStarted()) { switch (st.getCond()) { case 1: case 2: htmltext = "30612-01.html"; break; case 3: htmltext = (st.isSet("talk")) ? "30612-04.html" : "30612-02.html"; break; default: htmltext = "30612-10.html"; break; } } break; case ROCK: if (st.isStarted()) { switch (st.getCond()) { case 1: case 2: case 3: htmltext = "32368-01.html"; break; case 4: htmltext = "32368-02.html"; break; case 5: htmltext = "32368-05.html"; break; } } break; case ANGEL: if (st.isStarted()) { switch (st.getCond()) { case 1: case 2: case 3: htmltext = "32369-01.html"; break; case 4: if (st.getInt("talk") == 1) { htmltext = "32369-04.html"; } else if (st.getInt("talk") == 2) { htmltext = "32369-07.html"; } else { htmltext = "32369-02.html"; } break; } } break; } return htmltext; }
@Override public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { String htmltext = getNoQuestMsg(player); final QuestState st = getQuestState(player, true); if (st == null) { return htmltext; } switch (npc.getId()) { case SYLVAIN: switch (st.getCond()) { case 1: htmltext = "30070-02.htm"; break; case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: htmltext = "30070-03.html"; break; case 7: htmltext = "30070-04.html"; break; default: if (st.isCompleted()) { return getAlreadyCompletedMsg(player); } final QuestState qs = player.getQuestState(Q00137_TempleChampionPart1.class.getSimpleName()); htmltext = (player.getLevel() >= 36) ? ((qs != null) && qs.isCompleted()) ? "30070-01.htm" : "30070-00a.htm" : "30070-00.htm"; break; } break; case PUPINA: switch (st.getCond()) { case 2: htmltext = "30118-01.html"; break; case 3: case 4: htmltext = "30118-07.html"; break; case 5: htmltext = "30118-08.html"; if (st.hasQuestItems(ANGUS_RECOMMENDATION)) { st.takeItems(ANGUS_RECOMMENDATION, -1); } break; case 6: htmltext = "30118-10.html"; break; } break; case ANGUS: switch (st.getCond()) { case 3: htmltext = "30474-01.html"; break; case 4: if (st.getQuestItemsCount(RELICS_OF_THE_DARK_ELF_TRAINEE) >= 10) { st.takeItems(RELICS_OF_THE_DARK_ELF_TRAINEE, -1); st.giveItems(ANGUS_RECOMMENDATION, 1); st.setCond(5, true); htmltext = "30474-04.html"; } else { htmltext = "30474-03.html"; } break; case 5: htmltext = "30474-05.html"; break; } break; case SLA: switch (st.getCond()) { case 6: switch (st.getInt("talk")) { case 1: htmltext = "30666-02.html"; break; case 2: htmltext = "30666-03.html"; break; default: htmltext = "30666-01.html"; break; } break; case 7: htmltext = "30666-09.html"; break; } break; } return htmltext; }
@Override public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance talker) { final QuestState qs = getQuestState(talker, true); String htmltext = getNoQuestMsg(talker); switch (npc.getId()) { case IRIS: { switch (qs.getCond()) { case 3: { htmltext = "30034-01.html"; break; } case 4: { htmltext = "30034-04.html"; break; } case 5: { htmltext = "30034-05.html"; break; } case 6: { htmltext = "30034-09.html"; break; } case 7: { if (hasItem(talker, TOTEM_TOOTH_2ND)) { htmltext = "30034-08.html"; } break; } } break; } case MAGISTER_ROHMER: { if (qs.isCond(4)) { htmltext = "30344-01.html"; } else if (qs.isCond(5)) { htmltext = "30344-04.html"; } break; } case GUARD_LUIS: { if (qs.isCreated()) { htmltext = (talker.getLevel() >= MIN_LVL) ? "30386-01.htm" : "30386-02.htm"; } else if (qs.isStarted()) { switch (qs.getCond()) { case 1: { htmltext = "30386-05.html"; break; } case 2: { if (hasItem(talker, FEATHER)) { htmltext = "30386-04.html"; } break; } case 3: { htmltext = "30386-08.html"; break; } } } else if (qs.isCompleted()) { htmltext = getAlreadyCompletedMsg(talker); } break; } } return htmltext; }
