private static void validateSharedOpcodes( int expectedOpcode, int opcode1, Class<? extends L2ClientPacket> clazz1, int opcode2, Class<? extends L2ClientPacket> clazz2) { if (expectedOpcode == opcode1 && expectedOpcode == opcode2 && opcode1 == opcode2) return; System.err.println( "Previously shared opcodes (opcode: 0x" + HexUtil.fillHex(expectedOpcode, 2) + ") for " + clazz1.getName() + " (opcode: 0x" + HexUtil.fillHex(opcode1, 2) + ")" + " and " // + clazz2.getName() + " (opcode: 0x" + HexUtil.fillHex(opcode2, 2) + ") aren't shared anymore!"); }
/** * Launches the interactive account manager. * * @param args ignored */ public static void main(String[] args) { // LOW rework this crap Util.printSection("Account Management");"Please choose:"); //"list - list registered accounts");"reg - register a new account");"rem - remove a registered account");"prom - promote a registered account");"dem - demote a registered account");"ban - ban a registered account");"unban - unban a registered account");"quit - exit this application"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; L2AccountManager acm = new L2AccountManager(); String line; try { while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); Connection con = null; switch (acm.getState()) { case USER_NAME: line = line.toLowerCase(); try { con = L2Database.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT superuser FROM account WHERE username LIKE ?"); ps.setString(1, line); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { acm.setUser(line);"Desired password:"******"User name already in use."); acm.setState(ManagerState.INITIAL_CHOICE); } rs.close(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Could not access database!", e); acm.setState(ManagerState.INITIAL_CHOICE); } finally { L2Database.close(con); } break; case PASSWORD: try { MessageDigest sha = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA"); byte[] pass = sha.digest(line.getBytes("US-ASCII")); acm.setPass(HexUtil.bytesToHexString(pass)); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { _log.fatal("SHA1 is not available!", e); Shutdown.exit(TerminationStatus.ENVIRONMENT_MISSING_COMPONENT_OR_SERVICE); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { _log.fatal("ASCII is not available!", e); Shutdown.exit(TerminationStatus.ENVIRONMENT_MISSING_COMPONENT_OR_SERVICE); }"Super user: [y/n]"); acm.setState(ManagerState.SUPERUSER); break; case SUPERUSER: try { if (line.length() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("One char required."); else if (line.charAt(0) == 'y') acm.setSuper(true); else if (line.charAt(0) == 'n') acm.setSuper(false); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid choice.");"Date of birth: [yyyy-mm-dd]"); acm.setState(ManagerState.DOB); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {"[y/n]?"); } break; case DOB: try { Date d = Date.valueOf(line); if (d.after(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Future date specified."); acm.setDob(d);"Ban reason ID or nothing:"); acm.setState(ManagerState.SUSPENDED); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {"[yyyy-mm-dd] in the past:"); } break; case SUSPENDED: try { if (line.length() > 0) { int id = Integer.parseInt(line); acm.setBan(L2BanReason.getById(id)); } else acm.setBan(null); try { con = L2Database.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO account (username, password, superuser, birthDate, banReason) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); ps.setString(1, acm.getUser()); ps.setString(2, acm.getPass()); ps.setBoolean(3, acm.isSuper()); ps.setDate(4, acm.getDob()); L2BanReason lbr = acm.getBan(); if (lbr == null) ps.setNull(5, Types.INTEGER); else ps.setInt(5, lbr.getId()); ps.executeUpdate();"Account " + acm.getUser() + " has been registered."); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Could not register an account!", e); } finally { L2Database.close(con); } acm.setState(ManagerState.INITIAL_CHOICE); } catch (NumberFormatException e) {"Ban reason ID or nothing:"); } break; case REMOVE: acm.setUser(line.toLowerCase()); try { con = L2Database.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM account WHERE username LIKE ?"); ps.setString(1, acm.getUser()); int cnt = ps.executeUpdate(); if (cnt > 0)"Account " + acm.getUser() + " has been removed."); else"Account " + acm.getUser() + " does not exist!"); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Could not remove an account!", e); } finally { L2Database.close(con); } acm.setState(ManagerState.INITIAL_CHOICE); break; case PROMOTE: acm.setUser(line.toLowerCase()); try { con = L2Database.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE account SET superuser = ? WHERE username LIKE ?"); ps.setBoolean(1, true); ps.setString(2, acm.getUser()); int cnt = ps.executeUpdate(); if (cnt > 0)"Account " + acm.getUser() + " has been promoted."); else"Account " + acm.getUser() + " does not exist!"); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Could not promote an account!", e); } finally { L2Database.close(con); } acm.setState(ManagerState.INITIAL_CHOICE); break; case DEMOTE: acm.setUser(line.toLowerCase()); try { con = L2Database.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE account SET superuser = ? WHERE username LIKE ?"); ps.setBoolean(1, false); ps.setString(2, acm.getUser()); int cnt = ps.executeUpdate(); if (cnt > 0)"Account " + acm.getUser() + " has been demoted."); else"Account " + acm.getUser() + " does not exist!"); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Could not demote an account!", e); } finally { L2Database.close(con); } acm.setState(ManagerState.INITIAL_CHOICE); break; case UNBAN: acm.setUser(line.toLowerCase()); try { con = L2Database.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE account SET banReason = ? WHERE username LIKE ?"); ps.setNull(1, Types.INTEGER); ps.setString(2, acm.getUser()); int cnt = ps.executeUpdate(); if (cnt > 0)"Account " + acm.getUser() + " has been unbanned."); else"Account " + acm.getUser() + " does not exist!"); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Could not demote an account!", e); } finally { L2Database.close(con); } acm.setState(ManagerState.INITIAL_CHOICE); break; case BAN: line = line.toLowerCase(); try { con = L2Database.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT superuser FROM account WHERE username LIKE ?"); ps.setString(1, line); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { acm.setUser(line);"Ban reason ID:"); acm.setState(ManagerState.REASON); } else {"Account does not exist."); acm.setState(ManagerState.INITIAL_CHOICE); } rs.close(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Could not access database!", e); acm.setState(ManagerState.INITIAL_CHOICE); } finally { L2Database.close(con); } break; case REASON: try { int ban = Integer.parseInt(line); con = L2Database.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE account SET banReason = ? WHERE username LIKE ?"); ps.setInt(1, ban); ps.setString(2, acm.getUser()); ps.executeUpdate();"Account " + acm.getUser() + " has been banned."); ps.close(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) {"Ban reason ID:"); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Could not ban an account!", e); } finally { L2Database.close(con); } acm.setState(ManagerState.INITIAL_CHOICE); break; default: line = line.toLowerCase(); if (line.equals("reg")) {"Desired user name:"); acm.setState(ManagerState.USER_NAME); } else if (line.equals("rem")) {"User name:"); acm.setState(ManagerState.REMOVE); } else if (line.equals("prom")) {"User name:"); acm.setState(ManagerState.PROMOTE); } else if (line.equals("dem")) {"User name:"); acm.setState(ManagerState.DEMOTE); } else if (line.equals("unban")) {"User name:"); acm.setState(ManagerState.UNBAN); } else if (line.equals("ban")) {"User name:"); acm.setState(ManagerState.BAN); } else if (line.equals("quit")) Shutdown.exit(TerminationStatus.MANUAL_SHUTDOWN); else"Incorrect command."); break; } } } catch (IOException e) { _log.fatal("Could not process input!", e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(br); } }