@Override public String onAttack(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance attacker, int damage, boolean isSummon) { final QuestState qs = getQuestState(attacker, false); if ((qs != null) && qs.isCond(2)) { if (isSummon) { final NpcData data = NPC_DATA.get(npc.getId()); if ((qs.getMemoState() % data.memoStateMod) < data.memoStateValue) { final L2Summon pet = attacker.getPet(); if ((pet != null) && (pet.getControlObjectId() == qs.getInt("fluteObjectId"))) { final int hits = qs.getInt("hits") + 1; qs.set("hits", hits); if (hits < data.minHits) { if ((npc.getId() == TREE_OF_ABYSS) && (getRandom(100) < 2)) { npc.setTarget(attacker); npc.doCast(DRYAD_ROOT.getSkill()); } } else if (getRandom(100) < 2) { if (hasQuestItems(attacker, FAIRY_LEAF)) { npc.broadcastPacket( new NpcSay(npc, ChatType.NPC_GENERAL, NpcStringId.GIVE_ME_A_FAIRY_LEAF)); takeItems(attacker, FAIRY_LEAF, 1); qs.setMemoState(qs.getMemoState() + data.memoStateValue); qs.unset("hits"); playSound(attacker, QuestSound.ITEMSOUND_QUEST_MIDDLE); if (qs.getMemoState() == 15) { qs.setCond(3); } } } } } else { switch (getRandom(3)) { case 0: npc.broadcastPacket( new NpcSay(npc, ChatType.NPC_GENERAL, NpcStringId.WHY_DO_YOU_BOTHER_ME_AGAIN)); break; case 1: npc.broadcastPacket(new NpcSay(npc, ChatType.NPC_GENERAL, data.message)); break; case 2: npc.broadcastPacket( new NpcSay( npc, ChatType.NPC_GENERAL, NpcStringId.LEAVE_NOW_BEFORE_YOU_INCUR_THE_WRATH_OF_THE_GUARDIAN_GHOST)); break; } } } else if (getRandom(100) < 30) { npc.setTarget(attacker); npc.doCast(VICIOUS_POISON.getSkill()); } } else if ((npc.getCurrentHp() < (npc.getMaxHp() * 0.67)) && (getRandom(100) < 30)) { npc.setTarget(attacker); npc.doCast(VICIOUS_POISON.getSkill()); } return super.onAttack(npc, attacker, damage, isSummon); }
@Override public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance talker) { final QuestState qs = getQuestState(talker, true); String htmltext = getNoQuestMsg(talker); switch (npc.getId()) { case CRONOS: { switch (qs.getState()) { case State.CREATED: { final long fluteCount = getQuestItemsCount( talker, DRAGONFLUTE_OF_WIND, DRAGONFLUTE_OF_STAR, DRAGONFLUTE_OF_TWILIGHT); if (fluteCount == 0) { break; // this quest does not show up if no flute in inventory } if (talker.getLevel() < MIN_PLAYER_LVL) { htmltext = "30610-01.htm"; } else if (fluteCount > 1) { htmltext = "30610-02.htm"; } else if (getFlute(talker).getEnchantLevel() < MIN_HACHLING_LVL) { htmltext = "30610-03.html"; } else { htmltext = "30610-04.htm"; } break; } case State.STARTED: { htmltext = "30610-07.html"; break; } case State.COMPLETED: { htmltext = getAlreadyCompletedMsg(talker); break; } } break; } case MIMYU: { switch (qs.getMemoState()) { case 100: { qs.setMemoState(200); htmltext = "30747-01.html"; break; } case 200: { final L2Summon summon = talker.getPet(); if (summon == null) { htmltext = "30747-02.html"; } else if (summon.getControlObjectId() != qs.getInt("fluteObjectId")) { htmltext = "30747-03.html"; } else { htmltext = "30747-04.html"; } break; } case 0: { htmltext = "30747-07.html"; break; } case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: { if (hasQuestItems(talker, FAIRY_LEAF)) { htmltext = "30747-11.html"; } break; } case 15: { if (!hasQuestItems(talker, FAIRY_LEAF)) { final L2Summon summon = talker.getPet(); if (summon == null) { htmltext = "30747-12.html"; } else if (summon.getControlObjectId() == qs.getInt("fluteObjectId")) { qs.setMemoState(16); htmltext = "30747-13.html"; } else { htmltext = "30747-14.html"; } } break; } case 16: { if (!hasQuestItems(talker, FAIRY_LEAF)) { if (talker.hasSummon()) { htmltext = "30747-15.html"; } else { final long fluteCount = getQuestItemsCount( talker, DRAGONFLUTE_OF_WIND, DRAGONFLUTE_OF_STAR, DRAGONFLUTE_OF_TWILIGHT); if (fluteCount > 1) { htmltext = "30747-17.html"; } else if (fluteCount == 1) { final L2ItemInstance flute = getFlute(talker); if (flute.getObjectId() == qs.getInt("fluteObjectId")) { // TODO what if the hatchling has items in his inventory? // Should they be transfered to the strider or given to the player? switch (flute.getId()) { case DRAGONFLUTE_OF_WIND: takeItems(talker, DRAGONFLUTE_OF_WIND, -1); giveItems(talker, DRAGON_BUGLE_OF_WIND, 1); break; case DRAGONFLUTE_OF_STAR: takeItems(talker, DRAGONFLUTE_OF_STAR, -1); giveItems(talker, DRAGON_BUGLE_OF_STAR, 1); break; case DRAGONFLUTE_OF_TWILIGHT: takeItems(talker, DRAGONFLUTE_OF_TWILIGHT, -1); giveItems(talker, DRAGON_BUGLE_OF_TWILIGHT, 1); break; } qs.exitQuest(true, true); htmltext = "30747-16.html"; } else { npc.setTarget(talker); npc.doCast(CURSE_OF_MIMYU.getSkill()); htmltext = "30747-18.html"; } } } } break; } } break; } } return htmltext; }
@Override public String onKill(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance killer, boolean isSummon) { final QuestState qs = getQuestState(killer, false); if ((qs == null) || !qs.isStarted() || !Util.checkIfInRange(1500, npc, killer, true)) { return super.onKill(npc, killer, isSummon); } final L2Clan clan = killer.getClan(); if (clan == null) { return super.onKill(npc, killer, isSummon); } final L2PcInstance leader = clan.getLeader().getPlayerInstance(); if ((leader == null) || !Util.checkIfInRange(1500, npc, leader, true)) { return super.onKill(npc, killer, isSummon); } final QuestState leaderQS = getQuestState(leader, false); if (leaderQS == null) { return super.onKill(npc, killer, isSummon); } switch (npc.getId()) { case DRAKE: case DRAKE2: { if ((leaderQS.getMemoState() >= 2000) || (leaderQS.getMemoState() < 3000)) { giveItemRandomly(leader, MIST_DRAKES_EGG, 1, 10, 0.1, true); giveItemRandomly(leader, DRAKES_EGG, 1, 10, 0.5, true); } break; } case THUNDER_WYRM: case THUNDER_WYRM2: { if ((leaderQS.getMemoState() >= 2000) || (leaderQS.getMemoState() < 3000)) { giveItemRandomly(leader, THUNDER_WYRM_EGG, 1, 10, 0.5, true); } break; } case GRAVE_GUARD: { if ((leaderQS.getMemoState() < 8511) || (leaderQS.getMemoState() >= 8500)) { leaderQS.setMemoState(leaderQS.getMemoState() + 1); if ((leaderQS.getMemoState() >= 8505) && (getRandom(100) < 50)) { leaderQS.setMemoState(8500); addSpawn(GRAVE_KEYMASTER, npc, true, 0, false); } else if (leaderQS.getMemoState() >= 8510) { leaderQS.setMemoState(8500); addSpawn(GRAVE_KEYMASTER, npc, true, 0, false); } } break; } case SPITEFUL_SOUL_LEADER: { if (leaderQS.getMemoState() == 5000) { final int rand = getRandom(100); if (rand < 10) { giveItemRandomly(leader, SPITEFUL_SOUL_ENERGY, 1, 10, 1, false); } else if (rand < 60) { giveItems(leader, SPITEFUL_SOUL_VENGEANCE, 1); } } break; } case BLITZ_WYRM: { if ((leaderQS.getMemoState() >= 2000) || (leaderQS.getMemoState() < 3000)) { giveItemRandomly(leader, BLITZ_WYRM_EGG, 1, 10, 1, true); } break; } case GRAVE_KEYMASTER: { if (leaderQS.getMemoState() >= 8500) { giveItemRandomly(leader, IMPERIAL_KEY, 1, 6, 1, true); } break; } case IMPERIAL_GRAVEKEEPER: { if ((leaderQS.getMemoState() < 8511) || (leaderQS.getMemoState() >= 8500)) { addSpawn(IMPERIAL_COFFER, npc, true, 0, false); } break; } } return super.onKill(npc, killer, isSummon); }
@Override public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { final QuestState qs = getQuestState(player, true); final QuestState lqs = getLeaderQuestState(player, getName()); String htmltext = getNoQuestMsg(player); if (qs.isCreated() || qs.isCompleted()) { if (npc.getId() == SIR_GUSTAV_ATHEBALDT) { if (lqs != null) { if (player.isClanLeader()) { final L2Clan clan = player.getClan(); if (clan != null) { if (clan.getLevel() < 4) { htmltext = "30760-01.html"; } else if (clan.getLevel() >= 5) { htmltext = "30760-02.html"; } else if ((clan.getLevel() == 4) && hasQuestItems(player, SEAL_OF_ASPIRATION)) { htmltext = "30760-03.html"; } else if ((clan.getLevel() == 4) && !hasQuestItems(player, SEAL_OF_ASPIRATION)) { htmltext = "30760-04.html"; } } } else { htmltext = "30760-04t.html"; } } } } else if (qs.isStarted()) { switch (npc.getId()) { case SIR_GUSTAV_ATHEBALDT: { if (lqs != null) { if (qs.getMemoState() == 1000) { htmltext = "30760-09.html"; } else if (qs.getMemoState() == 2000) { htmltext = "30760-10.html"; } else if (qs.getMemoState() == 3000) { if (!player.isClanLeader()) { htmltext = "30760-11t.html"; } else { htmltext = "30760-11.html"; } } else if (qs.getMemoState() == 4000) { htmltext = "30760-13.html"; } else if (qs.getMemoState() == 5000) { htmltext = "30760-14.html"; } else if (qs.getMemoState() == 6000) { if (!player.isClanLeader()) { htmltext = "30760-15t.html"; } else { htmltext = "30760-15.html"; } } else if (qs.getMemoState() == 7000) { htmltext = "30760-17.html"; } else if ((qs.getMemoState() >= 8000) && (qs.getMemoState() < 8700)) { htmltext = "30760-18.html"; } else if ((qs.getMemoState() >= 8700) && (qs.getMemoState() < 10000) && player.isClanLeader()) { htmltext = "30760-19.html"; } else if ((qs.getMemoState() == 9000) && !player.isClanLeader()) { htmltext = "30760-19t.html"; } else if (qs.getMemoState() == 10000) { if (!player.isClanLeader()) { htmltext = "30760-24t.html"; } else { htmltext = "30760-24.html"; } } } break; } case HEAD_BLACKSMITH_KUSTO: { if ((lqs != null) && !player.isClanLeader()) { htmltext = "30512-01a.html"; } else if (!hasAtLeastOneQuestItem(player, BROOCH_OF_THE_MAGPIE, BLACK_ANVIL_COIN)) { htmltext = "30512-01.html"; } else if (hasQuestItems(player, BROOCH_OF_THE_MAGPIE)) { htmltext = "30512-02.html"; } else if ((lqs != null) && hasQuestItems(player, BLACK_ANVIL_COIN) && !hasQuestItems(player, BROOCH_OF_THE_MAGPIE)) { htmltext = "30512-04.html"; } break; } case MARTIEN: { if (lqs != null) { if ((qs.getMemoState() == 1000)) { if (!player.isClanLeader()) { htmltext = "30645-01.html"; } else { htmltext = "30645-02.html"; } } else if ((qs.getMemoState() < 3000) && (qs.getMemoState() >= 2000)) { if ((getQuestItemsCount(player, MIST_DRAKES_EGG) < 10) || (getQuestItemsCount(player, BLITZ_WYRM_EGG) < 10) || (getQuestItemsCount(player, THUNDER_WYRM_EGG) < 10) || (getQuestItemsCount(player, DRAKES_EGG) < 10)) { htmltext = "30645-04.html"; } else { takeItems(player, MIST_DRAKES_EGG, -1); takeItems(player, BLITZ_WYRM_EGG, -1); takeItems(player, DRAKES_EGG, -1); takeItems(player, THUNDER_WYRM_EGG, -1); qs.setMemoState(3000); qs.setCond(3, true); htmltext = "30645-05.html"; } } else if ((qs.getMemoState() == 3000)) { htmltext = "30645-07.html"; } else if ((qs.getMemoState() > 3000)) { htmltext = "30645-08.html"; } } break; } case WITCH_ATHREA: { if (lqs != null) { htmltext = "30758-01.html"; } break; } case WITCH_KALIS: { if (lqs != null) { htmltext = "30759-01.html"; } break; } case CORPSE_OF_FRITZ: { if ((qs.getMemoState() < 3000) && (qs.getMemoState() >= 2000)) { htmltext = "30761-01.html"; } break; } case CORPSE_OF_LUTZ: { if ((qs.getMemoState() < 3000) && (qs.getMemoState() >= 2000)) { htmltext = "30762-01.html"; } break; } case CORPSE_OF_KURTZ: { if (((qs.getMemoState() < 3000) && (qs.getMemoState() == 2000)) || (qs.getMemoState() == 2110) || (qs.getMemoState() == 2010) || (qs.getMemoState() == 2100)) { htmltext = "30763-01.html"; } else if ((qs.getMemoState() == 2001) || (qs.getMemoState() == 2111) || (qs.getMemoState() == 2011) || (qs.getMemoState() == 2101)) { htmltext = "30763-03.html"; } break; } case BALTHAZAR: { if (lqs != null) { if ((qs.getMemoState() == 4000)) { if (!player.isClanLeader()) { htmltext = "30764-01.html"; } else if (!hasQuestItems(player, BLACK_ANVIL_COIN) && player.isClanLeader()) { htmltext = "30764-02.html"; } else if (hasQuestItems(player, BLACK_ANVIL_COIN)) { htmltext = "30764-04.html"; } } else if ((qs.getMemoState() == 5000)) { if (getQuestItemsCount(player, SPITEFUL_SOUL_ENERGY) < 10) { htmltext = "30764-07a.html"; } else { takeItems(player, SPITEFUL_SOUL_ENERGY, -1); qs.setMemoState(6000); qs.setCond(6, true); htmltext = "30764-08a.html"; } } else if ((qs.getMemoState() >= 6000)) { htmltext = "30764-09.html"; } } break; } case IMPERIAL_COFFER: { if (lqs != null) { if ((qs.getMemoState() >= 8500) && (qs.getMemoState() < 8700)) { if (getQuestItemsCount(player, IMPERIAL_KEY) >= 6) { if (!player.isClanLeader()) { htmltext = "30765-01.html"; } else { htmltext = "30765-03.html"; } } } else if (qs.getMemoState() >= 8700) { htmltext = "30765-05.html"; } } break; } case WITCH_CLEO: { if (lqs != null) { if (!player.isClanLeader()) { htmltext = "30766-01.html"; } else if (qs.getMemoState() == 8000) { htmltext = "30766-02.html"; } else if (qs.getMemoState() == 8100) { htmltext = "30766-05.html"; } else if ((qs.getMemoState() > 8100) && (qs.getMemoState() < 10000)) { htmltext = "30766-06.html"; } else if ((qs.getMemoState() == 10000) && player.isClanLeader()) { htmltext = "30766-07.html"; } } break; } case SIR_ERIC_RODEMAI: { if (lqs != null) { if (qs.getMemoState() == 7000) { if (!player.isClanLeader()) { htmltext = "30868-01.html"; } else { htmltext = "30868-02.html"; } } else if (qs.getMemoState() == 8000) { htmltext = "30868-05.html"; } else if (qs.getMemoState() == 8100) { if (player.isClanLeader()) { qs.setMemoState(8500); qs.setCond(10, true); htmltext = "30868-06.html"; } else { htmltext = "30868-07.html"; } } else if ((qs.getMemoState() < 8511) && (qs.getMemoState() >= 8500)) { htmltext = "30868-08.html"; } else if (qs.getMemoState() == 8700) { htmltext = "30868-09.html"; } else if (qs.getMemoState() >= 9000) { htmltext = "30868-11.html"; } break; } } } } return htmltext; }
@Override public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { String htmltext = getNoQuestMsg(player); final QuestState st = getQuestState(player, true); if (st == null) { return htmltext; } if (npc.getId() == KANEMIKA) { switch (st.getState()) { case State.COMPLETED: if (!st.isNowAvailable()) { htmltext = "32650-03.html"; break; } st.setState(State.CREATED); case State.CREATED: htmltext = (player.getLevel() >= MIN_LEVEL) ? "32650-01.htm" : "32650-02.htm"; break; case State.STARTED: if (st.isCond(1)) { htmltext = (!st.hasQuestItems(EVIDENCE_OF_MIGRATION)) ? "32650-08.html" : "32650-09.html"; } else { st.giveAdena( 65000, true); // Glory days reward: 6 886 980 exp, 8 116 410 sp, 371 400 Adena st.exitQuest(QuestType.DAILY, true); htmltext = "32650-10.html"; } break; } } else if (st.isCond(1)) { if (npc.isBusy()) { return null; } if (getRandom(100) < 66) { st.giveItems(EVIDENCE_OF_MIGRATION, 1); st.playSound(QuestSound.ITEMSOUND_QUEST_ITEMGET); npc.getAI() .setIntention( CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new Location(npc.getX() + 100, npc.getY() + 100, npc.getZ(), 0)); npc.setBusy(true); startQuestTimer("despawn", 3000, npc, player); if (st.getQuestItemsCount(EVIDENCE_OF_MIGRATION) == 10) { st.setCond(2, true); } htmltext = "32651-01.html"; } else { if (getRandom(100) < 50) { npc.broadcastPacket( new NpcSay( npc.getObjectId(), ChatType.NPC_GENERAL, npc.getId(), NpcStringId.GRUNT_OH)); } else { npc.broadcastPacket( new NpcSay( npc.getObjectId(), ChatType.NPC_GENERAL, npc.getId(), NpcStringId.GRUNT_WHAT_S_WRONG_WITH_ME)); } npc.deleteMe(); htmltext = null; final L2Attackable monster = (L2Attackable) addSpawn( WARRIOR_MON, npc.getX(), npc.getY(), npc.getZ(), npc.getHeading(), true, 600000); monster.setRunning(); monster.addDamageHate(player, 0, 999); monster.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, player); showOnScreenMsg( player, NpcStringId .THE_GRAVE_ROBBER_WARRIOR_HAS_BEEN_FILLED_WITH_DARK_ENERGY_AND_IS_ATTACKING_YOU, 5, 5000); } } return htmltext; }
@Override public final String onFirstTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { getQuestState(player, true); return npc.getId() + ".html"; }
@Override public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { if ((event == null) || event.isEmpty()) { _log.warning("MC_Show: Null/Empty event for npc " + npc + " and player " + player + "!"); return null; } if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("Start")) { IS_STARTED = true; addSpawn(MC, -56698, -56430, -2008, 32768, false, 0); } else if ((npc != null) && IS_STARTED) { // TODO switch on event if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("6")) { autoChat(npc, MESSAGES[6], ChatType.NPC_SHOUT); npc.getAI() .setIntention( CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new Location(-56511, -56647, -2008, 36863)); npc.broadcastPacket(new PlaySound(1, "NS22_F", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); addSpawn(SINGERS[0], -56344, -56328, -2008, 32768, false, 224000); addSpawn(SINGERS[1], -56552, -56245, -2008, 36863, false, 224000); addSpawn(SINGERS[1], -56546, -56426, -2008, 28672, false, 224000); addSpawn(SINGERS[1], -56570, -56473, -2008, 28672, false, 224000); addSpawn(SINGERS[1], -56594, -56516, -2008, 28672, false, 224000); addSpawn(SINGERS[1], -56580, -56203, -2008, 36863, false, 224000); addSpawn(SINGERS[1], -56606, -56157, -2008, 36863, false, 224000); startQuestTimer("7", 215000, npc, null); } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("7")) { switch (npc.getId()) { case 32433: { autoChat(npc, MESSAGES[7], ChatType.NPC_SHOUT); npc.getAI() .setIntention( CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new Location(-56698, -56430, -2008, 32768)); startQuestTimer("8", 12000, npc, null); break; } default: { cancelQuestTimer("social1", npc, null); npc.getAI() .setIntention( CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new Location(-56594, -56064, -2008, 32768)); break; } } } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("10")) { npc.getAI() .setIntention( CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new Location(-56483, -56665, -2034, 32768)); npc.broadcastPacket(new PlaySound(1, "TP05_F", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); startQuestTimer( "npc1_1", 3000, addSpawn(CIRCUS[0], -56495, -56375, -2008, 32768, false, 101000), null); startQuestTimer( "npc2_1", 3000, addSpawn(CIRCUS[0], -56491, -56289, -2008, 32768, false, 101000), null); startQuestTimer( "npc3_1", 3000, addSpawn(CIRCUS[1], -56502, -56246, -2008, 32768, false, 101000), null); startQuestTimer( "npc4_1", 3000, addSpawn(CIRCUS[1], -56496, -56429, -2008, 32768, false, 101000), null); startQuestTimer( "npc5_1", 3500, addSpawn(CIRCUS[2], -56505, -56334, -2008, 32768, false, 101000), null); startQuestTimer( "npc6_1", 4000, addSpawn(CIRCUS[3], -56545, -56427, -2008, 32768, false, 101000), null); startQuestTimer( "npc7_1", 4000, addSpawn(CIRCUS[3], -56552, -56248, -2008, 32768, false, 101000), null); startQuestTimer( "npc8_1", 3000, addSpawn(CIRCUS[4], -56493, -56473, -2008, 32768, false, 101000), null); startQuestTimer( "npc9_1", 3000, addSpawn(CIRCUS[4], -56504, -56201, -2008, 32768, false, 101000), null); startQuestTimer("11", 100000, npc, null); } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("11")) { switch (npc.getId()) { case 32433: { autoChat(npc, MESSAGES[11], ChatType.NPC_SHOUT); npc.getAI() .setIntention( CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new Location(-56698, -56430, -2008, 32768)); startQuestTimer("12", 5000, npc, null); break; } default: { npc.getAI() .setIntention( CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new Location(-56343, -56330, -2008, 32768)); break; } } } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("14")) { startQuestTimer( "social1", 2000, addSpawn(INDIVIDUALS[0], -56700, -56385, -2008, 32768, false, 49000), null); startQuestTimer("15", 7000, npc, null); } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("17")) { autoChat(npc, MESSAGES[16], ChatType.NPC_SHOUT); startQuestTimer( "social1", 2000, addSpawn(INDIVIDUALS[1], -56700, -56340, -2008, 32768, false, 32000), null); startQuestTimer("18", 9000, npc, null); } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("20")) { startQuestTimer( "social1", 2000, addSpawn(INDIVIDUALS[2], -56703, -56296, -2008, 32768, false, 13000), null); startQuestTimer("21", 8000, npc, null); } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("23")) { npc.getAI() .setIntention( CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new Location(-56702, -56340, -2008, 32768)); startQuestTimer("24", 2800, npc, null); addSpawn(SHOWSTUFF[0], -56672, -56406, -2000, 32768, false, 20900); addSpawn(SHOWSTUFF[1], -56648, -56368, -2000, 32768, false, 20900); addSpawn(SHOWSTUFF[2], -56608, -56338, -2000, 32768, false, 20900); addSpawn(SHOWSTUFF[3], -56652, -56307, -2000, 32768, false, 20900); addSpawn(SHOWSTUFF[4], -56672, -56272, -2000, 32768, false, 20900); } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("28")) { autoChat(npc, MESSAGES[23], ChatType.NPC_GENERAL); startQuestTimer("social1", 1, npc, null); } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("29")) { npc.getAI() .setIntention( CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new Location(-56730, -56340, -2008, 32768)); startQuestTimer("clean_npc", 4100, npc, null); startQuestTimer("timer_check", 60000, null, null, true); } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("social1")) { npc.broadcastSocialAction(1); } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("clean_npc")) { IS_STARTED = false; npc.deleteMe(); } else { if (TALKS.containsKey(event)) { final ShoutInfo si = TALKS.get(event); if (si != null) { autoChat(npc, si.getNpcStringId(), ChatType.NPC_SHOUT); startQuestTimer(si.getNextEvent(), si.getTime(), npc, null); } } else if (WALKS.containsKey(event)) { final WalkInfo wi = WALKS.get(event); if (wi != null) { npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, wi.getCharPos()); startQuestTimer(wi.getNextEvent(), wi.getTime(), npc, null); } } } } return null; }
private void autoChat(L2Npc npc, NpcStringId npcString, ChatType type) { npc.broadcastPacket(new NpcSay(npc.getObjectId(), type, npc.getId(), npcString)); }